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Posts posted by luckiiee

  1. You see and hear the argument because It's true! Otherwise Im preatty damn sure people wouldnt say It. 
    As I also said above ^ It would need a well written rulebook for It to work, and thats alot and alot and alot of work, you have to see things with a little bit of reality, stating out that gangs can cooperate would give alot of problem and rules would be written as stuff happens because people are very talanted of finding ways to do stuff. I do wanna point out that this is My Opinion of this.

    Cooperation between gangs are not and I do want to state It again, Is NOT going to help improving the server (IMO). 

    However, as I also stated before, a rule that helps people help new players? Yes and Yes, but that would also require a certain rulebook Itself, but that one should be easier to write.

  2. Okey, so first of all If this was allowed It would get abused thats 100% for sure, there are allready gangs using loopholes and bending the rules to get advantage alot!

    This would need such a rulebook that u cover every singel angle of every possible situation because It would and I am as I said before 100% sure It would get abused A.L.O.T!

    Some people here are in for the rp and It would Probably go much better with those players (much better doesn't mean good tho) but we have seen people bending rules and testing them over and over again, this would just give them even more to test and even If everyone were straight up RP guys we would see a whole bunch of new ban requests every day.

    I agree with Harry that this could be limited to helping new players but just that alone would still need a well written rulebook that covers every possible situation or people would take advantage of that aswell :)

  3. Please use the template! 


    How to do a banappeal (template)


    1. Create a new topic like this: "[ban appeal] *In-Game name*" (ie: [ban appeal] Jeppe Olsen)
    2. Copy this template and answer the questions and statements below.

                Appeal Information

                Name: *Your in-game name* (optional: guid)

                Date: YYYY-MM-DD - <Time it happened>

                Reason: Explain your point of view as much as in-depth as possible. If you have any proof of the users guilt in form of links, post them here.

         3. Wait patiently for a response.

  4. Försök att köra när de är lite mindre folk på servern, ta omvägar där det är tät skog om möjligt och ha med flertal toolkits :) sälj inte på en gång utan parkera en bit bort, spring och spana av läget vid tradern och se till att de är safe innan :)

  5.  Mahone jag har ett fint bevis på att poliser avrättar, kan läggas upp om önskemål finns ;)

    Hugo: mja fast så kan man inte resonera, du kan inte straffa någon för en regel som "finns" men som inte finns nedskriven, eller folk vet om.
    Då är det ju inte relevant om självmant eller ej då regeln inte kan tillämpas då den på papper inte existerar.

  6. Jag hoppas att du inser att du bröt mot en regel själv där när du försökte stoppa hans lastbil med vapen istället för att använda roadspikes....

    Kolla upp regeln själv


    Jag kommenterar inte händelsen utan bara den regeln som är citerad: det står även i samma regel om inte det är rp:at innan.

    Edit: hittar inte igen de i reglerna så kan hända att det är borttaget, My mistake isf

  7. Det finns en anledning varför man ska vänta ett par sekunder mer och det är pga ev von delay!

    Och ur ren rp synpunkt kan man inte meja ner någon för att man antar att man ska bli dödad, annars kan man använda det argumentet hejvilt i varje situation, finns en anledning varför man måste rp:a innan man dödar någon.

    Sen vet jag inte om du sett dom nya reglerna som säger att man enbart får kommentera ban requests som man själv är involverad i eller vittne till.

  8. His Gun is not raised, u didnt give him a choise and u killed him after two secs even though he was going for the stairs which by the way is the only way out (and that was what u wanted right).

    I was there so i was a witness.

  9. Okey I'll try even if My english is kinda bad ^^

    I asked after a unclear situation what rules are true in a warzone.

    Hitems answer (hitem please feel free to correct if My english fails) : a warzone is only when multiple gangs/police have been fighting in a area for a longer time, however every situation is handled individually (that's why no specific rule about It)

    We have had gangs looking for fights, going there dies and posts ban requests, thats why every situation is need to be handled individually.

    Common sense and written rules needs to be followed by everyone. A warzone is if Its really a serious gunfight going on.

    I think i got It correct translated, but as i Said hitem u are more than welcome to correct me ^^ Hope u understand what i wrote Paatero! :)

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