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  1. Name: [SC] Hynnix Date: 2015-08-20 1st ban appeal https://cvgaming.net/topic/4499-ban-appeal-sc-hynnix/#comment-22379 2nd ban appeal https://cvgaming.net/topic/5021-ban-appeal-hynnix/#comment-25256 3rd ban appeal https://cvgaming.net/topic/6838-ban-appeal-hynnix/#comment-34415 Jag blev bannad för cirka ett år sen, Jag har velat komma tillbaka till communityt ändan sen det, Fick höra att servern skulle starta om ifrån noll, jag blev riktigt taggad på o börja lira igen så därför provar jag att skriva ännu en ban appeal. Hade jag fått en andra chans att komma tillbaks så hade jag aldrig försökt exploita någonting, Jag hade spelat serriöst och hållt mig till reglerna. Om ni undrar mer om min ban, läs nån av mina gamla ban appeals där jag förklarat mer vad som hände osv. Detta blir min fjärde banappeal, och förmodligen min sista, om ni fortfarande anser att jag ska förbli bannad så kommer det nog inte ändras. Ha det bra // Hynnix
  2. Name: [SC] Hynnix Date: 2015-08-20 Reason: if you want more detailed information, http://cvgaming.net/topic/4499-ban-appeal-sc-hynnix/ Well, I was duping and got caught by Afriel and Bobbi and permbanned, my last appeal got declined and i was told to wait 6 months to make a new ban appeal, its almost been 6 months now so therefore im gonna try again. My first ban appeal got declined cause Afriel didnt believe that i was regretfull, but as i said in my last ban appeal, I REALLY AM , I dont know why, But it feels like I have learned myself a BIG lesson. I would like to get a chance to talk to you Afriel and explain on teamspeak that I really regret the things i did... I really wanna come back Please! If i would get unbanned I would stay to the rules 100% and NEVER exploit anything.. I would NOT ruin my second chance ... Dear regards Hynnix
  3. Name: [SC] Hynnix Date: 2015-08-22 ( I think? :c) Reason: if you want more detailed information, http://cvgaming.net/topic/4499-ban-appeal-sc-hynnix/ Anyhows, I was duping and got caught by Afriel and permbanned, my last appeal got declined cause Afriel didnt believe that i was regretfull, but I really am, at the moment i made a small "laugh" because i didnt know how to react, so I just laughed, I dont know why, But it feels like I have learned myself a BIG lesson. I would like to get a chance to talk to Bobbi / Afriel and explain on teamspeak that I really regret the thing i did... I dont think I will get unbanned cause duping is a really serious offence and it wasnt too long ago.. but I really miss this server and I would really apretieate a second chance.. Dear regards Hynnix
  4. Appeal Information Name: [SC] Hynnix // [SC] Sampi Date: 2015-08-22 ( I think? :c) Reason: I came back to the server this summer when it was very low populated, like average 10 players online.. I started to play with an old player "[SC] Thorsten" (I played with him over 1 year ago when he nicked "Jonny".. we came close and I joined SC.. he gave me gear and money so I could start up again since my account had been wiped cus of inactivity ( hadent played for 9 months+) I didnt get my house and my inventory nor my trucks back, but admins got my money back ( 5 millions) .. Thorsten gave me money for a house and a big truck ( Hemtt I think) and as i said some gear.. I made the biggest mistake ever and started to duplicate the gear Thorsten gave me... I had tried to dupe once before.. but I got out of control when playing in Scrub Club because Thorsten had a minimal gear requirment and more and more players came back to the server so it became harder to farm.. I really regret everything i did.. I wanted to play with a big gang/ faction as before.. but i didnt have gear enough and I didnt have any patience to farm up an inventroy again... I dont think I will get unbanned cause duping is a really serious offence and it wasnt too long ago.. but I really miss this server and I would really apretieate a second chance.. Dear regards Hynnix // Linus.
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