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  1. Like
    VisionPie got a reaction from Rarre in Q: What devices do you own? (Future app?)   
    Android Master race
  2. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Dimitri in morgonhumor   
  3. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Ludwig in Event *2015-09-08*   
    Transport Event
    Today there's gonna be a event, a transport event!
    The H.R.A is going to drive a Hemtt Box from H.R.A HQ (Pyrgos) which is going to drive to the airfield.
    After that the H.R.A is going to give weapons to the A.P.D that they are going to burn in Kavala.
    The A.P.D is going to give money for this to the H.R.A.
    The H.R.A is going to drive to Sofia where they will stay. 
    The KOS does not beggin until the action has been made (when both factions are leaving airfield)
    They are going to drive main road all the way from Pyrgos to Kavala/Sofia
    The H.R.A is going to have the following:
    1 Hemtt Box
    1 Ifrit
    The A.P.D is going to have the following: 
    1 Hemtt Box
    1 Hunter
    You are allowed to shoot at everyone near the convoy!
    Looting is allowed.
  4. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Camaz in Police Application   
    +Oil from NORWAY, we need ppl on the inside.
  5. Like
    VisionPie reacted to MrCat in Polis Test.   
     Idag hade vi en liten övning i kavla som involverade stads polis (A.P.D). Då under testet idag så kollade vi hur polisen gjorde under fart dårar i stan.
    Jag började med att kolla hur de var när folk lekte runt vägar och jo de sa till dem att inte springa runt vid vägen för det kör bilar där. Efter det så tog vi vår bil och startade igång jacketten med polisen. De ryckte ut snabbt och körde efter en hela tiden och förlorade aldrig synen på en. 
    När jag började köra så körde jag förbi dem snabbt och direkt så reagerade de. Polisen som ryckte ut var  [A.P.D] A.Hassan och hans kollega som vi aldrig fick tag på men med deras samarbete så fick de tag på oss efter bara halv timmes av körning. A.Hassan fick tag på mig i svängen innan bron vid Air garage i Kavala med en liten stöt med bilarna. A.Hassan sprang ut direkt och satte handfängslen på mig och tog mig vid sidan av vägen och började förhöra mig. Jag berättade naturligt viss att detta var bara ett test av [A.S.A] som är Altis secret agency. Han blev chockade och trodde först inte mig men med förklaring så trodde han mig.
    Detta testet var enbart för att kolla hur Altis poliser gör under dessa situationer och hur de hanterar dem. Det finns flera tester te.x hur de gör vid rån, kidnappning eller gäng som krigar OBS! [vid rån så skjuter vi ej gäller samma vid kidnappning vi bara ligger och ger oss].Dessa tester ska enbart utföras av vår högsta vältränade person [A.F.S] Mr Cat och hans medlemmar hädanefter kommer bara få personer veta om detta i polis kåren vem säger vi aldrig. Det kommer komma flera tester så var vakna och håll ögonen öppna efter sånt här och meddela polisen direkt. 
    Jag måste säga ett stort grattis till [A.P.D] A.Hassan som gjorde jobbet utmärkt och borde få en stor belöning för att ha gjort jobbet så bra med lite skador och fick fart dåren snabbt AKA [A.F.S] Mr Cat.
    Tyvärr finns det igen video för jag kunden ej filma under körning för det hade varit för svårt med allt men har ett foto efter körning med den bästa polisen [A.P.D] A.Hassan.
    https://youtu.be/fcZ7LFAhMho    lägger den här för bilden tog för mycket plats på hemsidan.
  6. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Clabbe in Police Application   
    Meet the minimum age of 17. 21 Understand basic server rules. Yes MUST have a working microphone! Yes MUST have a good command of the English language. Of Course  
    In-Game Name? :[E.C] Diaz What is your Player ID #? (In ARMA main screen go to Config/Profiles (select your profile) Then you should see a 17 Digit number) 76561198140721509 Age : 21 Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on other servers?: I have been an Sgt on this server and Ltn on another Do you have a working microphone?: Yes How long have you played on CvGaming?: 1 year now (in different period) Have you been banned before?: Yes.. Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer? Of course i will   What 5 qualities are necessary to become a CvGaming Police Officer?
    1) Be a player that respects others
    2) Handle stressed situations
    3) Good Roleplayer
    4) Always keep calm
    5) Dare to take commando
      In 3 short paragraphs describe why you would fit as a police officer: I am a loyal player, I have played about 1300-1400h as a cop, I am a Mature guy.

      In a short paragraph, what is your task as a police officer?: To do the best i can for Altis to survive from gangs and rebels.

      Why should we pick YOU as a police officer? As i said before, i have about 1350h as a cop on Arma 3, and i love to play as it. I respect the higher ranked officers but i still dare to take/do commands.

      What do you hope to achieve if you become a police officer?: Keep kavala clear from trolls, but still make Altis a better island for our Civilians

      What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?: u need to respect other players, or else u dont get respect from them. The same with loyalty, if u aint loyal to a person, he aint loyal back. Rules builds a server, without rules, the server would not work.
      Why are the police faction important? Cause it is the most important faction on Altis life servers, if there was no cops, it will be a wasteland server

      What do you personally think that the police faction would need to become better? Better Roleplay, and i am a person that will do my best to do that, always roleplay with people before i do anyting else

      Tell us a little about yourself! My name is Jonathan Claesson, i live in Skurup (small village outside Malmö). I am 21 years old that loves to play Arma 3. I started to play on this server in the end of august last year. I have played in Nordic Vikings as my first gang, then i joined the N.L.F (Terrorists), after that i was in the A.P.D, and also in the N.L.A. I started to play on publiclirs server, but came back here again cause i got 'stuck' inte the community. And since i came back i have been in some different gangs and in the H.R.A.
  7. Like
    VisionPie reacted to V1RRE in CvGaming presents Thorsken!   
    En liten sämre version utavn Bobbis video, jämför inte  
  8. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Goatis in Stanford back as Support!   
    I want you all to welcome back Stanford as Support
    He has been support for us before so we know that he will do a good job! 
    Welcome back Stanford
    Here are a few examples of what he will help us with.

    General Questions Rules Items Loss Gang Problems Vehicle Loss
  9. Like
    VisionPie reacted to kungen in När Al Sah-Him säger Helikopter   
  10. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Olsson in Cvgaming net Presents Bobbi.R Part 1   
    Dina klipp är bajs.....
  11. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Toxiic in Lite frallor med ToxiC   
    Du sa ju att jag skulle ta den juh ^^
  12. Like
    VisionPie reacted to G. Kasper in VisionPie's MLG Montage   
    "Hur fick han oss" tycker det framgår rätt tydligt, han sköt er?
    Men annars, har ni inte hört att cv-g har en egen liten stålmannen?
    Hade ni inte gjort de innan, så har ni de nu i alla fall och så har ni även mött på honom
    Allt gött!
    /G. Kasper
  13. Like
    VisionPie got a reaction from V1RRE in [A.P.D] V. Thorsten   
  14. Like
    VisionPie reacted to V1RRE in [A.P.D] V. Thorsten   
    In-Game Name? :
    [SC] Fahid. Khaleel
    // Virre
    What is your Player ID #? (In ARMA main screen go to Config/Profiles (select your profile) Then you should see a 17 Digit number)
    Age :
    Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on other servers?:
    Yup, I was in the A.P.D some month ago, left because I wanted to play with some friends as civ instead.
    Do you have a working microphone?:
    How long have you played on CvGaming?:
    since september/october, took A break during december.
    Have you been banned before?:
    Once for combatlogg. ( I was new tho, a very long time ago! )
    Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer?
    What 5 qualities are necessary to become a CvGaming Police Officer?
    1) being a fun and good role player.
    2) being calm during stressful situations, never panic.
    3) being able to give AND take orders.
    4) Respect fellow police officers and civilians.
    5) Being mature.
    In 3 short paragraphs describe why you would fit as a police officer:
    I love to roleplay, and in my opinion I have a pretty fun roleplay.
    I'm tired of robbing people and giving them a hard time, I want to start helping people again and start catching bandits.
    I'm very active ingame and on the forums.
    In a short paragraph, what is your task as a police officer?:
    As all other officers, to keep Altis clean from crime and to help and serve the poor civilians of Altis.
    Why should we pick YOU as a police officer?
    I have previous experience from being in the A.P.D, as I said before, I love to create roleplay scenarios and I'm very active. What else can I say? I really miss being in the A.P.D, it was a mistake to leave from the first place.
    As a police officer I will be able to take my hidden camera with me to then make news (As I am in the CvG News faction aswell) about the crimes of Altis!
    What do you hope to achieve if you become a police officer?:
    Have a good time of course! Getting to know the other officers and ofcourse fight for a higher rank
    What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?:
    Respect and loyalty is very important in a police force, you need to have respect for your fellow officers, the respect needs to be earned as well. Without rules Altis wouldn't be as it is today, it would be an island where bandits, terrorists, and rebels were ruling everything, A society need rules to work properly, that's it, otherwise everything would just be one big disaster.
    Why are the police faction important?
    Since its Altis life a police faction is required to make it work, as I wrote before, without law enforcement the island would have been ruled by bandits etc, in other words a disaster where people could do whatever they want without have having to be afraid of the A.P.D to bust them while driving their trucks with weed for example.
    What do you personally think that the police faction would need to become better?
    Not much, more officers to keep a stable police force!
    Tell us a little about yourself!
    Tar den här på svenska
    Mitt namn är Jonny, har spelat på servern sedan 12 månader tillbaks ( september förra året, hade dock prövat servern redan i Augusti typ) , varit med i polis-faktionen förut, det var väl för en sådär 5 månader sen, lirat för det mesta civ här på CvG, började spela i SC för 10 månader sedan, och nu har jag varit ledare för gänget i runt 2-3 månader, och chief för faktionen CvG News i kanske 1- 1,5 månad, (Vice chief i 1-2 månader kanske)    Saknar min bricka, att upprätthålla lagen var bra mycket roligare enligt mig, har ändan sen jag slutade varit sugen på att söka till polis igen, men inte orkat, nu när jag såg att ni tar in poliser igen tänkte jag varför inte liksom
    Hoppas ni överväger att låta mig komma tillbaka till den roligaste fraktionen
    MVH Thorsten <3
  15. Like
    VisionPie got a reaction from Lavoshkin in Police Application Lavoshkin   
  16. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Lavoshkin in Police Application Lavoshkin   
    In-Game Name? : [R.P] Lavoshkin

    What is your Player ID #? (In ARMA main screen go to Config/Profiles (select your profile) Then you should see a 17 Digit number) 76561198062157126

    Age : 17

    Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on other servers?: I dont.

    Do you have a working microphone?: Yes

    How long have you played on CvGaming?: About a year, with around 700 hours on the server.

    Have you been banned before?: I have, for accidental VDM (long time ago)

    Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer? I do.


     What 5 qualities are necessary to become a CvGaming Police Officer?

    1) Act mature, and dont argue with pepole. Listen to your higher ranking officers.

    2) Handle all different guns and a variety of combat tactics.

    3) Stay calm when it gets stressing.

    4) Be oriented within the server's rules.

    5) Roleplay as well as you're able to, and to always remain in-character.


    In 3 short paragraphs describe why you would fit as a police officer:

    I study security in school, and im looking to become a Norwegian Police Officer. I also enjoy interacting with other players, and helping them whatever way i can assist.

    I also think joining the APD would be good for me, because im coming back to arma lately, and i like to have something to do and carry out orders from the higher ranking Officers. And i will most likely put alot of hours into the server and become a active member agian.


    In a short paragraph, what is your task as a police officer?:

    My task as a Police officer will be to keep every citizen of altis safe, and to prevent criminal activity to spread across the land! I also want to rank up as high as possible of course.


    Why should we pick YOU as a police officer?

    Because im loyal, im someone you can trust and rely on. I also tend to keep calm even under stressing situations, and i can clear my mind and make decisions quick.


    What do you hope to achieve if you become a police officer?:

    I hope to achieve alot of fun and entertaining hours on your server as a Police Officer, and i hope to rank up as high as i can.


    What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?:

    Respect everyone you meet on the server and be polite, even if it could be hard. Be Loyal to your duty, and to everyone because loyalty is really important if you want to be trusted.

    Rule Enforcement is also incredibly important, since rules is what builds the server. A server without rules is like a breakfast without bacon.


    Why are the police faction important?

    To keep rules living and well, if not there would be anarchy. It would also break the immersion of the game if there were noone to arrest you for driving over the speed limit through Kavala, it's Altis Life afterall


    What do you personally think that the police faction would need to become better?

    There should be stricter rules for the cops, and there should be like regular exercises where you analyze and discuss diffrent decisions in a scenario, and try to improve off of it.


    Tell us a little about yourself!

    Hello, my name is Even and i come from Askim, Norway (a decent-sized town close to Oslo). I am born the 14. August 1998, and i've lived in Askim all my life. I have a dog named Alpha, and i enjoy being outside as well as sitting inside playing games. I work part time as a qualified climbing-instructor and i study Service, Economics and Security in School. (Gymnasium). I started playing on CvG around October 2014, and within that time i have been in different gangs as well as the Medics and NLF/NLA.

  17. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Afriel in NorreN app   
    Du glomde svara pa de nya fragorna
    What is your opinion about dsync?
    And do you dsync?
  18. Like
    VisionPie reacted to NorreN in NorreN app   
    What is your in-game name?
    Have you read all of the rules on the forum?
    Ja det har jag.
    Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a cop/medic/rebel?
    Självklart. Alltid gjort som medic, rebel, polisen.
    How long have you played on the server?
    1300+h spelat som medic, medic chief, rebel,polisen sen rebel igen.
    How long have you played Arma 3?
    How often do you play on the server?
    senaste inte så mycket, sugen på att spela igen. när jag väl spelade var de runt 8 timmar per dag.
    Tell us a little about yourself! (Where in the world do you live? What time zone do you live in? Age? etc.)
    Tror många vet vem jag är, kortinfo 20 år. pluggar T4. just nu Ark admin.
  19. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Dubrovka in Banrequest [CV-D] [Thug] DoubleLift   
    Jag fattar verkligen inte varför dom största gängen på servern ska hålla på att lägga upp så j**la värdelösa ban reqs på varandra. Vad tjänar ni på att någon i det andra ganget åker på en dags ban? Absolut om någon gör något väldigt extremt t.ex Duping eller något annat liknande så är det värt att lägga upp en ban req men om någon som i detta fall  får hjärnsläpp och hoppar över en mur eller råkar skjuta någon som den inte skulle och personen erbjuder refound så är det ju totalt meningslöst.
    Om A.P.D skulle lägga upp en ban req varje gång någon i H.R.A gjorde fel eller tvärtom så skulle forumet spammas med grejer, även fast vi alla har spelat länge på servern så händer det att vi gör saker som vi egentligen inte får göra. Det är sånt som händer och det går att lösas i 9/10 fall med att prata med den andra på teamspeak och komma fram till en lösning som gör båda parterna nöjda.
    Jag själv tycker bara att lite "nyare" gäng som aldrig lär sig av sina misstag ska få en ban om de har gjort något fel tills de har lärt sig. Sedan efter det så går det alltid att lösa det på andra sätt än att banna någon. Just nu så har vi inte så många spelare på servern och då är det extremt onödigt med såna här bans och det gäller även Cv-D när dom lägger upp saker. Ex. Kroxor la upp en ban req för att han inte hittade ditt (Stefan. Ö) vapen på bandit. Detta hade ni utan problem kunnat lösa utan ban req.
    Jag är medveten om att det förmodligen är lite konstiga meningar/särskrivningar men jag är väldigt trött   Jag vet även att jag egentligen inte får kommentera  denna ban req men detta får kanske iaf några att tänka till innan de lägger upp en ban req. Vad får jag ut av det? Är det värt det? Kan vi lösa det på teamspeak istället?
  20. Like
    VisionPie reacted to V1RRE in Förslagslådan - Här lägger du dina förslag på Förändringar/Förbättringar   
    Vore skitfett ifall "abandoned Checkpoint" var en capturable zone, som ett mini bandit, när man capturat  checkpointen så får man tillgång till garage, varningssirener, general store, market, ATM osv osv.. Sedan att man kanske drar in någo mer lukrativt än dryg dealer på ön, kanske Weed process? Så det finns en mening med att kontrollera ön/checkpointen.. Sedan så får ju polis/HRA/andra civa försöka stoppa dem som capturat. När man capturat går det ifrån " abandoned chekpoint" till tex " Abandoned checkpoint - (captured by Scrub club)" eller annat gäng.
  21. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Goatis in Changlog 4.0.6   
    Changelog 4.0.6
    Hello Guys & Girls!
    It´s finally time for the big update you all been waiting for!
    We have some huge changes for you!
    To start off with, we have Reworked the jail so that you now have to breakout your fellow comrades! This takes about 6-7 minutes to perform the breakout.
    We have moved the rebels base and you can now find them in Pyrgos! Their word is your law when visiting their town, And to combine the move of the rebels we have decided to change the map to be able to set the rebels in work, so we switched it up a little bit and moved Weed and Heroin a bit closer to Pyrgos.. Ofcourse we aren´t done here... we have decided to implement 2 new A.P.D Checkpoints and i think you will feel comfortable with these ones (Airfield Checkpoint & Sofia Checkpoint) and yeah we weren´t satisfied with just that so we decided to rework Kavala Checkpoint & Amoni Checkpoint aswell.
    This is just a little tease for you guys, you can find the full changelog below, i hope you guys enjoy this!
    Fixed errors, and cleaned up our mission file Fixed problem with wanted icon 4 hour restart Removed Drivers test Removed Pyrgos Safezone Removed Pyrgos impound-lot Removed Pyrgos Police Station Removed The Color Script Removed H.R.A Checkpoint Removed H.R.A HQ Removed H.R.A Outpost Removed A.M.P HQ (near oil trader) Reworked Pyrgos stores Reworked Gang Hideout (this is the place where you buy Lockpicks, spike strips, C4 for federal reserve etc.) Reworked Kavala Checkpoint Reworked Amoni Checkpoint Reworked Jail Reworked cop lights (hunter, offroad, suv) Moved Drug Dealer(s) One is now north of kavala (the basketball field) and the other one is located on the old H.R.A Island Moved Slave Trader (bottom left on the map) Moved Slave Cage (top right corner) Moved Heroin Field (Is now located under Salt mine) Moved Weed Field Moved Weed Processing (is now where the old cocaine processing was) Moved Cocaine Processing (to where it used to be vanilla) Moved Heroin Processing to north of Pyrgos Moved Jail to Airfield Moved all stores and functions from old H.R.A Island to the New H.R.A Island. (Sirens, Infrastructure, Shops, Spawns etc.) Added the function to buy drivers license Added Airfield Checkpoint Added Sofia Checkpoint Added Pyrgos Rebeltown (safezone for all civilians) Added Medic distance to dead bodies. Added MRCO to Guns & Ammunition in Pyrgos Added Abandon Checkpoint (Old H.R.A Island) Added H.R.A HQ Outside of Pyrgos Added H.R.A Checkpoint (Outside of the Bandit District) Added MK-1 skins for A.M.P & H.R.A Added Katiba for A.M.P & H.R.A Added Breakout function for Jail Added Custom Jail Time Added 2 Ganglands (Scrubclubs & Cv-Droghandel) Added a new black market in Pyrgos (Weapons & Ammunition) This is an illigeal weapon store Added infinite repair kits for medics (they don´t need to buy toolkits anymore) Added spawnpoint for the Rebels in Pyrgos Added carryall backpack to A.P.D Added new hatchback sport skin for A.P.D Added cop lights for hatchback sport Added hatchback sport to H.R.A vehicle shop Changed most of the NPCs to infostands Bandit check 5 players online H.R.A (For Bandit District) Increased prices for Slaves You can now only Rob surrendered people. Fixed/Built Pyrgos & Airfield Hospitals (Now called "Field Hospitals" Built new prison with breakout functions Renamed Athira Police Station to A.M.P HQ Decreased starting money for new players to 200k

    Rules Alot of new things here so please listen up. Pyrgos is now a Rebeltown, this means that this is a safezone for all civilians, No robbing, No shooting, No killing is allowed, doing so will result in ban(s) however the Rebels are the ones controlling this area and opposing them might end up with you and your gang being banished. In Pyrgos the Police are not welcome, if an police officier enters Pyrgos, All civilians have kill on sight and you are allowed to shoot them without engaging them in direct communication. You are not allowed to escape to Pyrgos during when you are robbing the Federal Reserve (This is to provent other civilians getting into the fight and only applies when you are robbing the Federal Reserve) however, you are allowed to "escape" to pyrgos if the police are chasing you when you ain´t apart of a federal reserve robbery. Updated the rule about Bandit District, it is now allowed to shoot someone outside of the zone (aproxx 500 m, this is to prevent people camping around the zone and moving in and out of the zone to prevent being killed. If you decide to go for the bandit district you should be aware of the risks. H.R.A Are no longer allowed to engage A.P.D / A.M.P with an text message, the only situation where this is allowed is when a civilian is getting house raided - otherwise same server rules applies to the H.R.A From now on there is only 2 hunters allowed 24/7 - Exception are: Federal Reserve & Bandit District (For you information the hunters are only ment to be used in tough situations where its needed and not supposed to be used by the A.P.D in terms of patrol) From now on there is only 1 ifrit allowed 24/7 - Exception are: when they are robbing the Federal Reserve or Defending Bandit District A.P.D Now have kos on H.R.A In Kavala / Athira and Sofia  
    Remember, The updates we do are mainly for this part of the players! Altis Police Department
    Added MK-1 Skins for A.M.P Added Katiba for A.M.P Added spawnpoint for police at the civilian Outpost(The police are not allowed to engage anyone, Restrain and soo on in this area if they spawn in here) Removed A.M.P HQ Renamed Athira Police Station to A.M.P HQ Added Carryall for A.P.D Added new hatchback sport skin Reworked cop lights (hunter, offroad, suv) Added cop lights for hatchback sport Rebels (H.R.A)
    Removed H.R.A Checkpoint Removed H.R.A HQ Removed H.R.A Outpost Added Abandon Checkpoint (Old H.R.A Island) Added H.R.A HQ Outside of Pyrgos Added H.R.A Checkpoint (Outside of the Bandit District) Added MK-1 skins Added Katiba Are now in control of Pyrgos Moved all stores and functions from old H.R.A Island to the New H.R.A Island. (Sirens, Infrastructure, Shops, Spawns etc.) Added spawnpoint for the Rebels in Pyrgos Added Hatchback sport to their vehicle shop
  22. Like
    VisionPie reacted to V1RRE in [CvG News] Födelsedags annons !   
  23. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Imlay in Någon som sa Weed?   
    Joo tack, vi gjorde iaf ett försök haha...
  24. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Dimitri in Klassiker, bobbys hus! ^^   
  25. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Goatis in How to find your Teamspeak UID   
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