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  1. Like
    Rarre reacted to Barre in Dimitri Stridspilot   
    Han kan få bli min Stridspilot kadett
  2. Like
    Rarre reacted to storken in Medic Ansökan   
    What is your in-game name? What is your Player ID #? (In ARMA main screen go to Config/Profiles (select your profile) Then you should see a 17 Digit number) 76561197987885530 Have you read all of the rules on the forum? Yes Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a cop/medic? YES How long have you played on the server?  1.242 Hours How long have you played Arma 3? 1242 Hours this server only How often do you play on the server? So mouth as i can Tell us a little about your self! (Where in the world do you live? What time zone do you live in? Age? etc.) Jag heter Marcus och är boande i K-holm söder om sörmland, tror jag. och jobbar om dagarna, på coop o.s.v är lite dålig på att beskriva mig.  o.s.v hoppas detta duger.
    Behöver en faction Dessutom så kommer jag att närvara på möterna, o så där.
  3. Like
    Rarre reacted to Kupa in Continuation of my previous ->text.   
    Hello again fellows. 
     Bobbi more or less requested me to write another topic alike my last one about Factions and regular gangs. He thought that I would change my mind after a week as a cop.I'd like to admit that Bobbi had absolutely right.  The biggest opinion of mine that has been changed, is about CvD and CvN. I'll start with saying thanks to Thorsten for being aware of the problems and fixed them trough talking with Stefan Ö.I haven't encountered any issues with you since my last topic, very thankful for that! How ever, my thoughts changed massively about CvD after we had 1 war against them. I won't mention any names because I won't pie throw. Engaging with surrender or die and being totally naked with a Rook/Pdw is embarrassing and I won't say more. They know it them selfs! HRA? Well, I'd say they're my favorites to 100% and they'll stay there even though they might do some mistakes in the future. But they're still very good role-players.  EC? Hm, I still haven't got a personal thought about them. They're acting as criminals(Cartel) And that's what they're suppose to.  Swipe or SC haven't changed in my mind, I've not been able to role play with any of them. But I'm able to leave some good words about Swipe though, they paid a poor players wreck-less driving ticket I gave. That's a nice thing to do, and it's also an option to make people stay at the server. That's very respectful and they deserve more respect for that indeed.  I might leave it here, but I also wanna apologize to the people who think am a intemperate role-player as a cop. But that's my way to serve and protect the citizen. Kisses:)
  4. Like
    Rarre reacted to Billy Bones in Billy vs cvd   
    Gang: Billy Bones
    Gang: Cv-d (savage)
    Date- 2015-09-27
    Reason for war - They think that they can go unforgiven for the crime what they did against me.
  5. Like
    Rarre reacted to Bachne in Police Application Jimmie Åkesson // M.Bane   
    In-Game Name? : Jimmie Åkesson // M.Bane
    What is your Player ID #? (In ARMA main screen go to Config/Profiles (select your profile) Then you should see a 17 Digit number)
    Age : 16 y/o
    Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on other servers?:
    Do you have a working microphone?: Yes
    How long have you played on CvGaming?: I’m not sure to be honest.
    Have you been banned before?: Once, I don’t really remember why. But yes
    Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer? Of course


    What 5 qualities are necessary to become a CvGaming Police Officer?
    1) Be able to roleplay.
    2) Be able to drive/fly vehicles.
    3) Be able to improvise.
    4) Be able to work with all the other police officers.
    5) And it’s also good to be a decent shooter.
    In 3 short paragraphs describe why you would fit as a police officer:
    I have been in a police/military faction before so I have some earlier experience, I’m pretty good at roleplaying. I can both take and give orders!
    In a short paragraph, what is your task as a police officer?:
    To do so the civilians have fun and Obey the altis laws.
    Why should we pick YOU as a police officer?
    I’m getting along with “new” players really well which is a benefit in this situation I would say. And my previous answer could fit here as well. I have been in a police/military faction before so I have some earlier experience. I’m pretty good at roleplaying. I can both take and give orders! 
    What do you hope to achieve if you become a police officer?:
    To have a good time and meet new awesome mates! 
    What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?:
    All those things is priority 1. Imo respect is something u earn, when you are being loyalty to your mates. Rule enforcement is something you just need to follow. Or else you shouldn’t play this game at all!
    Why are the police faction important?
    It’s like the police force IRL. It would be total chaos without it.
    What do you personally think that the police faction would need to become better?
    Hmm I really don’t know, I guess that everything can always be better in all ways. But I’m not really sure what.
    Tell us a little about yourself!
    My name is Pontus, I’m 16 years old. I have played altis life for a pretty long time now. And I really enjoy it. I recently began “Volvo Gymnasiet”. On my spare time I like to play socce, work out and ofc play computer games.

    I happily answer questions on teamspeak if you have any! // Jimmie / M.Bane

  6. Like
    Rarre reacted to Toxiic in Lilla Charlie försöker flyga   
    Tror polisen får betala en helikopotter utbildning åt lilla Charlie

  7. Like
    Rarre reacted to Olsson in [ban req] [SC] Feroz   
    Dom visste ju han han var där? dom såg ju han sa dem i videon xD?
  8. Like
    Rarre got a reaction from Lavoshkin in [ban req] [SC] Feroz   
    H.R.A och A.P.D får köra igenom knarkbuskar för att se om någon sitter där eller inte.
  9. Like
    Rarre reacted to Barre in DreamHack Winter   
    120 mils körning just när snön fallit känns ju jätte frestande... Får se om det blir nått
  10. Like
    Rarre reacted to Barre in Dreamhack W15   
    Lyckas man med körkortet den sista augusti så får man väl ta och palla sig ner dit. Fast orkar inte fara själv
  11. Like
    Rarre reacted to Charlie in Dreamhack W15   
    tjenare jag undrar vilka som ska på dreamhack i höst jag tänkte sätta mig i C hallen iaf om jag åker, om några fler ska dit kanske vi kan anordna så vi sitter tillsammans 

  12. Like
    Rarre got a reaction from Charlie in En Kväll i Athira   
    Diaz! <3
  13. Like
    Rarre reacted to Charlie in En Kväll i Athira   
  14. Like
    Rarre reacted to Christoffer in C.tev police application   
    Requirements to join the Police Department are:
    Meet the minimum age of 17.  Understand basic server rules.   MUST have a working microphone! MUST have a good command of the English language.   
    In-Game Name? :medic C.krowis What is your Player ID #? (In ARMA main screen go to Config/Profiles (select your profile) Then you should see a 17 Digit number):76561197995903397 Age : 20 Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on other servers?: yes i was a police sgt before on Cvg Do you have a working microphone?: Yes How long have you played on CvGaming?: about 830 hours Have you been banned before?: No Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer? Ofc   What 5 qualities are necessary to become a CvGaming Police Officer?
    1)Lyda högre ranker
    2) Rpa är ett måste
    3) inte abusa polis "krafterna"
      In 3 short paragraphs describe why you would fit as a police officer: för att jag är en bra teamspelare och har varit en bra polis

      In a short paragraph, what is your task as a police officer?: förgöra alla olagliga saker här på altis

      Why should we pick YOU as a police officer? för att jag är bra på att rpa och rolig att prata med 

      What do you hope to achieve if you become a police officer?: rensa altis gater från kriminalitet

      What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?: det är ett måste

      Why are the police faction important? för att få bort all kriminalitet på gatorna här på altis

      What do you personally think that the police faction would need to become better? inget jag kommer på nu 

      Tell us a little about yourself! Mitt namn är Christoffer jag är 20 år och bor med min sambo i en liten by kallad ronneby. jag har 2 katter. jag är vädligt social och rolig att prata med. ja det finns väl inte så värst mycket att säga mer. 
  15. Like
    Rarre reacted to Barre in Bartowski Police Application   
    Meet the minimum age of 17. Understand basic server rules. MUST have a working microphone! MUST have a good command of the English language.  
    In-Game Name? : Bartowski (H.R.A Bartowski) What is your Player ID #? 6561198050917307 Age : 18 Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on other servers?: Yes Do you have a working microphone?: Yes How long have you played on CvGaming?: 2400h Have you been banned before?: yes Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer? Yes!   What 5 qualities are necessary to become a CvGaming Police Officer?
    1) Patience
    2) Good RP
    3) Decent shooter
    4) Dedication
    5) Good teamwork
      In 3 short paragraphs describe why you would fit as a police officer: 1. Experience. I have been a part of the A.P.D before and I know how to handle all kinds of situations. 2. My previous mistakes. It is not really a new for anyone who knows me what I did for T.U back in april. However the past is the past. I learned from my mistakes and I got a chance to join the rebels where I proved myself that I had changed. I have learned from my misstakes. 3. I am a teamplayer. I get along with new players very well so I am sure I would get along with the A.P.D force very well and that would also lead to funnier moments for myself and all the others I interact with ingame.
      In a short paragraph, what is your task as a police officer?:
    To protect and serve.
      Why should we pick YOU as a police officer?
    As I mentioned above. I am VERY experienced + I am extremely dedicated to CvG so I am online several hours a day which is a good benefit for whole A.P.D and because I am a serious player. What do you hope to achieve if you become a police officer?:
    Respect, fun, more experience and a good feeling inside for contributing A.P.D
      What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?:
    Being a trustworthy and good team mate. Not yell at others in the same team, not disrespect ANYONE what so ever, keep calm and listen / take orders from higher ranked officers.
      Why are the police faction important?
    To protect and serve. A.P.D is one out of two factions on Altis and they fight for the legal stuff. It is their job to make sure everybody is safe and that everything runs smoothly. So basically the A.P.D is important because it has a lot of responsibility. What do you personally think that the police faction would need to become better?
    This is very hard to answer because I have just left the rebel force so when I have been interacting with the A.P.D ingame it has often ended with a bullet or two.
      Tell us a little about yourself! Just like most of you guys I am Swedish. I recently turned 18 and got the drivers license. I am from a town called Skellefteå and on my spare time I play arma 3, hang out with friends, fish, snowmobiling and do daily visits at MAX Drive-in. I guess that's all you need to know. If you have any more questions please shoot me a msg or comment below! Thanks for reading! //Bartowski
  16. Like
    Rarre reacted to Kupa in Thoughts that are circling in my brain :)   
    Hello my dear CVG fellows 
     I'm in a mood for writing suddenly, it's 2am but after some beers on a Monday night I'm feeling fantastic. So basically I'll write my thoughts about the server and so on! Read carefully!  Some actions made by civilians, other factions and gangs that are making me a little bit off edge when I'm playing. I was recently accepted to the Police faction, and so far I've been enjoying it massively! But there is some incidents, I want to share. And I'll hopefully make you think twice next time.  I will to start with the CV-N. Their posts are hilarious indeed! But some of them, in the crew are literally d*ckheads(excuse my language)  For example: Stefan Ö (edited)You've been driving your damn go-cart for a decade now(in Kavala) we've been warning you, make you pay tickets and we actually blew your go-cart in pieces. But how ever, you just don't give a single f*ck and youve been continuing to drive it. And the worst part is, you're wreck-less driving and just literally point your middle finger to Role-playing. I think it's very immature and trolling behavior by you since you don't roleplay a shit when we detain or arrest you. And this involves some other people in CV-N as well, but I don't remember their names as I'm writing this.I'd love, a change from you guys. You are suppose to be news-writers! Your shouldn't be acting like F1 racers. Please. Faction H.R.A: In my opinion, I think the rebels are doing a great job as their in-game characters! I've not been roleplaying a lot with them, but I'm looking forward to it!  Gangs? Hmm, I don't have a personal opinion about EC, I think they're acting character(cartel) How ever, they're engaging in a bad way(SURRENDER OR DIE) witch should be removed as a engage command. However, I don't blame you EC, all gangs I've been fighting against has been using it.  Swipe? Well, this is the gang who've been robbing me a lot. So obviously I don't like them as a Gang! And from experience, some of them don't know RP at all! ( They killed me, so I just defended myself - Some1 in Swipe yesterday when he was detained...And they don't have a motto as a gang, like "road pirates" "Cartel" etc etc.. But it's all up to them of course, but it would earn some RP. Cv-droghandel is one of my personally favorites to be honest, I think you're acting "gangsters" "thug" you're not running around in Kavala and trolling. You mind your own. That's why you are my top 1! Keep it that way:)  SC? I won't leave a comment here. No personally offense, but I've not experienced any role-play by you or funny moments without an engage or being rude. I'll leave it there! I hope you don't mind being faced with critic anyone, I'm not offending anyone :>> I wish you had a great time reading my thoughts and comments, you're welcome to say something to your defense if you didn't like it. But I would enjoy more positive comments, kisses!! Yes I wrote this because I'm drunk and bored  
  17. Like
    Rarre reacted to Zetas in E.C Pyrgos Bridge Retake   
    Tycker att det är tråkigt att ni sköt freeman och felip :S 
    Som visionpie sa "Dom stog ju bara o kollade" Det var alltså inte vi som sköt!
    Men annars gj!
  18. Like
    Rarre reacted to Zetas in Ban Request [SC] Hejsan   
    Name: [H.R.A] Bartowski
            Offender-Name: [SC] Hejsan
            Date: 2015-09-20  -  23:45
            Reason: Hejsan springer in i HQet som en galning och skjuter bartowski rakt i huvudet, När vi fick medicen och ressa honom så frågade vi honom varför han sköt bartowski. Då sa rarre "Du fattar att detta kommer bli en ban request" Då sa han "Jag bryr mig inte någonting, Banna mig" ungefär.
    (Spola till 4:10)
    (Sorry för mitt ljud vet inte vad problemet är :P)
  19. Like
    Rarre reacted to Toxiic in Ban Request   
    Name: [H.R.A] Tony Blaze
    Offenders-name: [Cv-D] xAlusionz
    Date: 2015-09-20
    Reason: Breaking NLR

    Breaking NLR and bad language in teamspeak

    I'll send video on teamspeak to admin
  20. Like
    Rarre reacted to Halffinger Pete in Police application of P. Bracket   
    Meet the minimum age of 17. Yes (41)    
    Understand basic server rules. Yes
    MUST have a working microphone! Yes
    MUST have a good command of the English language. OK
    In-Game Name? :HalfFinger Pete / P. Bracket(MedicChief)
    What is your Player ID #? (In ARMA main screen go to Config/Profiles (select your profile) Then you should see a 17 Digit number) 76561198075825811
    Age : 41 
    Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on other servers?: NO onley Medic
    Do you have a working microphone?: It works
    How long have you played on CvGaming?: ca 1400 till 1600 tim
    Have you been banned before?: only once, when I started playing, and had not read the rules, would take over the bandit self without arms
    Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer? of course
    What 5 qualities are necessary to become a CvGaming Police Officer?
    1) Enforce the law
    2) Be calm in all situations
    3) Do not use more force than necessary
    4) Listen to what senior officer says
    5) Not to do anything that I can not defend
    In 3 short paragraphs describe why you would fit as a police officer:
    §1 I am calm
    §2 Read situations quickly
    §3 Can take action when necessary
    In a short paragraph, what is your task as a police officer?:
    Enforce the law, to make the Altis to a safe place to live at
    -I do everything for no one shall come to harm
    Why should we pick YOU as a police officer?
    -I have my age experience
    What do you hope to achieve if you become a police officer?:
    -Getting a calmer Altis to live on
    What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?:
    -respect all, be loyal to management, everyone must follow the rules
    Why are the police faction important?
    -Otherwise, we have no society to live in
    What do you personally think that the police faction would need to become better?
    -That does not always come with the biggest guns for small items
    Tell us a little about yourself!
    -I am 41 yers old (or young depends on how you see it). I work two shifts at my job in Kalmar. In my free time so am I involved in live history of 1860s (American Civil War) and during my vacation so I run steam train at High Chaparral
    Sincerely P. Bracket
  21. Like
    Rarre reacted to Peter Marple in IMLAY thaaa Pilot   
    Blev kanske lite mycket Star Wars igår... 
  22. Like
    Rarre reacted to Peter Marple in IMLAY thaaa Pilot   
    Du kommer veta när tiden är inne unge padawan, för ivrig, du är.
  23. Like
    Rarre reacted to Imlay in IMLAY thaaa Pilot   
  24. Like
    Rarre reacted to Peter Marple in IMLAY thaaa Pilot   
    Challange Me you do, foolish you be!

  25. Like
    Rarre reacted to Fisk in en vanlig dag i en buske   
    (Har ingen fantasi med låt som passade så tog bara något)
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