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    hitem reacted to Goatis in Funny Altis pictures.   
    Mannen med världens längsta armar

    Gör honnör genom en offroad

    Vet inte vad jag ska säga om den här xD

    Desync är kul

    Osynlig pistol (Nikos Aged clothing bugg)

    En fuskare kom in och spawnade massa regnbågar i kavala

    En snubbe fick för sig att putta upp en gummibåt till Kavala market va en kul grej

    Och en felparkerad bil

  2. Like
    hitem reacted to Fladder in Fladder ^,-   
    Hi peepz <3 get ready for the most retarded and longest piece of shit u have ever read in this forum so far...
    Short info
    Name: Sebastian "Fladder" Näslund
    Age: 24
    Country Sweden
    Region Medelpal/Västernorrland/Sundsvall
    Race Human
    Class Male kriger
    Longer story/Personal story- You can leave now if u want to, This is just me being nice and telling u everything about me....
    Gonna try and stick everything i remember and know about myself in this thread to make sure that u all know me as much as possible so i can ignore all the questions i get on TS and in-game
    23 years ago....
    My mom left me to my dad since she had no time or just didnt want me, i dont really know and i dont really care, been living with my father since i were 11 months old and up to the age of 11. On my 11th birthday i started seeing my mother again and ended up being there 1 weekend every 3 weeks. At the age of 12 she started acting strange and also started bullying and hitting me, also made me stand in a door opening for 2-3 hours everytime i came from my dad having a question spree and kinda forced me to say that i had a bad time at my dad's place or i would be standing there for a long time until i did, this lasted for 5 years and i got sick of it when i became older and bigger inside. I started working out and taking martial arts classes to get rid of my rage (Also have ADHD), One day she hit me for the last time, i hit back... and massive... she ended up on the floor screaming i were assaulting her and my stepdad stepped inside took me to the car and droove me to my father and told me to forget about my mother, That same day he left her and took my 2 sisters with her. i ended up being on the streets alot with friends i wish i never met in the first place, did alot of shit im not gonna bring up to speech at this time but let's just say it was pretty bad shit. I met my fiance Sandra in 2006 and we started hanging out alot, i kept on doing my shit with my friends and after about 2 years she made me stop all that shit and i started living with her and her parents. At this time my stepdad needed help with my mother, she had started an investigation and blaming my stepdad of hitting my sisters, Since i knew this was faulthy i agreed to witness for him. That was the last time i faced my mother, My stepdad ended up getting custody of 1 of my sisters, sadly im not allowed to see my other sister and i guess i have to live with that until the day she decides to see me herself.
    At this time i started getting deeper and deeper with Sandra and i decided to fix my fucking life once and for all. I went back to gym and got rid of the last of my stored rage and went to my local municipal building and talked to social services, They agreed to help me out and today i live in my own appartment with my fiance and my 9 month old kid Samuel.
    Now after almost a year here at CvGaming i would like to thank everyone i've meet here and started to become personally good friends with for helping me to keep my life straight and positive. Without your friendship and friendly community i would most likely of been a really shitty parent and fiance. So i would love to thank you for the following
    Keeping me busy socially Playing games with me so i wouldnt get an idea of going out to be with my old "friends" Making my days special everyday <3 Being friendly and make me think positive Validate me as the person i am and not force me to be something im not. For not judging me for my habit of feeling bad about something that could seem strange to some And last but not least Thank you for letting me be a part of this amazing community <3 The desire to get people to like me for the man i am now feels accomplished Thank you <3
    If there is anything else u would like to know about me feel free to send a PM or talk to me on TS
  3. Like
    hitem reacted to Flesh in Funny Altis pictures.   
    I thought we should make a thread where we could share our funny Altis screenshots. 
    So, i'am the new spiderman in pyrgos!

    Bad parking!

    Chilling like a girl!

    I bet you guys have even funnier screenshots. Please share
  4. Like
    hitem got a reaction from Goatis in Några förslag!   
    Man lär sig något nytt varje dag! Hade jag inte en tanke på!

  5. Like
    hitem got a reaction from Flesh in Skjuten i safezone.   
    Retested and should now be in order, sorry for any inconvenience caused!
  6. Like
    hitem reacted to Goatis in Några förslag!   
    Ni vet väll att man kan scrolla upp i chatten, smsen skrivs där också, det är bara att klicka upp så man börjar skriva ( - ) och sen PageUp
  7. Like
    hitem got a reaction from Flesh in Skjuten i safezone.   
    Detta är fixat i nästa restart! (tyvärr han jag ej före denna restart nu 19:00).
  8. Like
    hitem reacted to hitem in How server restarts work   
    hahaha, good one kebre! didnt know GW could run like that!
    Not related to a restart, but an old classic that anyone can relate to, atlest after trying to run an arma3 server ;P

  9. Like
    hitem reacted to Daemonicus in [How-To] Setup mIRC   
    Since Kebre started a IRC-channel for us I decided to make a guide on how to connect to it using mIRC, the webclient is pretty boring in my opinion. And there might be some players who haven't been using IRC before.
    Download mIRC and run the installer Start mIRC and click "Continue" twice, or pay for the program In the window that pops up, go to "Connect" -> "Servers" click "Add" Write anything in "Description" like zenet "IRC Server: irc.zenet.org" click "Add" Doubleclick or press Select on the zenet-server you created Choose a nickname and click Connect Now you should be connected to the server, just type /join #cvgaming to join the channel.
    To make mIRC connect to the server and autojoin the channel when you start mIRC:
    Tools -> Options (Alt+O) Check Connect on startup Click "Perform..." and check "Enable perform on connect" Under Perform commands write /join #cvgaming
  10. Like
    hitem got a reaction from Vic in Radio?   
    Detta är dock något som kommer vara roligt vissa kvällar, vissa tider och under en viss tid. Tror det är svårt att hitta en dedikerad person/personer som kan hålla detta vid liv då det krävs up-to-date news. Sedan kommer även miss-information flöda. Men om det går att automatisera så har jag inget emot det. Däremot finns det ju andra saker som behöver aktiva admins just nu som tar upp mer än heltidstjänster! 
    Men cool ide!
  11. Like
    hitem got a reaction from cARPEN in Skatter i havet   
    All form av fiskeutveckling är mig varmt om hjärtat!
    Spökast/meta från strand/klippa hade ju vart något magiskt. hade spenderat timmar per dag bara för vyn ;P.
  12. Like
    hitem got a reaction from Mr GW in Aktiva Poliser   
    Jag vet inte hur gedigen rollspelare du är men jag kan komma på ett antal alternativ. 
    Men för att skapa ett litet scenario så kanske man skulle kunna approacha någon av fraktionerna och erbjuda något av stort intresse. T.ex halva er last (eller spanings information) för att "ta hand" om rånarna som blockerar din väg. Om du inte satt dig på fel fot med NLF eller AAF så går det alltid att rollspela med oss, vi är inte helt omöjliga. 
    Ang poliser:
    Bara för att vi fått många äpplen i korgen betyder det inte att alla är i ätbart skick! Är ju därför vi har en rekryteringsprocess för att hitta bra och seriöst polismaterial .
    Men som legacy sa, det jobbas flitigt på den biten och resultatet av skörden återstår att se! 

  13. Like
    hitem reacted to Legacy™ in Aktiva Poliser   
    Kan försäkra er om att vi jobbat på att göra polisen mer tillgänglig. Kom också ihåg att Altis är stort och vi är short-staffed.
    Gör allting vi kan för att få Polis-sidan mer aktiv! Och resultat kommer ni att få!
  14. Like
    hitem reacted to svaffen in How were you thinking now   
    YEah kavala air garage is broken.

  15. Like
    hitem got a reaction from VisionPie in Public slots and whitelisting   
    I like the idea of extra medics! go around spreading the love!
  16. Like
    hitem got a reaction from Afriel in About bugged NPC's   
    All of them where fixed 6 hours ago. Bruce in Athira on the other hand (he is in the room next to where the marker is! this is sorted later today at next restart). Thanks for your keen eyes!
  17. Like
    hitem got a reaction from Pedro Moralez in How server restarts work   
    hahaha, good one kebre! didnt know GW could run like that!
    Not related to a restart, but an old classic that anyone can relate to, atlest after trying to run an arma3 server ;P

  18. Like
    hitem reacted to Jeppe Olsen in Hey all from Jeppe Olsen!   
  19. Like
    hitem reacted to Scotty in Taser VS fordon, inte OK!   
    You don't need to ban.
    You can make it so if a person is in the car, the tazer won't taze them. So sure, fire at the car, but you're wasting bullets!
    Does the tazer currently one shot taze people in a car, even if you don't hit them directly? e.g. hit a wheel. As I said in a previous post, vanilla AL does that.
    Another option is to make it so you only have 1, 2, or 3 etc bullets in a taser from a magazine, until you must reload. It stops tazer spam and requires aiming skill.
  20. Like
    hitem reacted to Jeppe Olsen in Hey all from Jeppe Olsen!   
    Hey all! I'm totally new here at CvGaming, and I just wanted to say a friendly hello!
    Well hey all! My nick/ingame name Is Jeppe Olsen, I'm from Denmark I do understand swedish, but if you meet me please keep it english, and prefer it that way
    I'm 21 years old,I've just resigned from the Danish Army after 3 years, and is currently looking for a job. (J/k I'm gaming all day) 
    I moved here from CPC with Scotty and a few others.
    For my gaming experience, I've played everything from MMOs to Fps, and but everything has grown tiring over the years, except Arma 3 and the beauty of Altis Life. I've played about 1100 hours of Arma 3, about 1000 hours in Altis life and the majority of that as a cop since january when CPC first started their Altis Life server, Sadly the server pretty much died off and Scotty got an opportunity to script here for you guys, so I followed. 
    When I play I'm often friendly, well friendly meaning I don't KOS, and try to RP as often as people let me, it is Altis Life afterall. But don't think this will allow you to try some shit, I WILL kill you  

  21. Like
    hitem got a reaction from VisionPie in How server restarts work   
    hahaha, good one kebre! didnt know GW could run like that!
    Not related to a restart, but an old classic that anyone can relate to, atlest after trying to run an arma3 server ;P

  22. Like
    hitem got a reaction from Vic in Cop Impound Abuse!   
    Det gör ju inget om dom gör det snyggt eller när dom loggar för kvällen och dom råkar vara ute i djungeln. Däremot överanvändning av denna funktion ger ovanstående respons!
    Men om det är i strid eller vid scenariot som nämndes i post 1, att det gjordes strategiskt, är ju inte helt PK
  23. Like
    hitem reacted to Kebre in Wat - Coders entertainment   
    The WAT video :3
    Source: https://www.destroyallsoftware.com/talks/wat
  24. Like
    hitem got a reaction from VisionPie in Wanted   
    Ja, någon indikation (rött namn kanske?) om dom är elaka, då kan det bli lite fler "citizen arrests" vilket hjälper polisen när dom inte är så många på och gör civilia lite mer usefull. Så får man en liten(som stegrar beroende på brottsnivå) bounty som betalning?  Kanske är för likt "military contractors".

    edit: en annan tanke - om man rånar någon måste man ha rånarluva på sig? (add to store).
    då finns det ju inga tvivel vad som försiggår och mycket drama kan undvikas?
  25. Like
    hitem got a reaction from Kebre in New hard drives SAS 15k RPM   
    sounds good ^^.
    we just switched some SAS drives for some SSD versions at work, they are damn expensive!
    but yeah, dunno why i chosed raid10, similaritys between raid5 and 10 is slim. good choice for a gaming server tho
    hope to see the new hardware at work soon then!
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