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Everything posted by HardmanCummings

  1. 76561198124938933 Fick av gurkan själv.
  2. Tackar, låser nu tråden i väntan på beslut i denna req.
  3. Tackar för det längre klippet, kommer nu låsa tråden tills beslut lagts.
  4. Almnsy 4 day ban Looting safezone/VDM/Combat log.
  5. Längre klipp önskas. 24h ges för att få in ett längre klipp i tråden, annars tar jag bort denna ban-req.
  6. Kommer vilja ha ett längre klipp på denna incident 24h ges, annars tas denna ban-req bort.
  7. Kan hålla med om att det är fel gjort av Karamellen, ska se om vi kan hitta honom. I fortsättningen kör på rätt sida av vägen så kanske du slipper de här problemet. Låser tråden under tiden.
  8. Länka in en längre version av klippet, verkar enligt kommentarer att ni stött på varandra innan. 24h så ska materialet vara upp, annars blir det auto-decline på denna ban-req.
  9. Hard case to decide, but glitching out from jail is something we in this request wont ban on, but it can be seen as breaking game mechanics. So this time i will decline this ban-request, but J.Cartello, see this as a warning, next time we get a report of you driving over people etc, you will be facing a Trolling punishment. Final: Ban declined, Warning issued to player: J.Cartello in gang [sWipe]
  10. 2 days ban for avoiding NLR.
  11. @A.R.S Erik, you have 1 new Katiba in your house box, 1 silencer and 6 mags. Only thing missing is RCO. That i guess we can fix when you are online next time. Let Support staff or Admin know and link to this thread.
  12. Locking thread for verdict.
  13. Include video in ban-req or i will decline this ban-req. This goes for all people from now on unless you can explain in a good way why you dont want the video to be shown.
  14. This ban-request is Declined. Although the "crash" was a D-sync issue, its nothing we can or will ban for. From the d-sync the gang (SC) car seems not to be damaged since they are able to drive away. Then that SC crashed the car after approx 2min from the d-sync (longer video has been provided to me to look at, after i requested it) the engage was done correctly. There is no fault nor claim to get anyone banned in this incident. If SC´s car would have blown up or damaged to the point that it would need repair to be able to drive away, then in the spirit of fair-play you should expect to get time to fix the car and given a chance to drive away (but this is not the case in this scenario, its was more meant if heavy damage where to have happened. Also keep in mind that if death would have happened due to d-sync then we (Admin/Support team) could have done a refund on gear and the lost of car (if it had blown up).
  15. Har snackat lite med Kid på TS, och informerat honom att han får vänta tills Admins haft möte och tagit upp hans förfrågan. Han förstod och kommer invänta svar från Admins.
  16. Nog med bevisning. Spelare "Number One" gav Amadi ingen tid att följa kraven som ropades ut, när ett rån sker ska personen som rånas få tid på sig att kunna reagera, vilket så ej var fallet här. Beslutet hamnar på 3 dagars ban för RDM. §.4 Random DeathMatch (RDM / VDM) Shooting a player without giving reasonable time to follow demands is considered RDM.
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