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    Discornia reacted to A. Mahone in Mahone's Police Application   
    Alexander Mahone's Police Application

    - I'm waiting for your call!
    What is your in-game name?
    I have played mostly as A. Mahone but also Alexander Mahone, A Mahone, [svebus] A. Mahone, [ATV's] A. Mahone.

    What is your Player ID #?

    Have you read all of the rules on the forum?
    I do that on a regular basis and will of course read the cop rules 10 extra times.

    Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a cop/medic/rebel?
    You have my word, I will never abuse power or trust.

    How long have you played on the server?
    I really don't know but it should be 200h+ over a period of 6-8 weeks!?
    My record is 20h without any breaks or pauses (ate once though). Liberatore was amazed.
    So I don't think my in game time will be a problem.

    How long have you played Arma 3?
    Since the Alpha, and for 770 hours according to Steam.
    But more importantly is probably my history in Arma 2 which I estimate to 2000h+.
    (I can't look it up since I used a launcher instead of Steam. )

    Anyways, I have played Warfare, CTI (Gossamer and BECTI mostly), Life (both with and without database support) as
    bandit, terrorist, cop (miss the dogs :/), fabricator (fun word) and other RP roles.
    Insurgency, and stuff like that. The list is long, can't remember all the different modes and mods. (Big fan of ACE 2 btw.)
    I'm also a big fan of BIS and was hooked when the original Operation Flashpoint was released a long time ago.
    Testing, scripting, modding and so on are pretty fun too even though ArmA is a mess to work with. At least for me.

    How often do you play on the server?
    I am pretty active both on the server and on the forums. Maybe too active sometimes.

    Tell us a little about yourself!
    Well, what can I say... I'm a Swedish fella' that like a lot of different things in life. More importantly gaming and
    Arma 3. My age is somewhat a sensitive matter but let's say I'm 25+ but not 30. No more question about that please.

    I'm now handing over my application to the A.P.D since I am tired of being a honest and hard working civilian.
    And I know how hard it is to make a living without a gang I will do my best to protect and to serve
    the poor civilians on Altis. I would like to patrol problem areas like highway checkpoints and traders.
    I want to be present where the civs are rather that waiting for the FED to be robbed. I prefer to save lives and put bandits into jail rather than killing. But sometimes a man gotta do what a man gotta do.
  2. Like
    Discornia reacted to A. Mahone in PMC on CvG - What do you think?   
    I will send an application to the A.P.D then - all small time crooks and bandits near Kavala Checkpoint needs to be taken care of in a semi-democratic way (PMC is more like anarchy). Not that I'm going to be approved after this discussion but that's the only thing I can personally do.
  3. Like
    Discornia reacted to Legacy™ in PMC on CvG - What do you think?   
    I have noticed that Altis is an unfair place today for the common civillian and i know that everyone out there could use a helping hand, i have also seen that we have had 2 attemps of starting something like a PMC group but our rules have not allowed it.
    What i am thinking is turning it into a Faction and it can therefore operate above the gang rules and assist other gangs to assist the civi* llians in their ordinary life.
    I want to bring some balance to Altis, everyone does not have major gangs to protect them or the gunpower to protect themselves from cops and rebells, ofcourse there will be bounderies on what can be done and what can't be done and i am writing this in order to present as much as i can. I will gladly take every opinion and answer every question you may have on Teamspeak.
    What is PMC?
    PMC are Military Contractors who operate as an independant force, what is special about a PMC crew is that they are avaliable to Hire for the right amount of money! This means that everyone may contact them and try to setup a contract between themselves and the PMC group. For example you might need protection when transporting precious cargo from point A to point B and you pay them to assist you.
    Who would be a part of PMC?
    People are always free to show interest in joining but in the end only people who have showed themselves true RP characters and gained the trust to carry out a role like this will get one. To make PMC work we need to have a certain stability in the group and i need to make sure that the PMC follows the rules that they have to operate by.
    What kind of Jobs would the PMC have?
    * Cargo transportation
    * VIP protection
    * Roadblocks
    * Sector Securing
    * Robbery ( Not against players )
    * Transportation 
    * Breakouts
    * And more!
    Who would be able to hire PMC?
    I was thinking that only civs should be able to do so, maybe the cops aswell to a certain point? Please give feedback on this how you want it.
    We want to help the common civillian but we also want to make some money and therefore we would take any contract we can that is in the frames of Roleplay and the server rules! The NLA will not be able to Hire PMC for now but that does not make us hostiles. PMC always keeps an open dialog as long as mutual respect is shown from both parties.
    How much would they cost to hire?
    I was thinking about doing a roleplay scenario where the PMC has access to the Government database and therefore get an estimated number of the customers bank. With the bank in concern we would setup a price that would be suiting for just that person.
    Gangmembers would automaticaly have to pay more since they have a gang to watch their back and is not in the great need of protection that ordinary workers is.
    I would arrange a pricelist that would go on the forum along with other Public info on how to contact us and such. 
    What rules would the PMC have?
    We would have to obey by the server rules like everyone else but we would have to operate above a couple of rules in order to make this work obviously. But as i said we would have to follow the rules like the rest of you. I will also keep an open dialog after releasing the official faction rules and if you have question about rules i would be willing to discuss them and tweak them if needed!
    This faction would be started from 0 and some rules may not be perfect at the beginning and feedback is always wanted as long as it's not in the "Negative without an actual point"-style.
    Why i am doing this.
    I am doing this for the community, i have listen and observed to everything you have said to me over the last couple of weeks and people think that civillian have no chance against the NLA and APD because they are well organised and also have better guns and equipment and this is your chance to make something about this. At first this would not be the most exciting gameplay but i would still go through  with this idea in order to make the server even more fun and so would everyone else that i would recruit!
    Also i want to push the server to it's limits when it comes to roleplay!
    This post was made so that you could tell you opinions and hopefully you will like it, if i get the support i want then we will do our best to move forward with this idea as soon as possible. IF i missed anything feel free to hit me up on teamspeak or leave a comment! And if you just like the idea, leave a like so i have some sort of feedback! I want many comments so start the spam!
  4. Like
    Discornia got a reaction from Zacharias in Ban appeal [C.N] Giovanni Lorenzo   
    Name:  [C.N] Giovanni Lorenzo
    Date: 2015-01-20
    Reason: So since we are not anymore able to defend ourselves in ban requests for some wierd reason i am putting this up here.
    So situation with nato was shady to say atleast but i really do not get why guy lies to make it seem worse than it is exept
    if he himself does not see it's agains the rules as it really went down. You can't even hear what the guy is actually saying.
    And also claiming that we didn't know what they was yelling is absurd, we even talked with them after the situation and it
    was pretty clear to everybody that they was telling us to stop.
    So we was looking for some action and run into couple guys at the edge of a road, we saw that one guy was running towards us and started yelling "Stanna, stanna!" over and over again.
    As we was looking for some action we stop couple hundred meters away and run back to the scene. What we have earlier witnessed as roleplay from nato guys that kind of command is
    understood as threat and we do not take threats litely. After thinking it over for a while we decide to go in guns blazing even that might not be smartest thing to do when thinking about situation 
    again. Not our brightest moment but surely not to be considered as rdm. 
    Anyway there's video from our perspective:
  5. Like
    Discornia got a reaction from NorreN in Ban appeal [C.N] Giovanni Lorenzo   
    Name:  [C.N] Giovanni Lorenzo
    Date: 2015-01-20
    Reason: So since we are not anymore able to defend ourselves in ban requests for some wierd reason i am putting this up here.
    So situation with nato was shady to say atleast but i really do not get why guy lies to make it seem worse than it is exept
    if he himself does not see it's agains the rules as it really went down. You can't even hear what the guy is actually saying.
    And also claiming that we didn't know what they was yelling is absurd, we even talked with them after the situation and it
    was pretty clear to everybody that they was telling us to stop.
    So we was looking for some action and run into couple guys at the edge of a road, we saw that one guy was running towards us and started yelling "Stanna, stanna!" over and over again.
    As we was looking for some action we stop couple hundred meters away and run back to the scene. What we have earlier witnessed as roleplay from nato guys that kind of command is
    understood as threat and we do not take threats litely. After thinking it over for a while we decide to go in guns blazing even that might not be smartest thing to do when thinking about situation 
    again. Not our brightest moment but surely not to be considered as rdm. 
    Anyway there's video from our perspective:
  6. Like
    Discornia got a reaction from Paatero in When you change the rules.   
    Dear admins,
    When you make changes to rules on the server on forum topics, could you put new comment to that topic so we would actually know when they are changed.
    At the moment i feel that a lot of players are doing stuff agains the rules becouse they do not go over them on daily bases and see that there is something new.
    If you put a new comment there when you make changes, "rules" topic, would be highlighted on altis folder and everyone would know that something has been changed
    and would surely go and read new rules.
  7. Like
    Discornia got a reaction from ARRE in When you change the rules.   
    Dear admins,
    When you make changes to rules on the server on forum topics, could you put new comment to that topic so we would actually know when they are changed.
    At the moment i feel that a lot of players are doing stuff agains the rules becouse they do not go over them on daily bases and see that there is something new.
    If you put a new comment there when you make changes, "rules" topic, would be highlighted on altis folder and everyone would know that something has been changed
    and would surely go and read new rules.
  8. Like
    Discornia got a reaction from Musse in When you change the rules.   
    Dear admins,
    When you make changes to rules on the server on forum topics, could you put new comment to that topic so we would actually know when they are changed.
    At the moment i feel that a lot of players are doing stuff agains the rules becouse they do not go over them on daily bases and see that there is something new.
    If you put a new comment there when you make changes, "rules" topic, would be highlighted on altis folder and everyone would know that something has been changed
    and would surely go and read new rules.
  9. Like
    Discornia got a reaction from Kalween in When you change the rules.   
    Dear admins,
    When you make changes to rules on the server on forum topics, could you put new comment to that topic so we would actually know when they are changed.
    At the moment i feel that a lot of players are doing stuff agains the rules becouse they do not go over them on daily bases and see that there is something new.
    If you put a new comment there when you make changes, "rules" topic, would be highlighted on altis folder and everyone would know that something has been changed
    and would surely go and read new rules.
  10. Like
    Discornia got a reaction from hassanov in When you change the rules.   
    Dear admins,
    When you make changes to rules on the server on forum topics, could you put new comment to that topic so we would actually know when they are changed.
    At the moment i feel that a lot of players are doing stuff agains the rules becouse they do not go over them on daily bases and see that there is something new.
    If you put a new comment there when you make changes, "rules" topic, would be highlighted on altis folder and everyone would know that something has been changed
    and would surely go and read new rules.
  11. Like
    Discornia got a reaction from LEIF in ban request [IS-B]MRMarin   
    Name: [C.N] Giovanni Lorenzo
    Offender-Name: [iS-B]MRMarin
    Date: 2014-12-27
    Reason: Was chasing a guy and he just drove to safezone and stored his hemmt even after we told him in messages that it is agains the server rules.
    Video proof 1:

    Video proof 2:

  12. Like
    Discornia got a reaction from Doug in Ban request [A.R.F] Televinken   
    Name: [C.N] Giovanni Lorenzo
    Offender-Name: [A.R.F] Televinken
    Date: 2014-12-14
    Reason: Combatlogging after we killed him. Giving videoproof directly to admin becouse it contains information about my house. Contact me in ts or ask to pm in forums please.
  13. Like
    Discornia got a reaction from Mannie_fresh in Ban request Gazolin, Broccolimannen, NorreN   
    Name: [C.N] Giovanni Lorenzo 
    Offender-Name: Gazolin, Broccolimannen, NorreN
    Date: 2014-12-14
    Reason: Was robbing a guy at Cement trader and people without any clan tag just opened fire on me out of nowhere. These 3 names above was ones in the situation with the guy i robbed.
    Video proof: 
  14. Like
    Discornia got a reaction from Andreas in Ban request [A.R.F] Televinken   
    Name: [C.N] Giovanni Lorenzo
    Offender-Name: [A.R.F] Televinken
    Date: 2014-12-14
    Reason: Combatlogging after we killed him. Giving videoproof directly to admin becouse it contains information about my house. Contact me in ts or ask to pm in forums please.
  15. Like
    Discornia reacted to cARPEN in Allt flygande!!   
    Hemmtt box 1.5m - 420 storage. > 2.5m - 540 storage.
    Zamak 950k  - 250 storage > 1.25m - 360 storage
    Truck Transport 110k - 150 storage > 150k - 180 storage.
    Truck (Vanlig) 60k - 100 storage. > 60k - 100 storage.
    För att kanske få in mer RP via mark och folk verkligen kör en lastbil flera KM för att tjäna mer d0llarz.
    Nerfing på helikoptrar:
    Tarun 6m – 325 storage och thermal kamera > 6m, 200 storage.
    Mohawk 4.2m – 290 storage > 3m, 180 storage.
    Tarun Bench 1.2m, 200 storage > 1m 150 storage
    Orca 750k – 170 storage > 750k , 110 storage.
    Hummingbird och M900 – 60 storage och kanske sänka priset till någonstans mellan 150k och 250k. 
  16. Like
    Discornia got a reaction from Carlos Hernandez in Why are the police so bad?   
    If you wish to get people of your back, carrying silencer is worst way you can play it out.
    Silencers as it is are most broken piece of equipment infantry can have in arma 3 since it allows
    zero counterplay from your opponent. I am pretty sure that if anyone sees police with 6,5 or 7.62 silencer
    they will come and try to get it from you since it is worth more to try than risk of losing all gear you could be carrying.
    I personally think they should remove silencers complitely from atleast assault rifles and DMR's since that just does
    not fit in altis life. In smg's it's not so big of a deal since you can't be so far away with them anyway.
    Losing bandit license when going to jail would be a nice idea if it did not make people even more triggerhappy with the
    police since it is huge risk to get tazed now. How it works now is only making it worse for the cops and creating shitty rp.
    And for closing arqument i think it is really good to post things like this on forums since everyone does not really know
    everything that is going on in server and hopefully conversation created by this will affect peoples playstyle to the better direction.
    Edit. And about bandit "allways" having more gangs than one in it. I really do not think that is in anyway true. It's really rarely that
    there is anyone else when we are capping it and when there actually is they are coming for us anyway not for you. (and even this is mby 2/10 times)
    But usually when someone else is capping it and we happent o be online, we will rush it but just to stop the cappers, not for the cops since it is really
    frustrating to fight cops in area like that. And when we get it right we are in and out before we see single cop in area.
  17. Like
    Discornia got a reaction from Ferm in Why are the police so bad?   
    Safezones are ment to be safe havens from robbers not a place when you can go laugh to cops face while you are wanted.
    System is ment to bring more risk to illegal activities and force you to be carefull not to expose yourself while wanted and it is good, atleast in my opinion.
  18. Like
    Discornia got a reaction from Peter Marple in Why are the police so bad?   
    Safezones are ment to be safe havens from robbers not a place when you can go laugh to cops face while you are wanted.
    System is ment to bring more risk to illegal activities and force you to be carefull not to expose yourself while wanted and it is good, atleast in my opinion.
  19. Like
    Discornia got a reaction from Peter Marple in Why are the police so bad?   
    I agree that whole server would benefit more from more rp from everyone.
    Just putting this out here even i know it is going to bring in a shit storm:
    every single time we try to engage any kind of rp on police, first thing that happens is gunshot to head or tazer.
    We actually need you try to more too if you wish better act from our side.
    There is only two situation i have actually got in communication in direct with cop and first was for overspeeding in kavala at 60km/h speed.
    Second one was becouse of smoking weed in kavala and driving around and police played that quite well on rp side.
    I do not know if there is actually guys hunting cops like that and all i can say is that sounds pretty lame
  20. Like
    Discornia got a reaction from Ebolasso Lorenzo in Why are the police so bad?   
    I agree that whole server would benefit more from more rp from everyone.
    Just putting this out here even i know it is going to bring in a shit storm:
    every single time we try to engage any kind of rp on police, first thing that happens is gunshot to head or tazer.
    We actually need you try to more too if you wish better act from our side.
    There is only two situation i have actually got in communication in direct with cop and first was for overspeeding in kavala at 60km/h speed.
    Second one was becouse of smoking weed in kavala and driving around and police played that quite well on rp side.
    I do not know if there is actually guys hunting cops like that and all i can say is that sounds pretty lame
  21. Like
    Discornia got a reaction from Vic in Why are the police so bad?   
    Safezones are ment to be safe havens from robbers not a place when you can go laugh to cops face while you are wanted.
    System is ment to bring more risk to illegal activities and force you to be carefull not to expose yourself while wanted and it is good, atleast in my opinion.
  22. Like
    Discornia reacted to Ebolasso Lorenzo in Making money is too easy   
    I feel like you can make money too easily and too fast, and ye I know that there was already changes on retrieval prices but that doesnt rly make so big difference.
    Legal vs illegal: I'd like to see money gain$ from legal stuff to be lower because at the moment you make pretty much same money with legal stuff and illegal while legal stuff doesnt have the same risk as illegal stuff has. Illegal stuff should be higher risk and higher reward than legal stuff. And just lower from legal and not increase the illegal stuff cos making money is too easy atm.
    Market system: I think market system needs some changes because at the moment it feels like 70% of the stuff is at max price all the time which doesn't make sense to me. max price shouldn't be the norm, it should be the best price to sell it, not the minium you want. Imo there should be like 2-3 things at max price at once so you would actually have to hunt for those selling prices.
    Lowering the money you make would also make your gear worth more cos then you need to make more work for the same gear and that would make the server going more towards safer play than just taking risks and taking every gunfight instead of surrendering/etc and would help with making the server more rp.
    And remember, these are just my opinions and everyone has their own, I just feel like we need discussion about this.
  23. Like
    Discornia got a reaction from Maxwell in [Ban Request] adam   
    Here is also screenshot from another combatlog by him when we encountered him. Also in this situation he was back at server minute later.
    Seems like guy does it pretty often.
  24. Like
    Discornia reacted to hitem in Bandit District problems   
    According to the newly boiled data that ive pulled from the server the Bandit districts works EXACTLY as intended atm.
    its being captured up to 4 times per 24 hours and the amount of items being distributed are within the limit of our agenda.
    This area is NOT accessible by everyone, this is the highend and would require a highly organized group to capture it.
    Also ive been monitoring the Cops and other factions to see the impact and everything is inline with what we want to achive with CvGaming.
  25. Like
    Discornia reacted to Rasmus in Ban appeal [C.N] Giovanni Lorenzo   
    The police do have proof this was a clear combatlog proof here - 
    screen 1 http://gyazo.com/83ec24150c68ba038706da22a46bc874
    screen 2 http://gyazo.com/0ad82dba9a5bfcba5ecd288c0baa39b8
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