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Everything posted by V1RRE

  1. original :http://gyazo.com/4eba62c3f3f1fadc05be40f9e20e75f7 Thorstens: http://gyazo.com/0f13ebd6ecc8f9554b9b3bfcecfdd9db "Hardmuns" : http://gyazo.com/3f696cfd9a2afba701cfa7b87f0f80ca
  2. Congratulations [H.R.A] Ahaz Helios that managed to be the last man standing!
  3. NVM kollade på mobilen innan i 360p, så det var därför såg helt fuckat ut innan i 360p hahah!
  4. Jag tror inte att man kan ställa in inställningarna så det ser ut så måste vara inspelningsprogramet eller när han renderade videon det fucka up
  5. 3. Gang rule! Before we start we will make sure that everyone in the gangs except the leaders has left their gangs, just to make sure you can't see your gangmembers on the map. EVERYONE that wants to attend to the event needs to sit in a teamspeak channel, because there will be a high chance that the ingame sound will desync/lag. So for the A.P.D that wants to participate, you'll have to enter as civilians.
  6. Introduction Goodday everybody! this wednesday, I thought that I was going to host a smaller event! Its a pretty simple event, every participant will be equipped with a 4.five and 3 mags. Everyone will get their guns when we have arrived outside the hotel. Everyone will get 60 seconds to move out and position out inside the hotel, then its on! KoS on everyone! Date: 2015-07-15 18:00 Rules You are not allowed to leave the ghost hotel! And by ghost hotel, i mean particually the hotel, everyone is going to stay inside the hotel! No teamworking! this is a FFA event, if you get caught teamworking, these players / gangs will be disqualified from the event and banned from all further of Thorstens events. When there is only 1 man alive, the event is over! Normal server rules applies to this event, except the RDM rule then ofcourse, No glitching/viewing through walls! You are not allowed to bring any other equipment except the stuff you spawn with. Every participant is going to pay Thorsten 100.000$ All the money will then ofcourse go to the winner of the event! Every 10 minutes, we will restrict the fighting zone, by removing one floor. anyone left in the removed zone will be disqualified/ and/or killed by Thorsten Food is allowed! How to participate Go to Pyrgos air garage at 18:00 on wednesday Enter the Mohawk chopper. Do not pick out 100.000 $ in Pyrgos. Enter the chopper as Freshspawn! Do not forget to bring your own food! Good luck have fun!
  7. Tror du skrev lite fel där, Jag är medveten om att Scrub Club hade ett kasst rykte angående lootkåthet, pipiga röster, bara rooks, det var en av anledningarna till att vi gjorde om SC till A.G.. sedan lämnade dock alla "lootkåta" medlemmar,(Inte dig @William ) så därför startade jag upp SC igen.. känns sjukt tråkigt att försöka få upp ett gäng till o bli stort igen ifall folk håller på o eltar gamla rykten.. somsagt så ser du i titeln, "Nya Scrub Club rekryterar", alltså detta SC skall inte vara i närheten av vad det gamla var (därifrån de kassa ryktet kom ifrån) Så Ja, nu tycker jag att alla ger oss en chans att visa att detta inte kommer vara något loot/rook gäng igen
  8. Hej hej! Nu är det så att jag, Thorsten tar tag i Scrub Club nu efter att alla lämnat, jag söker mogna samt aktiva CvG spelare . The Squad Fahid Rasheed//Thorsten Stefan.Ö Diaz "Filip" // Landsier Lallish Fearless Lagster Edvin R. Bartowski Vi kör inte med några ranker överhuvudtaget förutom kadett-medlem-ledare Detta är alltså alla nuvarande medlemmar, söker folk som når följande krav: 16+ mogen. Var inte lootkåt. kunna knipa käft i TS Gear osv går alltid att fixa sålänge du är engagerad. kontakta mig på Teamspeak eller ingame ifall du är intresserad Ajde!
  9. Klippte ihop lite kills / situationer ifrån Battle Royale! Någon mer som lirar det ?
  10. Lär bli hus i helvete när Afriel vaknar hahahah
  11. V1RRE

    *EVENT 2015-06-27

    Eventet slut! Vinnarna av 2v2 turneringen blev Isaac & [Cv-D] [Pros] T. Mcgarett
  12. V1RRE

    *EVENT 2015-06-27

    Ny regel! A.P.D måste tyvär vara inne som civila om dem skall delta. detta är pga hexagoner, commander osv!
  13. V1RRE

    *EVENT 2015-06-27

    hahahah förfan, lade upp det skitfort då jag hade 15 min tills min buss gick :C i 1v1, 2v2, och 3v3 matcherna så kör vi inom alla stängsel, men INTE solarpanel fältet.. i de andra gamemodsen är det inom alla stängsel inklusive solpanelfältet. Samt så kommer jag att slumpa alla lagen!
  14. V1RRE

    *EVENT 2015-06-27

    Thorsten's Arena Date: 2015-06-27 21:30 Introduction This event will take place outside Sofia, where I've selected a small map, at this location we will play some different gamemodes. We will have a medic at place and there will be loot restriction. Bring your own gear and weapon! All teams will be randomized! Gamemodes 1v1 (torunament) 2v2 (torunament) 3v3 (torunament) 4v4 (torunament) Capture the flag FFA RULES Loot restriction NO 7.62 Mx SW is forbidden aswell. NO Smoke grenades. The Map When we play 1v1, 2v2, and 3v3, we will play within the fences and solar panels, when playing the other gamemodes the Solarpanels will be avaible. How to join ? Around 21:30 Go to SC guest channel. See you tonight!
  15. Eventet slut, vinnaren blev Charles Darwin, Gratulerar!
  16. Thorsten From CvG News Presents "Guess the movie/Series" Date & time : 2015-06-25 (Thursday) 22:00 This event will not be an event ingame, the reward will be ingame tho Introduction I guess the majority of you has already played this game before in forexample class or with friends, but basically, I will put on a soundtrack/trailer/Intro or even a scene from a movie/ Tv show, and then the first person to write their name will be allowed to give the answer. Rules/Details Right answer = 1 point. First to 20 points. No yelling in teamspeak. Don't yell the right answer if it's not your turn. This will give you a minus point. Do not send any tip about movies etc to Thorsten. Everyone will sit in a Teamspeak room. The Reward Mk18 AR 7.62 Carrier lite CTRG Combat Fatigues Good luck & Have fun!
  17. Gooday my dear fellas' Scrub Club is now recruiting! Recruitment We're going to have some demands on our members, here are the demands if you wish to join! Age 16 years or older! There might be some exceptions tho. Loadout TRG-21/MK20 + tactical vest. Some nice clothing is always good as well.. Also depends on the situation. NO handguns such as rook will be tolerated! Garage Hemtt box and/or Mohawk. A smaller chopper as hellcat or M-900 is not a demand, but always good to have! Economy a couple of millions on your bank account, so you're not in need of farming all the time atleast one house as well. If you feel like you got what it takes, please contact me or Charles Darwin preferably on Teamspeak.
  18. haha. jo, märkte det också, 125% digital vibrance + colour ING = natt vid typ 19:00
  19. V1RRE

    Combat logg

    Grabbar bråka inte Förövrigt tycker jag att detta var en onödig ban request, Om jag var du Al Sa Him så skulle jag lägga ner ban requesten då du har gjort ett minst lika stort regelbrott som Filip (Kenny) är anklagad för. ( Bilden ovan^)
  20. Det där är väl global ban ? alltså som CvG inte har gjort..
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