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Posts posted by V1RRE

  1.   Appeal Information

                Name: [NATO] Gary // [A-DK] Gary ?

                Date: 2015.. Sometime around January,

                Reason: I started to play on CvGaming in January, played for some week and had a really good time, my IRL friend then told me about a hack that I could get for 300 SEK a month, where I would be able to spawn in huge amounts of cash, weapons & gear etc.. 

    I thought like Why not ? Hitem permbanned me after a couple of seconds after activating the hack, I was banned so fast that I didnt even had time to use the hack, it was so fast that I thought it was automatic battle eye ban, but it wasen't, I accepted the fact that I was permbanned, but after some month I tried to make a ban appeal but it got declined, then I made another, and it was declined aswell, (no suprise tho, as I pretty much copy pasted my first ban appeal)

    I really hope that you'll give me another chance, I really regret trying to cheat, and I would never do it again. 

    Note that I didn' t write this appeal myself, my friend Thorsten that will also be uploading the ban appeal helped me. 


    1st ban appeal 


    2st ban appeal


    Friendly regards Gary =)




  2. I dont know what happened, the medic D. Westerbrook witnessed the bug with the ghillie, first I died, he ressed me, then i died instanly again, and then my ghillie suit got replaced with commoner clothes.....







    Hitem was at the scene aswell, Im not sure if he saw what happened cause he didnt answer when I wrote on teamspeak.. my friend J. Snow didnt take the ghillie aswell, as Westerbrook described it, when I died instanly after the first ressurection my ghillie just dissapeared from my body..

  3. In-Game Name? :

    V. Thorsten

    What is your Player ID #? (In ARMA main screen go to Config/Profiles (select your profile) Then you should see a 17 Digit number)


    Age :


    Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on other servers?:

    Yup, I was in the A.P.D some month ago, left because I wanted to play with some friends as civ instead.

    Do you have a working microphone?:


    How long have you played on CvGaming?:

    since september/october, took A break during december.

    Have you been banned before?:

    Once for combatlogg. ( I was new tho, a very long time ago! )

    Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer?


    What 5 qualities are necessary to become a CvGaming Police Officer?

    1) being a fun and good role player.

    2) being calm during stressful situations, never panic.

    3) being able to give AND take orders.

    4) Respect fellow police officers and civilians.

    5) Being mature.

    In 3 short paragraphs describe why you would fit as a police officer:

    I love to roleplay, and in my opinion I have a pretty fun roleplay.

    I'm tired of robbing people and giving them a hard time, I want to start helping people again and start catching bandits.

    I'm very active ingame and on the forums.

    In a short paragraph, what is your task as a police officer?:

    As all other officers, to keep Altis clean from crime and to help and serve the poor civilians of Altis.

    Why should we pick YOU as a police officer?

    I have previous experience from being in the A.P.D, as I said before, I love to create roleplay scenarios and I'm very active. What else can I say? :D I really miss being in the A.P.D, it was a mistake to leave from the first place.

    What do you hope to achieve if you become a police officer?:

    Have a good time of course! Getting to know the other officers and ofcourse fight for a higher rank :)

    What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?:

    Respect and loyalty is very important in a police force, you need to have respect for your fellow officers, the respect needs to be earned as well. Without rules Altis wouldn't be as it is today, it would be an island where bandits, terrorists, and rebels were ruling everything, A society need rules to work properly, that's it, otherwise everything would just be one big disaster.

    Why are the police faction important?

    Since its Altis life a police faction is required to make it work, as I wrote before, without law enforcement the island would have been ruled by bandits etc, in other words a disaster where people could do whatever they want without have having to be afraid of the A.P.D to bust them while driving their trucks with weed for example.

    What do you personally think that the police faction would need to become better?

    Not much, as it looks now the police force is pretty good, the only thing would probably be to be more open for roleplay.

    Tell us a little about yourself!

    Tar den här på svenska :)

    Mitt namn är Jonny, har spelat på servern sedan setember typ somsagt, har varit A.P.D på servern förut, dock har de flesta som jag spelade med slutat, men ett par känner nog mig redan :)

    Har börjat tycka det är sjukt tråkigt att spela civil, särkilt nu när mitt gäng SC börjat kriga med Ratz då det inte blir något rollspel överhuvudtaget, saknar min bricka, att upprätthålla lagen var bra mycket roligare enligt mig, har ändan sen jag slutade varit sugen på att söka till polis igen, men inte orkat, nu när jag såg att ni tar in poliser igen tänkte jag varför inte liksom :)

    Hoppas ni överväger att låta mig komma tillbaka till den roligaste fraktionen :)

    MVH Thorsten <3

  4. Skriver inte detta för o vara dryg om någon tror det :P

    Zacke ett tips är o skaffa någon form av skugginspelnings program. Såsom Nvidia shadowplay/OBS eller det programmet AMD användare får med kortet..

    På såsätt klickar du bara en knapp och wooila! Där har du dina senaste 5-10 min gameplay sparad ( dock så kan du välja hur mycket den ska sparas självklart!)

    Med video får du 100% chans att få refund ifall tex din hemttbox sprängs pga desync, eller i tex denna situationen, det var ju kanonbra att det löste sig ändå, men utan video i en ban request så kan admin inte göra mycket :/

    Lycka till med framtida banrequests, du kan slå iväg ett PM till mig om du behöver hjälp med att ordna upp ett skugginspelningsprogram (tex ifall ru inte har Nvidia kort, ifall du har ett så tror jag du ordnar upp Shadowplay själv)

  5. Event avslutat, bra kämpat allihop! 



    [sC] Aquila



    [R] Rarre



    [sC] J. Snow


    Potten blev inte så jättehög då vi inte blev lika många som förra gången, men potten blev iallafall 2.000.000$ 

    Grattis till Aquila som började ifrån en P07 men ändå lyckades ta hem det :)


    Extra tack till Pettson som hjälpte till med gear. =)

  6. Welcome to Battle Royale!

    By Thorsten!
    Goodday my dear fellas' and welcome! 
    on this Friday, 2015-05-22, around 19:30, There will be a flight trip with some other strangers from Altis, from Kavala- Pyrgos, suddenly the helicopter got hijacked by a Rebel group called National Liberation Army, the other second you were sitting, relaxing on your expensive high end flight trip, the next you're forced to fight for your life versus other innocent strangers !

    Its everyman for himself, all versus all!, if you get caught teamworking with someone you will be disqualified.


    I will set these marks in vechile channel when in the helicopter so everyone receive them on their maps aswell.

    When you're entering the heli, you need to make sure you're completly "fresh" Nothing in your T inventory besides food, no backpack, no hidden gun, NOTHING! not even a GPS, we will check everyone before we start. You will receive backpacks with starting gear.
    The largest Weapon in the event is MXM, the smallest rook 40.

    4.Gang rule!
    Before we start we will make sure that everyone in the gangs except the leaders has left their gangs, just to make sure you can't see your gangmembers on the map. EVERYONE that wants to attend to the event needs to sit in a teamspeak channel, you can mute your mic and sound etc, but we wants to make sure noone teamworks.

    5. ONE LIFE! if you die, you're out !

    How the loot will work:
    There will be a couple of backpacks, everyone is going to pick one up, in these backpacks there will be gear, weapons, and ammo, and other usefull stuff such as first aid kits or a GPS for example. When everyone has a backpack we will send people away in different directions, there is no KoS until we inform you. therefore everyone will get a couple of minutes to hide and gear up etc..

    Example of how a backpack might look like.

    c0b4bb7f75dc6893ae21acf58a424a7d.jpgRemember, No backpacks is going to have the same loot, if you're lucky you might get a tactical vest or/and a high caliber rifle such as Katiba. If you're unlucky tho, you might only get a GPS and a Rook-40 for example. But there will be a 100% chance of getting a weapon with atleast 1 magazine in the backpack, so you dont have to worry =)

    How to attend:
    Be at Kavala AirGarage around 19:30 this friday evening, jump into the Huron helicopter and you're in! When we arrive at the N.L.A island everyone is going to pay 75.000, all the money will then go to the winner of the event!

    (ignore ^ )

    Any further questions can be made by contacting me (Thorsten) either here on the Forum, or on Teamspeak!

  7. Välkommen! Lyssna inte på fjantarna där uppe, ifall du tycker om att fiska och vara ute på sjön är turtles det bästa! Dock behöver du SDAR som du köper på black market, + bandit license, så först får du grinda ihop runt 450k..

    Lycka till ! :)

  8. Vad fan hade Cv-D tjänat på att döda 1 ny spawnad kille?

    Sen att äns du tar dig tiden att lägga en ban req på detta fattar jag inte Att det står Combatlogging wipeing gear blablabla händer ju hela tiden?

    Läs nogare vad som händer som till & med står när du ligger död... " ALT F4 when laying dead will result in an automatic gear wipe & ban"
  9. Goatis - C31:51

    Eurozze - C31:49

    Hysteria C31:53


    CvG Meetup confirmed!

    Ni som ska dit får gärna komma förbi och säga hallå! :)


    Killar! <3

    kmr gå till era datorer när ni sover o lägga in 150 mk18s till mig  =))


    nä men kul! ni får hänka rosenlundsbadet boys ;)

  10. Event avslutat!

    Jägarna blev [N.L.A] R. Karlsson & [Ratz] A. Karlsson, han gav dock bort Jägare rollen till [Ratz] Karlen.


    Vinnarna blev de jagade, [Ratz] Mikhailov & Billy Bones, [sC] Teron &Aquila och slutligen [AR] Rarre.


    Potten blev 7.500.000 $, 75 % av det gavs ut till vinnarna, 1,1 miljon fick varje deltagare som överlevde som Jagad.


    9f85d751d52e39bc40c500c171a55a57.jpg 015e8e05760b8c0f54dd77d7975ff3a8.jpg




    Var ett skoj event verkade det som och alla skötte sig =)

    Tack till alla som deltog!

    och stort tack till Hitem som hjälpte till på eventet! 


    Mvh Thorsten  :D  :D  :D 

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