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Everything posted by Goliat

  1. Name: [A.P.D] D. Goliat [CAD] 9 Offender-Name: [K.F] Carl Mark Date: 2015-04-13 - <17:30> (Around that time) Reason: We saw a man driving strange, and thought to investigate it. We landed on the other side of the checkpoint to stop him when he had driven through. We notice how he avoids the checkpoint and decides to drive offroad (which is illegal btw). He rams our huron with his vehicle and VDM Jayleno. I tell him to step out of the vehicle and to lower his weapon but he decides to RDM Jayleno, -- whom is still unconscious from VDM. Problem here is that he kills a police officer without initiating RP. And its against server rules to kill with the help of VDM. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Wq3BBLpaJ8&feature=youtu.be
  2. Name: Goliat Offender-Name: Marcus Date: 2015-04-5 - <19:50> (Around that time) Reason: I crashed my vehicle, Kroxor helped me repair it but Marcus decides to steals it and drives away. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QmJv0Rs51qE&feature=youtu.be
  3. Det finns inget samspel här. Personen i video (Dimitri) får inte möjligheten att göra något. Man hör att deras mikrofon funkar, tyvärr skriker dom på polisen efter att ha skjutit Dimitri. En annan sak att notera är att Dimitri har inte ens sitt vapen uppe när han går fram, det ser ut som att [HARD] gänget får panik och skrik skjuter direkt. Under hela denna situation satt jag i en helikopter 170 meter upp i luften och observerade hur Dimitri går fram till dom med sänkt vapen och dör. (Har också videobevis från min synvinkel)
  4. Name: [Medic Trainee] Goliat Offender-Name: NosserP Date: 2015-04-03 - <17:20> (Around that time) Reason: NosserP jumped inside my helicopter when I unlocked it, I asked him to get out but he refuses. Moments later he begins to play music. I fly to the police so they can get him out of my vehicle and once I'm there I forget to lock my co-pilot controls and so he steals my helicopter. A.P.D Fransisco sent NosserP a text message to return it but he did not. Intentional trolling. https://youtu.be/Kb6VX3ZlYAo
  5. Name: [Cv-D] [Pros] Goliat Offender-Name: Hellhound Date: 2015-04-01 - <23:05> (Around that time) Reason: Cv-D made a roadblock with spikes, a few cars drove through it. We RP'd but they resisted so we responded with lethal force. A few seconds later a car comes driving from Pyrgos with full speed, ramming the car in front of me which results in my death, and later a massive explosion. As you can see in my video, it's a full head on collision with no intent other than to ram. https://youtu.be/rkqvwG7oD0A
  6. Bra val, 2st 980's ger dig mer prestanda än en titan. Det finns data som styrker det. Happy gaming!
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