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  1. Name(s): HarrierHawk, Vegz and AlexMahone Date: 16.02.2016 Reason: Am making this post on behalf of Vegz and AlexMahone aswell as me. We got banned for 7 days earlier and i would like to explain myself and the confusion behind all this. In the rules under "scamming" it states the following: " Scamming someone is not allowed when selling GEAR, for an example, if you make a deal you are going to buy a weapon from someone for lets say 1,1 mil and you just take the gun and then leave - This is banable" There is no rule saying "Robbery is not allowed under a deal or trade." We simply made our victim to come to a place outside the safezone and simply robbed him as soon as he arrived. Hopefully you admins or moderators change the "scamming" section in the rules. we know the rules and would never intentionally break the rules. We just misunderstood the rules because of the poor example and not mentioning that we cant rob the other part by tricking him. Hopefully this gets solved quickly and we will of course refund the dependents in this "conflict" or case. Here is also the video the "victim" uploaded: -Hawk
  2. HarrierHawk


    And you killed Joachim and then shot all the A.R.F Members. Would be nice to include And also, A.R.F wasn't there when it happened. Only Joachim was there and after joachim got killed, rest of the A.R.F got there and got shot.
  3. HarrierHawk


    And you killed Joachim and then shot all the A.R.F Members. Would be nice to include
  4. THIS IS BEEN SOLVED WITH A REFUND!!! So it all started with Me and [A.R.F] Alex Mahone. We put a spikestrip a bit outside a safezone (Airfield) and then robbed someone and took his car (Hatchback Sport). We then drove in to a safezone and wanted to negotiate with the owners of the car, the owner demanded us to exit the car and shot after us and said we couldn't drive in the safezone after a robbery: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZPdg9HzgnxU We didn't use firepower and neither did they so we were allowed to enter the safezone with their car. Then they got in their own car and rammed us several times in the safezone just to lock the car, they managed to destroy the wheels of the car but Alex Mahone didn't leave the car. then we got [A.R.F] Joachim to pick up the car with his Hellcat, and then they flew towards the chopshop, we asked for 200,000$ or we would chopshop it but they refused to pay so Alex and Joachim then entered the chopshop and then got shot by the "[R.U]" people that were waiting with the chopshop without any warning, they just shot at the helicopter so that the lift broke and the car fell down with Alex Mahone in it. Then Yegor Rokossovsky killed Alex Mahone and they took his stuff: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DIlHjNw-b54 <- (Alex Mahone couldn't escape because the car was locked aswell) Conclusion: They lied about the rules, Rammed us, tried to shoot us inside and outside the safezone, RDM'ed Alex Mahone and shot after Joachim without engaging and Mentioned many things outside the game (Bad Roleplay).
  5. And also, in a roleplay situation we might have threatened the medic to fly us down :)
  6. I can assure you we didn't get any help from the medic robbing you, we got evidence that we crashed our helicopter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pToVK86aGKA and yes, we did order the medic to fly us down when we saw your cars. but as far as i am conserned, thats not against the rules. when we had your trucks we ordered the medic to fly away from the robbery scene and so he did. The ramming thing that happened in a safezone i can't confirm, i wasn't there so therefor i need proper evidence that it was one of our guys that did it. have a nice day :)
  7. IGI Joseph an Charlie Brown interupted [ A.R.F Alex mahone, A.R.F HarrierHawk, A.R.F Vegz and A.R.F Joachim (My clan) ] We flew away from the bandit hideout when we saw them arrive and started our helicopter, they told us that if we landed they would shoot us in swedish, and we started landing to tell them they couldnt rob us in swedish. as soon as we landed i got out and got shot. A.R.F Vegz and A.R.F Alex shot back and managed to kill Joseph, then charlie jumped in his car and tried to run over A.R.F Alex Mahone. ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ss8cjkn0Bps / https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TNyCqIlvSzQ <- at the end of this video) A.R.F Alex Mahone managed to destroy he's car and then IGI/T.A.K Charlie ran on foot and got my gun from my body. While Alex persued Charlie, Vegz fixed the destroyed car and ran after Charlie. then Alex got in Vegz's car and they persued Charlie together. Then charlie turned around and shot Alex Mahone and Vegz. Joachim was the only one alive. Joachim then flew over the bandit hideout where Charlie was hiding, while he was in the air Joesph reconnected with a another clan tag (T.A.K) and shot Joachim while he was in the air ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmPyJ0pm_bQ ) Conclusion: IGI/T.A.K RDM'ed, VDM'ed and robbed us in swedish, changed lan tag in the middle of a "shootout" and reconnected to avoid New Life Rule.
  8. Who else dislikes the new 4.0 update? personally i didn't like the 4.0 update because it was too different from the previous update. -Crafting removed -hummingbird is now donator vehicle -south of Altis is gone -etc Tell me if you disliked it or liked it and tell me why By:
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