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About Vindm

  • Birthday 05/26/1988

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    AlexS / [Medic] AlexS

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  • Interests
    on medic duty i like to help people who are hurted,
    offduty i like to hurt them!


  • IGN
    [T.U] AlexS

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  1. Vindm

    [T.U] S1lver

    you went there to kill TU, and was inside 1km limit of bandit, than i dont think a ban request is nessesary. they cant change the sone about the KOS sone each time someone pulls a ban request, and you was pretty award of the 1km
  2. from another perspectiv: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lC_P9LiAwlA&feature=youtu.be
  3. 1- to NLA. is that called roleplay? thats just bad behavor....
  4. he also killed me when i was in a heli
  5. carpen my man! good and funny cop to get arrested from
  6. Name: [Medic]AlexS Offender-Name: C.C Blommen123, C.C Wiliam, C.C Morpe Date: 2015-01-08/10 Reason: it was a gunfight and those 3 C.C guys got killed, when i came to ress them, they had combat logged. Proof 1 Proof 2 We now in the medic force will take screenshots of everyone we ress that combatlogs and hopefully we can remove the combatloggers.. With friendly regards Medic force
  7. Vindm

    RDM from D.W

    Name: [P.L] AlexS Offender-Name: [D.W] MrErik, [D.W] DimL Date: 04.01.2015 Reason: me and [P.L] Lomax was out picking up some Hydrogen, than suddenly Lomax got shot by mrerik, they also shot at me while i was screaming "stop RDM". than they told me to put my hands up, i did that. they knocked me down and robbed me, than i was suddenly laying down and did that weapon move even i was unarmed, and they killed me to. some how my talking was not on the movie, apperently i forgot to check out to record own voice, so started recording after lomax was dead. you can see in the movie that i had low Healt after they showed up and told me to put my hands up. and they also destroyed my Orca when i was dead.. me and Lomax is on TS if more is needed. Lomax Killed by MrErik AlexS killed by DimL Movie
  8. Name: Medic AlexS Offender-Name: Lisstrand, Default Date: 01.01.2015 Reason: first tried to rob me for all my gear and car, than i told them that they couldt do that, but only kidnapp me, than they just shot me and took all my gear... forgot ofc my recordig program, but got a picture where lisstrand loots me, and the text of default who pulled the trigger. pic
  9. Vindm


    Name: Medic AlexS Offender-Name: SC Lallish, Stefan Date: 01.01.2015 Reason: tired of spending my time to fly over to help combat loggers. here is 2 loggers and proof [sC] Lallish [sC] Lallish 2`nd Combatlogg [sC] Lallish proof 2 Stefan
  10. Vindm


    Name: Medic AlexS Offender-Name: S.S.B Hexoc Date: 01.01.2015 Reason: was on my way to this guy after he died. than he disconected. picture
  11. congrats Hitem already seen some of the great work you do ingame, handling with scums and cheaters!
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