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Posts posted by V1RRE

  1. Meet the minimum age of 18. Nej
    Understand basic server rules. Absolut.
    MUST have a working microphone! Ja.
    MUST have a good command of the English language. Yes !

    What is your in-game name? [sC] Virre // Waag

    What is your Player ID #?

    Have you read all of the rules on the forum? Ja det har jag och jag förstår med väldigt bra.

    Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a cop/medic/rebel?
    Ja det lovar jag.
    How long have you played on the server? Började i oktober, tog ett break December. 500hrs+ timmar på servern.
    How long have you played Arma 3? 550hrs
    How often do you play on the server? Varje vardag 8-9 timmar. helger blir det hela dagarna o nätterna med lite småbreaks.

    Tell us a little about yourself! 
    Hej, jag heter Jonny, är född 99, så är 15 år, fyller 16 om någon månad. Bor i Halmstad och går i nionde klass. Är en vänlig, o rolig kille ( förhoppningsvis)   :D o jag skulle vilja pröva något annat än civ.
    Älskar att få spela som polis o på cv där jag inte är whitelistad brukar jag klä ut mig i poliskläder och åka ut låtsas patrullera haha, 

    Har spelat på en annan altis life server ( GITS ) där jag är whitelistad som på polis. Dock är det inte mycket RP på den servern då det inte finns någon RDM regel så alla springer bara runt o skjuter hejvilt, men av att spela polis där har jag lärt mig ta hand om hot och arbeta som ett lag med andra poliser. Även fast jag inte når 18 års kravet så vill jag få en chans som kadett o visa att jag kan sköta mig trots åldern haha.. Ifall ni undrar något mer så kan ni kontakta mig på TS där jag för de mesta sitter i SCs kanal. Det är bara på att poka.
    Tack o hej!

  2. Tror de la upp ban requesten då ni bara säger "ta ner vapnena". Kom ihåg att ha tydliga commands och lite mer "RP aktigt" typ "drop your weapons on the ground and put your hands behind your head". Snacka på Engelska också.



    lyssna 0:40, där hör du att vi säger " ta ner vapnen och upp med händerna "  man hör det inte första gången man kollar pga hans TS.


    och förresten..


    1. You are only allowed to write in a banrequest if you are;

    1. the accused player
    2. the accusing player
    3. a witness or in any other IMPORTANT relation to the Ban Request.

    Any other replies will lead to a warning or even a forum suspension.

  3. Use following template. Answer the questions and statements.

               Request Information

               Name: *Your in-game name*

               Offender-Name: *Offender's in-game name*

               Date: YYYY-MM-DD - <Time it happened>

               Reason: Explain your point of view as much as in-depth as possible. If you have any proof of the users guilt in form of links, post them here.


    Gör om gör rätt !

  4. Hello, me and my friends took a guy who were lying and behaving bad overall, we took him to a church in our gang town, to execute him in our church and make a movie when we do it, I picked out a ghillie suit [ CSAT ] and a tactical vest, dont remember which one, I think it was camo, anyways, we took it out so the guy that was going to execute him would look badass :D our leader ( PEGGEN) was the one to do it, I gave him my ghillie and vest, he executed the guy, we made a movie :P then he gave the ghillie and vest back, I put it on me and we jumped on our chopper just flying around the last 10 minutes before restart, Im sitting afk in the chopper with the gear and editing the movie, uploading it etc, etc.. when the server is up and Im done with the movie I spawn in my house and then I see that I have no clothes on me, and none in my boxes, the ghillie and vest is completly gone ! my nvidia shadowplay only records last 5 minutes so I didnt catch any footage of me with the ghillie JUST before the restart, the only evidence I have is the movie where PEGGEN wears my Ghillie : 

    I did talk to some admins, they told me that I need to talk to either Hitem, GW or Goatis, because they are the ones with the database, because the database is the only evidence.


    contact me on teamspeak, I really want to get my stuff back..

    *edit I know that the last time i synced data was just after taking out the ghillie, before giving it to PEGGEN.


    Friendly regards Waag.

  5. well I knew that if he runs down the stairs, or whatever, and if I have failed to kill him, they wont leave me there.. it would just earn them time to heal up etc, the trigger was pulled, damaged already done. Yes I agree to the fact that I didn't give him a choice, had no time, if my voice in game would have reached him before he ran into the room we would be able to talk, unfortunately my voice reached him too late, and I could never know that there was a "delay" without seeing his video, so that explains why he didnt stopped in the room next to mine when I yelled, and since I told him to get out of there, and he ran in, I shot by reaction, as I said, when the first bullet was shot, there was no going back. But yes, I agree I did wrong by not giving him a choice, as I said since he ran inside so quickly and my voice "lagged // had delay" I didnt had time to advance my sentence.

  6. Okay, so this is what happened,

    me and my friend and gang member [sC] R. Karlsson is taking out gear at his house in Zaros, suddenly he drops down dead because of a random bugg, I pick his TRG with silencer and MRCO scope and goes out from his house, then I see a chopper with NLA in, they are flying around and I try to hide, I thought they spotted me so I ran to a random house and lay there with commander view to look around the house because I knew NLA were landing their choppers, then I see Khedaffi Umar and Nolim from NLA, when they Nolim has reached the second floor I yell " Stick ut ! stick ut! stick ut! " I know that he speaks swedish so I only said it in swedish, he doesnt follow my orders and runs into the room where I am in with a raised gun, of reaction I starts to shoot at him to defend me since I warned him and he went inside anyways,as Vindm said,  if I wouldnt kill him as I did there then he would have killed me. which they later did. I dont know if it was server error or if it was his / mine audio that fucked up, because in his video you hear me yell when he is right infront of me, therefore his POV seems like lack of RP / RDM, my video in other hand, you can clearly hear me yell at him in good time. 

    as I said before, ( I think :c ) I did do wrong, I didnt gave him a " choice" but as I said, he knew that I knew what they were planning, you can hear in his video, one of them says, ( He is commander ) so they knew that I knew they ran into the building.

    my POV : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ME-kVF8dDU&feature=youtu.be

  7. I told you to not go in, you went inside pointing a weapon in my face which didnt feel too safe, and I knew you were there to kill/kidnap/rob me since you were like 5+ people going in to the house I were in.. how can you take this as RDM ? I had my cause too kill you, you could have yelled something before going in pointing your gun in my face, and then we would have a situation, you should also turn your VON higher because I yelled at you when you entered the house to not come in, sure I could have gave you a choice for example " Do not come in otherwise i will shoot you" etc, that part is true. but use common sense ! I dont know how you found me there but no matter how you knew I had a gun, and both you and I knows that NLA and SC is not getting along as we have killed some of your members etc etc. so it was pretty obvious that you would do something against me.

  8.    Name: [sC] Waag, [sC] Stefan.Ö [sC] R. Karlsson

               Offender-Name: [s.D.S] Tyrone Biggins

               Date: 2015-02-11 around 14:30

               Reason: We went to the diamond mine above Athira to mine with 3 HEMTT boxes, we saw a truck box at the mine and planned robbing him, but then we thought like, but then he will go to the proccessing/ his gang will go there / trader and seek revenge, so we said, okay, lets just get down and talk to him. explain that we are friendly as long as he is, so I walked down to him and double tapped CTRL, so I didnt even had my Vermin raised, my friends did the same and walked down to him, I said " Hallå " he just stands there and points his gun at me, he then reloads and I feel uncomfortable, and tells him to drop his weapon, the second later he shoots me and I die, then they picklocks our Hemtts and demand 4.5 million for the 3 hemtts.

    I feel like it was RDM because we didnt threat him, if we would want to rob him we wouldn't stand in his face without weapon raised, and we wouldnt either talk to him that calmly as I did. if we were planning to rob him we would ofcourse have our weapons raised.

    *edit även fast jag ber han släppa vapnet som kan tolkas som hot så borde han låtit mig tala till punkt, skulle precis säga " släpp ditt vapen.... alltså bara.. .* PANG PANG PANG* skulle precis säga " alltså bara sänk det" vilket jag tycker är lite lack of rp då han klickar mig mitt i en mening...


    video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0NslOSVasIc

  9. Meet the minimum age of 18. Nej
    Understand basic server rules. Absolut.
    MUST have a working microphone! Ja.
    MUST have a good command of the English language. Yes !

    What is your in-game name? [sC] Waag Aka Virre

    What is your Player ID #? (In ARMA main screen go to Config/Profiles (select your profile) Then you should see a 17 Digit number)

    Have you read all of the rules on the forum? Ja det har jag och jag förstår med väldigt bra.

    Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a cop/medic/rebel?
    Ja det lovar jag.
    How long have you played on the server? Har spelat på servern sen oktober typ, tog ett breaking i någon månad där mellan november-december, haft rätt många olika namn o gäng, har runt 400 timmar på servern.

    How long have you played Arma 3? Köpte arma i oktober o började spela på servern direkt, lirat lite king of the hill o battle royale med, så har typ 450 timmar.

    How often do you play on the server? Varje vardag 8-9 timmar. På helger typ halva dagen o sen hela natten. Brukar gå upp ibland innan skolan ( runt 4-5 tiden ) för o lira med.

    Tell us a little about yourself! (Where in the world do you live? What time zone do you live in? Age? etc.)
    Hej, jag heter Jonny, är född 99, så är 15 år, fyller 16 om någon månad. Bor i Halmstad och går i nionde klass, har sökt till att börja på VVS på Kattegatt gymnasiet. Är en vänlig, o rolig kille, tror jag :D o jag skulle vilja pröva något annat än civ.
    Älskar att få spela som polis o på cv där jag inte är whitelistad brukar jag klä ut mig i poliskläder och åka ut låtsas patrullera haha,

    Har spelat på en annan altis life server ( GITS ) där jag är whitelistad som på polis. Dock är det inte mycket RP på den servern då det inte finns någon RDM regel så alla springer bara runt o skjuter hejvilt, men av att spela polis där har jag lärt mig ta hand om hot och arbeta som ett lag med andra poliser. Även fast jag inte når 18 års kravet så vill jag få en chans som cadett o visa att jag kan sköta mig trots åldern haha.. ;) Ifall ni undrar något mer så kan ni kontakta mig på TS där jag för de mesta sitter i SCs kanal. Det är bara på att poka :)
    Tack o hej!


  10. true, but when they're doing bandit, and they just killed a SC member, and they know I would never be there alone, plus i know they saw eachother. and why would he DC the moment after he has looted my gear? isnt there a rule that you may not dc until 15 min after the last combat moment with another gang ?

  11. Name: [sC9 Waag

    Offender-Name: [ATC] Harisson Jones

    Date: 2015-02-03



    they were doing bandit, we got there, I killed one of them, his friend killed me and looted me, then my friend came and Harisson peeked and they saw eachother, harisson then disconnected, so my firend got no chance to kill him and get my stuff back.


    proof : http://gyazo.com/6009568a3d0c6ac55af16cd9ade93b93 - Harrison looting me.

    http://gyazo.com/ff2cfa22e8d0d0b79937613552c0c017 - The combatlogg.



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