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About Killerscreene

  • Birthday 11/22/2000

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    Älskar att spela arma 3 altis life :)


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  1. Hej jag blev bannad för ett gott tag sedan för "kränkande beteende". Ingen rasism, sexism eller homofobi där. Bara fula ord. Jag har försökt komma in men det har inte gått. Hursomhelst det var en lång tid sedan och servern har resetat. Jag känner som jag har varit bannad länge nog och borde få en ny chans på den nya server Förlåt för mitt beteende.
  2. IGN: [A.Ma]Heatseeker36 Date: 2016-2-20 Reason: Hi as you may know from previous failed ban appeals I've written, I am banned for harassing behavior. Long story short, I screamed at and insulted some annoying kids after a bad day. It's been more than four months since my ban and I regret what I did. I'd like to get back on the server for some rp. So for what it's worth, I'm sorry for being mean to those kids and will not do it again. To all: And please don't come with any bullshit comments regarding my ban for money dupe, which was a looooooooooooooooooooooooooong time ago.
  3. Posted 18 hours ago · Report post Im one of the Unknown guys who you harrased. You called me the N word a few times, you called ous retards and other stuff. And on the same day you guys in A.ma tried to VDM ous RDM ous. So we sent it in to a admin who made the choice to ban you all. So in my oppinion i would not recommend this ban req to get through. FiskarN and E.M.S/WL KingCrazy like this Like this Quote Stop lying, we never called you the N -word, and we never tried to vdm or rdm you , it's just you who haven't ever heard of crossfire.
  4. Name: [A.Ma]Heatseeker36 (optional: guid) Date: 2016-2-20 Reason: Hello, So I've been perm banned for harassing behavior. So what happened was that me and my gang were camping the Kavala checkpoint and were in a firefight with some other gang, then unknown drives in and gets out of their vehicle,not knowing who they were I told them to get in their vehicle and drive away or they would die, of course they ran and took cover in the checkpoint so I shot them .After that they start spamming us "COME TEAMSPEAK !","YOU'RE GOING TO GET BANNED!", So already pissed of I jumped into their teamspeak channel and started swearing at them.For the record ,they had been provoking us all day by telling us we would get banned for the exact same incident plus we had been getting killed all day because of that update where you couldn't get tags anymore, besides it was late at night. With all that said, My behavior was unacceptable and I can see that. So I'd like to get back on the server and I promise to watch my language in the future. By the way, I was the only one in the teamspeak harassing so I don't see why [A.Ma]Kebab got banned as well. With sincere apologies Heatseeker.
  5. I meant I've been banned for several months.
  6. Hello I've been perm banned for harassment. I and my friend screamed and cursed some guys on teamspeak. Then we got banned, I think it was in February and I already made a ban appeal on April third, It got declined and I was told to make another ban appeal in a couple of months. So it's been a few months and I'd like to come back please.
  7. Name: [A.Ma]Heatseeker36 (optional: guid) Date: 2016-2-20 Reason: Hello, So I've been perm banned for harassing behavior. So what happened was that me and my gang were camping the Kavala checkpoint and were in a firefight with some other gang, then unknown drives in and gets out of their vehicle,not knowing who they were I told them to get in their vehicle and drive away or they would die, of course they ran and took cover in the checkpoint so I shot them .After that they start spamming us "COME TEAMSPEAK !","YOU'RE GOING TO GET BANNED!", So already pissed of I jumped into their teamspeak channel and started swearing at them.For the record ,they had been provoking us all day by telling us we would get banned for the exact same incident plus we had been getting killed all day because of that update where you couldn't get tags anymore, besides it was late at night. With all that said, My behavior was unacceptable and I can see that. So I'd like to get back on the server and I promise to watch my language in the future. By the way, I was the only one in the teamspeak harassing so I don't see why [A.Ma]Kebab got banned as well. With sincere apologies Heatseeker.
  8. Nu är det så att det var redan fight här så ni får tänka på något som heter crossfire(Ett begrepp som ni har använt många gånger).Sen så är det så att om man hoppar in i en fight och springer runt med vapen så kanske man borde fatta att man blir skjuten,vilken idiot som helst kan fatta det.Sen så är det så att ni har klippt bort den delen av klippet där ni inte tar det med oss direkt i chatten och tar fighten istället.Dessutom så bryter ni NLR flera gånger, Det roliga är också att ni anklagar mig när jag är inte ens den som skjuter.Om jag inte visste bättre så är ni bara några kiddos som springer runt och försöker få alla bannade genom att provocera folk
  9. Thank you so much I am so greatfull.I really hope to get another chance
  10. Hello I am [A.Ma]Heatseeker. I've been banned for money duping now for quite some time.I'm not sure how long I'd guess 3 months.See me and firends were idiots and duped money I don't even remember what made me agree with it.I realize my mistakes and I understand if you don't want me on the server.But please unbann me.I am really sorry and I promise never to abuse any glitch or game mechanic on the server ever again.I don't care if you wipe my stats,gear I really want to come back to the roleplaying the server is the best. You don't realize it until you're away from it. I beg that you unban me I really swear on everything to never abuse glitches or gamemechanics on the server and follow rp rools.You can't seriously think I am so stupid to do so anymore.Please I really want to come back and roleplay. Please be nice and let me back in.
  11. Hello I am [A.Ma]Heatseeker36 I speak for A.Ma. Me,[A.Ma]Kebab and [A.Ma]Olin have been banned for 6 months now.We love cvgaming And we miss it allot.Please unban us and we will never break the rules ever again
  12. Hello I am Heatseeker36 Leader of Altis Mafia.I speak for the whole of [A.Ma].At between 12-1 Am we tried a little thing a guy told us about.He told us ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓.We thought it sounded worth trying so we did it just for the f**k of it.Then a few moments later people started writing Money dupe in chat.We did not know who they were talking to.Then a few minuets later we all got banned by Afriel.We were just trying and seeing what would happen if we did this.We were bored,tired and had nothing else to do.We are really sorry.We will throw all the duped money away and we will not experiment anymore or litsen to those random people.Me [A.Ma]Heatseeker36,[A.Ma]Olin and [A.Ma]Kebab would really like to be unbanned we love the server and we would love to come back. We dont know the name of the guy that told us we did not remember it.He was at diamond mine with a big truck and we asked him how he got it and he told us just to try it.So we did just to know if it would work.
  13. Killerscreene


    Hello I am [A.Ma]Heatseeker36 Leader of Altis Mafia.We were recentley banned for f***ing around and trying something out a guy told us to.Unfortionatley we were acused of money duping.That was not our intention we didnt even know that that would happen.We Are/Were not planning on keeping the money or bying anything usefull with it but just toss it away on buying and throwing trucks of cliffs.We are very sorry and We [A.Ma]Heatseeker36,[A.Ma]Olin and [A.Ma]Kebab Would like to get unbanned.We promise to not experiment anymore and not do this sort of things.
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