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    VisionPie reacted to Flesh in Report Players: Molgan Persson & SpiZExeCute   
    Hope they permaban these aholes!..
  2. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Kebre in Evolve Alpha Key   
    Today I got access to some Evolve big alpha key's
    Please write which key's you use so I can update the thread
    (Dont redeem the key if your not interested in testing the game since it will expire in 2 days)
    Steam key's
    Other key's(?)
    I can get infinite number of keys, please request more keys if all is taken
    This "key" you have to follow these steps to gain access to get game (I think)
    Go to EvolveGame.com/BigAlpha and fill out the form completely using the registration code and a valid email address Check your email regularly for an official invitation from 2K and Turtle Rock Studios to participate in Big Alpha Also I think you receive a key if you download and install Curse Voice (this is not commercial, its a way to gain access to alpha testing)
    Have a nice weekend!
  3. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Hano in [Ban Appeal] [R.M] Vorkuta   
    Varför står det ban appeal? En appeal är ju när man disputear en ban som redan är lagd och vill bli av med den.
  4. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Mr GW in Ban Request, Cv-D Björt   
    Feels like they are forcing other people to break the rules, for example blocking them. Like " Hey lets block this guy with 10 hemtts, and when he ram us he will get banned "
  5. Like
    VisionPie reacted to hitem in Ban Request, Cv-D Björt   
    nothing was destroyed and nobody died. no ban request needed at all. makes me believe these posts starts to be about throwing dirt on eachother ?
  6. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Zacharias in Ban Request, Cv-D Björt   
    Jag anser att björt har rätt för det första är helikoptern parkerad mitt på vägen det får man inte gör utan den skall vara parkerad på en helikopter platta och för det andra bilen är gjord för gatan helikoptern är gjord för luften och helikopter plattor.
  7. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Gazolin in Ban Request, Cv-D Björt   
    Agree with Björt and broccolimannen , HElicopters should not land in the middle of the town , specially on the roads blocking Vehicles. Owning a Helicopter does not mean you own the streets .
  8. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Goatis in A guide to easier understand all the icons on our Teamspeak.   
    Vilken färg tycker du den ska få?
  9. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Hano in [Ban appeal] [KOFF] Elb   
    So im the one that asked for this person to get banned and heres my point of view.
    We were 4 Police officers at the drug dealer talking to some medic who for some reason was ressing dead criminals in a red zone. Then all of a suddon we g get a 911 text from someone needing help at the oil trader which was just next to us. 2 of police officers, Seastone and me (S. Berenson) took a SUV and started driving over there. We arrive at the location and look around for a few seconds only to find a empty heli, then we see the guy who was asking for help driving towards us so we run in his direction. Then out of nowhere someone is spraying a whole clip into the truck so i take cover behind a house and seastone runs towards the truck. At this point I had not recieved any texts and NO 911 texts were sent to the police to explain what was going on and noone in the teamspeak said that they had recieved a private text (which is pointless to send when you can just press text all police officers). Then out of nowhere seastone gets shot to death without any real roleplay. Just shot from a distance. So i turn around and is about to leave the area confused as to what is going on. And then these purps start shooting at me although i have not presented a threath to them. I shout to them asking why they are RDM:ing police officers and get no reaction while i take cover behind a cilo. Then i take fire from 3 directions and in a desperet attempt to shoot one of the purps i get killed also. The reason i issued the Ban was because this is not how you roleplay. I look now at your footage and i see that you text seastone in a personal text for some reason. First of all i wouldnt call texting "leave now" roleplay. It's a vague explanation that doesnt really explain your intent. Not to mention that you are texting a cadett who is not as experienced as the other police officers in these situation and failed to inform everyone else about this text. That is why you should always talk ingame, or send something a little more elaborate to the WHOLE police force stating your intentions. I was just there to help a poor guy who was in need of help and got literally shot on sight. Thats not how you play on this server, c'mon guy you know better then that.
    Heres my whole stream from that ocation. This situation starts at around 1H 4min where we had just landed at the drug dealer.
    I dont think the ban should be lifted because i personally think that you acted wrongly, on this server we dont text 1 guy "leave now" and then shoot them down as soon as you see them. This is RDM on a high level and does not belong here. Even after the situation when i had respawned i even contacted Elb via text to see if he would explain why he did this, but i got no response out of him and was forced to contact the Admins. He was not banned on "record time" as you stated, he was banned around 30 minutes after this situation after he failed to explain why he did this to me when i asked him. So don't pull the "Guilty until proven innocent" thing when i gave you a fair chance to explain yourself.
  10. Like
    VisionPie got a reaction from Ludwig in BAN request   
    han siktade ju bara mot bilen och sedan gick i sidleddes, men dock så borde han ta upp händerna snabbare och börja prata med dem direkt när han kommer ut ur bilen
  11. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Uggmull in [Ban request] Ansikte   
    Det sägs en del i klippe som på grund av edit och lagg inte hörs. I mitt tycke så måste ljudet höras för att beviset ska hålla.
  12. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Rasmus in [Police] Seastone   
    Jag har pratat med Seastone, du är nu accepterad som polis cad!
  13. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Seastone in [Police] Seastone   
    What is your in-game name?
    [Cv-D] Seastone
    What is your Player ID #?
    Have you read all of the rules on the in-game map menu?
    Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a cop/medic/rebel?
    Yes Sir!
    How long have you played on the server?
    I have played on the server for a few months.
    How long have you played Arma 3?
    I started playing on Cvgaiming directly when I bought arma!
    How often do you play on the server?
    Lately ive been playing alot.
    Tell us a little about your self! (Where in the world do you live? What time zone do you live in? Age? etc.
    Hello. My real name is Daniel and I'm from Sweden. In my spare time I like to play computer games and hang out with my friends. I think I will fit as a cop because I like to roleplay and help others players on the server
  14. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Kebre in CvGaming wallpapers   
    A thread with some wallpapers I will try to make with time
    Feel free to help me or contribute with something cool
    First very basic wallpaper:

    Font: Damage Inc
  15. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Goatis in The big music thread   
  16. Like
    VisionPie got a reaction from Daemonicus in New PC!   
    Jävlar vad snyggt MOBO!
  17. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Daemonicus in New PC!   
  18. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Pedro Moralez in Tips till ny dator!   
    Älskar mitt Logitech G930
    Dock när man sitter i ambush samtidigt som man sitter på toa när dom andra skriker " Dom kommer! Dom kommer!" så går det inte så bra
  19. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Kebre in Member Roster, Ranks & Rolls   
    Founding Members (Staff) These are the "founding members" of the community. 'nuff said.

    Head Admins (Staff) Essentially a core member in rank but these ones help the Founding Members to manage the servers, website, forums, and recruitment. Head admins also manage all of the advanced and regular members. These members are around on the servers/online a lot and can be reached, when something needs to be handled. These members also have the ability to make decisions on behalf of the Founding Members, when one cannot be reached.

    Core Members / Admins (Staff) Core Members  are mature and trusted members of the community. They have shown dedication and have worked for the betterment of the community and though not having explicit authority over other members they do deserve respect. They work closely with the Founding Members and HeadAdmins and discuss important topics and issues within the community. All Core Members have full admin status. Core Members also help decide which players are recruited.
    Moderators  These are members that have shown they have gained the trust and experience required to have full admin access to the servers. They work closely with the Admins and HeadAdmins and discuss important topics and issues within the community. All Moderators have full admin status. 
    Advanced Members (Supports) These are members that have shown they have gained the trust and experience required to have full admin access to the servers. These members have also shown that they are dedicated to the community and will help out when necessary. Supports all have admin access to the server type(s) that they frequent the most.

    Recruits Not yet in the community but considering membership. This is your ticket into the community. During recruitment phase you will be under observation. Some people handle wearing the tag in a mature fashion and thus become members fairly quickly. Others.. not so much. If you're in recruit status for more than a month...maybe there's a problem.
    Founding Members
    Head Admins
    Rasmus Goatis  
    Hysteria Eurozze Afriel Moderators
    Marple Dimitri Norren Wester Luckiiee Hardman Aariz / Öberg Ludwig  
    To be continued
  20. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Fast in Tips till ny dator!   
    Blir nog detta! http://www.inet.se/kundvagn/visa/7299457/2014-10-26 
    Orkar inte pilla ihop delar på hemsidan
  21. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Dolle in Tips till ny dator!   
    Heads up Samsung 840 evo lider fortfarande av degraderad läsprestanda. 
    Förövrigt kan jag rekommendera i7-4790k sitter på den själv med msi gtx 970 och allt flyter på riktigt bra. Du får även alltid mer prestanda per krona om du väljer att bygga själv.
  22. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Daemonicus in New PC!   
    650w duger nog gott och väl när jag bara har ett grafikkort, har kollat tester och den GPUn är väldigt effektsnål
  23. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Fast in New PC!   
    Ser bra ut! 
    Ska själv köpa en stationär i dagarna då jag för tillfället sitter på en laptop!
    Ser ut som en riktigt bra setup, så jag köper ev. en i stortsätt identiskt. 
    Var längesedan jag pillade med datorer så är det någon som är hajj på det som skulle rekommendera något annat eller att man bytte ut något från Daemonicus besällning? 
    Tack på förhand
  24. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Daemonicus in New PC!   
    Fått alla komponenter, chassit och skärmen halkade dock efter lite, så får väl antagligen dom grejerna på måndag :/ Snabbt av inet.se och posten ändå, la beställningen igår ca. 16:45.

  25. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Daemonicus in New PC!   
    Någonstans ska den få plats iaf Den passar i toppen på chassit om inte massa skit på moderkortet är ivägen. 
    Din länk är trasig btw Kebre
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