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  1. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Peter Marple in Oneplus 2 invites   
    Tjena alla glada (och sura för den delen)!!!
    Nu är det så att jag har två invites till en Oneplus 2 som ligger och skräpar.
    Vet ni inte vad det är för telefon så finns det info här: https://oneplus.net/se/2
    Den kostar ynka 3750kr och än sålänge är jag fett nöjd med min!!
    Vill ni ha den så släng iväg ett PM till mig.
    Men bara så ni vet så gäller dom bara i 160 timmar (6.5 dagar) till, så skynda er! 
    Mvh Gulleplutt Marple...
    PS.  Vill förtydliga att det inte är min telefon utan två helt nya  
  2. Like
    VisionPie reacted to luckiiee in Event Req. Revenge   
    Well after giving some thoughts about the event, this is what I came up with: First off all, I think it's great that people are suggesting events because It's important that everyone contribute to making the server fun to play on, but I spot some issues with this event. 
    As I wrote in swedish above, as I understand it, it would have to be patches before and after the event which is unlikely that admins are thrilled about, second is that for civs that doesn't have the gear requried or do not wish to participate in the event, there is no safezones.. Which means that they are left in the open without shelter from bandits etc.
    This would also bring alot of chaos with people shooting eachother, arguing for loot and alot of high caliber weapons and vests at free disposal (more or less).

    I like that people suggests events but this one Is maybe not a "doable" one
  3. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Goatis in Nya update   
    Asså jag anser att innan man ska få sina händer på lite större vapen ska man ha råd att betala 125k för att skapa ett gäng. 
    Annars finns ju alltid pistoler i Gun Store.
  4. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Bachne in Nya update   
    Man ska inte underskatta Rooken med 30Round mags! 
  5. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Vitx in RAID REPORT [z] Quadir   
    Vakthavande Befäl: [A.P.D] p.Standford Grade: Chief ID#: 167 Authorization: [A.P.D] P.Standford House Owner: [z] Quadir INFRACTION
    Date: 2015-10-01 Time: Approximately 02:00 Location: Selekano SEIZED MATERIALS
    Mk18 7.62mm 2x RCO 6x Tactical Vest [Police] 10x Tactical Vest [Stavrou] 2x Baret [Police] 3x Combat Fatigues [MTP] [Tee] 4x Combat Fatgues [AFF] [Rolled-UP] 1x Carrie Lite [Green] 1x Carrier Lite [Black] 4x 9mm 16Rnd mag 2x 9mm 30Rnd mag 1x MX 6.5mm [Black] 1x MXC 6.5mm [Black] 1x MX 6.5mm [White] 2x Katiba 6.5mm 8x MXM 6.5mm [Black] 4x 6.5mm Silencer 10x 7.62mm Silencer 2x Flashlight 1x 7.62mm 20Rnd Mags 1x CTRG Combat Uniform 2x Combat Fatgues [MTP] 1x Beanie 3x IR Laser Pointer 4x ARCO 8x MRCO 5x DMS 2x 6.5mm 30Rnd STANAG Mag 60x 6.5 30Rnd Caseless Mag 8x 7.62mm 20Rnd Mag 7x Stone 5x FlashLight 3x SDAR 3x TRG-21 1x  
    Vi fick inte med alla grejer på bevis några grejer saknas eftersom det blev en Dsync!
    Den här styrker upp vad det visar vad det är för grejer han tar på sig eftersom jag använder väldigt dåligt Ediotr program så det blir dålig kvalle! https://gyazo.com/85105587a57b943052bf73a30d5f35f6
  6. Like
    VisionPie reacted to luckiiee in CV-Gaming presents: Marshall Pt 1   
    "you have entered a safe-zone" står de uppe till höger, "han har godmodeee" hahah rip ^^
  7. Like
  8. Like
    VisionPie reacted to luckiiee in NLF Ofarliga när man drar årets engage!   
  9. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Vitx in RAID REPORT [GP] Hejsan   
    Vakthavande Befäl: [A.P.D] p.Standford Grade: Chief ID#: 167 Authorization: [A.P.D] P.Standford House Owner: [GP] Hejsan INFRACTION
    Date: 2015-10-29 Time: Approximately 20:30 Location: Paros SEIZED MATERIALS
    RCO 1x Tactical Vest [Police] 21x 9mm 16Rnd mag 2x 9mm 30Rnd mag 1x MX 6.5mm [Black] 9x MXC 6.5mm [Black] 1x MX 6.5mm [White] 2x 6.5mm Silencer 1x Flashlight 1x 7.62mm 20Rnd Mags 1x  
  10. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Daniel Macáres in RAID REPORT [A.Ma][LTC] Abdul   
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iA8hnp-ibow https://gyazo.com/3d80a20deb52b49ffffad1c03af676df Location of house:
    https://gyazo.com/5cab658d44b1c74c88bbd48c389e036a https://gyazo.com/a59dca3fe892fdc21affeef07c618c60
  11. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Vitx in RAID REPORT [A.Ma][LTC] Abdul   
    Vakthavande Befäl: [A.P.D] p.Standford Grade: Chief ID#: 167 Authorization: [A.P.D] P.Standford House Owner: [A.Ma][LTC] Abdul INFRACTION
    Date: 2015-10-29 Time: Approximately 01:25 Location: Kavala SEIZED MATERIALS
    RCO 2X Rhahim 1X Shemag [White] 4x Baret [Police] 2x Beanie 3x Tactical Vest [Police] 1x Baret [Nato] 2X 7.62 Silencer 2x DMS 1x Fatigues [Urban] [CAST] 2x CTRG Combat Uniform 1x Recon Fatigues [Hex] 1x Balaclava [Olive] 1x Stone 3x 6.5mm 30Rnd [STANAG] Mags 15X 7.62mm 10Rnd Mags 2x    
  12. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Vitx in RAID REPORT [z] Lallish   
    Vakthavande Befäl: [A.P.D] Rush Grade:  ID#: 666 Authorization: [A.P.D] Rush House Owner: [z] Lallish INFRACTION
    Date: 2015-10-28 Time: Approximately 14:00 Location: Selakano SEIZED MATERIALS
    MRCO 2X DMS 10X 6.5 Silencer 25x RCO 13X 7.62 Silencer 6x ARCO 10X Flashligt 8x Bipod [Sand] 3x ACO 1x LRPS 1x 6.5mm 30Rnd STANAG Mag 64x + 33x Till 5.56 30Rnd mags 6x Smoke Grande 9x MX 6.5mm 5x 7.62 20Rnd Mags 38x 7.62mm 10Rnd mags 15x 6.5mm 100Rnd 6x Mk20C 5.56mm 1x Katibor 6.5 13x Recon Fatgues [Hex] 1x Fatgues [Urban] [CAST] 1x Police Vest 1x Binie [Khaki] 1x Tactical Vest 1x MK18 3x MXM 2x MX SW 2x Rhaim 1x MK-1 3x   ACTION TAKEN AND EVIDENCE
  13. Like
    VisionPie reacted to L.Marshall in My way of "Free-Loot"   
    Just because I'm alone now, doesn't mean I'm not a dangerous man.

  14. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Ludwig in Illuminati Confirmed   
    Stanfåd ska äta maud också.
  15. Like
    VisionPie reacted to kooben in Kooben, Cop application   
    In-Game Name? : kooben
    What is your Player ID #? 76561198020687366
    Age :20 
    Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on other servers?: No, But very intrested to learn
    Do you have a working microphone?: Yes.

    How long have you played on CvGaming?: 3 weeks
    Have you been banned before?: Never.

    Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer? Yes.
    What 5 qualities are necessary to become a CvGaming Police Officer?
    1) Know the laws and rules
    2) Know how to roleplay.
    3) To act as a role model for the civilians
    4) The ability to stay calm and stay with the choice you made.
    5) Follow orders
    In 3 short paragraphs describe why you would fit as a police officer:
    I am a very social and "down to earth" kinda guy
    I will never break character
    I follow orders to the letter.
    In a short paragraph, what is your task as a police officer?:
    To serve and protect the civilians and to help fight the war against criminals
    Why should we pick YOU as a police officer?
    I think I will be an asset to the squad since I will bring alot of RP to the server. +im a funny guy
    What do you hope to achieve if you become a police officer?:
    To help the people on the server but also for myself to get a fun experience.
    What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?:
    Treat everyone equally, Everyone deserves respect.
    To function as a squad we need to have loyalty between eachother
    Rules are not meant to be broken.
     Why are the police faction important?
    They make sure that the world is not overrun by the criminals, So honest people can live their normal lives.
     What do you personally think that the police faction would need to become better?
    I cant answer this question since Ive never played as a cop. But I know what makes a good team and thats first and foremost: Communication.
    Tell us a little about yourself!
    My name is Pontus, I live in Filipstad and Im 20 years old. I currently study to become an "technician" and in my sparetime (wich is alot) I play computer games.
  16. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Kafarov in Stegar på Pyrgos Bron   
    Vi medics och andra som hoppar i sjön behöver stegar på pyrgos bron.
  17. Like
    VisionPie reacted to luckiiee in NLF?   
    Jag spawnade in just efter och torskade 14 katibor fullkittade med silencers och allt samt 12 polisvästar, 17 C4or och 19 CTRGs. Allt i min nyköpta strider som också sprängdes  refund?
  18. Like
    VisionPie reacted to L.Marshall in Tackar Zeds och bjuder på en tutorial hur man snor en Hunter!   
    Får börja med att tacka Zed's för en rolig tid.Tyvärr kom det fram att vissa personer inte riktigt har samma åsikter som mig när det gäller att stå för vem man är och vad man tycker och tänker. Jag personligen kände att jag inte riktigt hörde hemma där nu i efterhand efter vissa händelser. Men tack för en grym tid fram tills nu iaf. Vi va ju ganska bra på att sno ifrits och hunters iaf.

    Här är ett av alla tillfällen vi snott bepansrade fordon idag!

    Marshall is now riding solo, Peace!

  19. Like
    VisionPie got a reaction from Hallvardo in Måste vi ha det såhär?   
    I denna situation behöver ni inte ens ropa upp med händerna då polisen redan står och rpar med en civil. Då kan ni lika gärna bara tramps in där och överbemanna dem så de inte ens har en chans att skjuta sig ur situationen. Men om man man ropar att de kommer dö är inte det optimala... Sen så är 9/10 gånger att när ett stort gäng rpar så rånar dem oss och sen drar.
  20. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Franco in Franco ansöker till APD, igen :D   
    In-Game Name? : Franco
    What is your Player ID #? 76561198129601507
    Age : 18
    Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on other servers?: Yes, i have played as a police officer on cvgaming before. But i decided to leave the police force both times for reasons that i can explain if needed. (Just ask me on TS if you need to know)
    Do you have a working microphone?: Yes i do.

    How long have you played on CvGaming?: I started playing on cvgaming at the start of 2015. Dont know how long in hours 
    Have you been banned before?: No.

    Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer? Yes, RP is the biggest reason why i play altis life.
    What 5 qualities are necessary to become a CvGaming Police Officer?
    1) Know the rules.
    2) Know how to roleplay.
    3) Act as a role model. (for the other players)
    4) Never break character.
    5) Listen to Higher ranked officers.
    In 3 short paragraphs describe why you would fit as a police officer:
    I will bring alot of RP into what ever i do when im on the server as a police officer.
    I can take orders from other, but i can also give if needed.
    I have been APD on cvgaming before.
    In a short paragraph, what is your task as a police officer?:
    To serve altis and protect it's civs from criminals and terrorists.
    But also keep them away from illegal activities.
    Why should we pick YOU as a police officer?
    Because i can bring much rp when im on duty.
    What do you hope to achieve if you become a police officer?:
    I hope i can bring alot of fun roleplaying situations and act as a role model on the server (when it comes to RP)
    What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?:
    Treat everyone with respect.
    Loyalty is key to success for the police.
    Rules are rules and they are here for a reason. Not to be broken.
     Why are the police faction important?
    The police try to control the island of altis and keep the civs safe from bandits / terrorists.
     What do you personally think that the police faction would need to become better?
    Last time i played in the police force what we needed was better teamplay. But i dont know what the current police force needs to improve.
    Tell us a little about yourself!
    I am 18 years old and live in Göteborg. I am currently studying ''EL och energi'' and In my free time i spend alot of time by the computer playing computer games.
  21. Like
    VisionPie reacted to P. Stanford in raid rapport bwc abdul salam   
    vi kollade vems huset var av en slump och han spawnade in där när vi stog utanför och plockade ut olagliga föremål.
    bevis: https://gyazo.com/3652ad77ebce60b6a0c03a17f2aacc14 https://gyazo.com/e76d9261727c194d664002a76c4178a6 https://gyazo.com/fc31a6bdafc99a64c3adbe91fdce4017 https://gyazo.com/86321cdd641754b2ecb4a5f52b3da46e https://gyazo.com/201d19bac587935d7f7b5fc8ee96dbc5 https://gyazo.com/ca1c4bce59dba0826c7e45b758030586 
    Saker i lådorna: https://gyazo.com/2bf9bfd6b8feffbbca90b60ded3500ed https://gyazo.com/aef36e85250225803b90c5281b97dd76 + en mx och en carrier light!
  22. Like
    VisionPie reacted to luckiiee in Måste vi ha det såhär?   
    Säger som jag sagt tidigare, varför ska rp:t alltid bestå iform av kidnappning eller börja med "upp med händerna"? Varför inte bara gå fram o prata med varann? Jag menar visst "ingen vet ju om vi hade rp:a skit mkt om ni satt upp händerna" men öppnar man med den repliken så är man faktiskt inte där o gör det man gör för att RP:a i den bemärkelsen som jag i de här fallet tror polisen menar :)
  23. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Yoshi in Måste vi ha det såhär?   
    God afton folket på CvGaming.
    Tycker det är tråkigt att denna situation blev som den blev, jag tror inte Z´ som jag förstod det inte hade någon avsikt att ”råna” polisen när dom stod där och RP med en civil?
    Om så är fallet så bör man kanske inte gå in med dom orden som användes, för det är ett ganska hotfullt sätt att ”presentera” sig på. Förstår att polisen tar det som ett hot (varför ska hände upp på en gång om det ska köras RP?) Dessutom vad är det för RP om man måste ha polisen ”upp” med händerna, då brukar det bara bli ett scenario i mina ögon.?
    Feroz skriver "Ni har väl ingen aning om vad för rp vi kan dra om ni hade satt upp händerna?"
    Hur hade du reagerat och agerat själv, vad hade din första tanke varit om jag får fråga?
    Därför inte Polisen inte ger upp idag på servern är för att vi blir överfallna så många gånger dagligen så folk inom Polisen är så trötta på att ge upp och ge bort sin utrustning. Den må vara ”billig” men efter ex antal gånger så går det åt pengar även för polisen. Om man kan göra motstånd så försöker nog många Poliser göra det.
    Som attityden är på servern idag så är det väldigt svårt att RP, hur ska polisen veta när folk vill köra RP när 95-99% av gångerna vill ni bara råna Polisen på sin gear och ev Hunter.
    Detta är väl något som civs har satt i spel. Om inte civs rånar Polisen hela tiden så lär det bli mera RP situationer än vad det är idag med Polisen där folk går omkring med olaglig gear och inte blir tagna. Men när gear används mot Polisen så ser väl jag inte att man inte ska försöka ta in all olaglig gear som finns på servern för den verkar ju mot Polisen i detta fall hela tiden.
    Sen får vi tillbaka att vi är tråkiga att RP med, där skjuter civs sig själva i foten lite grann tycker jag.
    E.C var riktiga AS men dom hade även ett bra RP, men inte alltid. Det är något som många gäng saknar idag på servern. Så att kasta på E.C att dom alltid var dåliga med RP och hade en en ”surrender or die” attityd är fel i mina ögon.
    Sen som Bartowski skriver att det är surt att lossa gear som Civs? Say what? 50-90% av den gear som ni använder är väl gear som är tagna av Polisen/HRA och inte ens ni har betalat något för, hur kan det vara surt då? I det fallet så är ju Polis gear hur dyrt som helst tycker jag.
    Vissa grammatiska stavfel mm kan förekomma =o)
    // Yoshi ( A.P.D Vice-Cheif)

  24. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Sgt incredible in B.Incred Police Application (bobbe)   
    In-Game Name? : Sgt incredible What is your Player ID #? 76561197998209391 Age :22 Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on other servers?: Yeah alittle for like 5 days or so. on a different server Do you have a working microphone?: Yes How long have you played on CvGaming?: 700+ hours.  Have you been banned before?: Yes for 1 day. Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer? Yes What 5 qualities are necessary to become a CvGaming Police Officer?
    1) Role play
    2) Listen to higher ranked officers.
    3) Never abuse
    4) mature
    5) Communication and ofc you will have to be able to arrest people....    
      In 3 short paragraphs describe why you would fit as a police officer:                                                                                                                                                                                                         I have been in factions on other servers. I can both shoot and roleplay good. and i can take orders and give to people as well                                                                                                                               In a short paragraph, what is your task as a police officer?:
    Help the people in need and arrest the bad guys.
      Why should we pick YOU as a police officer?
    Becouse i think i would be really good at it. And im a good teamplayer!
      What do you hope to achieve if you become a police officer?:
    Become a better player.
      What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?:
    Respect all, you earn loyalty and rules you have to obey. 
      Why are the police faction important?
    Who would protect the civilians in altis if there was no APD?
      What do you personally think that the police faction would need to become better?
    Undercover police!
      Tell us a little about yourself!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  I love to play games on my spare time, arma3, rust, cs go and many other games. I go to the gym or walk/running for 1 hour almost every day. working at a tireshop at the moment selling and shifting tires on cars/trucks.
  25. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Legacy™ in Legacy - PoPo app.   
    In-Game Name? : R. Jackson What is your Player ID #? (In ARMA main screen go to Config/Profiles (select your profile) Then you should see a 17 Digit number) Age : 19 Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on other servers?: Ive been a police officer on this server before and on 2 other altis life servers aswell. Do you have a working microphone?: Yes. How long have you played on CvGaming?: Lets just say ive played enough Have you been banned before?: Not for a valid reason, no. Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer?: I'd give it a shot   What 5 qualities are necessary to become a CvGaming Police Officer? 1) Communication 2) The Ability to take orders and follow them. 3) A good sense of roleplay. 4) Understanding for what it means to be a member of a faction. 5) Mad driving skills.
      In 3 short paragraphs describe why you would fit as a police officer:  I am easy to communicate with and can both recieve and give orders if it would be necessary during stressful situations, i have alot of experiance with basic roleplay aswell as combat situations on the soils of Altis that i've aquired from the previous time i played as a police officer.  I have the ability to stay calm and collected when talking to people that operates in a non-hostile manner but i will not hesitate to take them down if it comes down to my life or theirs.   
    In a short paragraph, what is your task as a police officer?:
    My task as a police officer is to server and protect the good and bad people of altis life. Whilst keeping the peacefull civillians safe it's also my job to help get those who has fallen into the wrong tracks to get back into living a life according to the current laws of Altis. My job is also to do what i can to keep both me and my fellow officers safe whilst performing these tasks stated above. 
      Why should we pick YOU as a police officer? I've stated enough arguments above to cover this part so let's just say bcuz im AMAZING.
      What do you hope to achieve if you become a police officer?:
    I hope to preserve altis in its beautiful state and keep it from turning into what Terrorists and Criminals are trying to make it.
      What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?:   I think that these keywords are important factors to running a sucessfull police Department, it's really important to trust the person standing next to you and to treat in a way that you would want to be treated yourself. The most important thing is that you become a good group who operate very well together that have mutual respect for eachother. 

      Why are the police faction important? The police helps creating a balance on the server and they are hoping to show people that the best way to get along in altis is to play by the laws. If you dont then you will be punished for what you have done. Without the police it would be total chaos and that is why i want to help out, to help keeping the balance.
      What do you personally think that the police faction would need to become better? Me. 

      Tell us a little about yourself! I've described myself quite enought already, for those of you who does not know me you are free to hit me up on teamspeak and ill tell you all about me and my Polarbear hunts up in the Northern Parts of Sweden!  
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