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Everything posted by hitem
long time no see kind of fniss ^^ hysteria brings back memories! but the funny part was intended for the event ofc.
Jag är som sagt där ikväll som admin med diverse tyglar. Får jag höra ett enda osmakligt skämt om massmord eller ang vänsterpolitik så kommer jag avlägsna er från platsen permanent! Annars hoppas vi på att det blir ett skoj event har laddat upp med lite donuts och fin kaffe ^^
hysteria? fniss hope its fun!
Det beror ju på helt. syns den på sidan när du laddat upp den? om ej så är det felaktigt format/storlek (då är alltså felet filen). Men om du väl får upp den där med 128x128 eller 256x256 och har alla namn/uid exakt korrekt etc (följ guiden på sidan) så skall det funka. (mao kan felet ligga i felstavat namn, en bokstav som är stor eller liten, en siffra i uid som är fel osv). Däremot funkar arma så att när du ansluter till 1 server, så sparar den din profil till nästa omstart. Mao får du testa genom att connecta till olika servrar om du ändrat URL/Bild/namn osv (om du sitter och testar, ändrar och sedan connectar samma restart).
close enough, blir 2st R9 395x med vattenkylning denna gång!
Jag vill inte vara sån, men snart dax för upgrade igen!
I can be there on Wednesday. Ill include a rule that maybe was obvious: Hiding in the water will get you an artillery round as a present!
Thank you. You where banned because you and your friends where executing a well known cheat. YAMUMGETREKTSUN and Billy Huston to be more specifily where the guys who executed the code and you quickly disconnected straight after, i saw you guys together and i also saw you guys playing with eachother via steam). 09.05.2015 20:58:22: YAMUMGETREKTSUN (x) x - #0 " removeAllActions player; player addAction ["<t size=""0.9"" font=""TahomaB"" color=""#000000"">Back</t>", Cheat_Menu]; Both of them where also on the ArmA Community Banlist, but the YAMU source is from our server. Billy is as follows: X -1 ArmA-Banlist.de Global Ban - #3205 The source is a German server for altis life where Billy was banned for executing the same menu. Check by adding your guid here: http://arma-banlist.de/check A big portion of your friendlist are also baned since a long time back (due to executing different cheats). So, You where all playing together (connected at the same time) and you disconnected as soon as Billy got caught. I personally then tracked you down and added you to. If it was only your friend executing something and you where not together with them, you would have been excluded. But this was a clear case of "a group of friends with ill intents" as you clearly connected as a group and disconnected as one. Ive also seen you play together on other servers.. And as im writing this i can see you two are playing together on another server ~ Banappeal declined.
You have to supply more information then that. Such as your GUID (put it in your userprofile) and the actually banmessage. Remember that you are responsible for what happens/what code is executed from your GUID. Whatever you do behind your screen is up to you! thanks
Hello. I have submited a ticket to the banlist to see what they say (a few days for correspondence). So, locking this and moving to decline untill logs are received from the community banlist. (where we personally only retrieve cheat/script bans). And as you mention you have never played on our server then makes it feel like you are claiming we are the source? If that happens to be, then yes, you should be on that banlist as we are very keen and thural about who we ban and for what. But then it should be a regular banappeal! edit: and i was proactive seaching through logs and found this: efba670f36d957e6d1aa08c4e440f5cb -1 Perm | Cheat (miriweth - Alex) /hitem So yes indeed, the source is our server and that ban is legit. You have to contact Arma-banlist.de if you wish to proceed with them, but on our server you are banned forever. And i will not publicly display what you executed (but that banmessage says it all, dosent it?). In the future, follow our banappeal template or we will autodecline your request.
Hello, Both are taken care of. Its clearly stated in the rules that you are not allowed to RDM, less killing a Medic like this. They have gotten themself a 3 days chilldown period and let me know if it happens again! cheers
Nooo! the weekend im out :,(
Det beror på vad för event du kör i guess. och vad communityn tycker verkar vara fair/kul! I er battleyeroyal stuk så åker man ju ut (dedikerat område). medans i mitt så är det en tidsgräns (30min).
Hej! Gillart! Har faktiskt pratat med en del gäng och andra spelare som tycker det är nice att det blir ett event av sådana här saker. istället för att bara ha ett kos-område man åker och pangar i. Event är endå något för hela servern där man har kul ihop, bra atmosphär etc (beroende på hur det sköts och hur väl planerat det är!). Kan ju meddela att jag jobbar på ett liknande event som kan triggas av en hög admin (har bollat med många gäng så flera vet nog redan vad det är). Detta kommer köras once a week om alla admins nu tycker vi ska lägga in det. Detta event fungerar ungifär på samma sätt, fast gäller hela kartan och safezones = only safe place. Eventet pågår i 30min. Däremot om intresset finns att minska spridningen så kan vi ju limitera det till ett område oxå, fortsätt gärna bolla! Och fortsätt snickra på er battleroyal! (då min skiljer sig lite!). the more the merrier.
Kan nästan tro att du bor i Göteborg, oh wait... skövde ^^ Marple, jag har skickat ett mail till dig eftersom du inte tar emot PM's. Har även fått in 1-2 civila (well, regular players, but they play cvis!) som ville testa sin "lycka" . intresset är uppskattat! Nu ska vi se om vi kan snickra ihop något tjusigt och vad det blir för resultat eller om vi behöver något mer!
Hello everyone! Im looking for someone who is aware of their soothing voice. After 5-10 hours with text to speech applications and tools ive gotten nowhere! I need a recording where you read a few lines of text (which i have ready for you). It will be used in upcoming event (that reoccurs) and its very important you actually have some "reading" knowledge (know which word to emphasizes etc and how to speak "clearly"). The message will be heard in a speakersystem and the nature of the message is information/alarm. We dont mind if its a male or female and it has to be in English! We want it to be a uniqe sound and not something we found/remixed. Please send me a message (PM) with your qualification and subject: "My voice is perfect!" Include a link/file with a testspeeach and ill filter through! (incase i dont have time to listen to you on TS at that moment). Here is a tool you can use that is free and online: https://twistedwave.com/online/ Maybe you have a really good text to speech that i havent found yeat, then please link me up! I cant promise we will get any payouts, but hopefully Niel Degrasse Tyson or David Attenborough is reading this! ;P What you get: Awesomeness status, gratitude and you are contributing to CvGaming content. Might even throw in a pink car if you happen to be the best!
Best post EU ofc! You get a like from me!
Thanks. This person have been banned for 3 days for VDM/Trolling and just bad behavior. Incase you meet them again, save the recordings. If they get banned again they risk the double amount of time, then a permanent ban incase they are bad influence overall! Cheers
Thanks for the nice video and the report. ive banned this player for 3 days for trolling/vdm/breaking stuff and being a douché! cheers
Nice, ill move it to "declined" even tho you solved it together, just for archiving!
So, ive spoken to some of the admins and it dosent seem like they have the time to solve this one. I play for NLA but i play more as a civilian/admin then anything else so lets see. Group X is starting a "put your hands up"-scenario with group Y. Group Y have a hidden guy sneaking in the bushes towards the robbery with arms. Group X finish him of as they are already engaged in a hostile situation. All according to rules. Once you commence a situation like this, you are the aggressor and everyone around you can protect themself, if you are in the same clan/gang its kinda obv your friends will be picked off unless they reveal themself aswell immediately or that you rely this information as you are close to the offenders. Unless you want the risk of your friends being found. I will declined this request.
Thanks! We love all kinds of feedback, but this kind always feels alittle better then the rest!
Im not usually the one who puts on wuubwuubdubstep or similar tunes, but i found an amazing playlist, awesome for coding sessions. Slow, rhythmic and relaxing! Such as: here is the playlist
Finding all servers except Cvgaming - Altis Life
hitem replied to kangawroon's question in Technical Support
I belive we had a guy who had the same issue. He solved it by unplugging his gear to resolve a new IP from ISP. So try to connect with a vpn? there is free vpn's out there: freevpn.me as an exampel. Just to test your connecting. One thing you can test if that works: Once on the server, try to disconnect the vpn and see if your connecting manage to "get back" before dropping. But unplugging gear for awhile for a new ip (like when you go to sleep tonight) is a good option unless u manage to solve it before that. -
Nice! Moved it to media/stuff for more spotlight ^^ and because its actually media worth watching for the community!