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[BAN REQUEST] * [S.D.S] Tyrone Biggins


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   Name: [sC] Waag, [sC] Stefan.Ö [sC] R. Karlsson

           Offender-Name: [s.D.S] Tyrone Biggins

           Date: 2015-02-11 around 14:30

           Reason: We went to the diamond mine above Athira to mine with 3 HEMTT boxes, we saw a truck box at the mine and planned robbing him, but then we thought like, but then he will go to the proccessing/ his gang will go there / trader and seek revenge, so we said, okay, lets just get down and talk to him. explain that we are friendly as long as he is, so I walked down to him and double tapped CTRL, so I didnt even had my Vermin raised, my friends did the same and walked down to him, I said " Hallå " he just stands there and points his gun at me, he then reloads and I feel uncomfortable, and tells him to drop his weapon, the second later he shoots me and I die, then they picklocks our Hemtts and demand 4.5 million for the 3 hemtts.

I feel like it was RDM because we didnt threat him, if we would want to rob him we wouldn't stand in his face without weapon raised, and we wouldnt either talk to him that calmly as I did. if we were planning to rob him we would ofcourse have our weapons raised.

*edit även fast jag ber han släppa vapnet som kan tolkas som hot så borde han låtit mig tala till punkt, skulle precis säga " släpp ditt vapen.... alltså bara.. .* PANG PANG PANG* skulle precis säga " alltså bara sänk det" vilket jag tycker är lite lack of rp då han klickar mig mitt i en mening...


video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0NslOSVasIc

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Sunt förnuft är att inte ta orders (släpp ditt vapen) från 3 HEMMTS som omringar dig och alla har vapen, inte ovanligt att SC campar runt diamond heller så han använde sunt förnuft ganska mycket där enligt mig.


Och de gick ju ganska bra för honom i slutändan annars hade vi inte suttit här.

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Aja, de jag stör mig på är att hade ni formulerat de ni sa med andra ord så hade situationen troligtvis inte urartat som den gjorde "släpp vapnet" är inte speciellt trevligt att höra och brukar förknippas med rån (ja ni kanske hade sänkta vapen) MEN ni omringa honom fortfarande och satte honom i en position som inte såg så "friendly" ut. Hade ni sagt "Hej kan du sänka ditt vapen, bara för våran säkerhet" hade det både varit bättre RP och han hade förmodligen inte skjutit er alla.

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I will take this in English.

Now we are talking about douchebaggery again in my opinion (case on the edge), you can not judge an situation as threatfull within 0.5 sec of a conversation unless they are screaming "death" while aiming at you or coming in with speed/drawn and pointed weapons suggesting it was an ambush. This goes both ways. Robbers have to give you fair time. then atleast give them one second or two to state their intentions. 

Two phrasings comes in mind: "What comes around goes around", "Threat others as you want to be treated".


So, after watching the video and carefully examen the positions, the timing, the behavior/voice and the reactions i have to say its a case of NOT threatening when the shooting occured.
Why you ask?

Well, you are farming something legal, there are other civilans approaching with big farming trucks, slowly, and they walk forward with weapons lowered, slowly. There was no driving up and jumping out of cars with drawn guns suggesting it was a planned robbery/ambush. You then aim straight for their heads (which have always been considerd bad manners at legal activities), and they still dont engage in any threatfull manners (weapons still lowered). I can understand the uncomfort with them around but there is only one way to escape that, by driving away as they approach rather then shooting them in the face as soon as they speak.


In this case the results is 3 day for RDM + Lack of roleplay to [s.D.S] Tyrone Biggins.

But for the future, for both parties and anyone else reading:

If you are unsure about intentions, use the SMS feature before you approach/being approached and do it carefully. Use the distance when you talk in direct-chat before you establish a face-to-face conversation, especially if you dont want them walking up to you. Also, any kind of "fishing" is considerd being the aggressor (planting someone at a lucrative location and have people waiting untill someone robbs him, im not saying it happened here, but i feel it needs to be mentioned).

But i guess you all learned a valuable lesson from this incident.




For reference:

§4 RDM

  • Killing without a Roleplay Cause

No defense involved, situation not threatening from evidence supplied.

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