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Everything posted by Eurozze

  1. Eurozze

    Ban request

    I think i hear a "Put your hands up again" between 0:25 and 0:26 and it is true as you write above that "When you're about to rob someone, you have to give the victim a choice (If the victim fails to comply only then is lethal action allowed) " And you failed to comply when they told you to put your hands up again. I will therefore Deny this ban request. DENIED
  2. Så vi i N.L.A kom in i en seriös diskussion om ett väldigt hett ämne och under stridens hetta så händer det hemskaste som kan hända. Dedikerade även en vacker patriotisk bild åt min saknade älskling
  3. As you mention in the text above the rules are that you have to give the person you are robbing enough time to actually follow your demand else the kill will be judged as RDM. Therefor i will Accept this ban request and give a 2 day long ban for his actions ACCEPTED
  4. Alright, so i have now watched this video and i have also watched C.N's point of view that they uploaded in the Ban appeal section and i've come to a decision. As they say in their video, the reason that they killed you guys was because you told them to "stanna" which means to stop, They say in the video that it is illegal to do that and i guess they mean that by you doing that they are trying to rob them. So... to C.N: Did you ever think of it as a friendly stop because they maybe wanted a toolkit to repair the broken hatchback that they stand next to? So the decision that i have made is that because telling someone in a car to Stop it is not robbing and as you were not robbing C.N they had no actual reason to open fire upon you, so i will now Accept this ban request and give these two C.N members a 2 day long ban each for their actions. ACCEPTED
  5. Eurozze


    The video shows very clealy and his friend verbally confirms that "JimmieÅkesson" combatlogged. As a result i will Accept this ban request and give the player a 1 Day ban for combatlogging. ACCEPTED
  6. Eurozze


    Du får jättegärna utveckla det hela
  7. Det är inte tillåtet att sno fordon ur en safezone men man ser bara Stålmannen i videon så det blir bara han som får ett straff. Jag kommer därför att Acceptera denna ban request och ge [P.Y] Stålmannen en 1 day ban for stealing in a safezone. ACCEPTED
  8. Eurozze


    It is clear that this person was aiming to run you over and had no reason to do it but to be annoying. Therefor i will Accept this ban request and give the person a 1 Day ban for Trolling ACCEPTED
  9. Eurozze


    When a medic revives the person and recieves the reward but the body stays dead then the person has combatlogged. Therefor a Accept this ban request and will hand out a 1 day ban to every player on this list. ACCEPTED
  10. I am aware that when a medic revives a person and recieves the reward but the body stays dead then the person has combatlogged. Therefor i will Accept this ban request and hand out a 1 day ban to every person on this list except for Amadi and Mangee which you had solved the situation with. ACCEPTED Btw, i love your screen resolution ^^
  11. It is true that it's not allowed to rob through a text message and therefor i will Accept this case and judge is as a RDM. However the only person that i can see in this video is Macksi Pugatjov and none else and therefor i can only ban him. I will hand out the punishment of 2 Days ban for RDM. ACCEPTED
  12. Eurozze

    Ban Requests

    Till VDMen kan jag inte ge ut någon ban för att VDM regeln gäller bara ifall man får någon sorts övertag i strid genom att köra över en person. RDMen however kan jag acceptera för att man ser att du är i Kavala market där du ligger död. Jag kommer därför Acceptera RDM ban requesten men inte VDM requesten. Alexander kommer få en 3 dagars lång ban för att ha RDMat inom en safezone. ACCEPTED
  13. As far as i am aware when a medic revives a person and recieve their reward but the body is still there then the person has combatlogged. Therefor i will now Accept this ban request and hand out a 1 Day ban to every player on this list. ACCEPTED
  14. Eurozze

    combat log

    I am going to need a little bit more proof that he actually logged out after dying than just a picture of a dead body that is unlootable. Therefor i Decline this ban request until i recieve some further proff of him combatlogging. DECLINED
  15. It is obvious that this person chose to disconnect from the game after dying to be able to keep the items that he had which is one kind of combatlogging. Thereby i Accept this ban request and i will give the punishment of 1 Day ban for Combatlogging. ACCEPTED
  16. This is a pure case of RDM, the [Nato] member used no kind of communication to either warn you our threaten you which means that they are not allowed to start shooting at you. I hereby Accept this Ban request and i will hand out the punishment och 2 Day long bans to both these players for RDMing. ACCEPTED
  17. Eurozze

    Ban Request

    Detta är självklart oacceptabelt på våran server att delvis diskriminera en folkgrupp och även att skriva något som skulle ses som rasism men eftersom Hanna inte brutit mot några regler förut eller sagt något liknande förut så tycker jag att det passade straffet är en riktigt STOR varning till Hanna istället för en ban i detta läget. Jag kommer därför Declina denna ban request men ge Hanna en varning för sitt beteende. DECLINED
  18. Eurozze

    Rdm av Cv-D

    Jag tror att hela denna händelsen var ett stort missförstånd och som ni säger i klippet så hamnade ni mitt i ett krig och eftersom ni var på platsen vid skjutningen så var det nog instinkterna som tog över att skjuta alla på platsen som inte har octagonen runt sig som markerar gang members så jag kommer därför att DECLINA denna ban request. DECLINED
  19. Trolling is not allowed on this server and knocking people in safezone without reason is a kind of trolling. Thereby i ACCEPT this Ban request and i will hand out the punishment of 1 Day for Trolling. ACCEPTED
  20. Jag ser detta mer som en olycka hellre än VDM, när det finns fordon i ett spel så ingår det att man kan krascha. Då han inte ser ut som att han försöker köra in i dig utan det ser mer ut som att han tänkte samma sak som dig att han skulle svänga ut åt sidan för att undvika kollusion så tar jag DECLINAR denna Ban Request. /Eurozze
  21. Ska inte polisers prioriteringar vara att få kriminella levande och arrestera dom istället för att bara pang pang?
  22. no idea what you mean by that hitem, but i'll play along Now that i rise in my power my evil plans can now go as planned without resistance! No, but on the serious note i'm really thankful for the role and i will try to help as much i can to improve my favorite server and community Love, Eurozze
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