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  1. Like
    Rarre reacted to Zacharias in Vad gör man inte för sina clan-m8's   
    Nu fick man tårar i ögon bottnen   
  2. Like
    Rarre got a reaction from Zacharias in Vad gör man inte för sina clan-m8's   
  3. Like
    Rarre got a reaction from WoXXeN in Vad gör man inte för sina clan-m8's   
  4. Like
    Rarre got a reaction from Thomas Krüeger in Vad gör man inte för sina clan-m8's   
  5. Like
    Rarre got a reaction from V1RRE in Vad gör man inte för sina clan-m8's   
  6. Like
    Rarre got a reaction from V1RRE in Terrorist attentat hur går de till?   
    Imlay's väst förstörde helin så jag krascha! xD ;_;
  7. Like
    Rarre got a reaction from HardmanCummings in Terrorist attentat hur går de till?   
    Imlay's väst förstörde helin så jag krascha! xD ;_;
  8. Like
    Rarre reacted to HardmanCummings in Terrorist attentat hur går de till?   
    För nya som äldre spelare på servern så ska jag nu förklara hur terror attentaten går till.
    Följande steg är något vi inom RO kommit överens med APD hur de ska skötas.
    Steg 1: Ett meddelande ska skickas via CvG News om att information om ett attentat blivit upptäckt.
    - Vid detta tillfälle lämnar Terroristerna sitt HQ till fots,bil eller helikopter dvs ingen fast travel.
    Steg 2: Ett andra meddelande går ut via CvG News och då publiceras platsen attentatet kommer ske på tex: Kavala, Lakka Checkpoint etc.
    - Vid detta steg så måste Terroristerna vänta 5min innan de får utlösa sina bombvästar
    - Sprängningarna ska ske så nära varandra som möjligt, så ingen väntar i 10min innan de aktiverar sin väst.
    Steg 3: Ett meddelande skickas när sista västen sprängts.
    - Detta för att APD och övriga ska veta när det är över för denna gång.
    - Så ingen behöver stirra sig blind om de vet att 5 terrorister är online men tex bara 3 västar smällt av.
    PS: Kan eventuellt tillkomma/försvinna steg beroende på hur attentaten tas emot av övriga spelare, men detta är just nu grunden.
    Och så ber jag om en tyst minut till Bobbi, som lyckades döda en terrorist, men västen var aktiverad och small av i alla fall. R.I.P!

  9. Like
    Rarre reacted to Sajm0n in Avrättning av Goliat   
    Det här är ett meddelande till alla poliser, håll er långt ifrån oss terrorister, annars är DU näst på tur!

  10. Like
    Rarre reacted to V1RRE in *EVENT 2015-07-15 18:00* " Thorstens 4.Five Hotel"   
    Goodday everybody! this wednesday, I thought that I was going to host a smaller event!
    Its a pretty simple event, every participant will be equipped with a 4.five and 3 mags. Everyone will get their guns when we have arrived outside the hotel.
    Everyone will get 60 seconds to move out and position out inside the hotel, then its on! KoS on everyone!
    Date: 2015-07-15 18:00

    You are not allowed to leave the ghost hotel! And by ghost hotel, i mean particually the hotel, everyone is going to stay inside the hotel!  
    No teamworking! this is a FFA event, if you get caught teamworking, these players / gangs will be disqualified from the event and banned from all further of Thorstens events.  
    When there is only 1 man alive, the event is over!  
    Normal server rules applies to this event, except the RDM rule then ofcourse, No glitching/viewing through walls!  
    You are not allowed to bring any other equipment except the stuff you spawn with.  
    Every participant is going to pay Thorsten 100.000$ All the money will then ofcourse go to the winner of the event!  
    Every 10 minutes, we will restrict the fighting zone, by removing one floor. anyone left in the removed zone will be disqualified/ and/or killed by Thorsten  
    Food is allowed!  
    How to participate
    Go to Pyrgos air garage at 18:00 on wednesday
    Enter the Mohawk chopper.
    Do not  pick out 100.000 $ in Pyrgos.
    Enter the chopper as Freshspawn!
    Do not forget to bring your own food!
    Good luck have fun!
  11. Like
    Rarre reacted to Mr GW in Changelog 4.0.4   
    Small update that contains a few changes and fixes.
    Added Underwater charge in the blackmarket (used for shipwrecks) 1 New clothing for H.R.A When you start capturing the bandit district it will now check for H.R.A members instead of the police Increased the timer when you burn fields Underwater charge will be saved in your virtual inventory when you log out Added a new Admin Menu Removed Pilotcoveralls from terrorist shops.
  12. Like
    Rarre reacted to Hysteria in D-Sync at it's best!   
    Du är skyldig mig en ny ifrit! 
  13. Like
    Rarre reacted to Goatis in Reoccurring Event: The Purge (inspired by the movie)   
    Ikväll blir det Purge! 
    Som vanligt kommer detta ske nångång mellan 19-21.
    Och den här gången och alla framtida gånger kommer eventet vara i en timme, för purge scriptet är omskrivet
  14. Like
    Rarre reacted to Clabbe in Police Application   
    In-Game Name? : [sC] Diaz What is your Player ID #? (In ARMA main screen go to Config/Profiles (select your profile) Then you should see a 17 Digit number) 76561198140721509 Age : 20 Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on other servers?: Yes, i have. I was a Sergeant on this server, and have been a lieutenant on another. Do you have a working microphone?: Yes How long have you played on CvGaming?: I started to play here in late august/early september.  Have you been banned before?: Yes i have... Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer? Of Course     What 5 qualities are necessary to become a CvGaming Police Officer? 1) Be a good roleplayer
    2) Keep calm in stressed situations
    3) Always listen to a higer ranked police
    4) Mature
    5) Be patient
    In 3 short paragraphs describe why you would fit as a police officer: I love to roleplay and play as a police. I have almost 800h as a police on this server. I am a mature guy that you always can communicate with no matter how the situation is.   
    In a short paragraph, what is your task as a police officer?: To achieve the highest possible rank course, I want to prove myself to the others that it was wrong of me to leave in the first place..

    Why should we pick YOU as a police officer? I am a mature player who handles stress very good. I always keep my calm no matter what happens.  I have also played almost 900h on the server, and i know how everything works. Many players on the server recognize my name Diaz, so a lot on the server knows who i am.

    What do you hope to achieve if you become a police officer?: To reach the highest rank as i can. And help all the legal civilians from the terrorists.
    What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?: Respect, you always have to respect the other players on the server,most important is have respect för the higher police officers. Loyalty, You always have to be loyal to the people on the island, i have seen some officers on the server before that wasn't loyal to the police the police wont work out if people isn't loyal. Rules, a server without rules is like a pizza without cheese. Rules build the server, and they must be followed, if they dont follows it will be a chaos.
    Why are the police faction important? Without the police, this island would be in absolutely chaos. The police faction is the most importans faction.
    What do you personally think that the police faction would need to become better? I have no idea right now, cause it's been a while since i played with them. But a good communication is always important
    Tell us a little about yourself! I am a 20 year old guy that loves to play Arma 3. I live in Sweden in a town called Skurup outside Malmö. I started to play serious on the server in the beginning of September. I have played in NLF when it was a faction on the server, i have been in the NLA also, and i have been a Sergeant in the police. So i have been in a lot of situations with both RP and shooting. so i am accustomed with both parts of it. I'm not afraid to take my own Initiatives sometimes. I can also  take and give out orders. I am a very good listener and i will always liten to what a higher ranked police says to me. 
    If u have any questions just contact me on teamspeak (Diaz/Clabbez). Best Regards, Clabbez
  15. Like
    Rarre reacted to Zetas in Police Application Lallish!   
    Meet the minimum age of 17. Understand basic server rules. MUST have a working microphone! MUST have a good command of the English language.  
    In-Game Name? : Lallish What is your Player ID #? (In ARMA main screen go to Config/Profiles (select your profile) Then you should see a 17 Digit number) 76561198118832278 Age : 16 Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on other servers?: I've been cop on some public cop servers! Do you have a working microphone?: Of Course How long have you played on CvGaming?: 1400 Have you been banned before?: I have, I got banned in december or januari i think. I was new to the server and i really didnt care about the server :/ But since then i havn't got banned! Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer? Of course!     What 5 qualities are necessary to become a CvGaming Police Officer? 1) Roleplay is extremly important!
    2) Being able to take orders from higher ranked officer!
    3) Be able to eliminate people!
    4) Be a nice guy!
    5) Stay calm at stressy situations
    In 3 short paragraphs describe why you would fit as a police officer: * I'm a calm person
    * I'm good at RPing
    * I want to save the citisens from the Terrorist and Rebels! In a short paragraph, what is your task as a police officer?: To help the Citisens on altis, Help them when they get robbed and murdered. And also clean the island from the Terrorists and Rebels!
    Why should we pick YOU as a police officer? Hmm, I Really want to save the people who pays the bills and does the legal stuff!
    What do you hope to achieve if you become a police officer?: I Would like to have a own caddet sometime and learn them the way i learned!
    What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?:Respect is not easy to earn, You have to be very loyal and nice to get someone's respect! Loyalty is very important, Just dont lie. And everything will workout at the end! Rules are IMPORTANT to follow!
    Why are the police faction important? The A.P.D Is a part of Cvgaming and without them, There would be no balance at all.
    What do you personally think that the police faction would need to become better? I dont really know because i havn't played that much in the A.P.D Lately so yeah But i think there doing a great job right now!
    Tell us a little about yourself!           My name is Tor and i live in Stockholm [sweden], I'm 16 years old and i really like playing CS:GO, ARMA III, Battlefield And so on. I like being with friends, Playing video games, Being out in the sun. I'm a really social person, And if you're nice to me ill be nice to you!
    // Mvh Lallish 
  16. Like
    Rarre reacted to V1RRE in [CvG News] Hardman arresterad M.m   
    12/07 runt 20:00 i Kavala!
  17. Like
    Rarre reacted to V1RRE in Nya Scrub Club rekryterar!   
    Tror du skrev lite fel där, Jag är medveten om att Scrub Club hade ett kasst rykte angående lootkåthet, pipiga röster, bara rooks, det var en av anledningarna till att vi gjorde om SC till A.G.. sedan lämnade dock alla "lootkåta" medlemmar,(Inte dig @William   ) så därför startade jag upp SC igen.. känns sjukt tråkigt att försöka få upp ett gäng till o bli stort igen ifall folk håller på o eltar gamla rykten.. somsagt så ser du i titeln, "Nya Scrub Club rekryterar", alltså detta SC skall inte vara i närheten av vad det gamla var
    (därifrån de kassa ryktet kom ifrån)
    Så Ja, nu tycker jag att alla ger oss en chans att visa att detta inte kommer vara något loot/rook gäng igen
  18. Like
    Rarre reacted to Hysteria in A New Era   
    So now for the BIG news.   So there's been a lot of hush-hush recently around admins and other staff-members, but now we can finally make everything public for you players and community-members of CvGaming. We've been working on this for several weeks now, trying to coordinate everything so when it finally goes live (tomorrow) there's nothing wrong or something that doesn't work properly.   The Terrorists:   Recently the majority of the members of the rebels left their faction, this opened up a lot of oppurtunities when it comes to remaking the factions themselves. So we, the admin-staff decided to re-introduce the terrorists as a new faction. Yes, you read that right.    The terrorist will join the server as a official faction starting the next patch and they will reside in the Oreocastro Castle up north.   Terrorist Agenda:   The Revolutionary Organization 17 November (RO-17N) is once again here to put fear in to the people of Altis.   We want everyone to be able to do whatever they want, we expect people to pay us a big fee every time they go out farming, Regardless of it being legal or illegal – we prefer if this is illegal since we hate the state more than anything. We will show no respect what so ever to anyone with authority regardless of this being the APD, HRA or a Gangs harassing lonely civilians. We do expect everyone to pay us a lot of respect and money to keep our economy up so we can keep our warfare against all authorities and to leave them alone – If they decide not to do this, they can expect us to be harassing them all the time. RO-17N will do whatever it takes to conquer the state and the rebels, if a civilian would get hurt in the process we couldn´t care less.   The Rebels:   We hope all of you are as excited as we are regarding this! But wait, there's more!   Since there's basically no official rebels left on the server at the moment we had to fix that issue somehow. We've decided that scrapping the National Liberation Front (N.L.A) and replacing it with a more civilian friendly faction was the best choice since the terrorist was going to be introduced as well. The new rebels fill a spot which havn't really existed on the server for a long time. Last faction that had the same kind of goal was the (F.I.A), and it was removed in late November last year. While the terrorists fills the spot where (N.L.A) was placed originally, the more aggressive non-civilian friendly and anti-A.P.D faction.   Rebel Agenda:   Hellenic Republican Army or H.R.A for short is an organized effort by some portion of the Altis civil population who use physical force to cause a change in the political and or social order. It may seek to achieve it's objects through either the use of a nonviolent resistance or the use of armed force. In short the Hellenic Republican Army's goal is to achieve political freedom for themselves or obtain freedom for others. Which indirectly means that they keep the true hellenic population safe and free from any oppressing forces.   Furthermore, supporting any other faction except the H.R.A will be seen as an act of treason and the supporter will be viewed as hostile. However,if a citizen shares the same vision and cause as H.R.A, as well as believing that H.R.A's agenda is the only true one. Then that makes them a true hellenic citizen in the eyes of the Hellenic Republican Army.   Even though the group's agenda may seem rather people-friendly they will not hesitate to kidnap, harm or execute any person regarded as inimical to their cause. Ultimately this means that interacting with them is an unsafe activity which most citizens should avoid if they don't have important businesses with them personally.   The Cause:   The current state of the political and social order is a complete wreck, it hurts the hellenic citizens more than it helps them. This is why the Hellenic Republican Army will do whatever it takes to achieve political freedom for themselves or obtain freedom for others. But with the current state of the political and social order this is almost impossible.   The H.R.A believes that robbing or killing civilians is required to create a new social order, out with the trash, in with the pure. However if a person continously harms other citizens then that person will immediately be taken care of either way.   The H.R.A values the true hellenic citizen more than anything else. Which means that any harm done to a true hellenic citizen, intentional or unintentional will be viewed as a threat, and threats are eliminated. Which also means that any form of human trafficking or slave trading is strictly against their agenda. This is for the safety of the true citizens themselves as they can be the ones being sold.   The H.R.A does not believe that citizens need higher caliber weapons for self-protection. However, lower caliber is allowed for the sake of self-protection. This also means that selling/buying from a source that isn't controlled and kept safe by the H.R.A themselves is strictly against their agenda. However, the H.R.A does not support the use of illegal drugs, but does not have anything strictly against it either. Which means that having it for personal use or creating businesses that revolves in selling it is completely fine.   The H.R.A will help the true hellenic citizens in any way possible. Giving them shelter, or protecting them while they do their own businesses. This means that any hostile action against these citizens will be against the H.R.A as well.   Since the Federal Reserve hold the governments treasury and not any of the true citizens money, the H.R.A can and will attack and steal it.   Staple points( TL:DR):   - May rob or kill any citizens they see as inimcal to their cause.   - Will always value true hellenic citizens above anything else.   - Strongly against any form of slave-trading.   - Does not allow any other groups to sell weapons or maintain a profitable black market.   - Does not want civilians to own or use any high-caliber weaponry (7.62mm or above).   - Does not have anything against any other illegal activity A.E. Cocaine, Weed, Heroin, Meth or Bank Robberies.   - May not directly help any of the other factions.   - Will protect and provide temporary shelter for individual true hellenic citizens if they ask for help.   - Does not take lightly on tresspassing.   - Travelling to their borders without announcing a reason beforehand will be viewed as a hostile action.   - Can and will attack the federal reserve.   "True Hellenic Citizen explanation: Is a friendly and supporting civilian that always try and help and interacts peacefully with the H.R.A whenever they can.   "One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter"   The Altis Military Police:   This is a huge change already, but we're not even done yet!   To counter-act these two "new" factions we had to give the police some more firepower to be able still control Altis, So the Altis Military Police (A.M.P) is coming back! They will be an extension of the already existing A.P.D, but with their own leader and members. They will reside in Athira with a remade headquarters, and will control the more eastern areas on Altis.   Final words:   This is all the news we have regarding the factions on the server, but there's a lot of content that's coming this patch as well which we will write about in another topic!   Once again, we hope you guys are as excited as we are regarding these changes! Hopefully this will bring back a lot more roleplaying to the now loot focused server!
  19. Like
    Rarre reacted to luckiiee in Battle Royale Montage   
    Gillar att du har ett Haparanda band med i musiken
  20. Like
    Rarre reacted to V1RRE in Nya Scrub Club rekryterar!   
    Hej hej!
    Nu är det så att jag, Thorsten tar tag i Scrub Club nu efter att alla lämnat, jag söker mogna samt aktiva CvG spelare
    The Squad Fahid Rasheed//Thorsten Stefan.Ö Diaz "Filip" // Landsier Lallish Fearless Lagster Edvin R. Bartowski   Vi kör inte med några ranker överhuvudtaget förutom kadett-medlem-ledare   Detta är alltså alla nuvarande medlemmar, söker folk som når följande krav:   16+ mogen. Var inte lootkåt.  kunna knipa käft i TS   Gear osv går alltid att fixa sålänge du är engagerad. kontakta mig på Teamspeak eller ingame ifall du är intresserad Ajde!  
  21. Like
    Rarre reacted to J.Ramirez in Police Application J.Ramirez   
    Meet the minimum age of 17. Understand basic server rules. MUST have a working microphone! MUST have a good command of the English language.  
    In-Game Name? : J.Ramirez. What is your Player ID #? 76561198034588620 Age :  I'm 16 years old Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on other servers?: Yes i do, on a norwegian server and a britsh server. I have a lot of experiense with shooting, but i can do it best on long distances. Do you have a working microphone?: Yes How long have you played on CvGaming?: a bit over 380 hours Have you been banned before?: No Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer? Yes ofcourse i will!     What 5 qualities are necessary to become a CvGaming Police Officer? 1) Good RP
    2)Be able to take orders
    3)Always be calm
    4) Follow the law
    5) If your leader goes down, do every thing to get everyone safe.
    In 3 short paragraphs describe why you would fit as a police officer:
    I'm good following orders
              I would do everything to hunt the criminals down.
              I will risc my life for my fellow officers
    In a short paragraph, what is your task as a police officer?: To hunt the criminals down, and make everyone safe on altis
    Why should we pick YOU as a police officer?
    I'm a nice guy, i will risc my life for my other teammates. I will think of my mates before my self.
    What do you hope to achieve if you become a police officer?:
    Well, thats a good question. I hope i achieve good roleplay, and new friends.
    What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?:
    I will respect others, if they respect me. I'm a loyal guy, and i have readed the rules.
    Why are the police faction important?
    To stop the crimes on altis, and make every civilian safe
    What do you personally think that the police faction would need to become better?
    I'm not quite sure right now.
    Tell us a little about yourself!  i'm 16 years .  On my spear time i like to play video games, hang out with friends.
  22. Like
    Rarre reacted to Darwin in Sanningen om Afriel   
    ''Hur började allt?'' Är frågan man får ställd dagligen, så nu kommer sanningen för alla er som undrat.

    Allting började 1983 i staden Vladivostok i Ryssland, lilla Afriel hade precis anlänt från den nordkoreanska kusten för att bo hos sin morbror Kryznak i Ryssland, Kryznak var en snäll och givmild man som jobbade som gruvarbetare, men på hans fritid så drev han eget, han drev glassförsäljning från en bil.
    lilla Afriel nappade direkt på det och ville vara med, morbror Kryznak behövde lite extra hjälp så det var väldigt välkommet. Afriel njöt i stora drag av att sälja glass, och Kryznak tyckte att Afriel gjorde ett såpass bra jobb så att han erbjöd Afriel ett jobb i glassbilen, han tänkte och tänkte.. sedan tog han ett av de svåraste besluten hittils i sitt liv, han skulle bryta sig loss från rysslands järnhand, tacka nej till jobbet och resa till sverige där han skulle kontakta sin kusin Lasse.

    Afriel anlände i Sverige en snöig julimorgon i augusti, avdankad, trött och sliten efter den långa tågresan från ryssland, han sprang till närmaste telefon automat där han kontaktade sin kusin, Lasse, som var väldigt glad över att få höra Afriels röst, Lasse ville att Afriel skulle komma och jobba för honom, Lasse jobbade på Hemglass och körde glassbil, och detta kunde Afriel allt om, så han tog det med storm!.

    Han tog det bokstavligen med storm, första dagen så fick den nu 18 åriga Afriel sladd på glassbilen och välte på motorvägen. Han klarade sig med några få mindre skador och fick lämna sjukhuset redan samma dag, Lasse och Afriel fick sedan sitta i enrum och förklara för chefen vad som hade hänt, Afriel skämdes och var mycket upprörd över händelsen. Det hela slutade med att Afriel blev återbetalningsskyldig för glassbilen samt fick sparken, vilket kom som en chockerande och sorglig nyhet för honom.
    Hur ska då Afriel få tag på pengar för att ersätta hemglass?
    Jo, på det sättet han alltit har tjänat sitt levebröd, genom att köra den legendariska blåa bilen.
    2 månader efter olyckan så träffade Afriel en speciell människa, nämligen en partner som kom att bli hans eviga kärlek, Riccardo. Afriel och Riccardo tog det i sina egna händer att lösa skulden för den trasiga glassbilen, då startade de sitt egna företag, Riccardo's Glass.

    Och vad vi vet, så hörs fortfarande brummandet av Afriel & Riccardos glassbil på sveriges gator långt efter skulden var avbetalad, hade detta blivit hans liv? hans passion?
  23. Like
    Rarre reacted to V1RRE in [CvG News] Kontaktannonser!   
    ( Cred till Hardman & Bobbi       )
  24. Like
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    Rarre reacted to V1RRE in [CvG News] Upprensningen på bandit!   
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