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  1. Like
    Vic reacted to M.Riggs in Regler NLA/Polis   
    Vad är det här RP ni pratar om och varför vill folk störa mig när jag försöker farma så många miljoner som möjligt på kortast tid möjligt!?
  2. Like
    Vic reacted to A. Mahone in Lägg in "The Players Guide to the Life in Altis" i uppdraget!   
    En trevlig hälsning
    God afton!
    Som vissa av er vet så har jag skrivit en guide som riktar sig framför allt mot nybörjare. Den finns under Altis Life ---> Guides.
    Ett av skälen till att jag skrev guiden var för att slippa sitta och svara på samma frågor 300 gånger per dygn.
    Visst, ingen tvingar mig att svara på frågor men jag känner sympati med nya spelare för jag vet hur svårt det kan vara i början.
    Mycket går inte att gissa sig till.
    Men det finns nämligen en paradox med att endast ha guiden här på forumet. Nämligen den att nya spelare inte
    besöker forumet och vid uppmaning inte orkar tabba ur och så vidare. Detta leder till ett onödigt spammande i
    side chat som kan användas till vettigare saker.
    Förslag på lösning
    Lägg in guiden direkt i uppdraget, under flikarna i kartvyn. Kalla den Mahone's Guide eller liknande.
    Det kommer de flesta orka med att läsa. Och det kan vara smidigt för alla att se licenspriser in-game.
    Alltså även för erfarna spelare som inte memorerat allt och ingenting. Guiden har dessutom versionsnummer och changelog
    så det är lätt för er att se om något blivit uppdaterat. Vid uppdatering, lägg in den senaste versionen av guiden!
    Även om jag inte kan ligga 1:1 med upddateringar så kommer ändå det mesta stämma vilket enligt mig är bättre än inget.
    Enklare än så kan det inte bli. Vad kostar diamond processing? Tryck M och begrunda.
    Vad sägs?
  3. Like
    Vic reacted to Laika in Regler NLA/Polis   
    N.L.A är med andra ord inte ute efter att råna någon civ men vi gör det som krävs i RP syfte för att få folk att inte köra lagliga saker och polisen gör vad dem kan för att få civs att enbart göra lagliga saker. vi vill interagera med spelare på servern och vi hoppas på ett roligt rollspel oavsett utgång, ibland blir det lite skjuta av och andra gånger blir det ett fredligt samtal, allt beroende på hur civs svarar på våran interaktion.
    Jag personligen tycker att hitem beskrev det väldigt bra.
    Har man dock ett gäng med ett namn som antyder att man själv är någon form av rebell eller polis vilket absolut inte är emot server reglerna men som jag sett på servern så kan vi genom RP agera aningen hårdare mot dessa gäng.
    Så sent som idag stötte jag på ett par individer som var medlemmar i ett gäng och utgav sig för att vara rebeller, vi släppte då iväg dem till fots men tog deras lastbil för att visa att det bara finns en rebell organisation på servern.
    Återigen är det absolut inte emot serverns regler att ha sådana gängnamn men vi ser det som ett hot emot vår organisation och Rpar gärna med dessa gäng då det kan bli ett väldigt bra RP om alla parter vet vad RP innebär.
    Jag personligen uppskattar ett ordentligt RP som är mer än bara upp med händerna annars skjuter jag så att säga, det får gärna finnas en historia bakom personen i spelet och inte bara någon som säger standarna fraserna som man tvingas göra för att få råna/döda m.m
    Vi vill alla ha en kul tid på servern och träffar ni på mig ska ni som civs absolut inte vara rädda men förbered er på ett RP och besvara mig med samma RP så garanterar jag att vi kommer ha roliga möten oavsett om det pangas eller ej.
    Tack och hej Laika out
  4. Like
    Vic reacted to hitem in What is that flying up there? APD!   
    Greetings Altis.
    Lately there has been alot of APD propaganda on our fine island that we call home!
    This have resulted in APD being alittle to edgy when it comes to their efforts in oppressing the weak.
    Even harassing and kidnapping our countrymen from our neighbourhood. This can not continue!

    Next logical step: payback!
    A fine Christmas present from all of Altis. Rejoice.

    +[N.L.A] Dimitri as Teamspeak mascot
  5. Like
    Vic reacted to Daniel in POLICE application 15/12/14   
    Börja med att läsa instruktionerna ordentligt och gör en riktig ansökan!
  6. Like
    Vic reacted to Varg2 in Ide: PMC   
    Kommer att starta "Raven S" i mindre skala med det vi har tillgång till.
    Om någon har lust att investera i Raven S - Raven Security så är ni välkommen. detta betyder att ni får en del av gruppens inkomst eller rabatt på att hyra oss.
  7. Like
    Vic reacted to Zacharias in [BAN REQUEST]   
    Jag var inne på servern just jag började snacka med karon och plötsligt rdmar han mig. Det han sa om gangname är inte sant han sa förra gången när jag snackade med honnom att om vi inte gör ett nytt gang name så kommer de bråka hela tiden med oss men han sa inget angående att han skulle skjuta genast nästa gång han ser mig. Detta anser jag som rdm.
    Den jag vill få bannad: [N.L.A] Karon
    Mitt namn: Broccolimannen
    Video kolla från 9.05:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOs2ZWfGcDc
    Mvh: Broccolimannen
  8. Like
    Vic reacted to nolim_12 in [T.U] vs Cv-D   
    On December 8, 2014, President nolim_12 addressed the U.N. General Assembly, explaining Cv-D´s concerns about T.U.’s actions since the end of the escalated situation during the passed weekend, including numerous instances when T.U. had violated various U.N. Security Council resolutions, including those related to disarmament.   He stated that Cv-D would work with the U.N. Security Council to address the threat to international peace and security posed by T.U. He emphasized, however, that if T.U. refused to fulfill its obligations to comply with U.N. Security Council resolutions, the Cv-D would see that those resolutions were enforced.   - War, never been soo much fun!    
  9. Like
    Vic reacted to Mr GW in *Closed* Christmas Event   
    Christmas Event
    Ho ho ho!

    The snow is here, Christmas is getting closer and SantaClaus is bringing Christmas Presents to the residents of Altis.
    When the Altis SantaClaus wakes up in the morning he always have his daily routine,  eat some oatmeal and have his daily bottle of whiskey.
    It can't be easy being up 10 thousand feet up in the air , drunk and riding on a sleigh.
    There will be a small chance that Santaclaus might passout behind the wheel of ten overfed reindeers.
    This might cause him to accidentally drop some of the presents crafted by the Altis Elfs to land on the ground for anyone to grab.

    End of December
    Christmas Present
    A christmas present can contain anything between Piles of Money and a Katiba.
    There won't be less then 5 random items/moneypile in a Christmas Present.
    But where?
    There will be a marked location on the map and a message announcing that the santa is flying over Altis.
    Drops will be random.

    Merry Christmas from CvGaming
  10. Like
    Vic reacted to Legacy™ in Ban request.   
    The admins planned to have a meeting yesterday so while waiting for this, myself and Hitem participated in a little "Power-struggle" with the APD.
    GW has been away due to non-server related business and i don't know where the other was but that is why you had to wait so long i suppose!
    We're sorry about that!
    I'll talk to Hitem later, because hopefully he is ASLEEP by now.
  11. Like
    Vic got a reaction from LEIF in Ban request.   
    Håller med om att sådant här är för jävligt rent ut sagt. Men som jag brukar säga: man kan inte lita på människor. Hoppas det löser sig!
  12. Like
    Vic reacted to Peter Marple in *Closed* Marples pilot training!   
    Hello everyone!
    My name is officer Peter Marple from the Altis police department.
    I am going to have a pilot training for anyone that wants to get better at flying!
    It will not cost a dollar and this will be a no-kill event where murders will get punished.
    If you would like to join in, write your name down below and I will sign you up (I won't add you if you like this post, you need to enter your name)!
    Main focus will be on landings and takeoffs since those are the hard parts.
    Best regards Peter Marple/Pilot of the A.P.D

    (Ps. EVERYONE are welcome, N.L.A, Cv-D, it does not matter. This is purely for fun and to get better at flying!)
  13. Like
    Vic reacted to hitem in Stort nederlag för Altis Police Department   
    Congratulations citizens of Altis.
    Today we got attacked in our own hometown by the oppressors seeking blood from the natives of Altis with orthodox methods and equipment.
    The battle was ferocious and swift. We made a stand and successfully neutralized the threat in matter of minutes.
    No casualties.  Your home is now safer, this is a big step in the right direction for every citizen of Altis

  14. Like
    Vic reacted in Stort nederlag för Altis Police Department   
    Med stor sorg kan vi meddela att vi förlorade många tappra poliser ikväll. Fruar förlorade sina män och barnen sina pappor. Det var under en operation mot terroristgruppen NLA där poliser gick rakt in i ett bakhåll där de förolyckades. Krisgrupper har skapats där anhöriga och drabbade kan söka sig till. Altis Police Department ser mycket allvarligt på det som har hänt och har utlovat att vidtaga åtgärder i enorm skala för att eliminera dessa hänsynslösa terrorister.
    Bilder på polisernas sista stund i livet.

  15. Like
    Vic reacted to hitem in Altis Police Department firar seger mot NLA   
    Sen vaknade du kallsvettig med tuppen i soffan ?
  16. Like
    Vic reacted to hitem in Your backgrounds!   
    As i have 4 monitors (3x 24' and 1x50') i run a 6200px by 6200px resolution image of Hubble Deep Field: "most important picture ever taken by man"

  17. Like
    Vic reacted to hitem in [Ban Request] bst-   
    This is the reason why people need 10-15 seconds before you can start assuming they are not taking their hands up.
    5 days ban

  18. Like
    Vic reacted to Goatis in Allt flygande!!   
    Jo det är klart att risken för rån ökar men glöm inte att Altis Life är ett RP spel och markfordon ökar RP scenarion. Målet med spelet är inte att ha mest pengar utan att ha kul och skapa RP
  19. Like
    Vic reacted to Goatis in Allt flygande!!   
    Jag hade som förslag att återinföra Tempest truckarna till servern som omväxling till Hemtt.

    Vad tycker ni om detta?
  20. Like
    Vic reacted to M. Gray in Allt flygande!!   
    Jag känner det är dags att ta tag i det med allt flygande..
    Vi måste få ner folket på marken.
    Dags för admin att ta tag i detta på allvar. Minska trunken rejält på allt som har vingar och öka kostnaden att ta ut dem..
    I dagsläget är det ta mig fan tusan helt dött på marken och alla poliser står i Kavala.. Detta måste ändras!
  21. Like
    Vic got a reaction from M. Gray in Why are the police so bad?   
    Great words from a great cop! We (the folks in N.L.A just love to have some rp-sessions with the cops. We try to have a few per day and in my opinion it seems like both sides likes it. Sometimes it ends good, sometimes it ends badly. With interaction with the "bacons" we have gotten to know them better which will lead to even better rp in the future. Keep up the good work lads. See ya on da other side of my scope.
  22. Like
    Vic got a reaction from Ludwig in Why are the police so bad?   
    Great words from a great cop! We (the folks in N.L.A just love to have some rp-sessions with the cops. We try to have a few per day and in my opinion it seems like both sides likes it. Sometimes it ends good, sometimes it ends badly. With interaction with the "bacons" we have gotten to know them better which will lead to even better rp in the future. Keep up the good work lads. See ya on da other side of my scope.
  23. Like
    Vic reacted to Discornia in Why are the police so bad?   
    Safezones are ment to be safe havens from robbers not a place when you can go laugh to cops face while you are wanted.
    System is ment to bring more risk to illegal activities and force you to be carefull not to expose yourself while wanted and it is good, atleast in my opinion.
  24. Like
    Vic reacted to Andreas in Why are the police so bad?   
    I think this text explaines it all.
    / R.Jönåker
  25. Like
    Vic reacted to M.Riggs in Why are the police so bad?   
    Before you complain about the police you should remember that you are the one who made us into what we are today.                                                                                                                                   I find it extremely funny how people are using terms like "Farming the police" as if it's an achievement to kill the police on a RP server. The police is not only about recruiting the best aimers to make sure that anyone who stands in our way gets steamrolled. Sure we have alot of good shooters, but we are here to assist & help people. We are not here to conquer. People need to realize that once and for all.   "The police are so dumb and easy to farm."   We are not dumb, we see right through you. The problem is:   We have all heard lines like. "I killed 2-10 police officers today, they are so bad." Let's think about this for a second...say there is a gang named [X]. They text the police with something like: "Hey we are getting robbed by gang [Z]"   Even if we know this is a trap we have to go there, very exposed to everyone, jump out of our cars and interact RP (With our weapons on hold.) Two seconds later we hear "Put your hands up, this is a robbery!" We could make a 180 turn and kill the people robbing us but that would mean it's really bad RP from our side. This will result in us getting robbed and gang [X] Getting their hands on MX,vests & magazines worth a ton, also arming civ's who play on this server for one single purpose. "Get as much shit in your storage box as possible." Let's be honest here, It's not hard to do that. Anyone could lure out 2 cops while 5 people are hiding in the bushes. This does not require any skill nor a brain to achieve.   "How can it take F*ing 20 minutes to remove 1 abandoned vehicle blocking the road?!"   Allow me to explain why:   Usually it would only require 1 police officer to drive over there and impound the abandoned vehicle. However in the current state this is impossible, we have to send 4-5 police officers to scout the area, take positions and make sure it's clear. Which will result in this minor thing that should only take 2 minutes actually will take 20-30 minutes. We do have a choice not to help certain gangs who we know rob the cops on a daily basis but that have also resulted in people complaining about police never patrolling the roads & helping people near peach-field. Now you know why the response time from the police is extremely slow.   "The police never patrol the roads and never interact with players RP wise, like checking driver's licenses"   Whose fault is that?   We want to RP and interact with people, we do not want to sit in HQ waiting for Bandit or Federal. But how are we supposed to do that? Usually it doesn't take more than 5-10 minutes after arriving at Kavala checkpoint before we get "the" text (Put your hands up or you will all be dead!). It's even rare that people actually go through the check-point to interact RP with the police."Must..get..money...fast..no..time..for..RP!" People need to look past this farming hype and start interacting with each other! After all isn't that why we are playing on a RP server?     "So they buffed the police even more?!"   Yes, for our own safety. You people act like the police are farming you and still getting more buffs. We are here to protect and serve the civilians of Altis. Buffing us should also be good for you so that we can protect people from the rebels. It's not our fault people decided to go to war against the police. How are we supposed to protect and serve when we are the ones getting farmed by the ones we are trying to protect.   Before pointing fingers and judging the police, take a second and reflect on your own acts. There is a reason why it has come to this and I can assure you that it is not because we are lazy. Simply tired of being target dummies.     Nobody's perfect, but if we all try and do our best we can lift the standards of this community to the level CvGaming deserves.    Think before you act. Think before you complain. This is not a warzone!       This is my own words so all negative feedback should be directed only to me and not the whole police force.   //M.Riggs
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