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    Mr GW got a reaction from Björt in Ban Request, Cv-D Björt   
    Feels like they are forcing other people to break the rules, for example blocking them. Like " Hey lets block this guy with 10 hemtts, and when he ram us he will get banned "
  2. Like
    Mr GW reacted to Goatis in A guide to easier understand all the icons on our Teamspeak.   

    Founder Only one person have this rank and that is Kebre, cvgamings founder and server owner! 
    Server Admin This is the highest rank on the server. People with this rank can help you with anything related to Teamspeak.

    Moderator People on this rank can help you create channels and some other stuff.

    Normal This is the rank most people have.

    Visitor This is the the rank you will be when you first join the server. If we see that you are online on the server much you will be promoted.
    Streamer This rank can you get if you want to show other people on teamspeak that you streaming. (Same rank as Normal.)

    Note: Don't ask Server Admins or Moderators about Arma related stuff. Take that with the Arma Admins or Arma Supports!


    Arma Admins These people can help you with bans, item loss and pretty much anyting related to ARMA.

    Arma Supports These people work hand in hand with the Arma Admins to help out with item loss and other Arma related stuff. Note these people can't BAN/UNBAN.

    Arma Police These people are the police on our server.

    Arma Medics These people are the medics on our server.

    Arma RebelsThese people are the rebels on our server.

  3. Like
    Mr GW reacted to Kebre in Member Roster, Ranks & Rolls   
    Founding Members (Staff) These are the "founding members" of the community. 'nuff said.

    Head Admins (Staff) Essentially a core member in rank but these ones help the Founding Members to manage the servers, website, forums, and recruitment. Head admins also manage all of the advanced and regular members. These members are around on the servers/online a lot and can be reached, when something needs to be handled. These members also have the ability to make decisions on behalf of the Founding Members, when one cannot be reached.

    Core Members / Admins (Staff) Core Members  are mature and trusted members of the community. They have shown dedication and have worked for the betterment of the community and though not having explicit authority over other members they do deserve respect. They work closely with the Founding Members and HeadAdmins and discuss important topics and issues within the community. All Core Members have full admin status. Core Members also help decide which players are recruited.
    Moderators  These are members that have shown they have gained the trust and experience required to have full admin access to the servers. They work closely with the Admins and HeadAdmins and discuss important topics and issues within the community. All Moderators have full admin status. 
    Advanced Members (Supports) These are members that have shown they have gained the trust and experience required to have full admin access to the servers. These members have also shown that they are dedicated to the community and will help out when necessary. Supports all have admin access to the server type(s) that they frequent the most.

    Recruits Not yet in the community but considering membership. This is your ticket into the community. During recruitment phase you will be under observation. Some people handle wearing the tag in a mature fashion and thus become members fairly quickly. Others.. not so much. If you're in recruit status for more than a month...maybe there's a problem.
    Founding Members
    Head Admins
    Rasmus Goatis  
    Hysteria Eurozze Afriel Moderators
    Marple Dimitri Norren Wester Luckiiee Hardman Aariz / Öberg Ludwig  
    To be continued
  4. Like
    Mr GW reacted to Jeppe Olsen in [L.D] Boljis   
    Things I've seen you and your gang doing today. 
    1. You admitted to jumping out of a hunter while restrained killing yourself, and you then complained about the cops arresting you because you felt like it counted like a new life. I told you this was abusing game mechanics and would normally result in a ban.

    2. You were trolling around kavala in a go-cart, I don't have any problem with a bit of fun, but don't do it to much.
    3. I saw you a your gang ramming into a broken down go-cart with a offroad, I deleted the Offroad, you guys started yelling about where the hell your offroad went. I told the whole gang that if I saw something like that again I would ban you.
    4, 2 mins later I saw you running directly into a wall with a SUV, I asap deleted the SUV of fear it would explode. I gave you another warning.
    5. A guy was VDM and killed when his hatchback was rammed by another quad. I revived him and tried to repair his car, YOU started jumping into it multiple times, I told you to stop, and you came with a snappy comeback.

    Your poor "ban appeal" if you can call it that is rejected. 
    If I see you doing anything of the sorts on the server again you will be permbanned.

    Edit: This guy just came back with another GUID. He's now permbanned.

    To add to this, he wrote to another admin, and this is what he wrote after considering giving another chance.

    Enough said.

  5. Like
    Mr GW reacted to VisionPie in Film Tips!   

    INSIDIOUS: Chapter 2
  6. Like
    Mr GW reacted to Fladder in Fladder ^,-   
    Hi peepz <3 get ready for the most retarded and longest piece of shit u have ever read in this forum so far...
    Short info
    Name: Sebastian "Fladder" Näslund
    Age: 24
    Country Sweden
    Region Medelpal/Västernorrland/Sundsvall
    Race Human
    Class Male kriger
    Longer story/Personal story- You can leave now if u want to, This is just me being nice and telling u everything about me....
    Gonna try and stick everything i remember and know about myself in this thread to make sure that u all know me as much as possible so i can ignore all the questions i get on TS and in-game
    23 years ago....
    My mom left me to my dad since she had no time or just didnt want me, i dont really know and i dont really care, been living with my father since i were 11 months old and up to the age of 11. On my 11th birthday i started seeing my mother again and ended up being there 1 weekend every 3 weeks. At the age of 12 she started acting strange and also started bullying and hitting me, also made me stand in a door opening for 2-3 hours everytime i came from my dad having a question spree and kinda forced me to say that i had a bad time at my dad's place or i would be standing there for a long time until i did, this lasted for 5 years and i got sick of it when i became older and bigger inside. I started working out and taking martial arts classes to get rid of my rage (Also have ADHD), One day she hit me for the last time, i hit back... and massive... she ended up on the floor screaming i were assaulting her and my stepdad stepped inside took me to the car and droove me to my father and told me to forget about my mother, That same day he left her and took my 2 sisters with her. i ended up being on the streets alot with friends i wish i never met in the first place, did alot of shit im not gonna bring up to speech at this time but let's just say it was pretty bad shit. I met my fiance Sandra in 2006 and we started hanging out alot, i kept on doing my shit with my friends and after about 2 years she made me stop all that shit and i started living with her and her parents. At this time my stepdad needed help with my mother, she had started an investigation and blaming my stepdad of hitting my sisters, Since i knew this was faulthy i agreed to witness for him. That was the last time i faced my mother, My stepdad ended up getting custody of 1 of my sisters, sadly im not allowed to see my other sister and i guess i have to live with that until the day she decides to see me herself.
    At this time i started getting deeper and deeper with Sandra and i decided to fix my fucking life once and for all. I went back to gym and got rid of the last of my stored rage and went to my local municipal building and talked to social services, They agreed to help me out and today i live in my own appartment with my fiance and my 9 month old kid Samuel.
    Now after almost a year here at CvGaming i would like to thank everyone i've meet here and started to become personally good friends with for helping me to keep my life straight and positive. Without your friendship and friendly community i would most likely of been a really shitty parent and fiance. So i would love to thank you for the following
    Keeping me busy socially Playing games with me so i wouldnt get an idea of going out to be with my old "friends" Making my days special everyday <3 Being friendly and make me think positive Validate me as the person i am and not force me to be something im not. For not judging me for my habit of feeling bad about something that could seem strange to some And last but not least Thank you for letting me be a part of this amazing community <3 The desire to get people to like me for the man i am now feels accomplished Thank you <3
    If there is anything else u would like to know about me feel free to send a PM or talk to me on TS
  7. Like
    Mr GW reacted to Goatis in Funny Altis pictures.   
    Mannen med världens längsta armar

    Gör honnör genom en offroad

    Vet inte vad jag ska säga om den här xD

    Desync är kul

    Osynlig pistol (Nikos Aged clothing bugg)

    En fuskare kom in och spawnade massa regnbågar i kavala

    En snubbe fick för sig att putta upp en gummibåt till Kavala market va en kul grej

    Och en felparkerad bil

  8. Like
    Mr GW reacted to Flesh in Funny Altis pictures.   
    I thought we should make a thread where we could share our funny Altis screenshots. 
    So, i'am the new spiderman in pyrgos!

    Bad parking!

    Chilling like a girl!

    I bet you guys have even funnier screenshots. Please share
  9. Like
    Mr GW reacted to Berg in [Police] Application   
    What is your in-game name? Berg   What is your Player ID #? 76561198007803857   Have you read all of the rules on the in-game map menu? Iv'e read the rules ingame, And done my best to fully understand them. Read them over and over again.   Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a cop/medic/rebel? I swear and promise to never abuse my powers and always act in-character.   How long have you played on the server? 20 and going   How long have you played Arma 3? 1800-2000~ hours, On split account.   How often do you play on the server? At current state, 8 hours or more.   Tell us a little about your self! (Where in the world do you live? What time zone do you live in? Age? etc.) My name is John Warzin, I'm born 1980 which makes myself currently 33 years old. I live in Sweden but i was originally born in Poland, Świnoujście. I am currently unemployed, Living by myself in Gothenburg. Timezone GMT +1, Alot of sparetime. I'm well aware of my short hours for CvGaming, But i have a big bag of experince as cop. I have played as cop both on AmarokGaming, Blackwingaming. forgot to add: I'm a kickass good pilot with any aviation aircrafts. A good driver aswell, And submarine expert
  10. Like
    Mr GW reacted to Kebre in Kebre   
    Hi, my nick is Kebre/Kebre001 and I am  a (sys)admin on the server(s).
    I am currently studdying and trying to do my best to develop and make the server(s) better.
    I usually do the stuff you the players never see or know that we are doing but for example I setup this website and at the moment trying to make a more appropriate skin for the forum.
    I have studied computer science which includes programming and different types of network communication for some years and on my hobby I am having this server and some more where I am developing stuff and testing some stuff.
    More stuff I am doing on my free time (Do I have free time?) is studying different it-security related stuff which is really exciting.
    I have alot of experience in computers both hardware, software, networking and other stuff that runs on electricity.
    If im slow on anwering on teamspeak its because im working on something and probably has high volume
    edit 2014-09-03
    This is my teamspeak after just some minutes. Please send messages on the forum so I can save the conversation.

    Tweet me
  11. Like
    Mr GW got a reaction from Flesh in Aktiva Poliser   
    Låser denna tråd nu.

    Men vissa saker som ni skrivit ska jag prata med andra admins om. Tex det där med 8k ticket för ett mord.

  12. Like
    Mr GW got a reaction from Vic in Hus / Förslag   
    Frågar ni vår scripter Scotty så får ni svaret " Everything is possible "

    Ska be han läsa denna tråd.

    Dock förstår han inte svenska!
  13. Like
    Mr GW reacted to Kebre in [How-to] Setup teamspeak music bot   
    In this tutorial i will teach you how to setup a music bot for your teamspeak server/channel. It is very simple to configure and have it working.
    How it works :
    The music bot works on a separated TeamSpeak profile, and it will output all his audio into its own "Audio Channel" on teamspeak, but as it can't talk (since he is a bot only) we will input a song (or any audio) as his "voice". The result will be a Bot that "Talks" music into the chatroom.
    Software Needed:
    TeamSpeak 3 VLC or Spotify Virtual Audio Channel Get it here to avoid viruses! (Source) Install All software and reboot your PC before continuing
    Setting Teamspeak Up:
    Open Teamspeak and connect to your channel. Go to Settings -> Tools Go to Playback and create a new Profile (hit the "+" button) Keep Playback mode as "Automatically use best mode" and "Playback device as "Default". Lower both Volume bars to the begining (-50dB) and hit Apply Go to Capture Keep Capture mode as "Automatically use best mode" but change Capture device to "Line 1" (This will only appear if you have correctly installed VAC). Activate "Voice Activation Detection" and drag its bar to -50dB. Hit apply Exit your Channel and create a new "Identity" (by hitting Control + I) Name it whatever you want to (E.g: MusicBot) Create a new connection (Bookmark) to your server and hit "more" to add your new identity. Pick your new identity, and pick the playback and capture you have created (E.g MusicBot if you named them like this) Close your teamspeak, right click on its shortcut and hit "Properties" Find the "Target" field and after its text hit SPACE and write -nosingleinstance (This will allow you to open multiple TeamSpeaks) Now you can open Two TeamSpeaks and connect with both your own profile and the music bot one. Sweet ! ! ! Adding some "Voice" to the Bot:
    Open VLC Player, select Audio from the upper menu, and pick "Line 1" as its output channel
    Thats it, you are probably good to go now. Everything you play on VLC will be played by the bot on its TeamSpeak channel
    BONUS: Queueing Youtube Links on a playlist
    VLC Player can also stream audio/video directly from youtube or any network stream, which is great
    Tell your friends to send the music bot youtube links via TS and copy the links
    On VLC hit "Control + N" and than Paste the link on the window that pops up, but instead of hitting PLAY, hit "ALT + E" (This will ENQUEUE the song on the current playlist)
    BONUS: Playing music with Spotify:
    Install Equalify (Download here free) In the software Restart Spotify Start a song Left click on the equalizer right to the searchbar. Right click anywhere in the windows and select "Options" Click on "Change Sound device" Select "Line 1"
    Thats all i know about this and this is the best way i could find for settting up a "Democratic" TeamSpeak bot where everyone on the channel can contribute with its own songs : )
    I Hope you guys like it, let me know if you could make it work or if i missed something out here.
    source: http://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/1uk8vk/teamspeak_music_bot_tutorial/
  14. Like
    Mr GW reacted to Goatis in Public slots and whitelisting   
    I dont like the idea of public cops :/ I think it will bring much trouble to the police and civilians... So from Goatis it's a no go...
  15. Like
    Mr GW reacted to Goatis in Hus / Förslag   
    "Everything is possible" - Scotty 2014
  16. Like
    Mr GW reacted to Jeppe Olsen in Server upgrade time(?)   
  17. Like
    Mr GW got a reaction from Vic in Aktiva Poliser   
    Låser denna tråd nu.

    Men vissa saker som ni skrivit ska jag prata med andra admins om. Tex det där med 8k ticket för ett mord.

  18. Like
    Mr GW got a reaction from VisionPie in Aktiva Poliser   
    Låser denna tråd nu.

    Men vissa saker som ni skrivit ska jag prata med andra admins om. Tex det där med 8k ticket för ett mord.

  19. Like
    Mr GW reacted to hitem in Aktiva Poliser   
    Jag vet inte hur gedigen rollspelare du är men jag kan komma på ett antal alternativ. 
    Men för att skapa ett litet scenario så kanske man skulle kunna approacha någon av fraktionerna och erbjuda något av stort intresse. T.ex halva er last (eller spanings information) för att "ta hand" om rånarna som blockerar din väg. Om du inte satt dig på fel fot med NLF eller AAF så går det alltid att rollspela med oss, vi är inte helt omöjliga. 
    Ang poliser:
    Bara för att vi fått många äpplen i korgen betyder det inte att alla är i ätbart skick! Är ju därför vi har en rekryteringsprocess för att hitta bra och seriöst polismaterial .
    Men som legacy sa, det jobbas flitigt på den biten och resultatet av skörden återstår att se! 

  20. Like
    Mr GW reacted to Kebre in How server restarts work   
  21. Like
    Mr GW got a reaction from DmeR in New Future Jobs   
    Sounds awesome, almost done with the tobacco script!
  22. Like
    Mr GW reacted to Kebre in Förslag på förbättring   
    Detta är något vi själva märkt varit otroligt irriterande och är något vi diskuterat och kommer att implementera så snart som möjligt.
    Om någon har en åsikt om att vi INTE borde ha detta så, kan ni fortsätta tråden
  23. Like
    Mr GW reacted to Robert in Ranking System + Annat :)   
    Satt och skummade igenom ranking systemet och funderade på hur man fick poäng, 
    Eftersom altis life är ett RP spel så tycker jag att ett ranking system borde vara ett belöningssystem för folk som upprätthöll sin karaktär.
    Vilket både kanske gör att folk tar RP mer seriöst som i sin tur kanske leder till att det blir ännu roligare.
    Hur har jag tänkt här då...joo.
    Som polis får du poäng efter hur bra du sköter ditt jobb.
    Dvs haffar du någon för fortkörning och delar ut en bot, 1 poäng.
    Tar du någon som säljer kokain 2 poäng.
    Avbryter du ett Federal reserve rån och får dom bakom lås och bom 5 poäng.
    eller något liknande.
    eller så sätter man 1 poäng för alla "polis aktioner" man gör. Då vid olika poäng system kanske blir så att man struntar i fortkörarna och campar nått som ger mer cash. vad tycker ni?
    Samma gäller för rebells. Rebell akter ger också poäng.
    Civs då. Vad kan dom göra. Eftersom man har två olika val att göra som civ då det kommer till att tjäna pengar lagligt eller olagligt.
    Så kanske man kan få poäng vid 1 eller 2 lyckade Diamond processer? eller 1 poäng vid 10st apple gatherings. 
    Samma vid olagligt. kanske 2 weed runs ger ett poäng om man klarar sig utan att bli tagen av polisen.
    Min åsikt är att ju "farligare" jobb/sak man gör ska ge poäng snabbare. 
    Plocka äpplen 10ggr och sällja = 1 poäng.
    Sälja kokain 1 gång = 1 poäng.
    Något såndant...är halvt övertrött så all text är väl en enda sörja.
    ;Men någon form av "ranking" system som får en att bli belönad av att upprätthålla sin karaktär.
    Varje vecka kanske man kan rösta på den man tycker har hållt en bra karaktär vilket resulterar i 10-20+ poäng för den personen.
    Sen kanske man resettar efter 1 vecka eller månad. och innan varje resett får den som har mest poäng eller top 5 någon form av belöning eller igenkännande.. 
    Lite tankar och ideer.... vad tycker ni?
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