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Everything posted by Eurozze

  1. Jag kan hålla med om att det är ett dick move när man använder sig av taktiken av att skicka in någon utan utrustning för att få honom att locka till sig hot för att få KoS, är skitvidrigt beteende enligt mig men det är tyvärr inte emot reglerna. Och eftersom man ser i beviset att du ger han ett ultimatum att dra därifrån eller dö så blir det ett hot så T.U får tillåtelse att engaga er. Eftersom det då inte var några regler som bröts så kommer jag att neka denna ban request. DECLINED
  2. Man får köra in i safezone och använda den som skydd om man är så kallat "oskyldig" det vill säga, inte öppnat eld mot den andra parten. När jag läser detta så tror jag då att ni dog där borta och respawnade om i pyrgos vilket gör det hela till en helt ny situation. Alltså är [T.U] Filip oskyldig. Eftersom inga regler bröts så kommer nu att Declina denna ban request och låsa tråden, har ni klagomål på detta kontaktar ni mig eller en annan admin på teamspeak och länkar denna tråd och förklarar varför jag dömde det hela fel. DECLINED
  3. We in the A.P.D always have to clean up after N.L.A also, holy fuck did the police ts channels blow up with the word "armed" when Nico saw you. Was fun while it lasted, too bad you ran out of bullet exactly when we arrived.
  4. Eurozze

    Ban for racism.

    I have solved this and i unbanned this person, im now locking this thread and moving it to accepted.
  5. Vad i helvete, ni firar hans födelsedag, men spränger honom inte?
  6. just to add in, i can help with house problems now, at least try to
  7. Most efficient killers: 1. Hemtt boxes 2. APD 3. NLA
  8. "Så länge ni håller er borta från ön så överlever Stanford" Never trust NLA
  9. Åh helvete, Detta är vad jag menar när jag snackar om en jihad-heli, detta är solklar VDM. Jag tar och bannar denna person i en dag för sina handlingar.
  10. Vad i hela helvete, var helt 100% på att det var vitt och guldigt men nu så ser jag bara blått och svart
  11. Could any of the parts post a video showing that there was no kind of aggression from any of the parts or if any part actually warned the other? I do need a little more footage to be able to judge this.
  12. I highly recommend this! 10/10 -IGN
  13. Eurozze

    Ban Request

    Solklar combatlogg, ingen tvivel här ACCEPTED
  14. Eurozze

    VDM in Kavala

    This is both lack of roleplay and trolling and just makes me mad... Next time however i recommend that you use the template that we have made to make it easier for us admins to be able to review the ban request. However i will ban this person for 2 days for Trolling and Lack of roleplay. ACCEPTED
  15. Let me tell you what this picture shows, it shows a burning quadbike in Kavala market and a person that logged out. I am really going to need more Evidence and i would recommend a video. I am closing this case and i want you to make another ban request where you have more proof that it was them and about what they did so i can look into that. Closed
  16. As there is no evidence and you also do not want this person banned i will move this topic down to the declined section and lock the thread.
  17. I am going to need a longer video showing the whole scenario and it wouldnt hurt with 1 minute before the whole scenario to know exactly what happened, or else i will not able to ban anyone if i havent got enough material to judge the whole situation. So what i want you to do is put up a new ban request with a longer video so that i can judge the whole situation. Awaiting further Evidence
  18. This is pure VDM, you are NOT allowed to ram into a vehicle so that it explodes! Therefor i will Accept this ban request and hand out the punishment of a 1 day long ban for VDMing. ACCEPTED
  19. Eurozze

    Ban Request

    This is obvious trolling, that is just very annoying and serves no purpose and the rules say that Trolling is not allowed and will result in a 1 day long ban. Therefor i will now Accept this ban request and hand out the punishment of a 1 day long ban for Trolling. ACCEPTED
  20. 2 People on here have already been Permanently banned from the server for duplicating money but i can however ban Keyser for not giving you enough time to react which results in a RDM. Therefor i will hand out the punishment of a 2 Day long ban for RDM. ACCEPTED
  21. This has been a famous way to duplicate money and that is everything but acceptable! Therefor i will Permanently Ban these two persons for Duplicating money. ACCEPTED
  22. As far as i am aware when a medic revives a player and recieves their reward but the body stays dead then the person har combatlogged. Therefor i will Accept this ban request and hand out the punishment of a 1 Day long ban for combatlogging unless the person contacts me on teamspeak and explains their actions. ACCEPTED
  23. As the Rules indicate you are not allowed to flee into a safezone but the rules also say that you are allowed to flee into a safezone if you are innocent and havent engaged in a gunfight with the people chasing you but since there is no video showing if they engaged you or not i cannot ban him for fleeing into a safezone, however this is a huge lack of roleplay to just take your hands down when you're about the get executed and run into a safezone to avoid getting killed. Therefor i will hand out the punishment of a 1 day long ban for Lack of roleplay. ACCEPTED
  24. Jag skulle behöva en Video eller liknande som bevis för att situationen hände så som du skriver det annars kan jag tyvärr inte lägga en ban p.g.a. en bild där du ligger död. Jag ger dig 2 dagar att posta något som konfirmerar att du följde alla deras orders och vad det var som fick dom att skjuta dig. Awaiting further Evidence
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