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    LEIF got a reaction from Hallvardo in Dom försökte ju i allafall.   
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    LEIF got a reaction from Rarre in Dom försökte ju i allafall.   
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    LEIF got a reaction from WoXXeN in Dom försökte ju i allafall.   
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    LEIF got a reaction from Perss00n in Dom försökte ju i allafall.   
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    LEIF got a reaction from Fisk in Dom försökte ju i allafall.   
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    LEIF got a reaction from Feroz in Dom försökte ju i allafall.   
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    LEIF reacted to Andreas in Dom försökte ju i allafall.   
    haha  rekt
  8. Like
    LEIF got a reaction from G. Kasper in Dom försökte ju i allafall.   
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    LEIF got a reaction from Lavoshkin in Dom försökte ju i allafall.   
  10. Like
    LEIF got a reaction from Fisk in [A.P.D] Mackan behöver gå i engelska skolan mer än Hamilton?   
    "Det här kommer få en massa likes"
  11. Like
    LEIF got a reaction from Zacharias in [A.P.D] Mackan behöver gå i engelska skolan mer än Hamilton?   
    "Det här kommer få en massa likes"
  12. Like
    LEIF reacted to Darwin in H.R.A's Kareoke Kväll Lördag 10/10-15   
    Tjena, vi i HRA hade tänkt köra ett fredligt och familjevänligt event, Imorgon lördag klockan 19:00 så öppnas bommarna till våran ö för ALLA Civila samt Poliser/medics. Kom och bjud på er själva och ha chansen att vinna 2 miljoner och en flaska skumpa från yours truly , viktigast är att alla har roligt och är sams.  Dresscode: Kom finklädda, inte gearade. Ingen blir imponerad av era carrier lites
    Rules: Inga rån, Intentional VDM's eller annan trolling, gör ni detta blir ni bannlysta från HRA's framtida events (Afriel läs igenom detta noga innan du bestämmer dig för att delta på eventet)
    Hoppas ni kommer! 
  13. Like
    LEIF reacted to LEIF in ATF vs TD   
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    LEIF got a reaction from J.Cartello in U.F.L vs OLW   
  15. Like
    LEIF reacted to Billy Bones in Billy vs cvd   
    Gang: Billy Bones
    Gang: Cv-d (savage)
    Date- 2015-09-27
    Reason for war - They think that they can go unforgiven for the crime what they did against me.
  16. Like
    LEIF got a reaction from Kupa in P.Stanford får en böter av El Cartel (UPPFÖLJNING, DEL 2)   
    Haha fantastiskt, hoppas sjukvårdaren kom med "bloudpousar och sånt"
  17. Like
    LEIF reacted to Kupa in Thoughts that are circling in my brain :)   
    Hello my dear CVG fellows 
     I'm in a mood for writing suddenly, it's 2am but after some beers on a Monday night I'm feeling fantastic. So basically I'll write my thoughts about the server and so on! Read carefully!  Some actions made by civilians, other factions and gangs that are making me a little bit off edge when I'm playing. I was recently accepted to the Police faction, and so far I've been enjoying it massively! But there is some incidents, I want to share. And I'll hopefully make you think twice next time.  I will to start with the CV-N. Their posts are hilarious indeed! But some of them, in the crew are literally d*ckheads(excuse my language)  For example: Stefan Ö (edited)You've been driving your damn go-cart for a decade now(in Kavala) we've been warning you, make you pay tickets and we actually blew your go-cart in pieces. But how ever, you just don't give a single f*ck and youve been continuing to drive it. And the worst part is, you're wreck-less driving and just literally point your middle finger to Role-playing. I think it's very immature and trolling behavior by you since you don't roleplay a shit when we detain or arrest you. And this involves some other people in CV-N as well, but I don't remember their names as I'm writing this.I'd love, a change from you guys. You are suppose to be news-writers! Your shouldn't be acting like F1 racers. Please. Faction H.R.A: In my opinion, I think the rebels are doing a great job as their in-game characters! I've not been roleplaying a lot with them, but I'm looking forward to it!  Gangs? Hmm, I don't have a personal opinion about EC, I think they're acting character(cartel) How ever, they're engaging in a bad way(SURRENDER OR DIE) witch should be removed as a engage command. However, I don't blame you EC, all gangs I've been fighting against has been using it.  Swipe? Well, this is the gang who've been robbing me a lot. So obviously I don't like them as a Gang! And from experience, some of them don't know RP at all! ( They killed me, so I just defended myself - Some1 in Swipe yesterday when he was detained...And they don't have a motto as a gang, like "road pirates" "Cartel" etc etc.. But it's all up to them of course, but it would earn some RP. Cv-droghandel is one of my personally favorites to be honest, I think you're acting "gangsters" "thug" you're not running around in Kavala and trolling. You mind your own. That's why you are my top 1! Keep it that way:)  SC? I won't leave a comment here. No personally offense, but I've not experienced any role-play by you or funny moments without an engage or being rude. I'll leave it there! I hope you don't mind being faced with critic anyone, I'm not offending anyone :>> I wish you had a great time reading my thoughts and comments, you're welcome to say something to your defense if you didn't like it. But I would enjoy more positive comments, kisses!! Yes I wrote this because I'm drunk and bored  
  18. Like
    LEIF reacted to Fisk in en vanlig dag i en buske   
    (Har ingen fantasi med låt som passade så tog bara något)
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    LEIF reacted to Goatis in Kills & Shiet   
    Bara jag här som skulle uppskatta lite mera RP klipp och inte bara pangpang här... 
  20. Like
    LEIF reacted to xAluzions in Apology   
    A deep apology needs to be made for the actions I made towards bobbi.r. I didn't mean the things that I said towards you at all. 
    Some of you may know the illness Adhd, which I unfortunately suffer greatly. This caused me to be in a very bad mood and when it gets too bad I have no real control over my actions.
    what ever I said to offend you in am sorry but I unfortunately cannot control it unless I have the right medication. 
    I hope you choose to accept my apologie as i know what I did was wrong and promise to not do it again.
  21. Like
    LEIF reacted to Billy Bones in Billy The Kid.   
    Som vissa har märkt har Billy Bones kommit tillbaka igen. 

    Som ni såg mig sist var när jag lämnade ön mot fastlandet
    Q:Vad jag har gjort på fastlandet?
    A: Kämpat mot zombie och rebell gäng 

    Livet var hårt med att sova med ena ögat öppen under öppen himmel man vet aldrig när en hord med zombie eller tjuvar kommer.
    Hitta på andra överlevande som jag byggde upp ett samhälle med en bas där alla sökte skydd från terrorn. tills den dagen kom när alla dog och jag som enda överlevande i basen.
    Vandrat runt leta efter delar till en bil så jag kan ta mig därifrån. efter många månader körde jag ner mot hamnen hitta en övergiven båt och återvänder till altis life
    så nu är jag här igen
    // Billy Bones
  22. Like
    LEIF reacted to sikta in [CvG News] MacKaN M.M :)   
  23. Like
    LEIF reacted to Clabbe in [CvG News] Dom kommer ifrån havet   
    haha, 'jag tappade den i vattnet innan jao' 
  24. Like
    LEIF reacted to L.Marshall in Bjussar på en liten standard.   
    Såna här saker får man se på min stream rätt ofta faktiskt...

  25. Like
    LEIF reacted to VisionPie in Q: What devices do you own? (Future app?)   
    Android Master race
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