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About Xeloth

  • Birthday 07/28/1998

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  1. Maybe not so smart to bug into a admin's house either?
  2. You deserved that!! Congratulations!! :D
  3. I have it all on record, but my internet is so bad that it will take so long time to upload it so i wait until it is necessary Edit:Did watch Dimitri's stream now and then sending msg's after we took their communication. When you see me die it was 1-2 min since we have taking it from them http://www.twitch.tv/r3dimitrirascalov/v/25974760 [00:00:28]
  4. Request Information Name: TR Xeloth Offender-Name: SC Eldino Date: 2015.11.15 | 20:40 Reason: Metagaming and leake of RP. We told them that we have taken their communication 2 min after they saying in side channel where the situasjon is happening. https://gyazo.com/df0066d15310c08242ae838c412a77c0
  5. Xeloth


    Hello. Here you have a better look of what happened and what we said. Also took with that they combat logged . SC! https://youtu.be/AMaibbbo7gY
  6. Name: [Cv-D] Xeloth Offender-Name: [B.W.C] Abdul Salam Date: 2015-10-26 <21:20> Reason: I was on my way to N.L.F HQ when.....https://youtu.be/xseMpvVEggM Helicopters may not land on roads, except in accordance with (Medic) When you're about to rob someone, you have to give the victim a choice (If the victim fails to comply only then is lethal action allowed) Did try to get them to refound but they dident want.
  7. When the clock hits 21:00 it will be KOS on NLA's island (in a marked area) and the fight will end when the last enemy is dead. It is 1 life and it is not allowed to cooperate with other players that will also mean in the gang. If you if you are caught breaking the rules you will be disqualified and dont get the money, then the 2th winner get all the money. Everyone is free to join, that also mean APD - NLA and Medic (They can get a gun from me) if they want.
  8. Haha my macro f*ckt it all up... I fixt it now
  9. Name: [T.U] Fakir Ahldin - [T.U] Krusty - [T.U] Ventura - [T.U] Nino Gonzelez - [T.U] T.McGarrett Offender-Name: [NLA] Aariz Ahldin Date: 2015-05-05 16:20 Reason: My members landed on the roof near weed processing. After they landed NLA come and hovered over our chopper with no reason, then [T.U] T.McGarrett tried to get away from the chopper when NLA turn the chopper to left to make sure that our chopper was going in the ground. If you [NLA] Aariz Ahldin want to refund the stuff we lost you can contact someone of us in TS. I have talked to a support, and he thought that was clear VDM. Edit: I dont want a factionbound admin to fix this for obvious reasons. http://gyazo.com/d59802c82184504bfaf4d082ee1f5f8b
  10. Name: [T.U] Xeloth Offender-Name: [sC] Taco Date: 2015-04-15 - 15:00 Reason: Well me and isaac was going to bandit 15+ min after SC kild us there. And when we was oustside the KOS zone isaac crash the car in a hole and the weel pops. When we jump out of car to fix it then [sC] Taco come up behind us and shoot us in the back. and i will just add that [T.U] s1lver got banned for shooting a guy outside the circle ()
  11. 3.51: Shots fired 3:53: firing is ended. How are you supposed to be able to shoot 2 mags within the time range of 2 seconds? "If an occuring robbery is already happening and another vehicle is passing by, you have to signal to the driver that you want him to stop, if the victim fails to comply only then are you allowed to shoot at the "wheels" (Not 2 mags spray. No lethal action is allowed untill the victim fails to comply)" 3:51: Shots fired( as mentioned above) + You are driving straight. 3:53: You TURN the vehicle + The fuel can against the chopper and at the exact time as you turned the fuel can went red so you kind of did it at your own risk.
  12. If you plan to rob a by passing car, you may not randomly fire at the vehicle to make it stop (Only Roadblocks and spike trips is allowed during this situation)
  13. He is one of my guys and I want he back on the server. He is a nice and kind guy and i love to play with him, if he get in that i hope he will the he will join my gang and he are not going to fire a bullet before we say he can. I realy hope that he will get in. -Xeloth
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