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  1. Like
    NorreN got a reaction from Zetas in uppgradering   
    Äntligen mer en 5-10 fps  desync NorreN is dead   
    OS: Windows 7 Professional 64-bit
    CPU: Intel i5 2500k 3.3GHz
    GPU: GeForce GTX 660 PNY
    RAM: Corsair XMS3 Vengeance 8GB DDR3 1600Mhz
    Motherboard: MSI Z77A-G43
    SSD: OCZ Vertex 3 128GB
    HDD: Seagate 1TB
    PSU: 500W
    Keybord: cm storm quickfire rapid (Red switch)
    Mousepad: SteelSeries QcK Heavy
    Mouse: Microsoft IntelliMouse Explorer 3.0
    Headset: Astro A40
    Internet: http://postimg.org/image/ao0oogoi1/

  2. Like
    NorreN got a reaction from Xeloth in uppgradering   
    Äntligen mer en 5-10 fps  desync NorreN is dead   
    OS: Windows 7 Professional 64-bit
    CPU: Intel i5 2500k 3.3GHz
    GPU: GeForce GTX 660 PNY
    RAM: Corsair XMS3 Vengeance 8GB DDR3 1600Mhz
    Motherboard: MSI Z77A-G43
    SSD: OCZ Vertex 3 128GB
    HDD: Seagate 1TB
    PSU: 500W
    Keybord: cm storm quickfire rapid (Red switch)
    Mousepad: SteelSeries QcK Heavy
    Mouse: Microsoft IntelliMouse Explorer 3.0
    Headset: Astro A40
    Internet: http://postimg.org/image/ao0oogoi1/

  3. Like
    NorreN got a reaction from J.Cartello in uppgradering   
    Äntligen mer en 5-10 fps  desync NorreN is dead   
    OS: Windows 7 Professional 64-bit
    CPU: Intel i5 2500k 3.3GHz
    GPU: GeForce GTX 660 PNY
    RAM: Corsair XMS3 Vengeance 8GB DDR3 1600Mhz
    Motherboard: MSI Z77A-G43
    SSD: OCZ Vertex 3 128GB
    HDD: Seagate 1TB
    PSU: 500W
    Keybord: cm storm quickfire rapid (Red switch)
    Mousepad: SteelSeries QcK Heavy
    Mouse: Microsoft IntelliMouse Explorer 3.0
    Headset: Astro A40
    Internet: http://postimg.org/image/ao0oogoi1/

  4. Like
    NorreN got a reaction from Fisk in Ban request Oliver, 2015-11-07 21:40   
    Vet inte om de är VDM? är de bara jag som ser att han åker på spike och tappar kontrollen? RDM ja men inte vdm 
  5. Like
    NorreN got a reaction from SharkieMR in Ban request Oliver, 2015-11-07 21:40   
    Vet inte om de är VDM? är de bara jag som ser att han åker på spike och tappar kontrollen? RDM ja men inte vdm 
  6. Like
    NorreN reacted to Olsson in Silencers Försvinner från Altis Life / Vote om wipe   
    jag med jag taggar långt asså
  7. Like
    NorreN got a reaction from J.Cartello in jägare Luckiiee   

    Vi fick en gåva utan NLF, tråkigt nog var de inte en rebel som vi hade hoppas på utan de var en jägare i ett jakt förbund  
  8. Like
    NorreN got a reaction from Alderfeldt in jägare Luckiiee   

    Vi fick en gåva utan NLF, tråkigt nog var de inte en rebel som vi hade hoppas på utan de var en jägare i ett jakt förbund  
  9. Like
    NorreN got a reaction from luckiiee in jägare Luckiiee   

    Vi fick en gåva utan NLF, tråkigt nog var de inte en rebel som vi hade hoppas på utan de var en jägare i ett jakt förbund  
  10. Like
    NorreN got a reaction from Rayinator in jägare Luckiiee   

    Vi fick en gåva utan NLF, tråkigt nog var de inte en rebel som vi hade hoppas på utan de var en jägare i ett jakt förbund  
  11. Like
    NorreN reacted to V1RRE in BAN REQ HAMPUS!   
    Name: [z'] Thorsten // [SC] BURKEN
            Offender-Name: [Cv-D] Hasan // Hampus
                Date: Hampus RDM - 2015-10-13
                Reason:  RDM
    Eftersom att Bartowskis BAN ligger kvar, så ska det fan vara rätt!
    Hampus gjorde precis likadant som Bartowski, inga spelare ska bli favoriserade utav ADMINS. Han ska ha precis lika lång ban som Bartowski.
    Jag kan bara tala för mig själv, men jag blir mycket helldre kallad "Tobias" än ett "j**la CP" 
    att kalla "Tobias" trakasserier är ju helt fåfängt, jag vill INTE att Jonas eller Afriel tar hand om denna.

  12. Like
    NorreN reacted to Billy Bones in SC Olsson   
    Name 4K Billy Bones

    Offender: SC Olsson
    Date 2015-10-23

    Reason: Att snacka med denna personen går inte. då han säger "är du dum"  med mera.

    Bevis: logg på hela.

    <13:29:10> "Olsson": ska vi fixa det med refound nu?
    <13:30:04> "Billy Bones": eftersom två av dem har lämnat sc så väljer jag refounda var å en
    <13:30:26> "Billy Bones": så vad hade DU på dig
    <13:31:42> "Olsson": Vill inte ha refound hade bara skit
    <13:31:57> "Olsson": Så ni får at bannen istälelt och behålla erat gear
    <13:32:26> Chat partner has closed the conversation
    <13:34:02> "Billy Bones": det är upp till admin inte du
    <13:34:09> "Olsson": Ni gör fel?
    <13:34:14> "Olsson": vi vill inte ha refound = ni får ban
    <13:34:15> "Olsson": 
    <13:34:40> "Billy Bones": du är medvetna om admin kommer inte lägga bann
    <13:34:46> "Olsson": hahahaha
    <13:34:48> "Olsson": roligaste jag hört
    <13:35:04> "Olsson": Något nytt eller om man rdmar får man inte ban?
    <13:35:14> "Billy Bones": nej
    <13:35:24> "Billy Bones": eftersom du bullshitar vad ni sa vad ni hade så kommer det inte gå
    <13:35:43> "Olsson": Det är ju du som vill ge oss skit?
    <13:35:47> "Olsson": vad fan tror du+
    <13:35:56> "Billy Bones": gå fan inte runt med skit då
    <13:35:57> "Olsson": vi får inte vårt gear och du vill refounda med en massa trgs?
    <13:36:12> "Billy Bones": ni hade trg
    <13:36:20> "Billy Bones": 3trg tog vi upp
    <13:36:21> "Olsson": JAG ja
    <13:39:09> "Billy Bones": så du menar INGEN ANNAN HADE TRG?
    <13:39:22> "Olsson": är inte 100
    <13:39:25> "Olsson": kanske hazzz hade en
    <13:39:30> "Olsson": men dom 3 andra som ni dödade
    <13:39:41> "Billy Bones": 3?
    <13:39:44> "Olsson": 2*
    <13:39:49> "Billy Bones": kolla videon bara 3 total i helin
    <13:39:53> "Olsson": 2*
    <13:39:54> "Olsson": skrev fel
    <13:40:19> "Billy Bones": utav där var en trg till dvs 3 trg och mx
    <13:40:26> "Olsson": Och det stämmer intel
    <13:40:40> "Olsson": 1 mx stämmer men 1 vapen saknar
    <14:10:16> Chat partner has closed the conversation
    <15:54:39> "Billy Bones": ska du ha refound eller inte?
    <15:54:50> "Olsson": inte
    <15:54:51> "Billy Bones": de andra har fått sitt
    <15:54:54> "Olsson": VA?
    <15:54:58> "Olsson": jag sa ingen ska ha refound?
    <15:55:01> "Olsson": jag la upp ban reqeusten
    <15:55:07> "Olsson": den refounden du gav har inget med ban requesten att göra
    <15:55:19> "Olsson": Jag har sagt till dig att vi inte ska ha refound
    <15:55:20> "Olsson": ?
    <15:57:21> "Olsson": Jag sa till dig att vi inte ska ha refound? Så varför du refoundade dem vetifan varför
    <15:57:49> "Billy Bones": då kan du ta det med bobbi
    <15:57:56> "Billy Bones": redan snackat med han
    <15:58:00> "Olsson": Ok?
    <15:58:03> "Olsson": jag säger att vi inte ska ha refound
    <15:58:07> "Olsson": då går du och refoundar ändå?
    <15:58:22> "Billy Bones": för du säger vi ska refounda saker som ni inte hade
    <15:58:36> "Olsson": är du dum på riktigt?
    <15:58:47> "Billy Bones": nä men tänker inte ge tillbaka mxm som du sa
    <15:58:54> "Billy Bones": när jag frågat varje person vad de hade
    <15:59:02> "Billy Bones": ingen hade heller ctrg
    <15:59:08> "Olsson": sa poliskläder
    <15:59:12> "Olsson": inte ctrg
    <15:59:46> "Billy Bones": försöker du undvika vad du säger nu
    <15:59:54> "Olsson": är du helt dum i huvudet?
    <16:00:01> "Olsson": Jag skrev CTRG Mxm osv
    <16:00:13> "Olsson": Sen skrev jag efter det vet inte om det var CTRG han skrev att det var poliskläder
    <16:04:47> "Olsson": Det är MIN ban request eller hur?
    <16:04:59> "Billy Bones": ta det men bobbi
    <16:05:00> "Olsson": Hur kan då Hazz gå och fråga om refound när jag sagt till dig att vi inte ska ha det?
    <16:05:29> "Billy Bones": för jag frågade var å en vad de hade
    <16:05:37> "Billy Bones": och INGEN SA MXM
    <16:05:50> "Olsson": Det sa han till mig
    <16:06:07> "Billy Bones": med andra ord så sitter jag här och tänkerl ägga ban på dig för du sitter och ljuger
    <16:06:13> "Olsson": HAHAHAHAHAH
    <16:06:17> "Olsson": Du är ju inte lite dum du
    <16:06:46> "Olsson": ska det vara så svårt att förstå? Så kan jag prata med dig så till och med du förstår
    <16:06:54> "Olsson": HAN SKREV TILL MIG ATT HAN HADE MXM?
    <16:07:23> "Billy Bones": det är din uppgift veta vad ni hade för saker
    <16:07:32> "Billy Bones": innan ni lägger ut för saker
    <16:07:34> "Olsson": Men är du helt dum eller?
    <16:07:50> "Olsson": Hur fan ska jag veta vad dom har för gear om ingen ha video?
    <16:07:53> "Billy Bones": nej men du tänker inte ens själv
    <16:07:54> "Olsson": jag litar på vad dem säger
    <16:08:01> "Billy Bones": allt du tänker på är bann och mer saker
    <16:08:27> "Olsson": att det finns så efterblivna folk...
    <16:08:41> "Billy Bones": ju mer du skriver mer saker ha bobbi kolla på
    <16:08:44> "Billy Bones": så är det något mer?
    <16:08:48> "Billy Bones": han vet redan om det
    <16:08:56> "Olsson": redan om vadå?
    <16:09:02> "Billy Bones": allt du skriver här
    <16:09:06> "Olsson": ja?
    <16:09:08> "Olsson": vem fan bryr sig?
    <16:09:15> "Olsson": Du är ju helt dum
    <16:09:20> "Olsson": refoundar när jag säger att vi inte ska ha det?
    <16:13:16> "Olsson": Vart ser du att Hazzz och Hedmans namn står http://prntscr.com/8ufpky
    <16:13:17> "Olsson": ?
    <16:14:34> "Billy Bones": fiskaren fick sina saker
    <16:14:46> "Billy Bones": men du lägger inte hans namn heller
    <16:14:58> "Olsson": so?
    <16:15:19> "Billy Bones": du är bara sur för du ska ha mer saker än vad ni hade
    <16:15:32> "Olsson": Jag är sur för du refoundar när jag säger att vi inte ska ha refound?
    <16:15:36> "Billy Bones": att springa ut med skit saker och ska ha bättre saker gör inte saken bättre
    <16:15:45> "Olsson": Så nu hoppar du gäst snabbt
    <16:15:49> "Olsson": orkar inte skrivam ed en idiot som inte förstår
    <16:16:09> "Olsson": har skrivit nu ca 6 gånger att han sa att han hade 1 mxm
    <16:16:15> "Olsson": ska jag skriva 8 gånger till?
    <16:16:36> "Billy Bones": och jag har frågat varje person som var med ingen hade mxm
    <16:16:47> "Olsson": Då sitter han och ljuger för dig eller mig?
    <16:16:53> "Billy Bones": så varför ska jag refounda saker som ni inte hade?
    <16:17:04> "Olsson": han sa att han hade 1 mxm
    <16:17:04> "Olsson": han sa att han hade 1 mxm
    <16:17:05> "Olsson": han sa att han hade 1 mxm
    han sa att han hade 1 mxm
    han sa att han hade 1 mxm
    <16:17:05> "Olsson": han sa att han hade 1 mxm
    <16:17:05> "Olsson": han sa att han hade 1 mxm
    <16:17:06> "Olsson": han sa att han hade 1 mxm
    <16:17:06> "Olsson": han sa att han hade 1 mxm
    <16:17:06> "Olsson": han sa att han hade 1 mxm
    <16:17:07> "Olsson": han sa att han hade 1 mxm
    <16:17:07> "Olsson": han sa att han hade 1 mxm
    <16:18:11> "Billy Bones": och varför säger han då han inte hade det?
    <16:18:12> "Olsson": läs innan du skriver
    <16:18:19> "Olsson": men asså herregud
    <16:18:21> "Olsson": TÄNK
    <16:18:24> "Olsson": TÄNK
    <16:18:25> "Olsson": TÄNK
    <16:18:33> "Billy Bones": ska du fortsätta såhär?
    <16:18:34> "Olsson": Vet du vad ljuga är för något?
    <16:19:01> "Billy Bones": ja, och jag har även kollat runt med andra personer att det är DU som ljuger om saker som ni inte hade
    <16:19:02> "Olsson": Jag skriver ord för ord istället då
    <16:19:03> "Olsson": HAN
    <16:19:07> "Olsson": LJÖG
    <16:19:08> "Olsson": FÖR
    <16:19:09> "Olsson": MIG
    <16:19:10> "Olsson": DÅ
    <16:19:31> "Olsson": LÄS
    <16:19:33> "Olsson": FÖR
    <16:20:14> "Billy Bones": ställer frågan en sista gång ska du ha din trg eller inte?
    <16:20:29> "Olsson": Ställer frågan en sista gång vill du ha ban eller ej?
    <16:20:56> "Billy Bones": lägg du en bann om du är så glad lägga ut såna
    <16:21:10> "Billy Bones": så kan vi se vem som har rätt eller fel
    <16:21:21> "Olsson": Så du menar att det är inte är RDM?
    <16:21:22> "Olsson": hahaah
    <16:21:26> "Olsson": rolig du e
    <16:21:41> "Billy Bones": har redan refoundat har jag sagt
    <16:21:53> "Olsson": Ja men skrev inte jag till dig att vi inte ska ha refound?
    <16:22:15> "Billy Bones": det är för du sitter och säger saker som ni inte hade
    <16:22:23> "Olsson": Men jag gör fortfarande inte det
    <16:22:26> "Olsson": är du trög?
    <16:22:28> "Olsson": han sa att han hade 1 mxm
    <16:22:28> "Olsson": han sa att han hade 1 mxm
    <16:22:29> "Olsson": han sa att han hade 1 mxm
    <16:22:29> "Olsson": han sa att han hade 1 mxm
    <16:22:29> "Olsson": han sa att han hade 1 mxm
    <16:22:33> "Olsson": LÄS
    <16:22:34> "Olsson": LÄS
    <16:22:35> "Olsson": LÄS
    <16:22:53> "Billy Bones": vet du vad man gör innan?
    <16:23:00> "Billy Bones": kolla sina källor om de stämmer
    <16:23:09> "Olsson": Hur ska jag kolla det hade du tänkt?
    <16:23:30> "Billy Bones": fråga dem innan ni åker iväg?
    <16:23:40> "Billy Bones": kolla på dem kanske?
    <16:24:00> "Olsson": hur ska jag veta att 4K rdmar oss?
    <16:24:39> "Billy Bones": säg vilka som rdm i 4k
    <16:24:50> "Olsson": Du, NilzzoN, AluT
    <16:25:02> "Billy Bones": åter igen kolla källorna
    <16:25:10> "Billy Bones": jag dödade inte en enda
    <16:25:10> "Olsson": Men skojar du med mig nu eller?
    <16:25:19> "Olsson": ska jag sitta och titta på allas gear innan vi åker ut?
    <16:25:21> "Olsson": skämtar du eller?
    <16:25:26> "Olsson": det är bara du som gör sådant
    <16:25:52> "Billy Bones": lr så har alla program som spara video
    <16:26:02> "Olsson": HAHHAHAHA
    <16:26:03> "Olsson": ASSÅ
    <16:26:09> "Olsson": Jag vet inte om jag ska skratta eller gråta
    <16:26:11> "Olsson": hHAHAHAHA
    <16:26:19> "Olsson": Så du tror jag har film igång hela tiden
    <16:26:20> "Olsson": ?
    <16:26:26> "Olsson": vet du vad shadowplay är
    <16:26:37> "Olsson": Jag har SHADOWplay inställt på 15 minuter tillbaka
    <16:26:37> "Billy Bones": vet mycket väl vad det är
    <16:27:05> "Olsson": Och jag har gjort annat än att sitta och runka till mina medlemmars gear dom 15 minuterna tillbaka innan vi blev rdmade? vad hade du tänkt jag ska göra då?
    <16:27:28> "Billy Bones": hur tror man får refound för saker
    <16:27:33> "Billy Bones": man bevisar vad man hade på sig
    <16:28:13> "Billy Bones": hur ska admin ge en refound om man inte har varken shadowplay lr obs på man dör av en bugg?
    <16:28:44> "Olsson": Ok kom till pyrgos med min fullkittade TRG och Prison kläder
    <16:28:46> "Olsson": atmen
    <16:28:49> "Olsson": fort som in i helvete
    <16:29:27> "Billy Bones": har du bevis på du hade fullkitad trg?
    <16:29:58> "Olsson": Näe
    <16:30:00> "Olsson": ni lootade mig?
    <16:30:29> "Olsson": Du vägrar refounda mig alltså
    <16:30:36> "Olsson": då blir ban requesten acceptad om inte alla får refound
    <16:30:39> "Billy Bones": har jag inte sagt
    <16:30:40> "Olsson": ye
    <16:30:42> "Olsson": jag tar det med bobbi
    <16:30:48> "Billy Bones": jag vill ha bevis på vad du har det
    <16:30:58> "Billy Bones": tänker inte refounda saker du inte hade
    <16:31:08> "Olsson": Vad tänker du refounda mig då?
    <16:31:11> "Olsson": en rook eller?
    <16:31:18> "Billy Bones": hade du en rook då?
    <16:31:22> "Olsson": är du efterbliven?
    <16:31:38> "Olsson": Nej jag har inte bevis på att jag har en fullkittad trg och prison kläder?
    <16:31:41> "Olsson": vad ska vi göra nu?
    <16:32:28> "Billy Bones": för allt jag vet att du hade en trg och prison kläder
    <16:32:42> "Olsson": ja en trg och prison kläder
    <16:32:45> "Olsson": med mrco
    <16:32:57> "Olsson": och 8 mags
  13. Like
    NorreN got a reaction from Feroz in I won 5 mil on Dimitris stream :D [JEG FIKK DET PÅ RECORD]   
    inte för att vara sån men jag van ju faktiskt

    Nä men grattis till vinsten!
  14. Like
    NorreN got a reaction from storken in Polis App NorreN   
    In-Game Name? :  NorreN
    Age : 20
    Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on other servers?: Yes
    Do you have a working microphone?: Yes
    How long have you played on CvGaming?: 1550+
    Have you been banned before?: Never.
    Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer?
    I promise, I played every faction and never abused.
    What 5 qualities are necessary to become a CvGaming Police Officer?
    1) RolePlay
    2) obey  higher ranks 
    3) Follow the rules
    4) to cooperate with other officers 
    5) Communication 
    In 3 short paragraphs describe why you would fit as a police officer:
    I love to roleplay, and in my opinion I am pretty good at it. I miss the APD, while looking back in every faction I played the APD offered the best RP situations
    I'm not that bad of a shouter, witch sadly enough is needed. I will always try my best.
    I'm a friendly guy, haven't notice ever while playing on CvG that people don't like me. I think if I get in we will have a lot of fun together     
    In a short paragraph, what is your task as a police officer?:
    As all other officers, to keep Altis clean from crime and to help and serve the poor civilians of Altis.
    Why should we pick YOU as a police officer?
     I have previous experience from being in the A.P.D, as I said before. 
    I started out as a Medic, went from cad to chief. Left to join the old fearsome rebels of NLA, felt that my life wasn't completed so I joined the APD. after I join the NLA again. Left and join the civilian life then started once more as a rebel in the HRA.
    I have experience of every faction, I understand the game and how to role-play in any scenario.
    What do you hope to achieve if you become a police officer?:

    As of right now I don't want to achieve. I want to role play and have a good time. Hopefully I might learn something new and can shear my experience to others,
    So that we all enjoy while playing and to amend to gather. 
    What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?:
     Everything, I respect everyone and their opinion. They only thing I cant stand is disloyalty behind someones back and not take a stand for you'r own saying.
    Why are the police faction important?
     To balance and learn, new players normally goes by the law. If the Police cant show a good standing with the law then people will not show justice and respect. We don't want another pyrgos in Altis 
    What do you personally think that the police faction would need to become better?
    Everyone needs to advance in the own way, the force right now is strong but can always become better.
    Tell us a little about yourself!
    Well, I think you all ready know me but.  
    My name is Marcus, I'm 20 years old. 
    Been playing games as long as I can remember, started out here on Cv last September and always love the community. I started to help out in Arma and became a Arma support. 
    My goal has always been to help improving the community. I'v also been an Ark admin . 

    Right now I am studding to become an engineer, and in my free time I play Arma   
  15. Like
    NorreN got a reaction from Dimitri in Polis App NorreN   
    In-Game Name? :  NorreN
    Age : 20
    Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on other servers?: Yes
    Do you have a working microphone?: Yes
    How long have you played on CvGaming?: 1550+
    Have you been banned before?: Never.
    Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer?
    I promise, I played every faction and never abused.
    What 5 qualities are necessary to become a CvGaming Police Officer?
    1) RolePlay
    2) obey  higher ranks 
    3) Follow the rules
    4) to cooperate with other officers 
    5) Communication 
    In 3 short paragraphs describe why you would fit as a police officer:
    I love to roleplay, and in my opinion I am pretty good at it. I miss the APD, while looking back in every faction I played the APD offered the best RP situations
    I'm not that bad of a shouter, witch sadly enough is needed. I will always try my best.
    I'm a friendly guy, haven't notice ever while playing on CvG that people don't like me. I think if I get in we will have a lot of fun together     
    In a short paragraph, what is your task as a police officer?:
    As all other officers, to keep Altis clean from crime and to help and serve the poor civilians of Altis.
    Why should we pick YOU as a police officer?
     I have previous experience from being in the A.P.D, as I said before. 
    I started out as a Medic, went from cad to chief. Left to join the old fearsome rebels of NLA, felt that my life wasn't completed so I joined the APD. after I join the NLA again. Left and join the civilian life then started once more as a rebel in the HRA.
    I have experience of every faction, I understand the game and how to role-play in any scenario.
    What do you hope to achieve if you become a police officer?:

    As of right now I don't want to achieve. I want to role play and have a good time. Hopefully I might learn something new and can shear my experience to others,
    So that we all enjoy while playing and to amend to gather. 
    What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?:
     Everything, I respect everyone and their opinion. They only thing I cant stand is disloyalty behind someones back and not take a stand for you'r own saying.
    Why are the police faction important?
     To balance and learn, new players normally goes by the law. If the Police cant show a good standing with the law then people will not show justice and respect. We don't want another pyrgos in Altis 
    What do you personally think that the police faction would need to become better?
    Everyone needs to advance in the own way, the force right now is strong but can always become better.
    Tell us a little about yourself!
    Well, I think you all ready know me but.  
    My name is Marcus, I'm 20 years old. 
    Been playing games as long as I can remember, started out here on Cv last September and always love the community. I started to help out in Arma and became a Arma support. 
    My goal has always been to help improving the community. I'v also been an Ark admin . 

    Right now I am studding to become an engineer, and in my free time I play Arma   
  16. Like
    NorreN got a reaction from Alexei in Polis App NorreN   
    In-Game Name? :  NorreN
    Age : 20
    Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on other servers?: Yes
    Do you have a working microphone?: Yes
    How long have you played on CvGaming?: 1550+
    Have you been banned before?: Never.
    Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer?
    I promise, I played every faction and never abused.
    What 5 qualities are necessary to become a CvGaming Police Officer?
    1) RolePlay
    2) obey  higher ranks 
    3) Follow the rules
    4) to cooperate with other officers 
    5) Communication 
    In 3 short paragraphs describe why you would fit as a police officer:
    I love to roleplay, and in my opinion I am pretty good at it. I miss the APD, while looking back in every faction I played the APD offered the best RP situations
    I'm not that bad of a shouter, witch sadly enough is needed. I will always try my best.
    I'm a friendly guy, haven't notice ever while playing on CvG that people don't like me. I think if I get in we will have a lot of fun together     
    In a short paragraph, what is your task as a police officer?:
    As all other officers, to keep Altis clean from crime and to help and serve the poor civilians of Altis.
    Why should we pick YOU as a police officer?
     I have previous experience from being in the A.P.D, as I said before. 
    I started out as a Medic, went from cad to chief. Left to join the old fearsome rebels of NLA, felt that my life wasn't completed so I joined the APD. after I join the NLA again. Left and join the civilian life then started once more as a rebel in the HRA.
    I have experience of every faction, I understand the game and how to role-play in any scenario.
    What do you hope to achieve if you become a police officer?:

    As of right now I don't want to achieve. I want to role play and have a good time. Hopefully I might learn something new and can shear my experience to others,
    So that we all enjoy while playing and to amend to gather. 
    What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?:
     Everything, I respect everyone and their opinion. They only thing I cant stand is disloyalty behind someones back and not take a stand for you'r own saying.
    Why are the police faction important?
     To balance and learn, new players normally goes by the law. If the Police cant show a good standing with the law then people will not show justice and respect. We don't want another pyrgos in Altis 
    What do you personally think that the police faction would need to become better?
    Everyone needs to advance in the own way, the force right now is strong but can always become better.
    Tell us a little about yourself!
    Well, I think you all ready know me but.  
    My name is Marcus, I'm 20 years old. 
    Been playing games as long as I can remember, started out here on Cv last September and always love the community. I started to help out in Arma and became a Arma support. 
    My goal has always been to help improving the community. I'v also been an Ark admin . 

    Right now I am studding to become an engineer, and in my free time I play Arma   
  17. Like
    NorreN got a reaction from VisionPie in Polis App NorreN   
    In-Game Name? :  NorreN
    Age : 20
    Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on other servers?: Yes
    Do you have a working microphone?: Yes
    How long have you played on CvGaming?: 1550+
    Have you been banned before?: Never.
    Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer?
    I promise, I played every faction and never abused.
    What 5 qualities are necessary to become a CvGaming Police Officer?
    1) RolePlay
    2) obey  higher ranks 
    3) Follow the rules
    4) to cooperate with other officers 
    5) Communication 
    In 3 short paragraphs describe why you would fit as a police officer:
    I love to roleplay, and in my opinion I am pretty good at it. I miss the APD, while looking back in every faction I played the APD offered the best RP situations
    I'm not that bad of a shouter, witch sadly enough is needed. I will always try my best.
    I'm a friendly guy, haven't notice ever while playing on CvG that people don't like me. I think if I get in we will have a lot of fun together     
    In a short paragraph, what is your task as a police officer?:
    As all other officers, to keep Altis clean from crime and to help and serve the poor civilians of Altis.
    Why should we pick YOU as a police officer?
     I have previous experience from being in the A.P.D, as I said before. 
    I started out as a Medic, went from cad to chief. Left to join the old fearsome rebels of NLA, felt that my life wasn't completed so I joined the APD. after I join the NLA again. Left and join the civilian life then started once more as a rebel in the HRA.
    I have experience of every faction, I understand the game and how to role-play in any scenario.
    What do you hope to achieve if you become a police officer?:

    As of right now I don't want to achieve. I want to role play and have a good time. Hopefully I might learn something new and can shear my experience to others,
    So that we all enjoy while playing and to amend to gather. 
    What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?:
     Everything, I respect everyone and their opinion. They only thing I cant stand is disloyalty behind someones back and not take a stand for you'r own saying.
    Why are the police faction important?
     To balance and learn, new players normally goes by the law. If the Police cant show a good standing with the law then people will not show justice and respect. We don't want another pyrgos in Altis 
    What do you personally think that the police faction would need to become better?
    Everyone needs to advance in the own way, the force right now is strong but can always become better.
    Tell us a little about yourself!
    Well, I think you all ready know me but.  
    My name is Marcus, I'm 20 years old. 
    Been playing games as long as I can remember, started out here on Cv last September and always love the community. I started to help out in Arma and became a Arma support. 
    My goal has always been to help improving the community. I'v also been an Ark admin . 

    Right now I am studding to become an engineer, and in my free time I play Arma   
  18. Like
    NorreN got a reaction from Tintin in Polis App NorreN   
    In-Game Name? :  NorreN
    Age : 20
    Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on other servers?: Yes
    Do you have a working microphone?: Yes
    How long have you played on CvGaming?: 1550+
    Have you been banned before?: Never.
    Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer?
    I promise, I played every faction and never abused.
    What 5 qualities are necessary to become a CvGaming Police Officer?
    1) RolePlay
    2) obey  higher ranks 
    3) Follow the rules
    4) to cooperate with other officers 
    5) Communication 
    In 3 short paragraphs describe why you would fit as a police officer:
    I love to roleplay, and in my opinion I am pretty good at it. I miss the APD, while looking back in every faction I played the APD offered the best RP situations
    I'm not that bad of a shouter, witch sadly enough is needed. I will always try my best.
    I'm a friendly guy, haven't notice ever while playing on CvG that people don't like me. I think if I get in we will have a lot of fun together     
    In a short paragraph, what is your task as a police officer?:
    As all other officers, to keep Altis clean from crime and to help and serve the poor civilians of Altis.
    Why should we pick YOU as a police officer?
     I have previous experience from being in the A.P.D, as I said before. 
    I started out as a Medic, went from cad to chief. Left to join the old fearsome rebels of NLA, felt that my life wasn't completed so I joined the APD. after I join the NLA again. Left and join the civilian life then started once more as a rebel in the HRA.
    I have experience of every faction, I understand the game and how to role-play in any scenario.
    What do you hope to achieve if you become a police officer?:

    As of right now I don't want to achieve. I want to role play and have a good time. Hopefully I might learn something new and can shear my experience to others,
    So that we all enjoy while playing and to amend to gather. 
    What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?:
     Everything, I respect everyone and their opinion. They only thing I cant stand is disloyalty behind someones back and not take a stand for you'r own saying.
    Why are the police faction important?
     To balance and learn, new players normally goes by the law. If the Police cant show a good standing with the law then people will not show justice and respect. We don't want another pyrgos in Altis 
    What do you personally think that the police faction would need to become better?
    Everyone needs to advance in the own way, the force right now is strong but can always become better.
    Tell us a little about yourself!
    Well, I think you all ready know me but.  
    My name is Marcus, I'm 20 years old. 
    Been playing games as long as I can remember, started out here on Cv last September and always love the community. I started to help out in Arma and became a Arma support. 
    My goal has always been to help improving the community. I'v also been an Ark admin . 

    Right now I am studding to become an engineer, and in my free time I play Arma   
  19. Like
    NorreN got a reaction from Charlie in Polis App NorreN   
    In-Game Name? :  NorreN
    Age : 20
    Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on other servers?: Yes
    Do you have a working microphone?: Yes
    How long have you played on CvGaming?: 1550+
    Have you been banned before?: Never.
    Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer?
    I promise, I played every faction and never abused.
    What 5 qualities are necessary to become a CvGaming Police Officer?
    1) RolePlay
    2) obey  higher ranks 
    3) Follow the rules
    4) to cooperate with other officers 
    5) Communication 
    In 3 short paragraphs describe why you would fit as a police officer:
    I love to roleplay, and in my opinion I am pretty good at it. I miss the APD, while looking back in every faction I played the APD offered the best RP situations
    I'm not that bad of a shouter, witch sadly enough is needed. I will always try my best.
    I'm a friendly guy, haven't notice ever while playing on CvG that people don't like me. I think if I get in we will have a lot of fun together     
    In a short paragraph, what is your task as a police officer?:
    As all other officers, to keep Altis clean from crime and to help and serve the poor civilians of Altis.
    Why should we pick YOU as a police officer?
     I have previous experience from being in the A.P.D, as I said before. 
    I started out as a Medic, went from cad to chief. Left to join the old fearsome rebels of NLA, felt that my life wasn't completed so I joined the APD. after I join the NLA again. Left and join the civilian life then started once more as a rebel in the HRA.
    I have experience of every faction, I understand the game and how to role-play in any scenario.
    What do you hope to achieve if you become a police officer?:

    As of right now I don't want to achieve. I want to role play and have a good time. Hopefully I might learn something new and can shear my experience to others,
    So that we all enjoy while playing and to amend to gather. 
    What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?:
     Everything, I respect everyone and their opinion. They only thing I cant stand is disloyalty behind someones back and not take a stand for you'r own saying.
    Why are the police faction important?
     To balance and learn, new players normally goes by the law. If the Police cant show a good standing with the law then people will not show justice and respect. We don't want another pyrgos in Altis 
    What do you personally think that the police faction would need to become better?
    Everyone needs to advance in the own way, the force right now is strong but can always become better.
    Tell us a little about yourself!
    Well, I think you all ready know me but.  
    My name is Marcus, I'm 20 years old. 
    Been playing games as long as I can remember, started out here on Cv last September and always love the community. I started to help out in Arma and became a Arma support. 
    My goal has always been to help improving the community. I'v also been an Ark admin . 

    Right now I am studding to become an engineer, and in my free time I play Arma   
  20. Like
    NorreN got a reaction from Daniel Macáres in Polis App NorreN   
    In-Game Name? :  NorreN
    Age : 20
    Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on other servers?: Yes
    Do you have a working microphone?: Yes
    How long have you played on CvGaming?: 1550+
    Have you been banned before?: Never.
    Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer?
    I promise, I played every faction and never abused.
    What 5 qualities are necessary to become a CvGaming Police Officer?
    1) RolePlay
    2) obey  higher ranks 
    3) Follow the rules
    4) to cooperate with other officers 
    5) Communication 
    In 3 short paragraphs describe why you would fit as a police officer:
    I love to roleplay, and in my opinion I am pretty good at it. I miss the APD, while looking back in every faction I played the APD offered the best RP situations
    I'm not that bad of a shouter, witch sadly enough is needed. I will always try my best.
    I'm a friendly guy, haven't notice ever while playing on CvG that people don't like me. I think if I get in we will have a lot of fun together     
    In a short paragraph, what is your task as a police officer?:
    As all other officers, to keep Altis clean from crime and to help and serve the poor civilians of Altis.
    Why should we pick YOU as a police officer?
     I have previous experience from being in the A.P.D, as I said before. 
    I started out as a Medic, went from cad to chief. Left to join the old fearsome rebels of NLA, felt that my life wasn't completed so I joined the APD. after I join the NLA again. Left and join the civilian life then started once more as a rebel in the HRA.
    I have experience of every faction, I understand the game and how to role-play in any scenario.
    What do you hope to achieve if you become a police officer?:

    As of right now I don't want to achieve. I want to role play and have a good time. Hopefully I might learn something new and can shear my experience to others,
    So that we all enjoy while playing and to amend to gather. 
    What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?:
     Everything, I respect everyone and their opinion. They only thing I cant stand is disloyalty behind someones back and not take a stand for you'r own saying.
    Why are the police faction important?
     To balance and learn, new players normally goes by the law. If the Police cant show a good standing with the law then people will not show justice and respect. We don't want another pyrgos in Altis 
    What do you personally think that the police faction would need to become better?
    Everyone needs to advance in the own way, the force right now is strong but can always become better.
    Tell us a little about yourself!
    Well, I think you all ready know me but.  
    My name is Marcus, I'm 20 years old. 
    Been playing games as long as I can remember, started out here on Cv last September and always love the community. I started to help out in Arma and became a Arma support. 
    My goal has always been to help improving the community. I'v also been an Ark admin . 

    Right now I am studding to become an engineer, and in my free time I play Arma   
  21. Like
    NorreN got a reaction from Kupa in Polis App NorreN   
    In-Game Name? :  NorreN
    Age : 20
    Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on other servers?: Yes
    Do you have a working microphone?: Yes
    How long have you played on CvGaming?: 1550+
    Have you been banned before?: Never.
    Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer?
    I promise, I played every faction and never abused.
    What 5 qualities are necessary to become a CvGaming Police Officer?
    1) RolePlay
    2) obey  higher ranks 
    3) Follow the rules
    4) to cooperate with other officers 
    5) Communication 
    In 3 short paragraphs describe why you would fit as a police officer:
    I love to roleplay, and in my opinion I am pretty good at it. I miss the APD, while looking back in every faction I played the APD offered the best RP situations
    I'm not that bad of a shouter, witch sadly enough is needed. I will always try my best.
    I'm a friendly guy, haven't notice ever while playing on CvG that people don't like me. I think if I get in we will have a lot of fun together     
    In a short paragraph, what is your task as a police officer?:
    As all other officers, to keep Altis clean from crime and to help and serve the poor civilians of Altis.
    Why should we pick YOU as a police officer?
     I have previous experience from being in the A.P.D, as I said before. 
    I started out as a Medic, went from cad to chief. Left to join the old fearsome rebels of NLA, felt that my life wasn't completed so I joined the APD. after I join the NLA again. Left and join the civilian life then started once more as a rebel in the HRA.
    I have experience of every faction, I understand the game and how to role-play in any scenario.
    What do you hope to achieve if you become a police officer?:

    As of right now I don't want to achieve. I want to role play and have a good time. Hopefully I might learn something new and can shear my experience to others,
    So that we all enjoy while playing and to amend to gather. 
    What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?:
     Everything, I respect everyone and their opinion. They only thing I cant stand is disloyalty behind someones back and not take a stand for you'r own saying.
    Why are the police faction important?
     To balance and learn, new players normally goes by the law. If the Police cant show a good standing with the law then people will not show justice and respect. We don't want another pyrgos in Altis 
    What do you personally think that the police faction would need to become better?
    Everyone needs to advance in the own way, the force right now is strong but can always become better.
    Tell us a little about yourself!
    Well, I think you all ready know me but.  
    My name is Marcus, I'm 20 years old. 
    Been playing games as long as I can remember, started out here on Cv last September and always love the community. I started to help out in Arma and became a Arma support. 
    My goal has always been to help improving the community. I'v also been an Ark admin . 

    Right now I am studding to become an engineer, and in my free time I play Arma   
  22. Like
    NorreN got a reaction from Joelelele in Polis App NorreN   
    In-Game Name? :  NorreN
    Age : 20
    Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on other servers?: Yes
    Do you have a working microphone?: Yes
    How long have you played on CvGaming?: 1550+
    Have you been banned before?: Never.
    Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer?
    I promise, I played every faction and never abused.
    What 5 qualities are necessary to become a CvGaming Police Officer?
    1) RolePlay
    2) obey  higher ranks 
    3) Follow the rules
    4) to cooperate with other officers 
    5) Communication 
    In 3 short paragraphs describe why you would fit as a police officer:
    I love to roleplay, and in my opinion I am pretty good at it. I miss the APD, while looking back in every faction I played the APD offered the best RP situations
    I'm not that bad of a shouter, witch sadly enough is needed. I will always try my best.
    I'm a friendly guy, haven't notice ever while playing on CvG that people don't like me. I think if I get in we will have a lot of fun together     
    In a short paragraph, what is your task as a police officer?:
    As all other officers, to keep Altis clean from crime and to help and serve the poor civilians of Altis.
    Why should we pick YOU as a police officer?
     I have previous experience from being in the A.P.D, as I said before. 
    I started out as a Medic, went from cad to chief. Left to join the old fearsome rebels of NLA, felt that my life wasn't completed so I joined the APD. after I join the NLA again. Left and join the civilian life then started once more as a rebel in the HRA.
    I have experience of every faction, I understand the game and how to role-play in any scenario.
    What do you hope to achieve if you become a police officer?:

    As of right now I don't want to achieve. I want to role play and have a good time. Hopefully I might learn something new and can shear my experience to others,
    So that we all enjoy while playing and to amend to gather. 
    What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?:
     Everything, I respect everyone and their opinion. They only thing I cant stand is disloyalty behind someones back and not take a stand for you'r own saying.
    Why are the police faction important?
     To balance and learn, new players normally goes by the law. If the Police cant show a good standing with the law then people will not show justice and respect. We don't want another pyrgos in Altis 
    What do you personally think that the police faction would need to become better?
    Everyone needs to advance in the own way, the force right now is strong but can always become better.
    Tell us a little about yourself!
    Well, I think you all ready know me but.  
    My name is Marcus, I'm 20 years old. 
    Been playing games as long as I can remember, started out here on Cv last September and always love the community. I started to help out in Arma and became a Arma support. 
    My goal has always been to help improving the community. I'v also been an Ark admin . 

    Right now I am studding to become an engineer, and in my free time I play Arma   
  23. Like
    NorreN got a reaction from Dubrovka in Polis App NorreN   
    In-Game Name? :  NorreN
    Age : 20
    Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on other servers?: Yes
    Do you have a working microphone?: Yes
    How long have you played on CvGaming?: 1550+
    Have you been banned before?: Never.
    Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer?
    I promise, I played every faction and never abused.
    What 5 qualities are necessary to become a CvGaming Police Officer?
    1) RolePlay
    2) obey  higher ranks 
    3) Follow the rules
    4) to cooperate with other officers 
    5) Communication 
    In 3 short paragraphs describe why you would fit as a police officer:
    I love to roleplay, and in my opinion I am pretty good at it. I miss the APD, while looking back in every faction I played the APD offered the best RP situations
    I'm not that bad of a shouter, witch sadly enough is needed. I will always try my best.
    I'm a friendly guy, haven't notice ever while playing on CvG that people don't like me. I think if I get in we will have a lot of fun together     
    In a short paragraph, what is your task as a police officer?:
    As all other officers, to keep Altis clean from crime and to help and serve the poor civilians of Altis.
    Why should we pick YOU as a police officer?
     I have previous experience from being in the A.P.D, as I said before. 
    I started out as a Medic, went from cad to chief. Left to join the old fearsome rebels of NLA, felt that my life wasn't completed so I joined the APD. after I join the NLA again. Left and join the civilian life then started once more as a rebel in the HRA.
    I have experience of every faction, I understand the game and how to role-play in any scenario.
    What do you hope to achieve if you become a police officer?:

    As of right now I don't want to achieve. I want to role play and have a good time. Hopefully I might learn something new and can shear my experience to others,
    So that we all enjoy while playing and to amend to gather. 
    What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?:
     Everything, I respect everyone and their opinion. They only thing I cant stand is disloyalty behind someones back and not take a stand for you'r own saying.
    Why are the police faction important?
     To balance and learn, new players normally goes by the law. If the Police cant show a good standing with the law then people will not show justice and respect. We don't want another pyrgos in Altis 
    What do you personally think that the police faction would need to become better?
    Everyone needs to advance in the own way, the force right now is strong but can always become better.
    Tell us a little about yourself!
    Well, I think you all ready know me but.  
    My name is Marcus, I'm 20 years old. 
    Been playing games as long as I can remember, started out here on Cv last September and always love the community. I started to help out in Arma and became a Arma support. 
    My goal has always been to help improving the community. I'v also been an Ark admin . 

    Right now I am studding to become an engineer, and in my free time I play Arma   
  24. Like
    NorreN got a reaction from Feroz in Polis App NorreN   
    In-Game Name? :  NorreN
    Age : 20
    Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on other servers?: Yes
    Do you have a working microphone?: Yes
    How long have you played on CvGaming?: 1550+
    Have you been banned before?: Never.
    Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer?
    I promise, I played every faction and never abused.
    What 5 qualities are necessary to become a CvGaming Police Officer?
    1) RolePlay
    2) obey  higher ranks 
    3) Follow the rules
    4) to cooperate with other officers 
    5) Communication 
    In 3 short paragraphs describe why you would fit as a police officer:
    I love to roleplay, and in my opinion I am pretty good at it. I miss the APD, while looking back in every faction I played the APD offered the best RP situations
    I'm not that bad of a shouter, witch sadly enough is needed. I will always try my best.
    I'm a friendly guy, haven't notice ever while playing on CvG that people don't like me. I think if I get in we will have a lot of fun together     
    In a short paragraph, what is your task as a police officer?:
    As all other officers, to keep Altis clean from crime and to help and serve the poor civilians of Altis.
    Why should we pick YOU as a police officer?
     I have previous experience from being in the A.P.D, as I said before. 
    I started out as a Medic, went from cad to chief. Left to join the old fearsome rebels of NLA, felt that my life wasn't completed so I joined the APD. after I join the NLA again. Left and join the civilian life then started once more as a rebel in the HRA.
    I have experience of every faction, I understand the game and how to role-play in any scenario.
    What do you hope to achieve if you become a police officer?:

    As of right now I don't want to achieve. I want to role play and have a good time. Hopefully I might learn something new and can shear my experience to others,
    So that we all enjoy while playing and to amend to gather. 
    What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?:
     Everything, I respect everyone and their opinion. They only thing I cant stand is disloyalty behind someones back and not take a stand for you'r own saying.
    Why are the police faction important?
     To balance and learn, new players normally goes by the law. If the Police cant show a good standing with the law then people will not show justice and respect. We don't want another pyrgos in Altis 
    What do you personally think that the police faction would need to become better?
    Everyone needs to advance in the own way, the force right now is strong but can always become better.
    Tell us a little about yourself!
    Well, I think you all ready know me but.  
    My name is Marcus, I'm 20 years old. 
    Been playing games as long as I can remember, started out here on Cv last September and always love the community. I started to help out in Arma and became a Arma support. 
    My goal has always been to help improving the community. I'v also been an Ark admin . 

    Right now I am studding to become an engineer, and in my free time I play Arma   
  25. Like
    NorreN got a reaction from Teechy in Polis App NorreN   
    In-Game Name? :  NorreN
    Age : 20
    Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on other servers?: Yes
    Do you have a working microphone?: Yes
    How long have you played on CvGaming?: 1550+
    Have you been banned before?: Never.
    Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer?
    I promise, I played every faction and never abused.
    What 5 qualities are necessary to become a CvGaming Police Officer?
    1) RolePlay
    2) obey  higher ranks 
    3) Follow the rules
    4) to cooperate with other officers 
    5) Communication 
    In 3 short paragraphs describe why you would fit as a police officer:
    I love to roleplay, and in my opinion I am pretty good at it. I miss the APD, while looking back in every faction I played the APD offered the best RP situations
    I'm not that bad of a shouter, witch sadly enough is needed. I will always try my best.
    I'm a friendly guy, haven't notice ever while playing on CvG that people don't like me. I think if I get in we will have a lot of fun together     
    In a short paragraph, what is your task as a police officer?:
    As all other officers, to keep Altis clean from crime and to help and serve the poor civilians of Altis.
    Why should we pick YOU as a police officer?
     I have previous experience from being in the A.P.D, as I said before. 
    I started out as a Medic, went from cad to chief. Left to join the old fearsome rebels of NLA, felt that my life wasn't completed so I joined the APD. after I join the NLA again. Left and join the civilian life then started once more as a rebel in the HRA.
    I have experience of every faction, I understand the game and how to role-play in any scenario.
    What do you hope to achieve if you become a police officer?:

    As of right now I don't want to achieve. I want to role play and have a good time. Hopefully I might learn something new and can shear my experience to others,
    So that we all enjoy while playing and to amend to gather. 
    What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?:
     Everything, I respect everyone and their opinion. They only thing I cant stand is disloyalty behind someones back and not take a stand for you'r own saying.
    Why are the police faction important?
     To balance and learn, new players normally goes by the law. If the Police cant show a good standing with the law then people will not show justice and respect. We don't want another pyrgos in Altis 
    What do you personally think that the police faction would need to become better?
    Everyone needs to advance in the own way, the force right now is strong but can always become better.
    Tell us a little about yourself!
    Well, I think you all ready know me but.  
    My name is Marcus, I'm 20 years old. 
    Been playing games as long as I can remember, started out here on Cv last September and always love the community. I started to help out in Arma and became a Arma support. 
    My goal has always been to help improving the community. I'v also been an Ark admin . 

    Right now I am studding to become an engineer, and in my free time I play Arma   
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