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Ban req on [Cv-d][Thug] Jokes


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Tjena Arne, anledningen att jag körde på din bil och K.O:ade dig är för att du vdm:a vår gängmedlem [Cv-D] Lil.smokey flera gånger. pga att du körde på han flera gånger så blev jag triggerd och körde på din bil och sedan för att du skulle känna det han kände så knockade jag dig. Jag vet själv att det är ''trolling'' men jag tycker inte att du har rätt att köra över våran medlem flera gånger. We have video of this happening and it will be posted soon

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If you had a 15 minute video you would have a video of 3 counts of VDM and the video is clipped so you can not hear your trashtalking and etc. 

Here is a full vod of his stream. Thanks for recording yourself lying to the admins mate. https://www.twitch.tv/ruffsarn/v/110850246

Also, we know knocking in safezone is not allowed. It will not happen again. But when they try stealing our cars and etc. Thats what we had to do. (we felt like)

Sorry for the salt in the video, but things like this makes me angry!

Edited by Erik Tyrone
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3 hours ago, Erik Tyrone said:

If you had a 15 minute video you would have a video of 3 counts of VDM and the video is clipped so you can not hear your trashtalking and etc. 

Here is a full vod of his stream. Thanks for recording yourself lying to the admins mate. https://www.twitch.tv/ruffsarn/v/110850246

Also, we know knocking in safezone is not allowed. It will not happen again. But when they try stealing our cars and etc. Thats what we had to do. (we felt like)

Sorry for the salt in the video, but things like this makes me angry!


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13 hours ago, Erik Tyrone said:

If you had a 15 minute video you would have a video of 3 counts of VDM and the video is clipped so you can not hear your trashtalking and etc. 

Here is a full vod of his stream. Thanks for recording yourself lying to the admins mate. https://www.twitch.tv/ruffsarn/v/110850246

Also, we know knocking in safezone is not allowed. It will not happen again. But when they try stealing our cars and etc. Thats what we had to do. (we felt like)

Sorry for the salt in the video, but things like this makes me angry!

Lol you are bullshitting so hard, that isn't even me that are driving get your things together before shittalking, you are the liar here. So much stupidity in you. 

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8 minutes ago, Arne said:

Lol you are bullshitting so hard, that isn't even me that are driving get your things together before shittalking, you are the liar here. So much stupidity in you. 

That is you and your friend in that car. Driving over my gangmember 3 times. Admins can check the vod theirself. Personally I am not going to waste more time on this, you are obviously trolling.

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Efter att ha kollat på de videos ni laddat upp som visar båda sidors perspektiv så kommer jag att neka denna.


Som man er i din vod Arne så kör du över deras kompis ett flertalet gånger innan du bestämmer dig för att köra vidare. 

Vill bara påminna om att ett fel inte rättfärdigar ett annat fel. Att Arne kör på eran gängmedlem ger inte er rätten till att knocka honom gång på gång...


Skärpning i framtiden!



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