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Jul Maria

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About Jul Maria

  • Birthday 12/26/1998

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  1. Name: [P.L] Julia Ivanovich Offender-Name: [D]Decidos Date: 12.01.15 Reason: The reason is i was standing at the donatorshop afk, because it was 5 minutes to restart, and then i did see decidos standing with another member from the same gang. At first i did think nothing bad can happen, because i was in safezone with them, i did not speak with them because i was going afk, so i tabbed out. Some minutes after i did tab in again to check how many minutes it was to the restart. The first thing i did see that someone killed me and a gocart over me, and they did drive gocarts around the donatorshop. They did say (in ts, not ingame) that i was NOT in safezone, and they said if i dont drop everything they will kill me. But i did not hear anything. I can still hear when people talk ingame when i tab out. I dont know how they did get me out of safezone, if they did push me out, or whatever they did. But i was in the safezone, im 100% sure. In the corner of video you can see the man, in the donatorshop where you can buy weapons(and stuff) and they driving the gocart, after i did close the recording program i did go afk. Here is the screenshot i took after they killed me. (The server restarted some seconds after the picture) http://gyazo.com/920f18d5f7c5fba6b0606bd8918bf10b And one more thing, he has been banned for calling me a hoe and stuff (Ask Carpen, he banned him), and he had a very bad attitude to my gang a week ago or more. And he has vdm'ed and rdm'ed. EDIT: I think he has been banned 4 times.
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