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Everything posted by Xymz

  1. Heres other things he have done which we just refunded> *this does not include what we do ban request for\ watch at the end. *watch at the end>very low)
  2. Xymz

    Ban request TSAR

    Hello! This was over 2 weeks ago and I think we have discussed it. I was shooting at you and you were shooting at me. At that time I was behind a bush which you didn't see, but I did. Neither one of us died so it must be that. If you have any more questions contact me. Kind regards, Xymz.
  3. @K.F Carl Mark But you robbed me...... took my cash you know?
  4. Ni bannade oss innan han hade kommit, och lät oss aldrig joina igen. @PeTTePeTTe kanske almqvist ??? i eran TS??? @PeTTePeTTe
  5. Hur ska vi diskutera det i TS, när ni bannar alla av våra medlemmar som var där vid engagen ifrån det callet, och låter inte ens oss diskutera. Vi sade heller aldrig att vi inte skulle lägga ban req. Och om du tar tid och tar ihop hur lågt det är, så anser jag att detta var en horribel engage och är värt ban. Jag får det till 2 s från när han sade det till när han sköt. @PeTTePeTTe
  6. Name: [TSAR] XYMZ Offender-Name: [Cv-D] [Capo] [Wredig] Date: 2016-11-30 - <around 19.30> Which rule(s) were broken: they didnt give us reasonable time to respond and barely heard the engage Additional information: CVD had surrounded us at gang hideout 1 I believe and than enganed from nowhere and we got shot. Afterwards we checked the video and heard a very small sound of an engage, but we didnt heard it then, and they didnt give reasonable time to answer it. skip to last 30 sec of video. just try it with normal volume not max on everything, and you will know how hard it is to hear. ''This is CVD hands up or you die x2''
  7. Name: [TSAR] Xymz Offender-Name: [RU] carl markblyat Date: 2016-11-28 - 19.40 Which rule(s) were broken: 3rd party engage Additional information: We had engaged 2 guys in a car and told them that this is TSAR step out of the vecihle or we will shoot. They then started driving and we shot the driver. The passenger though, said that we couldnt shoot him and we asked before what gang he was in but he didnt answer (cause he said he was kidnapped by MJS, and therefore couldnt kill him, we asked him what gang he is in and i think he said something else than MJS, even though he was in it- this was before we recorded. Then we said the engage again just to make sure that he heard it the other times, but when we were counting down [RU] carl markblyat 3rd engaged us.
  8. Name: [TSAR] Xymz Offender-Name: Patrick Larsen Date: 2016-11-28 - <17.44> Which rule(s) were broken: VDM in safe zone. Additional information: He was driving over my friend [TSAR] Lheo and me in safe zone. I have videos, contact me and we will fix it. Dont know how to get it from Geforce experience to here.
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