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Status Updates posted by Kebre

  1. "To make the process faster, I will asume that you are wrong."

  2. "If I agreed with you we'd both be wrong."

  3. You are making progress if each mistake is a new one.

  4. Appreciate your feedback about cvgaming.me :)

    Do you have any suggestion how to improve it?

    1. Erik Tyrone

      Erik Tyrone

      Cvgaming.me improvements.

      Put the Cvgaming logo on which have a link redirect to the frontpage (of cvgaming.me) like you have on the main website.

      Looking at the weapon section of the website, it in my opinion have a lot of potential.  
      Right now there is one box where you choose a weapon. I would replace that with a leaderboard of the top 10 weapons with the top 10 amounts of kills. 
      Instead of having a dropdown list I would make an actual leaderboard. 
      And if someone wants to see a gun that is not on the list, you could potentially do a ”search for a gun” search bar or something. 
      To explain further what I mean by a leader board I will use the example from Cvgaming.net, where you have leaderboard for likes.
      Here is an edit I made to hopefully make it easier to understand what I mean: http://prnt.sc/dufnl7

      This is probably a whole lot to ask for but it is just suggestions :) 

      On the map, if possible, try to use the actual CvGaming map, showing the different places like where the drugdealer, copper mind and etc are.


      Sorry it took so long to respond, took a while to make that picture :P 


    2. Kebre


      Good idea about the weapons, will look into what I can do about it!

  5. Alla nätverkskablar på alla servrar har dragits ur och flyttats med 0 i nertid :3

  6. Det var länge sen ;)


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. M. Gray

      M. Gray

      Du får lika min ansökan =)

    3. Kebre


      Länka ett av dina tidigare klipp i ansökan ;)

    4. M. Gray

      M. Gray

      Hehe! tack tack


      Jag är ju inte skapt att spela civ det är något som är säkert =)

  7. Försök igen fast skriv bara Twitch namnet och inte hela URLen.

    För mig skulle det bli "kebre001" och inte "http://twitch.tv/kebre001" :)

    Är på mobilen så orkar inte fixa haha 

  8. Communication Systems

  9. Currently fixing all the new stuff for the forum upgrade! CHAOS

  10. Going on an adventure at IFA

  11. I am not arma support

  12. Installing some new hardware:


  13. Kebre : On a unexpected journey

  14. Kodat vidare på streaming plugin:et.

    Fick utveckla vidare på en API som kan hantera all info.

  15. Love the pic :3

  16. The server temps are:

    Arma 3: 30 celsius @ 90% load

    Ark: 20 celcius @ 20% load

    And better it will be ;)

  17. Working on a new streaming page that hopefully will integrate fine with the forums

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