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  1. Name: [RSB] lil-bosse Offender-Name: [MeMe] xX_lordmeme_Xx Date: 2016-09-04 14:08:30 Reason: I drove from the copper processing and suddenly this guy appears and VDM:s me. I lost probably 200k worth of copper AND my truck. I demand a refund of both copper and vehichle and also I demand this troll/memester to get a ban.
  2. lil-bosse

    Ban req NOF

    Name: [RSB] lil-bosse Offender-Name: [NOF] Matzi, [NOF] Hallvardo Date: 2016-08-27 15:00 Reason: We were at the gang hideout to pick up som guns to start robbing and we met NOF on the road and they jumped out and killed one of our guys. When we asked why they shot they said that we shot first and therefore accepted the fight but as you can see in the video none of us shot at them. Them suggesting we shot first: https://gyazo.com/39901eb717c095b6a3b45a766468616a
  3. fan, hade velat hört Bartowskis garv dock
  4. Edit- var på mobilen så att jag såg inte fliken sry
  5. Appeal Information Name: G. Miltarios Date: 2015-03-30 - 02:00 Reason: I got banned today 2015-04-08 for exploiting the game. First of all, i did NOT get the chance to tell my part of the story even after repeatedly asking an admin to contact me in ts (teamspeak) in the ban request. Secondly, which adds in to me not getting to tell my part is that the whole exploit scenario was a mistake from me. I was not experienced about this exploit before it even happend, i.e. I found out about the bug at the moment i did it in the video. ( ). The reason i wanted to speak to an admin in ts was because i don't want the exploit to leak out even though people are likely to find out about this by them self now that i realize how extremely easy it is to make this bug all by mistake. I will come into this part soon. Next i didn't like the approach made by hitem (I WON'T blame the other administrators) in this ban request. As you can see here: , he is totally ignorant to my request, which felt very irritating (I think everyone would be happier if they could tell their part). Iincluding to Including to this, he enters the confirmation post by saying: I thought some other admin would show their feet and take a case like this ;p i guess not! So dont come around unbanning this guy now or similar ^^. Which made me feel like his behavior was depending on lightly protesting against the other administrators. This happend the same day ( http://gyazo.com/e23811601095fad5d23209b51710a7ad ) from : http://cvgaming.net/forum/144-accepted/ Observate the short period of time inbetween which points out that this admin totally rushed the accused players and banned all of them just to lighten up the to-do list. And again the message gives the feeling that he was "tired of doing all the work " type of deal, which is a bit unserious imho. Another point i want to make is the thing he wrote in the fifth row which is following : I have seen him do this on other houses and this is not nice.... not at all... Which is totally untrue and i really want evidence for this. i really do not know what he builds that statement on. I found out about the (arma) bug at the spot as I said earlier. So.... I will give the admin a new chance to contact me so I can tell him what all of this is about and if ignorance is the way he wants and if noone contacts me, I will make a new post here, in this very topic, in a few days explaining EXACTLY how this bug is made (it will then leak out). I will not sit and spam all admins constantly for this, and that's why i give you the option to contact me instead. I do NOT deserve the ban and RW does NOT deserve to be disgraced like this (again... read what he wrote). We are all innocent, yeah, and definitely the other RW players. Also worth mentioning, I did OFCOURCE NOT steal ANYTHING from this house. Thanks for listening to my story in atleast this late phase... and *** you all that wants to conplain on my bad english, the admin might not understand swedish, from recent experience...
  6. kan admin kontakta mig i ts tack
  7. det var ju en vid liv som kunde återberätta scenariot och det gick dessutom inte 15 minuter
  8. vi stod med 2 bilar (roadblocks) men ni svängde runt. då får man skjuta.
  9. vi stod med 2 bilar (roadblocks) men ni svängde runt. då får man skjuta
  10. My name: [sTEN] Cad Philae Offender-Name: [T.U] Takó Date: 2015-02-28-<00:30 (ish)> Reason: Ja, jag var med mitt gäng och skulle Processa:a Marijuana och så körde jag sönder min truck vid process-huset så jag satte mig och repairade. Under repairen hör jag en röst som säger "Upp med händerna", samma sekund dör min gängmedlem (rp-fusk). Jag gör några tappra försök att ta upp händerna mitt i min repair men misslyckas. Rätt var det var så sköt Takó mig till döds. Jag anser att detta är RP-Fusk och att man i min video kan se att dem inte följer Robbing-regel 1, citerar: When you're about to rob someone, you have to give the victim a choice (If the victim fails to comply only then is lethal action allowed). Som man ser i videon så gjorde dem det inte tydligt att jag hade ett "choice" mellan att ta upp händerna eller dö, bara att ta upp händerna. jag satt tydligt fast i en repair load (Som syntes). Dem bryter även mot regeln: Voice over in direct chat MUST be in english during a robbery if you are not familiar with the person. Videon: Observera att i samma sekund man hör T.U Krusty säga upp med händerna så ser man "[sTEN Alfred was killed by [T.U] Krusty" i chatten i nedre vänstra hörnet.
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