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walter yellow

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    walter yellow reacted to walter yellow in ban req on CV-D Wredig   
    Request Information
            Name: [TSAR] John Smith
            Offender-Name: [CV-D] Wredig
            Date: 2016 12 07 - 20:57z (GMT +1)
            Which rule(s) were broken:
    Shooting a player without giving reasonable time to follow demands is considered RDM.
    Shooting people whilst OUTSIDE the bandit ZONE
            Additional information: Explain in detail what happened.
    Okay so what happend was. We drove down to bandit. And when i was right outside the zone i got killed. I know that kos is in the bandit area but kos isnt outside bandit. We have given him multiple chances but this time i will put a ban req. I do not want a refund i just want him off this server. G.Kacper told us that if he did another fail engage we should put a ban req.  
  2. Like
    walter yellow got a reaction from Xymz in ban req on CV-D Wredig   
    Request Information
            Name: [TSAR] John Smith
            Offender-Name: [CV-D] Wredig
            Date: 2016 12 07 - 20:57z (GMT +1)
            Which rule(s) were broken:
    Shooting a player without giving reasonable time to follow demands is considered RDM.
    Shooting people whilst OUTSIDE the bandit ZONE
            Additional information: Explain in detail what happened.
    Okay so what happend was. We drove down to bandit. And when i was right outside the zone i got killed. I know that kos is in the bandit area but kos isnt outside bandit. We have given him multiple chances but this time i will put a ban req. I do not want a refund i just want him off this server. G.Kacper told us that if he did another fail engage we should put a ban req.  
  3. Like
    walter yellow reacted to Peter Marple in Ban req on RNJ   
    Halloj @rnj
    Förstår att situationen verkar uppenbar, skulle också ha tänkt att denne filur ville råna mig... 
    Men tyvärr så lyder våra regler så att man måste engagea med sitt gäng namn och ett dödshot, oavsett situation. 
    Då du har beskrivit fint här varför du gjorde som du gjorde så hoppas jag att vi kan ta det som en läxa tills nästa gång
    Jag tänker att jag låser tråden, dock så vill jag att @rnj läser på reglerna lite grann! 
    Mvh Peter Marple, Moderator
  4. Like
    walter yellow reacted to rnj in Ban req on RNJ   
    Sounds great, thanks! I appreciate your constructive solution to this. I just downloaded TS and will be on later to see if I can figure it out and find you on there
  5. Like
    walter yellow got a reaction from rnj in Ban req on RNJ   
    I can explain the rules to you so you can better understand the situation. Lets talk a bit in ts
  6. Like
    walter yellow reacted to rnj in Ban req on RNJ   
    Det här är som tur är första gången jag får en ban request på mig, så jag är lite osäker på om jag ska svara i den här tråden eller någon annanstans, men jag gör ett försök här.
    Här kommer min syn på vad som hände
    Som ni kan se i videon Walter postat värjar jag undan så att han inte ska köra på mig (0:44) varpå han kör framför mig, jag uppfattar det som att han försöker blockera för mig för att råna eller döda mig.
    (Det bör nämnas att jag tidigare blev dödad utan anledning av en person som blockerade mig, så jag var rädd att samma sak skulle återupprepas)
    Jag har inget intresse av konfrontation med Walter så jag kör iväg och hoppas att han inte menade att blockera mig, men då följer Walter efter mig.
    Min upplevelse av att han försöker blockera mig för att råna eller döda mig mig stärks självklart i att han totalvänder och följer efter mig i sin betydligt snabbare bil.
    Som ni kan se runt 0:52 försöker jag preja undan honom från att köra framför mig, min bil går då sönder. Jag sitter fast. 
    Istället för att köra iväg vänder Walter sin bil igen och kör mot mig. Jag tar det som ännu ett tecken på illvilja från Walters sida. 
    När jag ser att han kör mot mig och tänker stanna framför mig hoppar jag ur min bil med min pistol, men jag avvaktar med att skjuta så att jag inte RDMar, jag vill inte skjuta såvida jag inte är säker på att det är i självförsvar.
    När jag ser att han mycket riktigt hoppar ur sin bil, med pistol väljer jag att skjuta honom. Jag upplevde det som uppenbart att han tänkt råna eller döda mig vid det här laget. 
    Efter att jag skjutit honom i självförsvar börjar han hota mig med en ban request för "RDM" trots att det uppenbarligen inte var något RDM utan självförsvar. 
    Walter valde i sin video att utelämna delen där han kräver mig på 75 miljoner för att inte posta en ban request, se bifogad bild. 
    Jag hoppas ni admins tar rätt beslut. Under tiden jag spelat på serven har jag verkligen tyckt om den. Jag har fått uppleva vänligheten av väldigt många hjälpsamma människor och jag har försökt vara hjälpsam tillbaka. Det är helt klart min favoritserver för Altis Life och jag hoppas kunna fortsätta spela på den.
    Jag tar reglerna kring RDM på stort allvar och skulle inte skjuta någon som jag inte var övertygad att det var självförsvar. 
    Tack för att du/ni tog er tid att läsa mitt inlägg!
    Allt gott,

  7. Like
    walter yellow reacted to walter yellow in Ban request [C. Co] Joel And Bobin - 2016-AUG-27th- 15.00   
    Request Information
            Name: Walter Hvit (And Walter White)
            Offender-Name: [C. Co] Joel, [C. Co] Bobin
            Date: 2016-AUG-27th- 15.00 (more or less)
            Reason: Explain your point of view as much as in-depth as possible. If you have any proof of the users guilt in form of links, post them here.
    Hi there. Something happend to the Walter squad again. What a suprise... Kappa. Most of this is from Walter White's perspective, so most of it isnt in the video, but you can hear him yell in the skype....
    At first me and [SP] Walter White (my friend) where driving around, looking for some fools to rob, because who doesn't. We only succeded once after 3 whole attemts. 
    After a couple of minuttes, we went down to Gang Hideout #2, next to Kavala North to buy some loot etc. We placed some spikes strips, to stop a pair of hatchbacks cruising down the main road. One of the guys in the Hatchback crashed, maybe due to driver error or the spikes. Unfortunately, the driver died, just as we where going to say "This Is SP, put your hands up or we will open fire". Anyways, we thought the spikes did the job, so we began lockpicking his car and drove off to Kavala to get some food and drink. (We also took his precious 90$....)
    Down in Kavala, we meet this dude called SpookyTron, that was eager to join us. So we drove off North on the main road, to begin our awesome adventure. After passing Gang Hideout #2, Some guy from the gang [C. Co]began shooting at our vehicle. And ofc you cant do something like that, you have to use roadblocks or spike strips to stop a moving vehicle, also he didnt say anything, he just opend fire. (BTW, this happend to Walter White, so unfortunately it isnt on the recording), and the guy jumped into he's car and began following us. At last I crashed, due to my epic driving skills, and i had to jump out to repair the hatchback. Unfortunately, 2 guys in the gang of [C. Co], began to open fire on me and SpookyTron, even though we didn't do sh*t. (Expecally SpookyTron, he was just sitting there).... Here again, they broke THE rules, RDM and wrong engage.
    After being revived, some more happend (Much easier to watch the video than explaining it in words, so enjoy.... 
    We really want suckers  like this, off this server, to keep the server nice and clean so people can experience what Altis Life really has to offer. Thanks anywas!
    Best regards
    Walter Hvit And Walter White
  8. Like
    walter yellow got a reaction from Angryherring in Ban request [C. Co] Joel And Bobin - 2016-AUG-27th- 15.00   
    Request Information
            Name: Walter Hvit (And Walter White)
            Offender-Name: [C. Co] Joel, [C. Co] Bobin
            Date: 2016-AUG-27th- 15.00 (more or less)
            Reason: Explain your point of view as much as in-depth as possible. If you have any proof of the users guilt in form of links, post them here.
    Hi there. Something happend to the Walter squad again. What a suprise... Kappa. Most of this is from Walter White's perspective, so most of it isnt in the video, but you can hear him yell in the skype....
    At first me and [SP] Walter White (my friend) where driving around, looking for some fools to rob, because who doesn't. We only succeded once after 3 whole attemts. 
    After a couple of minuttes, we went down to Gang Hideout #2, next to Kavala North to buy some loot etc. We placed some spikes strips, to stop a pair of hatchbacks cruising down the main road. One of the guys in the Hatchback crashed, maybe due to driver error or the spikes. Unfortunately, the driver died, just as we where going to say "This Is SP, put your hands up or we will open fire". Anyways, we thought the spikes did the job, so we began lockpicking his car and drove off to Kavala to get some food and drink. (We also took his precious 90$....)
    Down in Kavala, we meet this dude called SpookyTron, that was eager to join us. So we drove off North on the main road, to begin our awesome adventure. After passing Gang Hideout #2, Some guy from the gang [C. Co]began shooting at our vehicle. And ofc you cant do something like that, you have to use roadblocks or spike strips to stop a moving vehicle, also he didnt say anything, he just opend fire. (BTW, this happend to Walter White, so unfortunately it isnt on the recording), and the guy jumped into he's car and began following us. At last I crashed, due to my epic driving skills, and i had to jump out to repair the hatchback. Unfortunately, 2 guys in the gang of [C. Co], began to open fire on me and SpookyTron, even though we didn't do sh*t. (Expecally SpookyTron, he was just sitting there).... Here again, they broke THE rules, RDM and wrong engage.
    After being revived, some more happend (Much easier to watch the video than explaining it in words, so enjoy.... 
    We really want suckers  like this, off this server, to keep the server nice and clean so people can experience what Altis Life really has to offer. Thanks anywas!
    Best regards
    Walter Hvit And Walter White
  9. Like
    walter yellow reacted to Erko123 in Cvgaming Öppna igen!   
    HI, Jag vill bara fråga om CVgaming kommer öppna altis life servern igen för det skulle vara nice.
  10. Like
    walter yellow reacted to anden in Cvgaming Öppna igen!   
    Cvg har flyttat till tanoa sen apex kom ut. Men om tanoa inte går bra så kommer dom gå tillbax till altis
  11. Like
    walter yellow got a reaction from Leoks in Ban on Walter Yellow/ Walter Hvit   
    I wanna clear this all up right here and right now like I can just keep playing cvg altislife.
    What happend is i played on a German public cop server. Since i think leafy is kinda funny youtuber and he says Savage alot so then i chose the name (A.P.D) Savage. After playing for a while my friends asked me if i wanted to play on the altislife server. I booted up the server and started playing. Then I saw someone robbing a store. I went over there to rob the robber. I aksed the player can you put your hands up. And he didnt respond. He was just flat on the ground. While I told him to put your hands up. After many tries of talking with him I decided to shoot him since he didnt do as i told him to. And this is why i did what i did. I am terrible sorry for my actions. I just wanna play on my favorite server cvgaming.net 
  12. Like
    walter yellow got a reaction from Angryherring in Ban on Walter Yellow/ Walter Hvit   
    I wanna clear this all up right here and right now like I can just keep playing cvg altislife.
    What happend is i played on a German public cop server. Since i think leafy is kinda funny youtuber and he says Savage alot so then i chose the name (A.P.D) Savage. After playing for a while my friends asked me if i wanted to play on the altislife server. I booted up the server and started playing. Then I saw someone robbing a store. I went over there to rob the robber. I aksed the player can you put your hands up. And he didnt respond. He was just flat on the ground. While I told him to put your hands up. After many tries of talking with him I decided to shoot him since he didnt do as i told him to. And this is why i did what i did. I am terrible sorry for my actions. I just wanna play on my favorite server cvgaming.net 
  13. Like
    walter yellow reacted to walter yellow in Ban on Walter Yellow/ Walter Hvit   
    I wanna clear this all up right here and right now like I can just keep playing cvg altislife.
    What happend is i played on a German public cop server. Since i think leafy is kinda funny youtuber and he says Savage alot so then i chose the name (A.P.D) Savage. After playing for a while my friends asked me if i wanted to play on the altislife server. I booted up the server and started playing. Then I saw someone robbing a store. I went over there to rob the robber. I aksed the player can you put your hands up. And he didnt respond. He was just flat on the ground. While I told him to put your hands up. After many tries of talking with him I decided to shoot him since he didnt do as i told him to. And this is why i did what i did. I am terrible sorry for my actions. I just wanna play on my favorite server cvgaming.net 
  14. Like
    walter yellow got a reaction from Kafarov in Ban on Walter Yellow/ Walter Hvit   
    I wanna clear this all up right here and right now like I can just keep playing cvg altislife.
    What happend is i played on a German public cop server. Since i think leafy is kinda funny youtuber and he says Savage alot so then i chose the name (A.P.D) Savage. After playing for a while my friends asked me if i wanted to play on the altislife server. I booted up the server and started playing. Then I saw someone robbing a store. I went over there to rob the robber. I aksed the player can you put your hands up. And he didnt respond. He was just flat on the ground. While I told him to put your hands up. After many tries of talking with him I decided to shoot him since he didnt do as i told him to. And this is why i did what i did. I am terrible sorry for my actions. I just wanna play on my favorite server cvgaming.net 
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