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    [T.U] Noxy

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    [T.U] Noxy

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  1. 1. Not saying that a its a Threat when u aim a weapon at somone alone, but when u make demands aswell then its an engage. 2 If u check 0.40-0.43 you can clearly hear Linus saying more than just get out in 3 seconds. Problem is that there are so mutch chatter over ts that u cant make out what he is saying. what we remember beeing said was '' get out in 3 seconds or we will open fire'' 3. We did not change our minds after the video was linked. Dompan left mid sentence while we where talking with him on teamspeak after he linked the video. 4 I feel this is not a valid reason for a ban. there where more cops in the area, we needed to sort the situatuation out and he did not follow our demands.
  2. Yes, refund for the trucks will be good and the ban will be taken down. We understand, engage from cars is not acording to the rules. But, no harm done if trucks are refunded. come TS and we talk. (T.U)
  3. My name; [T.G] Noxy Offender: Isam So i was minding my own shit in kavala on my way to the garage, then i heard a car stopping so i went to investigate. When i saw the driver he was looting a dead body in safezone. after, i went back to the towords the garage, i went slow so he would leave and not follow me, since i was alone at the time. suddenly he pulls up and kills me with a spikestrip from behind and looted my vest in safezone.(this will not be shown in the vid but i have a little clip that shows that my vest disepears and a car leaves right after) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6FqCkj_5V1E&feature=youtu.be
  4. Here are they admitting to be working with mathias and bazze
  5. Here is the last one that gets killed by STEN.
  6. Offender: Alexander Offended: [G.B] Noxy Time: 06.03.2015 Reason: Well this guy is trolling to mutch. in the video u can see him taking my chopper from safezone.I told him to come back or ill put this up, he just tells me to put it up and not loong after he comes back flying in to me and crashing my chopper and killing both of us. My bad tho for not locking the chopper... Reason i am putting this up is becouse he keeps trolling today aswell and i have some witnesses. Witnesses: [Medic] Hardman [MR3] and [Medic] P.Bracket [MR2]
  7. Offender : [R.S] A. Landberg Offended: [G.B] Noxy I was at the slave traider. mmby using a little bit to mutch time but i tried to sell my last slave, then RS comes down in a chopper and jumping out. I run for cover and when thy start yelling i stop and take my hands up. they gave me almost no time to react before they started shooting. They kept shooting after i had taken my hands up as shown in the video.
  8. Offender: [sC] Stefan.Ö Offended: [G.B] Noxy In the video u can clearly see the medic that is [sC] Skogen sitting on the side of the chopper (not flying it) coming in to the AO and taking my gun after the pilot [sC] Stefan.Ö shot me (its no problem that i got shot.. just that he was with the medic into the AO just woundering if this is legal and if not, i leav it to u. Thnx for looking.
  9. desync!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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