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FRIDAY 21:00 - King of The Island *CLOSED*


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King of the Island

05/27 - 21:00


N.L.A island


  • KOS on the island.
  • Looting is not allowed.
  • Medic will revive people who dies, and take them away from the island. 
  • 1 life
  • The event goes on until there's only 1 gang left on the island.
  • Max two 7.62 / gang.
  • a Zamak w/ gear to the winning gang. (not full)
  • APD are not allowed to participate
  • Medics are not allowed to participate
  • Blacklisted zones - N.L.A Headquarters, N.L.A Checkpoints, N.L.A Outpost
  • Chance to buy 1 random vehicle -See more below

Vehicle Lottery


Vehicle will be granted during the event, you will not keep the vehicle.

1st lot - 200 000 $

2nd lot - 400 000 $

3rd lot - 600 000 $

4th lot - 800 000 $

5th lot - 1 000 000 $

5 lots is max /gang

1 lot - 1 spin

Vehicles to win




Hatchback sport



Tempest device


Payment will be made to Thorsten/Darwin before the event starts


For further questions, write a comment or PM me or Darwin!

See you there!






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  On 5/27/2016 at 6:05 AM, [CV-D] Bengtsson said:

SHIT va nice då har man nått att göra ikväll Men var möts man för eventet?

Och kan man ej loosa gear på detta event?


Det är bara på att flyga in på ön, gängledaren åker till N.L.A Checkpoint OM man ska köpa ett random fordon.

När alla är redo så startar vi KOS

Man kan ej loosa gear då det är lootförbud.

  On 5/27/2016 at 7:14 AM, swintan said:

få man refound om sakerna buggar bort när man dör? @Darwin



Jag kommer ersätta vapen som despawnar.


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