Name: [TSAR] Xymz
Offender-Name: [RU] carl markblyat
Date: 2016-11-28 - 19.40
Which rule(s) were broken: 3rd party engage
Additional information: We had engaged 2 guys in a car and told them that this is TSAR step out of the vecihle or we will shoot. They then started driving and we shot the driver. The passenger though, said that we couldnt shoot him and we asked before what gang he was in but he didnt answer (cause he said he was kidnapped by MJS, and therefore couldnt kill him, we asked him what gang he is in and i think he said something else than MJS, even though he was in it- this was before we recorded. Then we said the engage again just to make sure that he heard it the other times, but when we were counting down [RU] carl markblyat 3rd engaged us.