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Posts posted by V1RRE

  1. Jonas, I would guess that the guy who said "put your hands up" in the video was acually one of them, and he suggested his mates to do it.

    And to the people who did write -1/-10, you guys have only seen the short video of they beinh killed, you don't know what happend before that... Just saying

    ? what happened just before then if i may ask ? because you seem to know, we didnt have any fight or argument with the NLA before they shot ut..

  2. Jeppe what are you talking about ? it was a mistake, SC and T.U usually never robs eachothers, we didnt get tags thats why we killed eachothers, when we got ressed we said like oh it was you, sorry etc etc, we join their TS so we can get our stuff back and so on, and then N.L.A lands, we starts to small talking with them and saluting to them, and suddenly from nothing we got shot, the NLA started to rob T.U, me and Lallish were on the other side of the bridge, so we didnt hear shit, and then they soht us instantly.

    and why would they be allowed to shoot us on sight  if we just had a fight with T.U ? that doesn't make any sense.

  3. Name: [sC] Waag

    Offender-Name: [N.L.A] Hampus [N.L.A] Yoshi [N.L.A] John Doe

    Date: 2015-01-30 around 22:40 swedish time.


    so, we were driving, me and Lallish fron [sC] on our way to the diamond proccessing to rop 2 random guys with HEMTT boxes, whe nwe were driving [T.U] stopped us and we had a firefight with them and the accidently we killed eachother before we knew it was T.U, we usually don't rob eachothers often, medic came and ressed us and we got our gear back etc etc, then a N.L.A chopper lands and some N.L.A guys jumps out, they are not threatening us or anything, we are not threatening them either, then when we were about to head away ( me and Lallish from SC) I thought I saw a guy in the bushes, I g oa bit forward too take a closer look, then suddenly a guy in T.U that we are talking with in teamspeak says, "guys put your hands in the air" in TS, and we were like what ? before we get a chance to do anything we got shot from the N.L.A, they refused to give back our stuff so therefore Im uploading this ban request. 

    I guess they wont get any sentence for their actions since they're N.L.A, but I hope an admin with sense will take a look on this case seriously.

    when we tried to tal kto them calmly in teamspeak they are just yelling " we did tell you etc etc..."


    here is a video proof of the situtation : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZKjo0YU9lA&feature=youtu.be

  4. You are playing with Andreas AKA riggs, right ? if you want both you and Andreas can follow me on some runs tomorrow afternoon, the only requirment is that if someone would try to rob you, I cannot kill them on sight, since we are in different gangs, but I may tell them to stop, which gives them a choice, therefore I think that doesnt count as teamworking =) an admin may correct me if I am wrong.





    if you dont want me to help you, I can atleast sell you some gear pretty cheap =)

  5. Good post, we did talk earlier today on teamspeak where you also explained your issues and I totaly understood you. I understand that you are getting mad/angry because of robbers and bandits, but please, try to roleplay a bit ingame, when we robbed you later at the heroin proccessing you had no roleplay at all which felt pretty booring, as I said, I am not saying that it's  wrong to be angry about it, but please, ingame try to roleplay more, both you and I gets a better experience if everyone roleplays :) try to  keep the out of roleplay talk on the forums /Teamspeak  :)

  6. Name: [Nato] Virre

    Offender-Name: [C.N] Giovanni Lorenzo and [C.N] Doug Valentini

    Date: 2015-01-19

    Reason: Hello, me and my friend Gamlingen were out trying to rob a police officer, we almost stopped one but he got away, he came back, with backup, driving around the area etc, we are still a bit supcicious, and we are watching our backs all the time. every car that drives past we scan it and see who it is, when that car drove by, I had struggle scanning it due to fps drop and that the car was driving fast, they slowed down, I scanned, saw that it was C.N, I said "ah skit samma" and turned around going back to my friends, we had some guys there that was going to sell me some gear. some minute later my friend sees someone in the grass, he tells me and we takes cover. I peek them and gets shot in the head. some second later my friend also got killed by them. we did the mistake to say "sakta ner, stanna" in swedish, and since they didnt even know what we were yelling they sohuld not automaticly take it as a threat, as you can see in the video I not even have my weapon raised.


    video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rHtT2qeHLxk&feature=youtu.be

    • What is your in-game name?

    ​Mitt in game namn är "Dexter Morgan"

    • What is your Player ID #? 

    ​Min id är : 76561198136970136

    • Have you read all of the rules on the in-game map menu?

    ​Ja, och jag förstår dem väldigt bra.

    • Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a cop/medic/rebel?

    ​Ja, det är väl klart, personligen hatar jag de personer som inte RPar, tillexempel de som inte agerar som man skulle ha gjort på riktigt osv. jag agerar redan "in character" som civilian.

    • How long have you played on the server?

    ​hmm, det är väl sen en månad tillbaks, lite mer, har nog runt 50-60 timmar på servern, har inte kunnat spela så mycket som jag velat tidigare pga skit dator, hade runt 10 fps i altis så man tappade helt enkelt lusten, nu har jag införskaffat mig en ny bra dator som drar altis life på 35 fps +

    • How long have you played Arma 3?

    ​samma som ovanstående, lite mer än en månad, har 120 timmar i arma 3, har kört mycket battle royale, king of the hill, och campaignen så jag är rätt bra skytt, förare, och helt okej på helikopter med :)

    • How often do you play on the server?

    ​Sen jag skaffade min nya dator så är det väl 5+ timmar varje dag ungefär, förut var det kasnke 2 dagar i veckan.

    • Tell us a little about your self! (Where in the world do you live? What time zone do you live in? Age? etc.)

    ​Jag är en 16 årig kille som älskar datorer och dator spel, roleplay, spelar bland annat world of warcraft, cs go, och dayZ. på Wow så kör jag mest på en RP server, sen har jag två 85or på en pvp server med, men som sagt så har jag roleplayat sedan typ 2008 :) Jag bor i Halmstad, precis lite utan göteborg typ, tidszonen är ju central europeisk tid har jag för mig, men antar att adminsen vet vilken tidszon sverige har, jag pratar flytande svenska och engelska, lite tyska ( inte särskilt mycket) just nu går jag i nionde klass, ska söka in till LBS ( ljud och bild skolan) med grafik och spel utveckling som linje. Jag skulle verkligen vilja bli en polis på servern för det verkar sjukt kul :) 

    Teamspeak: Jonny123

    Skype: Jonny.bergqvist

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