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Everything posted by Afriel

  1. §.4 Random deatchmatching (RDM) Killing anyone without a roleplay cause. Banned 48 hours each ..
  2. Afriel

    Ban requests

    Knocking someone out in safezone is 24 hours ban for Trolling.. But I need more proof then a Screenshot. I need a video that shows that you actually didnt do anything to provoke him .. Declined.
  3. Afriel

    Ban Request

    From what I understand by reading a few posts here, is that TU robbed you and SC came there to talk to TU and they never joined in on the robbery .. Declined.
  4. You may not use Kavala/Athira as an escape zone it's a safe zone ONLY for those people that are innocent. In this case, you try to rob him. He decides to take off, he never decides to "Join" in on the "Fight".. that makes him innocent. About the VDM. You're breaking rules by trying to block him in safezone and then you keep knocking him down. If I were him I would use this clip and make a banrequest on you guys.. DECLINED
  5. A banrequest without proof, will never be accepted. If thats true, that's a douche move. What I can do is to talk with these 2 SC members about the situations. I can't as i mentioned above, ban some1 without proof. So im closing this. Declined.
  6. Banned for VDM/Trolling ..
  7. Pratat om händelsen, kommit fram till en lösning.. Spela snällt nu!
  8. §.4 Random deatchmatching (RDM) Killing anyone without a roleplay cause. Banned for 48 hours
  9. Afriel

    2x Combatloggs

    §.5 Bannable offences​ Combatlogg Banned for 48 hours!
  10. Afriel


    Är det "Lip" som försöker prata med Pelle och blir skjuten? Pelle är iaf bannad för RDM redan!
  11. Afriel


    §.5 Bannable offences Combatlogg 3rd or 4th ban for Decidos. He never learns.. Be gone for a week, and come back fresh mr! Banned 7 days!
  12. Pelle, 1 Day for lack of RP Ludde543, 1 Day for RDM Banned for 24hours each!
  13. Afriel

    VDM - Gusten

    Har fått mer bevis länkat till mig på teamspeak.. RDM/VDM 2 days ban!
  14. §.5 Bannable offences Combatlogg Because of previous bans, he receives 48 hours this time.. Banned 48 hours!
  15. Due to lack of roleplay i've decided to ban you for 24hours. Banned 24 hours!
  16. Banned for that bad language of his, together with a RDM. Banned for 2 days ..
  17. As vogelturken says, hes gone . And he wont be back! Banned
  18. Tintin, I need a video in cases like this ... Sorry! If you in fact have one, contact me on teamspeak later today.. But until then: Declined
  19. Afriel


    Tyvärr var det så att ingen tog tag i denna post, jag känner att lägg en ban efter 2 veckor är för hårt. Detta kommer inte hända igen, snälla fortsätt att ta prints och lägg upp.. Skriv till mig på Teamspeak om posten inte tagits hand om på 24 timmar nästa gång!
  20. You're providing a screenshot that shows that you got ran over. Accidents happend now and then. I'll need a video of this situation to be able to count it as a VDM / Trolling.
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