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Everything posted by LEIF

  1. Credits: Autosky/Roki Vulovic for pro driving...
  2. Well, if people dont have their katiba's, mx's and what not in their houses then they are probably just gonna run around with a pdw, vermin or trg shouting surrender or die at EVERYTHING, is that really better? Since if people have less gear i think more people would be wanting to rob others for gear all the time especially A.P.D / H.R.A / N.L.F since they are still gonna have high caliber weapons. So that might replace the few RP situations with factions with more surrender or die.
  3. Tror de flesta har lyckats med det nångång
  4. Så där blir det när ni inte har mig som fed-medic
  5. Haha fantastiskt, hoppas sjukvårdaren kom med "bloudpousar och sånt"
  6. Bra låt tycker jag åtminstone
  7. LEIF

    WCRUM Ban Appeal

    Hello, so i got Banned for duping in January at the same time as Zacharias. I havent wanted to play Arma in the time after this but im wanting to get back into it now so thats why im appealing. I think what i did was bad and of course i regret everything that i did and i absolutely wont do it again. I think i deserve a second chance to play on this server and im already looking forward to it. If you want to talk further you can send me a private message or post here and we can talk on teamspeak. Have a nice day!
  8. LEIF

    Ban request

    Har taxibyrån inte råd med egna bilar så de måste lockpicka andras?
  9. Då skulle en medic aldrig behöva lyda nån när det gäller att ressa folk eftersom han inte kan bli dödad.
  10. LEIF

    Ban Request

    Name: [V.I.S] LEIF Offender-Name: (SMURF) Limebanana Date: 2014-12-02 Reason: Combatlog EDIT glömde ändra datum
  11. LEIF

    [Ban Request]

    Borde inte hända :/
  12. Print screen och sen paste bara?
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