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Ban request [P] Decidos


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Name: [iS-B] Vladimir Dubrovka

Offender-Name: [P] Decidos

Date: 2015-01-27

Reason: Behöver nog inte säga så mycket eftersom att det är en solklar ban. 2 sekunder är lite väl lite tycker jag iaf.



Edit: Han har combat loggat också http://cloud-4.steamusercontent.com/ugc/54376389190649719/53E707B11B851B53F63C573ABA7C78163A22CB02/ 

Print tagen: 23:32 2015-01-27

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It doesnt matter, 2 sec is not long enough to start shooting at someone. And decidos come on, you are on ban reqs all the time, you seriously need to read the rules and start following them!

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What you should have done was yelling: This is a robbery! land the chopper or we will shoot you. That gives the guy a choise. It is not enough to yell "get out of", you have to state that you will shoot or that it is a robbery or something, which you didn't. On top of that, you have to wait to see the reaction of the guy you are robbing, to know if he complies or not.

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  On 1/28/2015 at 9:11 AM, decidos said:

I said get out of the chopper or i wil shoot you but, the plane started moving up. Needed to do something about it, he was standing still until i said get out of the helicopter or i will shoot. Wich he did not do, so then he must die

Wait just one sec there chap, you see he was in air right ? and still you admit saying "get out of the chopper"? jesus this guy deserves some special kind of ban^^


Not only did you record yourself breaking rules inside safe zone several times and then filing a report on S.D.S, now this? I mean come on

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  On 1/28/2015 at 11:49 AM, decidos said:

he can go down to the ground and land i have robbed one who cam down to the ground and that is what i need them to do, not go up in the air. thats is a attempt of escape and not obeying what i say.

You can not kill him in the chopper when the robbery had barely begun, you missed your chance and he should get away.

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Regarding this specific incident:

There was no warning time at all and he just aimed for the people inside the helicopter (no intention of trying to give warningshoot or disable it).

When you come driving like that you are in NO possition to try robb someone who is landing. Its called being a douchbag and is, if you read our rules, not a proper robbery.

IE: This is a clear case of RDM




And looking through previous bans, this is not Decios first one. (4 bans, excluding this one, just in Januari......)






So Decidos, you have ranked up to your first permanent ban.



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