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B. Lattman

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Posts posted by B. Lattman

  1. Tja jag vet inte vad som hände riktigt, Ni Bytte Till Tanoa Och Sommarlovet Kom, Men folk verkar bara har förlorat intresset, jag menar det finns inget riktigt att göra, Polisen Har som tagit över servern, Invånare Har som inget att göra, man går som bara runt, finns inte många aktiva gäng och sånt, Men Det Spelar nästan inget roll för då skulle DOM inte ha nått att göra, Tja jag vet inte, folk tycker bara att det inte e kul

  2. ah ok

    3 minutes ago, Vpswede said:

    Om man blir accepterad så blir man meddelad, om man inte blir det så får du inte något svar utan dom har kvar din ansökan tills dom känner att dom behöver fler supports

    , Hur långt brukar det ta innan man får ett meddelande iffall man blir accepted

  3. 3 minutes ago, LegacyMeister™ said:

    Vi vill ju hålla en viss nivå så ser gärna 18+ som en bra riktlinje.

    När tror ni att ni tittar på dessa applicationer, och när ni har svarat på dom, Hur blir vi kontaktade

  4. Is it real!? Erik is back??, Yes. it is real, a men tjena allihop, Ni tror jag hade lämnat er, men åhåhåh vad ni hade fel,  shit has happened förut och jag vart inaktiv och spelade på andra Altis life communitys, men jag har spelat på ett community som verkligen har förändrats mej, jag har blivit Paramedic, och PCSO, som är nått slags Cadett rank på polisen, Så jag har kommit lång därborta, så Mina RP Skills har ökat jävligt högt inte för att skryta. men japp, Jag har haft lite tråkigt, och har ju fixat lite probs osv, så nu känns det som bra timing att komma tilbaks till er, så jaa. Ses väl då nånstans.

    • Meet the minimum age of 17. No
    • Understand basic server rules. Yes
    • MUST have a working microphone! Yes
    • MUST have a good command of the English language. No Problem


    • In-Game Name? : [SSA] Latteman
    • What is your Player ID #? (In ARMA main screen go to Config/Profiles (select your profile) Then you should see a 17 Digit number) 
    • Age : 14 (om några månader)
    • Do you speak both Swedish and English?:  Ofcourse
    • Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on other servers?: Nope, just have seen people do it,
    • Do you have a working microphone?: Its not just working, but its ''Glorious''
    • How long have you played on CvGaming?: i guess 356 h, it says on steam,
    • Have you been banned before?: Never, and i probably never will be , bcause i dont break rules
    • Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer? M8 Ofcourse
    • What 5 qualities are necessary to become a CvGaming Police Officer?
      1) Good RP
      2) Obey higher ranked,
      3) Be mature
      4) Have good shooting and driving skills?
      5) Be calm and nice
    • Describe why you would like to play as a police officer?: We'll i have tried out to be a medic, and being a civ is getting boring, so i want to help the civs and medics of altis, and Take care of Drug dealers and robbers,

    • Briefly describe the various tasks of a police officer?: Keeping people safe and stop drug dealing and robbing,

    • Describe why YOU would be a good addition to the police force?: Well, i got some good RP and i can handle situations pretty good, and i guess i have good Shooting skills, Et.c


    • What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?: A police officer without these things, is a bad police officer, really bad,


    • Please provide a roleplay name and a background story for the character applying to the police: I was born on the small island of stratis, we lived there for abot 10 years, my dad recruited to the army and joined the bloody war, So my mom and my two sisters moved to a small city in altis called Zaros, we we're scared and we worried about dad, he did not come back for a while, but one time someone knocked at our door, it was dad, he had wounds and a broken leg, but he told that doctors took care of him, they told him that while at war, he fell from a helicopter and landed at a battlefield, luckly no-one really noticed him, so after some months dad got okay, but one night he was out shopping in a market when a robber came and demanded all his money and stuff, he gave the robber everything and the robber killed him, The police knocked on our door and said that dad has been robbed and got killed, we were really sad and angry, so when i was about 23 years old, i was the one who took care of the family, mom had retired and my sisters where still young, so i Mined diamonds and Went fishing sometimes, but that did not give me so mutch money, i had to pay food and taxes, so one day i found a advertisement that said the A.P.D Of altis was needing some new cadets, i though why not, I wanted to arrest all robbers and criminals, my father died one of them, now i will payback, My dad would have wanted that.


    • Tell us a little about yourself!   we'll myy rp story was like a chapter out of a book, Book writing is one of my talents, i am reconized at my school as ''Smart and nice'' i like that, but when im not at school i play games such as , ArmA and CS:GO and some other games,,  Im 14 years old  and im living in Glorious Skellefteå, Norrland, and i study and play lots of games, and i hang with my friends also .. Thats me :)


    MvH - Erik






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