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Everything posted by Harry

  1. I den ca 15min långa videon visas information som kan användas emot ATC, specifika platser på vart vi har olika hus, den exakta staden etc. Beviset vill vi därför bara ge till admins, då de inte kommer använda den information de tar del av i videon mot oss ingame. (Såsom det, hypotetiskt sett, gjordes i denna situation.)
  2. Responding to the post above will just result in a chat type situation, I will just leave it as it is. Proof has been provided to admins, they will decide the case.
  3. The video you have provided is edited in the sense that your rulebreaking is hidden. If you show the previous 13 minutes, I have nothing more to add. You directly violated the New life rule, you seeked up your killers around 10minutes after the death and then killed. This is revenge. Whatever reason you have for revenging is irrelevant.
  4. Request Information Name: [ATC] Harry Offender-Name: [NLA] Bobbi Date: 2015-02-10 14.40 Situation ATC and NLA had a gunfight near slavetrader where NLa tried to robb an ATC member. The situation ended with both NLA members present dying. We gathered the loot and then headed straight back to our houses (which btw, Bobbi and NLA are aware of the location, since we have had other situations in the area.) When we arrive, we land and we proceed to empty the loot in the house. When I then head to my chopper to leave, I hear a voice, I start running and I die. So Bobbi, after dying at slavetrader, gathered gear then instantly went to the housing area where he knew we would go. This directly interferes with the "New Life Rule" - If you die during roleplay your past crimes are forgotten, but you also cannot seek revenge. NLA is a rebel faction, they control the big picture and that they would just randomly stroll around and by coincidence, be in the city we land in, 10 minutes after they died, and also, randomly decide to robb that person. With no connections to any legal or illegal activity. NLA has made it clear that they are not a bandit gang that goes around and robb people just for fun. Another strange thing, instead of trying to roleplay, for example texting me or my friends saying that they would let us buy back the mohawk if we divert our business (which we had none as we were doing nothing in a small town) to their iland for exampel. But no, they went straight to the chopchop without sending anything.Seems like a strange thing to do from a roleplay perspective. From a robbery perspective this seems strange aswell, as the trading company value their vehicles highly and would pay to get them back. A robbery goes out on getting loot and denying people to buy their stuff back are usually done when the people in question are angry with the ones they robbed, however, NLA had nothing to be angry about as they were both in a new life. They had nothing "otalt" with me/ATC. What Bobbi did was nothing but a break of the new life rule. It was an impulse of being frustrated in loosing a rahim (that the NLA faction newly got back to shops.) The behaviour of lashing out and breaking rules because you loose some gear should not be allowed, especially not from an NLA member, a faction member there to contribute with more than just PVP to the server. This is not Bobbi's first banrequest or ban, he should be fully aware of to act, with his immense amount of hours on the server. EVIDENCE: Video will be sent to admins, due to the locations exposed we've decided to not show our 15min long video to the public. The video Bobbi provided will also work as evidence.
  5. both links are private, make it public if you want it to be valid for evidence
  6. Harry

    Forum Rules

    Forum Rules Before you start posting on the forum, read these rules. Do not spam. No blatant advertising. Members should post in a way that is respectful of other users. Flaming or abusing users in any way will not be tolerated and will lead to a ban. Don't post just to increase your number of posts. If you have nothing to say on a certain matter then don't post. You are allowed to state your opinion about Cvgaming, even if it's negative. Please make sure your opinion is based on arguments and is not just spreading hate, because that will result in a warning/ban. Members should post in a way which is consistent with "normal writing". Users should not post a lot of emoticons, large, small or coloured text, etc. Users should not use CAPS LOCK at all in topic titles or posts. Users consistently abusing this will be warned. Your "signature" should be at reasonable size (Maximum size= about of the space between the 1-6 on this post) Arguing (in a form of flaming) with moderators after having received some sort of decision(like a ban) will lead to an immediate warning or even further suspension. Any attempt to circumvent a temporary ban or other moderator action will lead to a permanent ban of your account(s). Circumvention includes re-registering or using an already registered account under a non-banned username. Other examples include changing IP addresses, using a new email account or other action that can be taken to evade moderator action to hide your identity as the owner of the sanctioned account. Use common sense. Having a pornographic signature for example... just think before acting. You are not allowed to spam the shoutbox. You are not allowed to make new accounts to vote in polls, if you do this then you are ruining the chance for a fair verdict and it might result in a Temporary/Permanent ban. Ban & Reporting section Read the "Rules & Template"-post pinned under each category before you proceed. To help you out a little: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On behalf of our international members, please post in English if you can. This is not a requirement, only a request, so that all members can understand and participate easily.
  7. Harry


    Har inte riktigt kört en paus som jag i tidigare post sagt, jag har dock kört mycket mindre än vad jag velat. Nu är arbetet slut och jag är tillbaka! Vi ses ingame!!
  8. @Eurozze Bandit District är en KOS zon och iom att striden fortfarande var igång med andra TU medlemmar så hade ett arresterande satt hans kollegor i fara. Helt rätt beslut att döda. Personen i fråga visste precis vart han befann sig och hur villkoren inom området såg ut. Tycker inte riktigt det spelar någon roll hur han dödade honom, gjorde bara det mer roligt. Slutresultatet blev detsamma
  9. Harry


    Hej på er! Jag har kört på servern intensivt nu, i ungefär 100 timmar. Jag har haft det ganska kul och varit med om ganska mycket. Jag är en ganska lugn och trevlig person men har fått erfara vissa speciella människor på serven som vinklat min ståndpunkt en aning. Jag kommer tvingas ta ett uppehåll från serven i ca 3v då jag måste ta hand om lite skolarbete men jag tänkte att jag lämnar med en liten historia/tips till de som är lite nya på servern, såsom jag. Jag köpte min första hemtbox för ungefär 60timmar sen och har sedan dessa varit med om lite svårigheter. Under alla dessa situationer kör jag en hemtbox. Situation 1: Jag traffikerar droger, det går bra, jag är nöjd och solen skiner. Jag kommer fram och börjar då processa (detta tar ett tag då jag ska processa 100st) När jag står där och sköter mitt så hör jag en finskbrytande engelska som säger; Drop your guns. Jag lyder inte då jag är lite girig och jag dör. Situation 2; Jag trafikerar mineraler då man i droghandeln raidas (enl situation 1) och när jag står där så kommer det en helikopter som ser lite väl närgången ut, så jag pyser. När jag kör på vägen blir jag då jagad av denna närgångna helikopter. Jag får ett antal SMS om att stanna, vilket jag fått höra inte räcker som ett rån då man inte kan råna någon via SMS (kanske har fel), men mina däcks sprängs. Jag (fortfarande girig) springer iväg och gömmer mig i en buske. I min sprint blir jag skjuten och förlorar lite blod. Jag lyckas dock slänga mig över en sten där jag nu ligger flåsandes och spanar. I mitt spanande ser jag en ful fisk som försöker flanka, jag skjuter denna fula fisk med min lilla PDW. Fula fisken dör. Men det fanns en till ful fisk, en jävligt stor ful fisk. Den fula fisken skjuter mig med sitt svindyra vapen. Jag dör. Enligt logik, eftersom jag gjorde motstånd så chopp choppades båda hemtboxarna, det förstår jag. Så jag ändrar mitt beteende. jag tänker, play nice. Situation 3: Jag kör droger då fula fiskarna gillar droger. Jag står där och processar, lite nervig då jag slitit som ett djur med småpengar för att få ihop en till hemtbox. Jag spanar, ser ingen. Precis när jag tar ett andetag för att slappna av hör jag en till finskbrytande röst; "Hello, don't shoot". Denna gången rånar de mig inte, då de misstar mig för en annan klanmedlem som är skyldiga dem pengar. Så jag slipper undan med en hårsmån. Enligt logik, så är det återigen för hett att köra droger så jag byter återigen till mineraler. Situation 4: Jag står och hugger mineraler när jag hör en helikopter. Helikoptern är väldigt tydligt agressiv med sina fula fiskar hängandes på sidorna så jag pyser. Jag får ett sms om att stanna och iom att jag kommer ihåg hur det gick sist så stannar jag, play nice. Jag gör allt som de ber mig men iom att en ful fisk, vi kan kalla hen fisk H, är så extremt dum i huvudet och otrevlig, snäser jag åt dem när jag släpper mina saker på marken. Jag får då en liten tillrättavisning och sedan en fet bötsumma på 2.000.000. En ny kostar 2.850.000 och de får ca150.000 för att choppa den. Denna summa är då aningen extrem, men vad har man för val? Jag, som precis samlat ihop 2.000.000 betalar lösensumman motvilligt. Ni som läser detta, ta därför lärdom från mina misstag. Att spela fint löser sig inte då idioterna som rånar är just det, idioter. Mitt tips till er; Kör fult. Döda alla fula fiskar. Jävlas tillbaka. Lyd inte dem. Skjuter de er, skjut dem. När jag kommer tillbaka från mitt 3v uppehåll hoppas jag att fler delar samma åsikt och att vi då kommer kunna trycka dit alla fula fiskar. OBS! Kör inte en Hemmet själv, det är som bin till honung, Du blir direkt en måltavla. På återseende - Harry
  10. Name: [i.I.A] Harry Offender-Name: Decidos Date: 2015-01-01 ( tid ca 21:30) Reason: Myself and a fellow gang member; [i.I.A] JohanM99, robbed Decidos near a drugdealer. When I snuck up behind Decidos and told him calmly to put his hands up, he turned around and saw my PDW in his face. He then backed up and ran, even though I said stop and hands up about 3 times. He then got up a gun and shot at us, at which Johan and himself, was killed. Whilst this was going on, another of our members were circling the air with a heli. ([i.I.A] Rickebo) He was about to land when two "D-gang" little birds showed up. One landed and started firing towards our helicopter, the other one tracked me (as I was on the ground) This clearly shows that decidos were part of their gang, as they knew exactly where he was. And if he did tell them afterwards, he broke NLR. I later (after my escape) saw a D-gang member in Pyrgos so I asked him if Decidos were with them and he confirmed. This shows that Decidos are part of a gang, without having a clan tag. This clearly breaks a rule. However, I have no proof of the "D-gang" situation as none of us recorded so im not aiming to harm the gang in any way, I simply want justice to be brought down on Decidos. I have screenshots of a "D-gang" member confirming that Decidos were playing with them, I hope that evidence suffices. http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198008001858/screenshots/ http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198008001858/screenshots/ EDIT: After a few additional hours of gameplay another incident happened with Decidos. This time, he stole a Medic Helicopter from Petsson and crashed it. Stole a medical helicopter, in pyrgos and then attempted to kill himself and the medic. Video Evidence - Ursäktar den usla kvaliten och personerna som pratar i bakgrunden men det blev en väldigt snabb och impulsiv filmning/redigering/uppladdning.
  11. Name: [V9] Harry Offender-Name: [N.L.A] Bobbi.R Date: 2014-12-29 00:09 Situation: I flew my chopper up to the slave trade cage. Whilst there, an NLA chopper arrived and landed. I circled the air to await their departure but whilst in the air I got a text from Bobbi telling me it was safe to come down. So I came down, greeted, and then took a slave. Bobbi then went behind my back and handcuffed me. After that he said; " We in the N.L.A hate slavetrading, I am therefor going to kill you right here and now. tell your gang." he then waited 5 seconds and killed me. If this would to be allowed, everyone could go up to someone and give a similar reason, for example; I don't like the way you walk, im therefor going to kill you. What he did breaks several RDM rules: Shooting a player without giving reasonable time to follow demands is considered RDM. Killing anyone without a real roleplay cause Using the Cellphone as a tool at an ambush can be considered as RDM Also breaks the rule of robbery (if it was intended as a robbery) When you're about to rob someone, you have to give the victim a choice (If the victim fails to comply only then is lethal action allowed) The kill was entirely unprovoked, I did not at any point do anything towards him, I had my back against him, hands free. He did not give me any warning or anything similar to a warning. He killed me because he wanted my "loot". Thank you for taking the time reading, I trust your judgement.
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