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    VisionPie reacted to A. Mahone in Go Kart Races   
    Nu är alla tre racen uppladdade! Jag vill tacka alla för en god match och gott samarbete. Det verkar som att klanen S.D.S tog hem flest segrar, men nästa gång kommer A.P.D ta hem allt.
  2. Like
    VisionPie reacted to A. Mahone in Go Kart Races   
    Go Kart Race 0001 - A.P.D VS MEDIC VS S.D.S
    3 laps
    First person
    Helicam by kroxor

    Mahone's Go Pro

    1st A.P.D
    2th S.D.S
    3rd MEDIC - cheater
  3. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Bubba in This is how the NLA handles Cv-Gaming's police   
    NLA är bara trams. Synd att polisen måste följa lagens långa näsa. 
  4. Like
    VisionPie reacted to M. Gray in This is how the NLA handles Cv-Gaming's police   
    Bobby är just nu väldigt eftersökt av Polisen.
    Bobby jobbade tidigare inom det militära och som sprängmedelsexpert men fick sparken då han sprängde en get genom att fylla den "bakifrån"
    Sedan har han frilansat som galne Harry som inte vill ut på vatten utan öl.
  5. Like
    VisionPie reacted to hitem in En vanlig dag för N.L.A   
    varför har fisk ingen hexagon på sig, är han inte medlem? 
  6. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Choppy in Till nästa uppdatering?   
  7. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Mr.Keen in [Ban request] Clabbez   
    Name: [Medic] Mr.Keen
    Offender-Name: Clabbez
    Date: 2015-01-27 - 00:20
    Reason: Kom in i Kavala och en kille sprang fram till mig och frågade  om jag kunde heala han, Hoppade ut bilen och healade han, Efter typ 2sekunder efter så blir man skjuten rakt i huvet av en kille som sitter på ett hus brevid jail typ. 
    Bevis finns här: 

  8. Like
    VisionPie reacted to hitem in Current meta - Impossible for new players   
    Hello Luckiiee.
    Thanks for an extended post. most delightful.
    There are countless hours spent into mapbalancing and the last couple of weeks ive been playing (by myself) as a civilian over and over again to nail any imperfections.
    I had a blast and everything worked very well, the ladder worked as intended and the cashflow expanded exponentialy (as intended).
    The big issue i noticed tho was gangs robbing people, they had system for it with Scouts, Helicopters and 1-3 mobile teams. this is not map-balance related or similar, this is people who play this game alot or just enjoy being d*cks.
    But as Altis Life is not ment to be grinded (there is not enough content in arma3 alone to grind it) there is a big gap where we have some people who just robb (because they have everything else). These people have forgotten the core value of RP and are just doing things they enjoy themself w/o thinking of the big picture.
    As a result i have, the last week, been defending apple/peach farmers from Robbers. Granting new players a chance to get a car or two before encountering robb-galore. (As an Admin).
    I also ran into NLA a couple of times and i did find it an issue with them showing up at the coppermine. Specially when it occures on the same timeframe everyday.
    But there have been frequent meetings highlighting that they should not robb people, rather just have a propaganda tour and supply the people with goodies to shine some light on their agenda.
    I was running with a new guy at this time and he was amazed to see the rebels for the first time, so in some occasions it gives a positive reaction to the new players but can be a hassle if you are doing copper alot. But its ment as alittle PR mission from the rebels side im sure. But as everyone else, they are not allowed to stay in one area for more then 15min. And i know we spoke about possible escort services in begining of Januari, on the other hand, i do not know if they are providing them yeat (/spoiler).

    Alltho this is not the issue, the issue for me was regular civilians acting like asshats and robbing everything. Even killing me 8 times out of 10 when i did as i was told.
    The rest i could manage with and it also created fun RP moments where i forgot about the apples i was picking and enjoy the conversation/happening.
    The Cash was never an issue, i always succeeded in getting some cash everyday and made a goal on each and every playsession. But from a gamemechanic view Altis Life is about Cash in/out and RP-scenarios. Atm i felt like it was nailed. if there wasent any robbering that is .
    Anyhows, thoughts and ideas! 
    I love that you supplied possible solutions aswell, because as i always say (with a hint of "oh hitem, you so funny"):

    Thanks again!
    We will ofc bring them all with us for when its time to have a small Factionmeeting.
    edit: Just want to add that we have had ideas like eventdays for new people (where admins protect and help the new once to get started) and/or leasing a gang as extra security during specific hours/days and such. Rehauling prices, locations, amount of fields/traders/processers for alternative routes, etc etc. We have had many thoughts on it and we are always greatfull for feedback, its our source ^^.
    and yes, i moved your topic to the right subforum 'suggestion and feedback'
  9. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Rasmus in Police Application- Sven Andersson   
    Kontakta mig på Teamspeak!
    Rasmus / P.Hudson

  10. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Kebre in How to find a user on Teamspeak   
    How to find a user on teamspeak
    Yes, the teamspeak has grown and there are ALOT of channels.
    Now a days it takes time to find users and people ask me where some user is.
    So now I am going to teach you some magic which you can teach everyone who ask's you the same question.
    Click anywhere in the teamspeak channel-tree (does not work in the chat) CTRL + F A search-field will appear, make sure it says "search tree" and not "search chat" Enter the username of any user online and teamspeak vill highlight the person for you  
    No this is not magic, that was a joke.
    This is a built in feature of teamspeak
  11. Like
    VisionPie reacted to M. Gray in RDM av Polis   
    Name: [A.P.D] M.Gray
    Offender-Name: [A.DK] Gary | [A.DK] Hempy | [A.DK] Rick Grims | [TU.] Filip
    Date: 2015-01-25
    För det första är detta den första och sista Ban req jag lägger upp. För jag tror på att man kan prata om saker och altid. Jag säger igen Alltid går det att prata med vederbörande om vad som har gjorts fel och hur man ska agera i forstättning.
    Den respekten visar jag ALLA oavsätt vad de har gjort. RPG är en sak men när man släpper det och pratar allvar vill jag bli respekterad och inte kallad det ena eller det andra som jag blir av Filip efter vi försöker löse detta. När vi förklarar att dett är fel sitter han säger emot. Drygar sig och är så otrevlig att jag faktiskt tycker illa om denna personen.
    Detta är inget jag tollererar och anser att även servern inte ska behöva tollerare detta. Han ska bara helt enkelt bort.

    JA självklart har jag video på detta med när han dummar sig.
    RDM är att vi blir spikade.. Hoppar ur bilen blir nermejade Av 2 olika gång som samarbetar. De säger inget. Skriver inget. Bara mejar ner folk som hoppar ut en bil. Överlagt RDM i mina ögon.
    Ta bort kräken!
    Bevis: Film.
    Bevis Print TS:
    Bevis på att han brytet mot regler tidigare

  12. Like
    VisionPie reacted to ARRE in RDM av Polis   
    oacceptabelt! :@ :@ :@

    Vi i T.U gör aldrig sådär tilsammans med ett annat gäng, Filip har brutit mot en av T.Us strängaste regler. 

    1. Att befinna sig i en annan TS kanal med ett annat gäng för att göra olagliga saker tillsammans.

    Vilket vi ledarna och resten i T.U inte accepterar.

    Vi ledarna i T.U ska ta tag i detta med [T.U] Filip (reqruit)
  13. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Eurozze in Hetat argument slutar på värsta sätt möjligt   
    Men för i helvete! 
  14. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Eurozze in Hetat argument slutar på värsta sätt möjligt   
    Så vi i N.L.A kom in i en seriös diskussion om ett väldigt hett ämne och under stridens hetta så händer det hemskaste som kan hända.

    Dedikerade även en vacker patriotisk bild åt min saknade älskling 

  15. Like
    VisionPie reacted to A. Mahone in Cvgaming fredagskväll...   
  16. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Choppy in Cvgaming fredagskväll...   
    välkommen till cvgaming där fredagkvällarna är extreamt roliga att ta sig in
  17. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Dimitri in APD ansökan   
    What is your in-game name: Dimitri (Medic Vice Chief) What is your Player ID: 76561198155480382 Have you read all of the rules on the forum: Ja Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a cop/medic/rebel: Ja How long have you played on the server? 500h~~ ca How long have you played Arma 3? Cirka 570timmar  How often do you play on the server? Spelar så mycket jag kan. På fritiden håller jag mig gäran aktiv.  Tell us a little about yourself! Heter Rasmus  och kommer från Sala, 22 år (snart 23). Tränar thaiboxning ca 3 gånger i veckan. Nadra intressen är bl.a. datorer och tenkik. När det gäller spelande så lirar jag en hel del Cs, Dota 2, Rust & Arma såklart. 
  18. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Kungvalon in answer to Ban req on Me [Cv-d] [GEN] Valon   
    Name: [Cv-D] [GEN]Valon
    Date: 2015
    Detta är en RPG server och anledningen till att folk spelar på denna är för att rollplaya  i detta fallet så sitter SDS och skriver i chatten vilket jag tycker är lack of RP. Sen har vi i Cv-d valt inriktningen att vi ska försöka stänga ner turtel huntingen helt på Altis . Vi har pratat med SDS vid flera tillfällen och sagt till dom att återkommer dom och kör turtels så kommer vi statuera ett exempel av honom . Efter som detta är en RP server så borde vi som gäng på rp sådana saker .Vi är inte poliser och inte lagliga hedliga svenssons . Utan vårat gäng har syftet att RP som "Banditer" .  -- Side Note : Vi i Cv-d kommer sätta upp en forum tråd inom en snart framtid där vi kommer gå igenom vad vi står för på denna servern för att undvika missförstånd

  19. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Kalween in Fast ninja   
    man ska inte se en ninja Mahone
  20. Like
    VisionPie reacted to A. Mahone in PMC on CvG - What do you think?   
    I will send an application to the A.P.D then - all small time crooks and bandits near Kavala Checkpoint needs to be taken care of in a semi-democratic way (PMC is more like anarchy). Not that I'm going to be approved after this discussion but that's the only thing I can personally do.
  21. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Legacy™ in PMC on CvG - What do you think?   
    I have noticed that Altis is an unfair place today for the common civillian and i know that everyone out there could use a helping hand, i have also seen that we have had 2 attemps of starting something like a PMC group but our rules have not allowed it.
    What i am thinking is turning it into a Faction and it can therefore operate above the gang rules and assist other gangs to assist the civi* llians in their ordinary life.
    I want to bring some balance to Altis, everyone does not have major gangs to protect them or the gunpower to protect themselves from cops and rebells, ofcourse there will be bounderies on what can be done and what can't be done and i am writing this in order to present as much as i can. I will gladly take every opinion and answer every question you may have on Teamspeak.
    What is PMC?
    PMC are Military Contractors who operate as an independant force, what is special about a PMC crew is that they are avaliable to Hire for the right amount of money! This means that everyone may contact them and try to setup a contract between themselves and the PMC group. For example you might need protection when transporting precious cargo from point A to point B and you pay them to assist you.
    Who would be a part of PMC?
    People are always free to show interest in joining but in the end only people who have showed themselves true RP characters and gained the trust to carry out a role like this will get one. To make PMC work we need to have a certain stability in the group and i need to make sure that the PMC follows the rules that they have to operate by.
    What kind of Jobs would the PMC have?
    * Cargo transportation
    * VIP protection
    * Roadblocks
    * Sector Securing
    * Robbery ( Not against players )
    * Transportation 
    * Breakouts
    * And more!
    Who would be able to hire PMC?
    I was thinking that only civs should be able to do so, maybe the cops aswell to a certain point? Please give feedback on this how you want it.
    We want to help the common civillian but we also want to make some money and therefore we would take any contract we can that is in the frames of Roleplay and the server rules! The NLA will not be able to Hire PMC for now but that does not make us hostiles. PMC always keeps an open dialog as long as mutual respect is shown from both parties.
    How much would they cost to hire?
    I was thinking about doing a roleplay scenario where the PMC has access to the Government database and therefore get an estimated number of the customers bank. With the bank in concern we would setup a price that would be suiting for just that person.
    Gangmembers would automaticaly have to pay more since they have a gang to watch their back and is not in the great need of protection that ordinary workers is.
    I would arrange a pricelist that would go on the forum along with other Public info on how to contact us and such. 
    What rules would the PMC have?
    We would have to obey by the server rules like everyone else but we would have to operate above a couple of rules in order to make this work obviously. But as i said we would have to follow the rules like the rest of you. I will also keep an open dialog after releasing the official faction rules and if you have question about rules i would be willing to discuss them and tweak them if needed!
    This faction would be started from 0 and some rules may not be perfect at the beginning and feedback is always wanted as long as it's not in the "Negative without an actual point"-style.
    Why i am doing this.
    I am doing this for the community, i have listen and observed to everything you have said to me over the last couple of weeks and people think that civillian have no chance against the NLA and APD because they are well organised and also have better guns and equipment and this is your chance to make something about this. At first this would not be the most exciting gameplay but i would still go through  with this idea in order to make the server even more fun and so would everyone else that i would recruit!
    Also i want to push the server to it's limits when it comes to roleplay!
    This post was made so that you could tell you opinions and hopefully you will like it, if i get the support i want then we will do our best to move forward with this idea as soon as possible. IF i missed anything feel free to hit me up on teamspeak or leave a comment! And if you just like the idea, leave a like so i have some sort of feedback! I want many comments so start the spam!
  22. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Kebre in Pony´s view on life   
    X99, DDR4, i7.
    Där här gillar jag
  23. Like
    VisionPie reacted to d0lph1n in [How-to] Setup teamspeak music bot   
    No, I will only play swedish classics like 'Snippan och snoppan' and such.

  24. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Öberg in [Ban appeal] Danielo   
    Ifall du sänker ljudet på SHIFT + P så sänks inte ljudet på direct communication vad jag vet o.O
  25. Like
    VisionPie reacted to A. Mahone in Glitcha in i någons hus   
    Jo, så är det väl förhoppningsvis. Jag känner att jag har taggarna utåt nu så fort jag hör eller ser ordet glitch eller liknande.
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