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Thomas Krüeger

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Everything posted by Thomas Krüeger

  1. Jag är lite mer Spasmman (jag som flyger i filmen) fast jag dör
  2. I fall det jag har sagt inte gjort någon nytta informationsvis så får admin ta bort samtliga kommentarer från mig.
  3. Jag säger vad det ser ut som utifrån båda videos. Om du bara vill ha Jay/Marple/Goliaths synvinklar så förstår jag.
  4. Skotten som avfyrades var från Marple på dina däck då du körde över Jay och inte skulle få möjligheten att fly. Inga skott skjöts mot dig.
  5. Ljudet är borta i VODen Jay som du körde på stod ju precis intill Huronen och hur du lyckas handbromsa rätt in i honom är ett frågetecken för mig. Du körde medvetet upp på vägen precis där de var också.
  6. Bolizen kommer göra ett tappert försök att hindra nya vapen från att komma i omlopp i samhället!
  7. Hade ju vunnit om jag inte krascha i dödskurvan .(
  8. RiP 20 Offroads med tillhörande chaufförer
  9. I think he is saying that they play from two different accounts but the ban goes on him aswell since they play from the same network (ip) and he rather see that his brother got banned alone through arma ID
  10. Har bara 4 tävlanden änsålänge, vill ha fler anmälningar innan jag fastställer tid, kommer nog bli på söndag i alla fall!
  11. Update, due to fewer people being able to participate by Kart clothing standards i removed it so that more are able to join.
  12. Går detta bra kanske det kan bli ett rally på grusväg med offroad där det finns checkpoints och man kör på tid en och en senare. BTW, if you want to participate don't forget to send me a message here on the forum. Haven't recieved any yet!
  13. Hello guys, i happen to be hosting a Grand Prix Go-Kart race pretty soon and i want interested people to join. The date is flexible and relies on your votes on this poll http://strawpoll.me/4017122 So make sure to use the poll if you want to participate. So the setup will be in heats. How many heats depends on the number of participants. The maximum number of racers in the final will be 6 fixed. Also the heat will have max 6 participants each but all on the same day. I will also accept betting through me. You give me money and ill write it down. If your guessed participant wins the heat you get 2x money back (up to $100,000 bets) In finals you win 3x money with same max betting amount. RULES: - You must have a GoKart + GoKart Clothing, preferably such clothes. - You must carry 3 toolkits so you can repair during race. - You CAN ram other racers and if you participate you will agree on this per automatic (However you usually screw yourself touching other racers) - You CANNOT drive on the grass, the sprint-tracks is where you should stay. (Will disqualify anyone trying to shortcut on the grass) - 4 Laps. - The start is on MY signal. First headstart will get a warning 2nd time for the same person will have him/her disqualified. - I will NOT compensate for lost GoKart and GoKart clothing even if they are pretty cheap. (Same goes for everything you have in your backpack at the race it should only have 3 toolkits anyways) - More rules might be edited in up untill race day. Prizes is for first place in the final only. What the prize is will be determined soon.TM Prize update: I couldnt come up with something cool so the winner will get $300,000 cash! Message me here on forum to participate and i will bring you a bracket as soon as i think enough participants are in. I will try to get escort for you from nearby garage to Stadium (Since its illegal to drive GoKart outside track otherwise) Good luck and set the pedal to the metal! PS. Participants are very wellcome to Record their races since i cant record well myself (due to computer-issues)
  14. Bruh Appeal Information Name: *Your in-game name* (optional: guid) Date: YYYY-MM-DD - <Time it happened> Reason: Explain your point of view as much as in-depth as possible. If you have any proof of the users guilt in form of links, post them here. Följ mallen
  15. Hört nånstans att alla SC medlemmar har krav på usel körförmåga
  16. Har själv varit med om random civs med extrem bilkörning haha skitkul när man är med om det
  17. Sen är staden som motsvarar Pyrgos den riktiga huvudstaden på ön till skillnad från att Kavala är det på servern
  18. Kommer du dit för eventet så kan vi väl se över det
  19. Anmäler mig frivillig som ordningsvakt
  20. I like both Mk1-14 and Cyrus. Hope that they can be tested out and maybe atleast one gun can fit into the server :-)
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