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  1. Like
    storken got a reaction from Olsson in Gällande framtiden utav Altis Life.   
    Underbart att höra.
  2. Like
    storken reacted to Barre in Internet problem med ny dator!   
  3. Like
    storken reacted to Goatis in Admin meddelande till alla spelare   
    Tack för din motivering, den innehöll många viktiga punkter och den va väldigt omfattande och välskriven. 
  4. Like
    storken reacted to Goatis in Admin meddelande till alla spelare   
    Vill påminna er att jag vill ha motiveringar på era val annars har vi inget att bygga på!
  5. Like
    storken reacted to Legacy™ in Information kring Altis/Tanoa   
    God kväll! 
    Som flera utav er säkert redan har uppmärksammats så kom det i den senaste patchen en vapenshop som ligger öppen för alla civila, vill lägga betoning på att detta inte är för att vi slutar att bry oss och inte vill lägga ner mer tid på Altis. Tvärtom så vill vi att den här tiden tills Apex expansionen släpps ska vara en tid där vi kan lägga ner mer fokus på vårat RP istället för att konstant oroa oss för gear, vi ville också ge dem civila på servern något roligt som vi hoppas att ni ska uppskatta eftersom våran server inte hade kunnat fungera utan alla er! Det är väl också dels ett sätt för mig iallafall att tacka er alla för den tiden ni lägger ner här varenda dag och hur vi alla bidrar till en sjukt bra atmosfär här i vårat community och det är något vi måste ta vara på och vara stolt över, att vi har lyckats få ihop en jäkligt bra grupp! 
    Vi kan ha våra skillnader, det är inte alltid man tycker om Admins/mods men jag hoppas ändå att någonstans så kan vi alla förstå att dem reglerna vi har satt upp och följer stenhårt inte finns där för att vi vill vara taskiga, utan för att vi vill hålla en bra nivå som har skapat det här gruppen vi är idag. 
    Tror inte heller det är någon hemlighet att vi i dagsläget rör oss mot Tanoa, vi hoppas att ni är likna sugna som oss att hoppa in på en framtida CVG tanoa life server och göra den servern lika bra som våran Altis life server alltid har varit. Något datum sätter vi inte ut exakt nu men jag kan säga att det rör sig inom en snar framtid, tangentborden går varma på alla som jobbar kring Tanoa Life och vi arbetar för att få upp den så snabbt som möjligt. 
    I övrigt så släpps Apex 11 Juli men vi förväntar oss att försöka ha en server uppe innan dess!
    Vi ses på Altis! Eller på Tanoa ni som väntar på den kartan!
    // Staff
  6. Like
    storken got a reaction from Kurreman in Information kring Altis/Tanoa   
  7. Like
    storken got a reaction from Feroz in Information kring Altis/Tanoa   
  8. Like
    storken reacted to Halffinger Pete in Bartowski Police Application   
    Ett nej är ett nej Du kan inte spamma ansökningar som du gjort.
  9. Like
    storken got a reaction from Björt in Björt lirar Arma 3 v.4 [Montage/Funny Moments]   
    9/10 massagestavar
  10. Like
    storken reacted to AluT in POlice application AluT, [4K] AluT   
    Meet the minimum age of 17. Understand basic server rules. MUST have a working microphone! MUST have a good command of the English language.  
    In-Game Name? :[4K] AluT What is your Player ID #? (In ARMA main screen go to Config/Profiles (select your profile) Then you should see a 17 Digit number)  76561197992697579 Age : 21 Do you speak both Swedish and English?: Yes Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on other servers?: No Do you have a working microphone?: Yes How long have you played on CvGaming?: About 500-600 hours Have you been banned before?: Yes Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer? Yes ofcourse!     What 5 qualities are necessary to become a CvGaming Police Officer?
    1) Good roleplaying
    2) Always listen to orders from higher ranks 3) Be calm
    4) Always follow the law
    5) Good communication with other police officers
      Describe why you would like to play as a police officer?:
    I will do my best to keep the crimes away from altis so the civilians can feel safe and i hope i achieve good roleplay and new friends.   Briefly describe the various tasks of a police officer?: Ceep the crimes away from altis.
      Describe why YOU would be a good addition to the police force?: Couse im a good guy and im calm in all situations and i can handle a gun very well if needed.  
    What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?:  I will always respect other people  if they respect me ofcourse. I'm a loyal guy, and i have readed the rules.  
    Please provide a roleplay name and a background story for the character applying to the police: Hello my name is Novaya Petrovka. I was born in Russia and grown up with my mother and my two brothers. We was a really poor family and my father worked really har as a police officer so we could have food on our table. But one day my father get shooted by the cartell. And that day made me really sad and i started thinking that i want to go in my fathers footsteps and make him proud. So i started study to the police force and i hope that one day i can get a job as a police officer.  
    Tell us a little about yourself!  i'm a 21 years  old guy from a littel shitty hole called nässjö "småland".   On my spear time i like to play arma 3 and drink some beer with my friends.
  11. Like
    storken reacted to Lulle in Lulle/Hakim Polis App   
    What is your in-game name? [Cv-D] [UB] Abd'Al Hakim
    What is your Player ID? 76561198129005979
    Age: 18  
    Do you speak both Swedish and English?: Självklart!
    Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on other servers?:  Jag har inte varit medlem i Polis factionen någon gång.
    Do you have a working microphone?: Jag har en fungerande mikrofon med ett gott skratt i bakgrunden
    How long have you played on CvGaming?: Runt 600 underbara timmar
    Have you been banned before?: Nej.
    Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police office?
    Jag lovar att stå för det jag gör. Självklart ska jag även aldrig missbruka min makt som medlem i Poliskåren/Polisfactionen.
    What 5 qualities are necessary to become a CvGaming Police Officer?
    §1) Allmän samt självklart allmänt skön RP.
    §2)  Vara säker på vad jag ska göra om jag får en order från någon högre rank än mig.
    §3) Inte sitta och skrika o vara omogen eller annat störande beetende.
    §4) Dela ut information till mina kollegor vad som sker ute på Arbetet.
    §5) Arbeta tillsammans i alla lägen, Polisfactionen skulle aldrig funnits kvar om vi skulle jobbat alla för en för att det krävs en stor summa av grupparbete för att kunna få det och funnka!
    §6) Polis Factionen är en viktig del på Altis Life, Det krävs mycket att kunna vara med och visa mina framfötter och koncentration

    Describe why you would like to play as a police officer?:
    §1) Sammarbeta är i mitt sinne!
    §2) Kan uppföra mig i alla situationer!
    §3) Jag vill bli Polis för att kunna få ett Bättre RP
    §4) Jag vill bli Polis för att jag känner inom mig att jag vet att jag är en person som har en enorm fantasi och ska kunna utföra detta arbete.

    Briefly describe the various tasks of a police officer?:
    Mycket arbetstid ägnas åt att patrullera i bil eller till fots för att förebygga och upptäcka brottslighet och andra störningar av den allmänna ordningen.
    I arbetet ingår att hantera brott och hjälpa människor i nöd.
    Describe why YOU would be a good addition to the police force?:
    §1.) Jag tål kritik från högre befäll och kan använda min information att få bort alla banditer på vårat Altis.
    §2.) Jag kan sammarbeta med kollegor i alla lägen.
    §3.) Jag är säker på vad jag ska göra om någon säger åt mig och göra något.

    What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?:
     Vi alla människor ute i världen eller på Altis, vi måste tänka på vad vi säger till varandra. Så som man behandlar någon vill man själv inte bli behandlad.
     Respektera alla människor som du själv vill bli respekterad utav alla människor.

    Please provide a roleplay name and a background story for the character applying to the police:
    Hejsan mitt namn är Abd'Al Hakim men många brukar kalla mig Hakim. Jag kommer ifrån Syrien, jag är 25 år gammal har en liten familj med en fru och ett litet barn. När jag var 10 år gammal vart min mamma utsatt för cancer så hon var tvungen och ta bort sina armar. Åren gick och jag beslöt mig för att välja skola och inriktning, Jag valde samhäll och beetende i Stockholm efter vi hade flytt ifrån Syrien. Sedan när jag hade läst ut skolan så var målet att nå yrket som Polis. Jag gick grundläggande militär utbildningen i Sverige. Men efter något år kände jag att jag skulle börja om på nytt. Jag beslöt mig för att flyga till Grekland , Altis. Jag och min Fru och barn är nu bosatta i Kavala City. Vi har ont om mat och riksdaler. Jag har gått och vandrat igenom regn och snö för att nå mitt mål att få yrket som polis i utlandet. Ännu får jag drömmarna av att se mig i en polis kostym med vackra solglas ögon. 
    Tell us a little about yourself!
    Hejsan, Mitt namn är Lukas är 18 år gammal och studerar skolan fortfarande i Andra året på gymnasiet. Jag studerar programmet, Bygg och Anläggning för att kunna bli snickare om några år. Det jag gör på min fritid är att sitta och spela för det mesta, det ja brukar spela för det mesta är Counter Strike och självklart även Arma 3, men har även flickvännen att ta hand om i vissa situationer! Jag är en trevlig grabb som vågar säga saker rätt öppet till vem som helst vad ja tycker och självklart pratglad! 
    Ha en fortsatt trevlig dag/kväll 
    - Lulle
  12. Like
    storken reacted to Elnour Isak Adam in [Police Application] - [[Ms] FiskarN]   
    Requirements to join the Police Department are:
    Meet the minimum age of 17. No, i am 16 but i feel that i am mature enough to take onto the task of serving as a police officer on CvG
    Understand basic server rules. Yes
    MUST have a working microphone! Yes
    MUST have a good command of the English language. Yes
    In-Game Name? : [Ms] FiskarN
    What is your Player ID #? (In ARMA main screen go to Config/Profiles (select your profile) Then you should see a 17 Digit number) 76561198123734505
    Age : 16
    Do you speak both Swedish and English?: Yes
    Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on other servers?: Yes, but that was on a semi-roleplay server. I know the controls and such.
    Do you have a working microphone?: Yes
    How long have you played on CvGaming?: for about 1310 hours.
    Have you been banned before?: Yes, I have been permanently banned before for things that have been resolved. If you would like to know in detail what happend, contact me on TS. (would be quite long to explain the whole story here)
    Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer? Yes i do!
    What 5 (7) qualities are necessary to become a CvGaming Police Officer?
    1) Be able to RP at all times.
    2) Be able to communicate with your fellow officers.
    3) Be able to follow commands from the ones above you.
    4) Never leave your In-game character
    5) At all times show respect to everyone on the server!
    6) Have a good sense of aiming and shooting will certainly help out.
    7) Keep the communication calm, no stresscalls or screaming. Express yourself short, but informative.
    Describe why you would like to play as a police officer?: I would like to play like a police officer since i really would like to enhance my roleplaying experience on the server. Ofcourse the civilian role gives aa lot of RP but the situations you might find yourself in as a policeofficer will to a larger extent test your abilities in roleplaying aswell as letting you show more roleplaying. Also i would like to play as a policeofficer since i want to learn to know more people and extend my experience on the server. I would love to serve as a policeofficer on Cv Gaming because i want to test something new. I have been a medic for about 3 months and the rest of my game time on CvG i have been a civilian. I am getting tired of being a civilan and want to explore more roles on Cv Gaming.
    Briefly describe the various tasks of a police officer?: Your task as a police officer on Cv Gaming is to keep the streets safe, The people of Altis should be able to be outside at all times without being afraid of being robbed or murdered. Also, your task is to keep Altis as drug and weaponfree as possible, since the new rebels arrived, there have been a huge increase in drugs and weapons on altis. Your task is not only to fight crimes already happening, your task is also to prevent crimes before they even become commited. To do this you should as a policeofficer show the population that you exist, talk to the people of altis and be as positive as you possibly can!
    Describe why YOU would be a good addition to the police force?: I would be a good addition to the police force since i can provide good roleplaying to my coworkers and the other population on altis. I will put my life on the line to serve and protect the people of Altis. I can take commands and when needed, take initative to solve a problem. Also i am a teamplayer and have no problem in putting myself in danger to save my fellow officers or the civilans of Altis. I also think i would add some positivity since i am a very happy guy!
    What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?: These three words are the key to being a succesful police officer! Respect is something everyone deserves. By treating someone with respect you caan come very far.Loyalty is something everyone should have. Being loyal is very important. I see myself as loyal guy since i am friendly, helpful and you can trust me. Rules are everything. If there were no rules, CvGaming would fall apart. Chaos would occur. Rules are set for a reason, For everyone to have a nice visit at CvG, the rules need to under any circumstances be followed!
    Please provide a roleplay name and a background story for the character applying to the police: My name is Ahkim Rahman. I am 34 years old and currently live in the city of Kavala. I live here with my family. In the earlier days of my life i were a military policeofficer on the Island of Stratis. But that was before the war came. I moved to Altis where it was safer. I took a few years of and focused on my family. I have unfourtunately noticed that since the former rebels HRA where defeated and the new rebels NLA moved in, Crimes, weapons and drugs have increased on our Island of Altis. So therefor i now search my way into the Altis Police Department to be a part of fighting back on this nonsense. I want to protect our island. I am ready to give my life for the population of Altis. Since i earlier worked as a Military Policeofficer on Stratis i think I qualify for the job. 
    Sincerely, Ahkim Rahman. [A. Rahman.]
    Tell us a little about yourself! 
    My name is Elias and i am Born 1999, which makes me 16 years old. I am currently attending Gymnasiet and i am studying to become a technician. I hate math so i have no clue why the hell i choose to become a techinician haha. Anyways, i really like to play computer games, mostly i play ArmA 3 or Battlefield 3/4 and ARK. Ofcourse i play a bunch of other games aswell but that are my main games At the moment. I am not into any sport so therefore i have a quite large spare time. i try to exercise on my own but that doesn't happen to often. As you may see in my name (FiskarN) i like to go fishing. This is one of my favourite activities, especially in the summer. Anyways, if there is something else you might wonder, don't hesitate to contact me on Teamspeak. [Ms] FiskarN!!
    Other information. 
    I know that i haven't shown to much of my roleplaying side earlier when playing on Cv Gaming. I can do Much Much better and i think becoming a police offcier certainly will boost that ability and enable me to show it even more. In the gangs i have played earlier there haven't been to much roleplaying since the majority of players have been more of the run and gun type.
    Best regards, FiskarN // Elias!
  13. Like
    storken reacted to Feroz in Police application Feroz   
    Meet the minimum age of 17. -
    Understand basic server rules. Ja
    MUST have a working microphone! Ja
    MUST have a good command of the English language. Ja
    In-Game Name? : [?] / [Ms] Feroz (Inte spelat mycket som Ms, väljer därför att skriva ? som jag spelat mest i  )
    What is your Player ID #? (In ARMA main screen go to Config/Profiles (select your profile) Then you should see a 17 Digit number) 76561198057849827
    Age : 15 Fyller 16 i slutet på april
    Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on other servers?: Nej det har jag inte!
    Do you have a working microphone?: Yes!
    How long have you played on CvGaming?: Ungefär 800-900 timmar kanske.
    Have you been banned before?: Ja, jag har varit bannad för att jag använde mig utav knarkbuskar ( är osäker men tror det var för mitt dåliga beteende också.) och även för att jag hade buggat mig upp på en position.
    Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer? Ja absolut!
    What 5 qualities are necessary to become a CvGaming Police Officer?
    1) Alltid RP-a
    2) Kunna ta order av högre ranker
    3) Ta det lugnt även i stressiga situationer och hålla radiokommunikation lugn i ts osv.
    4) Ha respekt för alla!
    5) Erfarenhet av spelet.
      Describe why you would like to play as a police officer?:
    Att få spela i en ny "miljö" och få träffa på nya spelare som man aldrig spelat med innan! Jag skulle även vela att utveckla mitt rp till max, just i dagläget så kan det vara svårt att få fram ett bra rp när man spelar i större gäng som väljer att ta fighter före rp, men om jag skulle få chansen att komma in i poliskåren så skulle jag vela utveckla mitt rp väldigt mycket mot vad jag har just nu!    Briefly describe the various tasks of a police officer?: Allt från ringa bärgare på bilar till att stoppa banditer från att ta över bandit och råna federal reserv. Det finns väldigt mycket att göra som polis det är just därför polisen behöver ännu mer medlemmar. Det är inte alltid poliser inne som kan stoppa dessa saker men det hoppas jag på att det kommer bli!
      Describe why YOU would be a good addition to the police force?: Känner mig som en helt okej rp'are, vet att jag inte har visat det så mycket men om jag skulle få chansen som polis skulle den förbättras! Jag kan ta egna initiativ och även order från andra personer! Jag är en helt okej skytt och kan offra mig före personer t.ex i ett scenario där vi måste rusha ett hus, om ingen annan tar initiativ så kan jag utan problem vara den som gör det! Som sagt, jag är en lagspelare och kommer fortsätta vara det!   What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?: Utan respekt och lojalitet skulle det inte gå att spela med varandra, jag bruka ge alla en andra chans som jag tycker att alla borde göra!    Please provide a roleplay name and a background story for the character applying to the police: A.Eriksson är namnet, nyinflyttad till Altis, bodde senast i en liten by på Stratis. Mitt liv på Stratis var ett väldigt tråkigt liv tills den dagen då jag fick hem ett brev från försvarsmakten om att jag blev kallad till militären. Det var verkligen något jag ville, så jag blev skickad till Altis. Nu är jag här klar med utbildningen och söker jobb! Tell us a little about yourself!
    Jag heter Alexander är 15 år, fyller 16 i slutet av april och bor ungefär 5mil norr om Uppsala. Just nu har jag inte mycket plugg alls så att vara aktiv kommer inte vara något problem! På min fritid om jag inte sitter och spelar så är jag antagligen med vänner, familj eller annat! Jag har inte svårt för att möta nya personer, men som flera personer har sagt så ser man oftast bara det negativa hos den andra personen när man sitter i ett argument. Det är nog ganska många som har fått en sån bild av mig att jag är en väldigt "negativ" person, men sån är jag oftast inte! Just i dagsläget så är inte jag lika aktiv som jag var när jag spelade med ? då det hänt lite saker irl. Men suget börjar komma tillbaka och jag vill gärna börja att spela i APD då jag aldrig varit i en "större faktion" och vill väldigt gärna testa!
    Tack för mig /Feroz 
  14. Like
    storken got a reaction from Clabbe in Diaz tar en paus!   
    Neeeeeeeeeeej bror va fan
  15. Like
    storken reacted to kangawroon in Police Application, [WL] Kurreman & Kurreman [Medic]   
    This guy knows what being a medic is all about. He should be comming back to us. I'll go good for him.
  16. Like
    storken reacted to bobin in Police Application (Bobin) [Medic Chief] Bobin   
    Meet the minimum age of 17. 15 snart 16
    Understand basic server rules. Yes of course
    MUST have a working microphone! Yes
    MUST have a good command of the English language. Yes
    In-Game Name? : Bobin
    What is your Player ID #? (In ARMA main screen go to Config/Profiles (select your profile) Then you should see a 17 Digit number) 76561198152606605
    Age : 15
    Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on other servers?: No
    Do you have a working microphone?: yes
    How long have you played on CvGaming?: 1400 hours i think
    Have you been banned before?: NO!
    Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer? YES of course
    Yes i dont like when pepole abouse there powers
    What 5 qualities are necessary to become a CvGaming Police Officer?
    1) Good rp
    2) Listen to higer ranks 
    3) Follow the rules
    4) Always stay in character 
    5) Never abuse the powers of a police officer
    In 3 short paragraphs describe why you would fit as a police officer:
    Good RP
    Allways wanna rp with peoples
    Follow the law
    In a short paragraph, what is your task as a police officer?:
    Take the Criminals away from the street
    Why should we pick YOU as a police officer?
    I like rp and i like how the police can rp with other players.
    What do you hope to achieve if you become a police officer?:
    Rp and have a fun time
    What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?:
    You earn respect if you are nice to other, you get loyalty of respect, and rules is rules and you dont break them
    Why are the police faction important?
    its more rp if you you have police then not have the police. If you do not have the police it would be wasteland
    What do you personally think that the police faction would need to become better?
    I think more rp and less war
    Tell us a little about yourself!
    I am 15 years old and living in Gothenburg, i play very much games. when I am not playing i study or I am out with my friends  (but playing games come first) i have playd on this server since 09 jan lats year, and i want more rp becouse when im in a gang its more war then rp
  17. Like
    storken reacted to Dimitri10 in Medic Application   
    MUST meet the minimum age of 16. Im 15  MUST understand basic server rules. yes  MUST have a working microphone! yes  MUST have a good command of the English language. yes  What is your in-game name? [U.F] Dimitri  our Player ID #? (In ARMA main screen go to Config/Profiles (select your profile) Then you should see a 17 Digit number) 76561198283385722 Have you read all of the rules on the forum? yes. Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a Medic? yes i love to RP. How long have you played on the server? 800h if you count with my other account. How long have you played Arma 3? 900h. How often do you play on the server and at what time of the day/night? i play both day and night. Why should you be picked as a medic? becuse I love to RP and I like to have som fun with the players. Have you got banned before. And why have you ben banned  for? yes for vdm I think. What do you think thet the medic faction would need to becomme better ? More RP and be faster to revive. Tell us a little about your self. I`m 15 year old and I like to play and be with my friends. 
  18. Like
    storken reacted to B. Lattman in Söker jobb hos polisen   
    Meet the minimum age of 17. nja, jag är 15 om nån månad Understand basic server rules. japp MUST have a working microphone! ja MUST have a good command of the English language. ja  
    In-Game Name? : [T.O.O] Erik.L What is your Player ID #? (In ARMA main screen go to Config/Profiles (select your profile) Then you should see a 17 Digit number)
    76561198130587916 Age : 14. 15 om 1/2 månad Do you speak both Swedish and English?:  Japp Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on other servers?: Nja inte riktigt Do you have a working microphone?: En blue snowball ice, hd ljud, JA How long have you played on CvGaming?: 300+ tim Have you been banned before?: Nej, har aldrig blivit bannad och säkert aldrig kommer bli det. Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer? Jag lovar      What 5 qualities are necessary to become a CvGaming Police Officer?
    1) Kunna RP
    2) Lyssna på högre rankade
    3) Hantera situationer bra
    4) Va mogen
    5) Va snäll och chill
      Describe why you would like to play as a police officer?: Skulle tycka att jag passade in där, sen så vill jag stoppa allt kriminellt i altis och gö människor säkra

      Briefly describe the various tasks of a police officer?: Stoppa droghandel, Hjälpa folk, Ge böter till fartdårar, och va en bra polis

      Describe why YOU would be a good addition to the police force?: Ja, jag har ju bra arma exp, sen så är jag bra på rp, jag kan mera också men kommer inte på XD  
    What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?: Detta saker gör en polis till en bra polis,  
    Please provide a roleplay name and a background story for the character applying to the police: Jag heter Erik, jag bodde på Agia marina i stratis, men sen kom kriget med AAF NATO och alla andra, så jag och min familj flyttade till altis, bodde på en liten by som heter zaros, sen så flyttade vi till kavala, Jag brukade fiska och gräva järn för att få pengar, men nu så har jag gått högskola i pyrgos och jobbade med Svenska Engelska  Samhällskunskap  Historia nu så ansöker jag mig till polisen för att få önska ett bättre jobb  
    Tell us a little about yourself!  Ja hej, jag heter Erik är 15 om en och en halv månad, spelar mycket på CvG sen så spelar jag annat. pluggar  och hänger annars
  19. Like
    storken got a reaction from Kurre Ugur in Bobbi.R / Jonas signing out from Admin   
    nääääääääääää inte  änu en till  
  20. Like
    storken got a reaction from r4t4tt4ck in Police Application [ggg][VL] Jayfade   
    Lycka till!  
  21. Like
    storken reacted to Ludwig in Police Application Hustle [Hustle]   
    Meet the minimum age of 17. Understand basic server rules. MUST have a working microphone! MUST have a good command of the English language.  
    In-Game Name? : Hustle What is your Player ID #? (In ARMA main screen go to Config/Profiles (select your profile) Then you should see a 17 Digit number) Age : 17 Do you speak both Swedish and English?: Yupp Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on other servers?: I've been playing as a cop on Evolution Gaming which is a clone of A3L. Do you have a working microphone?: Yes How long have you played on CvGaming?: Since September 2014 Have you been banned before?: Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer? I've always done and I will continue doing so.     What 5 qualities are necessary to become a CvGaming Police Officer?
    1) Roleplay
    2) Teamwork
    3) Taking orders from higher ranks
    4) Be calm
    5) And ofcourse respect everyone.
      Describe why you would like to play as a police officer?: Cause almost all my time on CvG I've played as a cop and I really like it. 

      Briefly describe the various tasks of a police officer?: To protect the civilians in Altis from criminals and Rebels, aswell to keep them safe.

      Describe why YOU would be a good addition to the police force?: I have a lot of experience since I've played on the server for a long time, and as I said before I've played a lot as a cop so i defenetly know the basics and more.  
    What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?: All of them are important and should defenetly be followed.  
    Please provide a roleplay name and a background story for the character applying to the police: His name is Christoffer Hustle, born in Stratis but moved with his family to Altis and started living there. He has a family with one kid. Right now he doesn't have any work and that's why he's applying to the police.  
    Tell us a little about yourself!  My name is Ludwig, 17 years old from Malmö. Currently playing a lot of CS:GO though also play a lot of Arma. On my spare time I go to the gym, play handball and ofcourse go to school. I'm studeing Computer and Communication Tecnology hoping to job with computers or network.
  22. Like
    storken reacted to r4t4tt4ck in Police Application [ggg][VL] Jayfade   
    Meet the minimum age of 17.
    Understand basic server rules.
    MUST have a working microphone!
    MUST have a good command of the English language.
    In-Game Name? :[ggg][VL] Jayfade
    What is your Player ID #? (In ARMA main screen go to Config/Profiles (select your profile) Then you should see a 17 Digit number) 76561198029093804
    Age : 18 , 19 in 2 months.
    Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on other servers?:No. 
    Do you have a working microphone?: Yes i do.
    How long have you played on CvGaming?:650h
    Have you been banned before?: No
    Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer? promise!
    What 5 qualities are necessary to become a CvGaming Police Officer?
    1) I allways follow orders from higher ranking officers.
    2) I'm a good team player and always listen to them around me.
    3) I role play really much and also pretty good.
    4) I wanna be a part of the face for this server and also this community.
    5) I know the rule as civ and also medic so i know the rules. 
    Describe why you would like to play as a police officer?: 
    - I don't do thing if i don't know if i can handel the situation. then i ask a higher officer.I allways give as much rp as i can. because we are the face of the community. I will do all in my power to get the civs to follow the rules of altis. if i so must put the law book in there hands.
    Briefly describe the various tasks of a police officer?:
    - A police officer's first order of business is to serve and protect.Police officers serve their communities by helping citizens in times of crisis and emergency. To protect citizens on the road, they issue tickets to dangerous and careless drivers. To protect them in their communities, they make arrests that deter illegal and dangerous behavior.
    Describe why YOU would be a good addition to the police force?:
    Because I always follow orders and listen to those who know more than me. I role play as much as possible and I help those who are new at Altis ! I'm nice to everyone so peddled them can be nice back , otherwise I do not think they are worth to be nice back.
    What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?:
    - Respect is not free you need to earn it. Don’t expect respect to seek you out, it won’t. It does not matter your title, your role, your experience, your history — nothing matters.
    - Loyalty: It’s the biggest factor of your success!
    - Rules is when we have a duty to protect it's community and what it stands for. 
    Please provide a roleplay name and a background story for the character applying to the police: 
    My name is Jay fade and I then have just moved here from the island of Stratis and then is ex-military on Startis . Why I then search strip to become a police officer is that I still have intesset to maintain security.
    Tell us a little about yourself! 
    - I'm 18 years old and i live in awesome skåne. I'm going in school at the last year of high school and i graduate this summer of 2016. after school im going to join up with the army in skåne as a MP(military police). 
    I have a girlfriend that i speed time also, if there is anything else u wanna ask me you can write to me on ts!
  23. Like
    storken reacted to Legacy™ in Police Re-Application P. Black   
    Tack för din ansökan, kontakta gärna oss på teamspeak!
  24. Like
    storken reacted to J. Blane in Police Re-Application P. Black   
    Requirements to join the Police Department are:
    Meet the minimum age of 17. Understand basic server rules. MUST have a working microphone! MUST have a good command of the English language.  
    In-Game Name? : P. Black What is your Player ID #? (In ARMA main screen go to Config/Profiles (select your profile) Then you should see a 17 Digit number) 76561198052291866 Age : 25 Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on other servers?: Yes, at the rank of Sergeant. Do you have a working microphone?: Yes How long have you played on CvGaming?: Of all my hours played about 450 hrs Have you been banned before?: Never. Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer? I promise and swear.     What 5 qualities are necessary to become a CvGaming Police Officer?
    1) Being able to follow as-well as lead when needed.
    2) Respect your superiors and obey their command.
    3) Have a good aim and trust your colleagues. Some part of Roleplay is also needed.
    4) Be quick to help your fellow officers in need.
    5) Know when to take a fight and when not to.
      In 3 short paragraphs describe why you would fit as a police officer:
    I'm good in a fight, i'm very good at being the first man through the door when clearing a house. If people don't feel comfortable taking the lead i will take do it, without hesitation. I follow the law, without compromise. I do not execute any criminal unless they are trying to take me down. Then i will use what necessary force at hand to secure myself and my colleagues. 
      In a short paragraph, what is your task as a police officer?:
    To protect and serve. Defend the weak from the corrupt and evil and uphold the law.
      Why should we pick YOU as a police officer?
    Because i'm very good at what i do.
      What do you hope to achieve if you become a police officer?:
    To put many people behind bars if possible, aswell some good roleplay scenarios.
      What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?:
    Three very important things that makes people bond and makes people feel more connected to each other. They have a goal and only together can they achieve this, with all these three things.
      Why are the police faction important?
    Because if there weren't anyone to fight the bad guys who would? Civilians would not be able to do the work that the APD does.
      What do you personally think that the police faction would need to become better?
    Higher caliber weaponry. A-swell some sort of Mounted gun on a armored vehicle wouldn't be too bad either.
      Tell us a little about yourself! Real name's Robert, 25 years old, been playing games ever since i was like 10. I like to play the kind of games where you can feel you are doing something productive, and it actually means something. Like Arma 3, DayZ, Rust, etc.  
  25. Like
    storken reacted to SharkieMR in Sharkie Medic application   
    What is your in-game name? Abdi Barandi What is your Player ID #? (In ARMA main screen go to Config/Profiles (select your profile) Then you should see a 17 Digit number): 76561198094269461 Have you read all of the rules on the forum? Yes Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a Medic? Ofcourse How long have you played on the server? about 900hrs How long have you played Arma 3? 967hrs How often do you play on the server and at what time of the day/night? i have just comeback to CVgaming so i try to play as much as i can on weekends and maybe here and there on the normal days Why should you be picked as a medic? I have a very Large exp. with rp and i have been a vice chief for this faction before Have you got banned before. And why have you ben banned  for? I was banned in 2015 may or april. for money duping. I was banned only once What do you think thet the medic faction would need to becomme better ? maybe bring up some lush and fun rp with random civs that makes them more intrested in this server, and hopefully that can change the ungrown to grown in a matter of time. Tell us a little about your self. My real name is Abdulazeez im orginally from Iraq and i have lived over 7 years i think here in sweden. I live in skåne pretty much very south out in sweden. i love to play arma 3, CSGO, GTAV etc.
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