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Posts posted by Barre

  1.   Request Information

            Name: [Medic] Stratos

            Offender-Name: You, Shall, Pass (3 olika personer)

            Date: 2015-10-04 - <Time it happened>

            Reason: Trolling/VDM/Blowing up people and vechiles. I got more videos but this one should be enough. If an admin want's to see more please contact me through TS (Bartowski) or comment below.


  2. Hallå hallå. Tänkte inte skriva en hel bok om detta men på senaste tiden sen jag gick ur HRA i hopp att få en chans i A.P.D så har allting bara gått nerförs. Jag vill tacka alla inblandade spelare och admins som man både fått ha RP:at och slagits mot.

    Jag har fortfarande fullt intresse av servern och arma i sig men i den situation jag befinner mig i nu så känns det helt meningslöst att fortsätta. 

    Jag kommer att hänga i TS men det blir inget mer "seriöst" spelande tills jag fått styr/info om situationen


    Tack! // [H.R.A] Bartowski / [T.U] Felip / [Cv-D] Bartowski / [A.P.D] R.Bartowski / [SC] Bartowski

    • Meet the minimum age of 17.
    • Understand basic server rules.
    • MUST have a working microphone!
    • MUST have a good command of the English language.


    • In-Game Name? : Bartowski (H.R.A Bartowski)
    • What is your Player ID #? 6561198050917307
    • Age : 18
    • Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on other servers?: Yes
    • Do you have a working microphone?: Yes
    • How long have you played on CvGaming?: 2400h
    • Have you been banned before?: yes
    • Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer? Yes!
    • What 5 qualities are necessary to become a CvGaming Police Officer?
      1) Patience
      2) Good RP
      3) Decent shooter
      4) Dedication
      5) Good teamwork
    • In 3 short paragraphs describe why you would fit as a police officer:
    • 1. Experience. I have been a part of the A.P.D before and I know how to handle all kinds of situations.
    • 2. My previous mistakes. It is not really a new for anyone who knows me what I did for T.U back in april. However the past is the past. I learned from my mistakes and I got a chance to join the rebels where I proved myself that I had changed. I have learned from my misstakes.
    • 3. I am a teamplayer. I get along with new players very well so I am sure I would get along with the A.P.D force very well and that would also lead to funnier moments for myself and all the others I interact with ingame.
    • In a short paragraph, what is your task as a police officer?:
      To protect and serve.
    • Why should we pick YOU as a police officer?
      As I mentioned above. I am VERY experienced + I am extremely dedicated to CvG so I am online several hours a day which is a good benefit for whole A.P.D and because I am a serious player.
    • What do you hope to achieve if you become a police officer?:
      Respect, fun, more experience and a good feeling inside for contributing A.P.D
    • What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?:
      Being a trustworthy and good team mate. Not yell at others in the same team, not disrespect ANYONE what so ever, keep calm and listen / take orders from higher ranked officers.
    • Why are the police faction important?
      To protect and serve. A.P.D is one out of two factions on Altis and they fight for the legal stuff. It is their job to make sure everybody is safe and that everything runs smoothly. So basically the A.P.D is important because it has a lot of responsibility.
    • What do you personally think that the police faction would need to become better?
      This is very hard to answer because I have just left the rebel force so when I have been interacting with the A.P.D ingame it has often ended with a bullet or two.
    • Tell us a little about yourself! Just like most of you guys I am Swedish. I recently turned 18 and got the drivers license. I am from a town called Skellefteå and on my spare time I play arma 3, hang out with friends, fish, snowmobiling and do daily visits at MAX Drive-in. I guess that's all you need to know. If you have any more questions please shoot me a msg or comment below! Thanks for reading!






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