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About Marten

  • Birthday 08/10/1999

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    [CM] V. Suarez | Marten
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    JohanM99 - Marten#6368

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    [CM] V. Suarez

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  1. Marten

    Simon - Rdm

    Jag tror att du behöver någon slags video som kan bevisa att Simon har gjort det.
  2. Det där är väl även en fail engage i mina ögon? 14. Engage If you are in a gang you must start your robbery with "THIS IS THE GANGNAME" For an example: This is the NLF, put your hands up or we open fire.
  3. Dom skulle ju inte förlora något av att ha kvar Altis servern och göra en till server med Tanoa life. Min åsikt bara.
  4. Fast det du gör cire96 är ju fortfarande mot reglerna, och då ska det inte spela någon roll för man ser vad du försöker göra.
  5. I mina ögon är det där ändå en fail engage??
  6. Marten


    Name: [Medic] Johan Offender-Name: Tractor, [A.F.F] Hannes, [TBHS] Holmeshell, [TBHS]Dumbo1122 Date: 2015/01/26 - 2015/01/29 Reason: When I play as a medic and try to revive someone and they doesn't wake up and their body is still there, it means that they've combatlogged. While playing as a medic we use to see a lot of combatloggers so I usually take photoes of them and post them all at the same time instead of posting them one by one. Combatlogger #1 http://imgur.com/3MzmI2S,pTdQ0A0,ZVxcFTT,wGIBfle#0 Combatlogger #2 http://imgur.com/3MzmI2S,pTdQ0A0,ZVxcFTT,wGIBfle#1 Combatlogger #3 http://imgur.com/3MzmI2S,pTdQ0A0,ZVxcFTT,wGIBfle#2 Combatlogger #4 http://imgur.com/3MzmI2S,pTdQ0A0,ZVxcFTT,wGIBfle#3
  7. Marten


    Name: [Medic] Johan Offender-Name: Cpt. OutOfMags, [b.D] Denka, [sC] Lallish, TheLeaf Date: 2015/01/12 - 2015/01/16 Reason: When I play as a medic and try to revive someone and they doesn't wake up and their body is still there, it means that they've combatlogged. While playing as a medic we use to see a lot of combatloggers so I usually take photoes of them and post them all at the same time instead of posting them one by one. Combatlogger #1 http://gyazo.com/7851403dcd8dc39f9467fba6ebd2c597 Combatlogger #2 http://gyazo.com/96a77c689c7425756de1d503177f2c67 Combatlogger #3 http://gyazo.com/f70e2552ce918bfe8aa76ac02cf76654 Combatlogger #4 http://gyazo.com/6d3c2b7a0da4e1fba6d890fedbfd4a75
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