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Everything posted by hitem
Tjo hej och hallå. Normalt postar jag alltid på Engelska, eller så ofta det går , men jag valde att ta detta på Svenska! Jag har pratat med samtliga i adminteamet och jag har bestämt mig för att kasta in ena vanten på hyllan och avveckla min verksamhet inom Arma Altis Life. Eftersom det just nu sker lite nya tuffa grejer så vill jag vara övertydlig med all information och börja med följande: Min nedtrappning har inget att göra med att Hysteria har blivit moderator nyligen (för att eliminera alla konspirationsteorier) eller att vi fått in en ny kodare, det är snarare något jag tyckte va positivt. Att få in drivna personer som en energiboost är alltid bra och en aktiv kodare är guld värt! Ni undrar givetvis varför nu när vi äntligen har en aktiv kodare och ny energi. Ekvationen är tyvärr väldigt simpel. Även om jag nu hade älskat att fortsätta på den nivå jag gör så är det tyvärr inte möjligt längre. Verkligheten kommit ifatt mig, skaffat lägenhet ihop med min flickvän och jag har fått nys om att jag ej kan jobba hemifrån mer (skall jobba inne på kontoret). Detta betyder att jag inte längre kan sitta 5-16 timmar per dag (har nog snittat på 10) och jag är lite 110% eller inte alls. Och kan jag inte längre investera den tid jag gjort så blir det att mitt intresse svalnar och då passade det just nu att varva ner och låta dom nya personerna kämpa och göra förändringar till CvGamings Altis Life experience samt ta över mitt arbete med battleye, serverdrift, mapediting och liknande! Och givetvis inte , jag slutar inte tvärt av. Det enda jag har som intresse är ju för CvG att blomstra, även i framtiden och jag går inte heller till någon annan community. Om jag kommer att spela Arma 3 så kommer det givetvis vara på CvGaming! Anyways, det finns givetvis tusen andra saker jag vill ha sagt och det finns även tusen andra saker som jag glömt, det har ju trotts allt var en jäkla resa där vi räddat servern många ggr (allt från performance till chain-servercrasher) till att ha planer på en sekundär server pga trycket under vissa perioder. Fullpop 90 (limit på servern var ju 75, sedan 80 om ni minns). Medlemsantalet på forumet har exploderat och även antal unika spelare på vår server. Minns inte vad Kebre sa för siffror exakt men det är fortfarande ett väldigt tryck! och givetvis massa andra goda minnen. Jag kan skriva en lång lista med alla jag vill tacka givetvis, men tänkte hålla det lite kort och koncist: Dolphin, Vic, Rasmus och Afriel - tack för alla spelupplevelser! Gw - tack för alla sena kodarnätter, har känts bra när vi knäckt problem! Och givetvis tack till alla som spelar/kämpar för CvG! Mycket uppskattat Over and out!
Oj shit, känns lite stekit nu Goatis Bra stuff dock gubbs, dock inget jag aktivt skulle välja tror jag om jag hade en lång lista av val. Men nu ska vi inte vara kräsna! När det skall "rappas" så fastnar jag personligen för: (tyvärr ett gäng Norskar.....) Om det skall vara svenska så fastnar jag alltid på Ras Cricket: (dom har gjort MYCKET bra, även gratis nerladdning på deras sida). en favorit till med ras cricket:
Hello, We usally talk about these bans on adminmeetings (when it comes to permanent dupe/money/cheat). So please hysteria, if you unban anyone who has duped several millions or more: Please remove their vehicles such as mohawk and hemt that they purchased for that money! Else there is inflation and he keeps the spoils from the exploit! cheers
Er hunterdiskussion kan ske i andra trådar. (t.ex skapa en feedbacktråd med för/nackdelar och konstruktiva lösningar istället för whine i denna tråd). Om polisen vill använda hunters i eventet så är det inget som stoppar dom regelmässigt, däremot är det ju lite oschysst och drägligt beteende om nu alla andra kör utan bepansring. Jag tror polisen är VÄLDIGT lyhörd om approachen är korrekt och inte "sug en purjo", alvarez. Håll sådant i PM's eller inte alls. But some other information regarding the event: Next time i hold in this event (which usally occures during weekends) i will run it twice. Which means 1 hour event just to try out and see the feedback from that. That meens i will run the event twice, with a 5 minute restart timer in the middle (total of 1 hour and 5 mins). so you will see the whole event twice (from first start msg with sound untill the last "Thank you for participating msg"). Make sure you keep your eyes on the mainpost for scheduled times! I will update my times as soon as i see free spots in my schedule! Bugs known: Police dosent get the finish msg for some reason, im looking into that to see if they can be notified when the event ends to!
Hello. Nope, we will not change these bans after the information provided. The amount of money abused here is not within "en tusing" reach. And as the money was used and distributed aswell the damage was greater then if you only kept it for yourself. Alltho Dennis is subjected to be changed as he confess before the bans appeared and gave us additional information when i was doing the investigation based on loggs. When that happens he will be contacted specifically.
Hello, All admins agreed that we will not lift your ban. We lifted Broccolimannens ban (fearless) as we felt he was truly sorry and tried to mend his previous actions. Therefor we will not lift the ban and we feel that you arent really regretting your actions. It takes alot of effort to win back our trust. Case closed.
This appeal is linked to a groupban. It will be discussed in this thread: locking it meenwhile
Hello. I told Dennis (your clanmate and glitchfriend) that we will talk about your groups specific bans on Monday (this was mentioned on friday). To see if it was worth changing the permban for Dennis specificly (as he was the one supplying me all the information in the end and confessing). Alltho i have to say i dont like the "apology after the deed is done"-approach. But as GW are also mention above we will talk about bans today in our adminmeeting. I just want to add all information here so i dont need to trace down evidence once its time for that meeting: This screenshoot is excluding the 15 million you invested in buying houses for yourself and your guildmates. It also excludes the 7 million you guys spent on Vehicles aswell. It also excludes the 12 million you spent on weapons to.
Hello, As GW mention above we will actually discuss alot of bans today. But to add the information needed so i dont need to trace it down while we (the admins) are talking later: This is what was stolen from other peoples houses (glitch/exploit): 10Rnd_762x51_Mag 3 11Rnd_45ACP_Mag 3 16Rnd_9x21_Mag 1 20Rnd_556x45_UW_mag 15 20Rnd_762x51_Mag 17 30Rnd_45ACP_Mag_SMG_01 9 30Rnd_556x45_Stanag 11 30Rnd_65x39_caseless_green 2 30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag 11 9Rnd_45ACP_Mag 2 G_Balaclava_blk 18 G_Balaclava_combat 1 G_Diving 1 G_Goggles_VR 1 H_BandMask_blk 1 H_Shemag_olive 1 HandGrenade_Stone 1 SMG_01_F 1 U_B_CTRG_1 2 U_C_Poloshirt_blue 1 U_C_Poloshirt_stripped 1 U_O_SpecopsUniform_ocamo 1 V_BandollierB_khk 1 V_Chestrig_blk 3 V_HarnessO_brn 1 V_PlateCarrier1_blk 2 arifle_Katiba_F 5 arifle_MX_Black_F 1 arifle_SDAR_F 3 hgun_ACPC2_F 3 hgun_P07_snds_F 5 hgun_PDW2000_F 1 hgun_Pistol_heavy_01_F 3 muzzle_snds_B 4 muzzle_snds_L 28 muzzle_snds_M 6 muzzle_snds_acp 1 optic_ACO_grn_smg 1 optic_Arco 1 optic_DMS 3 optic_LRPS 4 srifle_DMR_01_F 2 srifle_EBR_F 3
Det är det nog bara tako som kan besvara om du är villig för refound och han accepterar det, annars får vi se vad vi gör. Men samtidigt tycker jag man borde spendera lite mer tid på att kolla av läget om man är ute och letar på mappen så man inte omedvetet landar i en warzone. Detta är inte ren RDM men inte heller okej! Även om du är i en warzone så skall du kolla vad för folk som rör sig (det är därför du kan kolla namn med console key). Om det har blivit en krigzone så legitimerar det inte att skjuta allt och alla. Men här ser det ut som SC utgör ett stort hot i denna strid mellan 3-4 olika grupperingar. Och jag vill klargöra en sak: Killing someone in an attempt to protect yourself or gangmembers is not RDMing. Denna regel är inte tillämpad till stora gäng som är ute och krigar (som i denna incident). Om du medvetet är i en krigszone så ser jag inte hur du kan försöka tillämpa den. Detta är när man står och farmar med massa andra spelare och det dyker upp någon som skall råna eller om man står och pratar med några personer ute i skogen om hur vackert det är idag och bra väder när någon plötsligt smyger sig på och hotar dem till livet. Se det lite såhär: Om du har initiativet i situationen, då kan du inte "försvara dig". då kan du antingen anfalla eller fly medans personerna som inte har initiativet får välja att försvara sig eller försöka fly.
Wind och Waves är redan aktivt på kartan, däremot är det inga kastvindar av hurrikannivå vi pratar om. Låter som ett roligt event! kan dock inge ge några admin-inputs då jag har väldigt oregelbundna speltider just nu! (oftast morgon/nattetid)
Hello, This matter was resolved between the parties involved, respect. closing it down and moving to declined (just for archiving, it has nothing to do with any decisions)
blev nästan dyrt för stackarn
Alvarez and Mikhailov are both suspended from posting on the forum for 48 hours for interfering in a topic they clearly had no part in, then keep doing it and holding their own discussion in it. They also got themself 1 warningpoint each on the forum! So therefor this topic was moved to accepted. Regarding the banrequest itself it was solved by both parties involved.
Hello. Can you please post the video here? When an admin process this (i was about to but you where not online) its good to have the information available. And if your story is correct i doubt you have anything that is "admin eyes only" right?. just blur your houses out with a small box incase they are visible on the map (as an example). What we want to see is how long you spent in the helicopter before landing and we would like to hear inputs from the other gangz (rats/lz etc that had a war incase it was actually a war at this time).
The event has been live at 2 dates by now (18 and 24th of may). Next time will be the 31th of may. To see if there is any scheduled times, please check the mainpost (the first one i made) as we will update there under schedule. The admin who can hold the event a specific day will make a small edit and add time/date.
Wow, this thread is going to be a in hall of fame! As im not sure what you are talking about i will let you know that ive had a good day today. I fixed some script errors and then i added some new battleye filters, how are you and what have you been doing? Joke a side, i belive this might be related to the conversation we had on Steam. Where i was invited to remote and check his machine: Then later he refused and started to claim that the ban happened when he was sleeping. Which logs disproved: 23:22:00 : Player #11 manne - GUID: XXXXX (unverified) 23:22:00 : Verified GUID (XXXXX) of player #11 manne 23:22:02 : Player #11 manne (XXXXX) has been kicked by BattlEye: Script Restriction #47 After that i the only reply that was made was that i was gonna be reported so i said "Goodluck in life" and removed him from Steam. So simple conclusion, he refused and there was suspicious code present ^^. His friend krAze is still around so i will lock and decline this thread as it dosent make much sense and no template was followed. The information is impossible to extract even with the best detective techniques and algorithms.
18 replies. Both parties have spoken. Locking the thread as there is enough information in here for an admin to process.
Hello. Yes, i notice his behavior to when spectating. And as there now is a banrequest aswell i will give him 3 days for Trolling/interfering/lack of RP. (As it has affected more then 3 people by now). We will not reimburse what he stole, but the gametime he loses exceeds that sum by alot. Hope you can enjoy the server w/o the pistol anyways it goes quick!
Ive actually changed mine aswell recently. Looks like this at my gamingmachine: (2 monitors). third and fourth connected to second machine atm.
I think you have misunderstood something Goliat. Yes, we are taking it calmer with the cops when they have much to do so the serverneeds goes before NLA vs Cops needs and vice versa. We keep contact to know more about the workdload and we dont go out to find the cops unless they want to participate or engage us. But when they try to drive away from us in a Hemtt box in middle of nowhere, We will stop it. And as you see in the video, they are doing everything correct to secure and stop the vehicle. After that there is usally good and heavy RP. But instead they get screamed upon and told they shouldnt even consider stoping and RPing with cops. No, thats not how this game works. But you are presuming that everything is leathal - how can they possible RP with that? and how much energy do you think they have to continue doing everything good when they get screamed upon like this? Atm its up to the cops to show they can RP back - which happens alot with the majority of the cops w/o bad behavior and words used.
We have talked alot about it in NLA. And the result you see is CLEAR in this video. Everything was made by the book - no matter what. Raising your voice is normal as you want to make sure the guy in the car hears you and it wasent a "im mad at you"-kind of raising the voice. And specially not threatfull as no deaths where mentioned. So you will defiantly see this again. edit: And no, NLA cant read minds, so when you drive with a hemtt box close to us, we will notice it and ask whats up (as they did in this video). But gray was very upset so the boys left him alone. Everything by the book.
When you hit certain buttons when you login you get flagged. this is just logging purpose as many cheats uses the same path. nothing to worry about: [16:52:55 +02:00] [Thread 4232094367] SpyGlass: Name: Konrad || UID: XXXXX || VariablesAlreadySet
Wow, that attitude. And no Goliat. I dont see anything wrong in this scenario. Just a cop screaming bad words and having a stressfull moment and then NLA being good chaps leaving him. If NLA didnt accept and just shoot gray it would be a different story.