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  1. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Kafarov in Konrad aka Kasiiquo   
    Tjenare gubbs! Kasiiquo här, skaffade Arma 3 på rean och came across Altis Life servern som jag joinade direkt. Hade en rolig dag att tjäna pengar enbart genom att plocka äpplen eller peaches Iallafall så har jag alltid älskat roleplay och märkte direkt att denna ser servern var perfekt, folkfylld och t.o.m. svensk! Har märkt hur generösa alla människor är. En snubbe t.o.m. donerade en helikopter till mig när saker hade gått snett för mig. Glömde dock memorera hans namn. Anyways, see you in Altis!
  2. Like
    VisionPie got a reaction from Ludwig in Skulle behöva hjälp   
    ehm nej, nVidia kommer ta AMD alla dar, dock så kommer 390x HBM minnen vara något vassare men "what ever"
  3. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Daniel Macáres in Skulle behöva hjälp   
    Okej, blir antagligen ett 980Ti för mig efter sommaren, förhoppningsvis ny processor då med :3
  4. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Rarre in Lite competition för Bobbi.R   
  5. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Sajm0n in N.L.A challenge (anti-air week)   
    Ser dock inte problemet då N.L.A måste ge upp sina ifrits åxå ju, och dom är ju med på de varför skulle inte ni i A.P.D kunna göra desamma
  6. Like
    VisionPie reacted to HardmanCummings in N.L.A challenge (anti-air week)   
    Note: For this to work, all big gangs needs to confirm that they are game.
    Challenge: N.L.A challenges the server to a no fly week starting Monday 25th of May ending Friday 29th of May (Friday helicopters can be used again).
    Rules: No helicopters are to be used during this period, only ground transportation can be used, such as Hemtt,Zamak,Off-roads,SUV`s etc.
    This also goes for NLA (And we hope APD will accept as well), NO Ifritts/hunters can be used by these groups.
    Punishment: Nothing, only name-and-shame for being wimps!
    1. NLA
    2. L.Z
    Declined (wimps): 
    Failed (broke the challenge rules aka super-wimps):
    Entry: If your gang has accepted, write a comment e.g "[Gang-tag] accepts this challenge" or "[Gang-tag] declines this challenge" and we will see by the end of this week (let´s say Saturday) if this plan is a GO or NO-GO. Expect NAME-AND-SHAME if you decline!
    Medics: Yes they can use helicopters like normal.
  7. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Dimitri in Reoccurring Event: The Purge (inspired by the movie)   
    !vote 2 dagar i veckan
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    VisionPie reacted to hitem in Reoccurring Event: The Purge (inspired by the movie)   
    No. there wont be a loot specific rule as its no rules for 30min basically.
    We want this event to be able to run by itself once it triggered. Automated process.
    We are however trying to change the behavior of naked rook crews soooooo there might be a admin with a high powered rifle/artillery shells shooting naked lootmongers or there might be people setting up traps! who knows
    And yes, cops and medics can go after whoever they wish, as civ's or as faction (incase they have access somewhere to guns). Alltho regular services are suspended.
  9. Like
    VisionPie reacted to hitem in Reoccurring Event: The Purge (inspired by the movie)   
    This event is a reoccurring event that can be triggered by the admins (rank 3 or above). Its scheduled to run ONCE a week!

    The idea behind this event is based on the movie The Purge.
    The whole concept is not about killing and more violence, its about doing something together and have something to look forward to. Perhaps you can RP like crazy during the week and save your frustration to this event and then trying to find the person you have a beef with w/o any rules for about 30minutes.  This might highlight the importance of RP and behavior on the server unless you want to be hunted!  The movie was interesting and as an event this could work very well or not at all. Lets see how this event progress and its heavily based upon community feedback!
    Hopefully we all have a blast and some good times!         This is how it works: Once triggered there will be a SMS sent to give you an headsup about the commencement of The Purge, you have 5 minutes before the event starts at this point!
    Now you have 2 options: Fight or Flee (Prepare for fight or get to Safezones incase you dont wish to participate). When the 5 minutes have passed you receive an SMS letting you know the START of the event and there will be an alarm played on loudspeakers scattered around the map (mainly in cities and checkpoints) to help out identifying the start of the event. After that you will keep getting time updates every 5min via SMS for the remaining 30minutes of the Event! All emergency services are suspended during the event! (such as medic ressing and police services).

    Rules/Details: Time: Event last for 30 minutes and it runs once a week (A small post in shoutbox/ingame will be made by the admin who triggers it in advance). Where: Everywhere. Safezones are the only safe place where you can escape the event. Rules: SafeZones = Safe. RDM is allowed on the map. VDM is not allowed. New Life Rule (NLR) must be respected. Cops Medics and Rebels are allowed to participate in the event. All regular emergency services is offline for the 30minute event (no resses, no sending to jail, no searching vehicles etc). NEW: News-Crew are immune during the Purge and shall not be harmed. Hunters and Ifrits are not allowed during the Purge Once you die, you have to respawn (no medic ress) No personal insults or acts of aggression via vocal means (no bad language!) Gangs are allowed to co-operate (but remember, its The Purge, even your friends might not be trustworthy!) Else there is not much rules.   Once the event is over normal rules are back into effect and you are once again being flagged down for the crimes you commit. There is no glory to be claimed or any cash rewards. This event is purely for server RP/Community purpose!       SCHEDULE:
    2015-05-31th (Sunday) during 19-23 restart - admin: hitem 2015-06-01   (Monday) During 19-23 restart - admin: Afriel
    2015-06-21   (Sunday) During 19-23 restart - admin: Goatis
    2015-06-23   (Tuesday) During 19-23 restart - admin: Goatis (1 hour) 2015-07-12   (Sunday) During 19-23 restart - admin: Goatis

    Remember that this event is not a permanent event, just something to get us started and hopefully some good feedback comes out of it and we will bring with us the knowledge for future events!
    Thanks to Demigod for making the base script!
    ​Thanks to Harry for lending us his voice (i, hitem, still accept submitions tho incase you believe you can do better!)
  10. Like
    VisionPie reacted to luckiiee in guidad run tur på altis   
    haha eventuellt? 
  11. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Rasmus in Ban Request *[T.U] Brinken*   
    Ban - Request Accepted
    Lallish/Zetas have agreed on a gear refund payed by Brinken. (Instead of a temporary suspension from the altis life server)
    P.S Brinken have also decided to leave T.U
  12. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Thomas Krüeger in Ban Request *[T.U] Brinken*   
    Zetas gjorde som han blev tillsagd, allt ansvar i denna situation bör ligga på rånaren.
    Som tillägg tycker jag att ultimatum skippas allt för ofta, det är en server-regel att man måste ge ett alternativ. Alla gånger man skriker "upp med händerna" bör följas upp av "annars så skjuter jag" eller "annars ..nånting..".
  13. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Rarre in Oönskat RDM folk fick sig en läxa.   
    This is what happens when Hardman gets jappaleno and chilisoso 
  14. Like
    VisionPie reacted to HardmanCummings in Oönskat RDM folk fick sig en läxa.   
    Dessa hade RDM´at lite folk vid vår checkpoint under natten.
    Fick bryta min frånvaro och lösa situationen.

    Bonus klipp från min frånvaro

  15. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Brinken in Norren CvGamings egna lilla häst och hund   
    Kände att jag också var tvungen att göra en video lite snabbt  
  16. Like
    VisionPie reacted to V1RRE in Flingpakets challengen   
    9 timmar 57 minuter kvar... flingpaketet challenge avklarad,
    2 timmar 30 minuter tills coop öppnar, så jag kan köpa fler flingor =) Kappa ! 
    MVH trött Thorsten!
  17. Like
    VisionPie reacted to hitem in Norren CvGamings egna lilla häst och hund   
    tar sig som pyromanen sa! sent på natten och humorn är på topp!  

  18. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Fast in Police Application   
    In-Game Name? : Fast What is your Player ID #? (In ARMA main screen go to Config/Profiles (select your profile) Then you should see a 17 Digit number) 76561197996365720 Age : 22 Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on other servers?: Har spelat som polis tidigare på servern Do you have a working microphone?: Yes How long have you played on CvGaming?: Började spela när servern startade, drygt 500 timmar enbart på denna servern. Have you been banned before?: Nej Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer? Ja     What 5 qualities are necessary to become a CvGaming Police Officer? 1) Bra rollspel 2) Vara mogen, stresstålig 3) Positiv och hjälpsam 4) Taktik  5) Visa respekt mot andra spelare   In 3 short paragraphs describe why you would fit as a police officer: Jag är bra på rollspel och kan alla regler. Jag är lugn och är bra på taktiker.   In a short paragraph, what is your task as a police officer?: Att upprätthålla ordningen i Altis samt bidra till så mycker rollspel som möjligt.     Why should we pick YOU as a police officer? Jag är aktiv, har tidigare varit polis på servern,   jag är lugn och är duktig på att panga.   What do you hope to achieve if you become a police officer?:  Ett roligare rollspel i Altis för att alla ska få så bra spelupplevelse som möjligt.     What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?:  Det är ett måste för att rollspelet ska fungera     Why are the police faction important?   För att det är Polisen som gör servern och bidrar till det mesta av rollspelandet på servern.       Tell us a little about yourself! Tjenare, Nicklas heter jag, är 22 år. Bor strax utanför Göteborg. 
  19. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Isak Härdin in Ban-req Combat log   
    Psst, tror Hardman vill ha en anledning till att inte spela!
  20. Like
    VisionPie reacted to HardmanCummings in Ban-req Combat log   
    Orkar inte följa template.
    Gjorde en rage-quit, så ge mig lite straff. så trött och sur just nu så tar mitt straff.
  21. Like
    VisionPie got a reaction from A. Savage in Hardman   
    I eat Jappaleno and Chilisoso
  22. Like
    VisionPie reacted to sikta in *Closed* Guidad tur på Altis   
    Hej jag hade tänkt i morgon en guide tur får alla nya spelar.
    kommer prata om lite olika saker vad dom är till. 
    och svara på frågor.
    efter som ni frågar mycket saker i side chatt .
    och inga vapen ska vara med. vi kommer åka utan för safe zone hoppas folk kan förstå att dom inte ska råna oss.
    den kommer börja i kvala sedan kommer vi åka runt hela kartan nästan hela.
    det är gratis.....  det finns ju bara 15 platser så kommer köra flera gånger om det är många
     guidad tur på altis flyttat till 19:00 istället får ska iväg på en viktig sak 
    mvh SikTa
    Hey I was going tomorrow a guided tour, all new plays. will talk about some different things what they are. and answer questions. after that you ask a lot of things in silk chat. and no weapons will be. we will go without the SafeZone hope people can understand that they're not going to rob us. it will begin to qualify then we'll go around the entire map almost all. it's free ..... there is only 15 places will run multiple times if there are many at 15:00 Sincerely aim
  23. Like
    VisionPie reacted to hitem in BIRDIE   
    long time no see kind of fniss ^^ hysteria brings back memories!
    but the funny part was intended for the event ofc. 
  24. Like
    VisionPie reacted to hitem in BIRDIE   
    hysteria? fniss
    hope its fun!
  25. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Goatis in BIRDIE   
    Ska försöka få med mig Eurozze och hysteria, då syns vi där
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