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Server Upgrade COMPLETED!


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The hardware we are now running is:
  • Intel Xeon 1650v2 3.5Ghz
  • Supermicro X9SRi-F Motherboard
  • 48Gb DDR3 ECC RAM
  • 2x Samung 840 Evo SSD in Raid 1
And ofcourse
  • 1 Gbit Internet

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And all of this was made possible by YOU! Our wonderful community and supporters!
Much love to you guys and girls!

Patch 3.5.5 to celebrate the hardwareupdate

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Hur vore det att investera i ett lite kralligare nätverkskort för att kunna hantera all den datatrafik som går fram och tillbaka hela tiden. Är rätt påfrestande för en liten integrerad nätverkskrets att hantera alla klienter samtidigt vilket kan vara en av anledningarna till långsam respons från servern?

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  On 12/25/2014 at 6:40 PM, Ludwig said:

Har också för mig att det sitter ett 1gigs, så tror inte att det är problemet.

De håller på att optimera databasen!


Incorrect. The time for Arma to get the info from the database it needs and return back to itself is always the same. Whether the server has been up 5mins, or 4 hours. A few players or 90 players. This time is logged to call the database extension (the extDB DLL) and your data returned.


The database isn't the problem. It's the way the engine works, to deal with things. The queue can become long with a low server fps.


Take last night for example. There was some desync and it took ~30 s for me to get my database info and appear ingame. I ran a script to count how many dead bodies were on the map. There were 88!  So I wrote a small line of script to delete them all and after that it was fine. Bodies may not clean up properly if people ALT + f4, as they don't run the clean up script when they click abort, to delete their dead body. This is made worse with a high turnover of players who join, then alt and f4 to quit.


For some reason, player clean up disconnect was changed in Altis Life some time ago. Before, it would loop through all dead bodies and delete them, upon a (proper) player disconnect. Hopefully, with all the big changes incoming for Altis Life, there will be a lot of improvement here.


The server can become slower to deal with things if it owns a lot of objects. It owns objects when a player disconnects. The body belongs to the server, your group, if empty, belongs to the server. Cars and many other objects for example. Again if there are a lot of players coming and going within a short time, they can give a lot of objects to the server.

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