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Everything posted by Snorx

  1. när jag är medic ressar jag nästan aldrig APD för att ge dom andra en chans eftersom alla andra medics aldrig ressar dom andra än apd :/
  2. Jag är så trött på att Medics bara ressar dom där APD i varenda fight, kan ni inte börja ressa alla personer, även fast vi säger ressa apd o dö så ressar ni fortfarande dom fast era liv står på spel... plus att ni ressar aldrig någon annan utom APD blir så trött asså. Någon som håller med? plus på medic mötet så sa vi att man skulle ressa alla lika mycket inte bara APD.
  3. Men jag ska ge han 2,5 mille så det är lugnt
  4. vi får se vad admin säger
  5. du får ni skylla er själva lite faktiskt tycker jag för ni har redan fått en så kallad refound, annars kanske ni dupar vem vet?
  6. vad snackar du om? combat log är combat log det måste bli något sorts straff
  7. borde inte din polare få ban då :/
  8. nice combat log 15 Minutes after death Photo : http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=830536154
  9. Use following template. Answer the questions and statements. Request Information Name: [[Medic-traniee] johan Offender-Name: Magnus stensrud Date: 20:40 | 20 november 2016 Which rule(s) were broken: RDM | stealing medic helli | trolling Additional information: I was coming to revive 1 guy, and when i had revived him he said now im stoling your hellicopter and when i runned after him hes friends shooted me so i died. Then they flyed away with my helli and crashed it. [He was with 2 friends i didnt get name off] http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=803431049 sorry my recording program wasnt work at this time but if you see he sit in my helli and in chat you can see that i was shooted, I hope this is so much evidence so you can trust me.
  10. Request Information Name: [Medic-Traniee] johan Offender-Name: greattech Date: 17 November 2016 - Around 20:10 - 20:20 Reason: I am playing as a medic and you are not allowed to steal something from a medic. This time someone with name Greattech was stealing my medic helicopter when i was reviving someone. But lucky some guys recorded them stole my helicopter and under this text you can see the link to the video. He was with one friend to but they dont get hes name. I got refound from a admin but I want this trollers banned so other medics being victims of this. link : http://plays.tv/video/582e0044053499f6ac/heli
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