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    HardmanCummings got a reaction from WoXXeN in C4 on APD and small Jail event hightlights   
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    HardmanCummings got a reaction from Goliat in C4 on APD and small Jail event hightlights   
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    HardmanCummings got a reaction from V1RRE in Konrad aka Kasiiquo   
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    HardmanCummings got a reaction from blueman in Ban-req T.U as a group.   
    1. Ni förstörde er egen Hemtt (sa ju till att åker bommen ner på den så kommer den explodera), vilket den gjorde då det var NI (inte jag som förstörde den).
    2. Och om ni är 8 mot 1, vi har en roll o spela som rebeller, men sen att ni bara kommer när ni har dom siffrorna emot någon annan visar er feghet.
    3. Sen var det ni som kom till vår ATM, jag stod där och hade en bra dag tills ni dök upp och skulle spela Allan-ballan.
    4. Sure thing, lägg upp saker du/ni, verkar som T.U gillar att ligga och samla på saker och ting istället för att använda det direkt istället, lite ursh och fy, men det är väl så ni fungerar och alltid fungerat, men skapa en egen tråd för det materialet då tack, detta är ett ärende, vill ni skapa ett eget gör det i egen tråd.
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    HardmanCummings got a reaction from Uggmull in N.L.A challenge (anti-air week)   
    Note: For this to work, all big gangs needs to confirm that they are game.
    Challenge: N.L.A challenges the server to a no fly week starting Monday 25th of May ending Friday 29th of May (Friday helicopters can be used again).
    Rules: No helicopters are to be used during this period, only ground transportation can be used, such as Hemtt,Zamak,Off-roads,SUV`s etc.
    This also goes for NLA (And we hope APD will accept as well), NO Ifritts/hunters can be used by these groups.
    Punishment: Nothing, only name-and-shame for being wimps!
    1. NLA
    2. L.Z
    Declined (wimps): 
    Failed (broke the challenge rules aka super-wimps):
    Entry: If your gang has accepted, write a comment e.g "[Gang-tag] accepts this challenge" or "[Gang-tag] declines this challenge" and we will see by the end of this week (let´s say Saturday) if this plan is a GO or NO-GO. Expect NAME-AND-SHAME if you decline!
    Medics: Yes they can use helicopters like normal.
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    HardmanCummings got a reaction from Tumungi in [Ban request] Maddie Madderfaker   
    I will add to this post.
    I have heard from several people that Maddie is trolling (i haven´t seen him do it my self) but different people have said the same thing.
    Think Arma Support Pettson had an issue with this Maddie person also (dont quote me on that one thou)
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    HardmanCummings reacted to Dubrovka in Mr.Gray Sur eller bara misstolkad?   
    Gray är en av de bästa

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    HardmanCummings reacted to Kafarov in Konrad aka Kasiiquo   
    Tjenare gubbs! Kasiiquo här, skaffade Arma 3 på rean och came across Altis Life servern som jag joinade direkt. Hade en rolig dag att tjäna pengar enbart genom att plocka äpplen eller peaches Iallafall så har jag alltid älskat roleplay och märkte direkt att denna ser servern var perfekt, folkfylld och t.o.m. svensk! Har märkt hur generösa alla människor är. En snubbe t.o.m. donerade en helikopter till mig när saker hade gått snett för mig. Glömde dock memorera hans namn. Anyways, see you in Altis!
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    HardmanCummings got a reaction from Nordin in Ban request NLA hardman   
    Nåja, till nästa gång
    Kom till vår ö och kör istället, så slipper ni bli överfallna.
    Natti natti!
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    HardmanCummings got a reaction from kungen in Ban request NLA hardman   
    1. Bashkim var inte där då.
    2. Vill se din video först och främst.
  25. Like
    HardmanCummings got a reaction from kungen in N.L.A challenge (anti-air week)   
    Note: For this to work, all big gangs needs to confirm that they are game.
    Challenge: N.L.A challenges the server to a no fly week starting Monday 25th of May ending Friday 29th of May (Friday helicopters can be used again).
    Rules: No helicopters are to be used during this period, only ground transportation can be used, such as Hemtt,Zamak,Off-roads,SUV`s etc.
    This also goes for NLA (And we hope APD will accept as well), NO Ifritts/hunters can be used by these groups.
    Punishment: Nothing, only name-and-shame for being wimps!
    1. NLA
    2. L.Z
    Declined (wimps): 
    Failed (broke the challenge rules aka super-wimps):
    Entry: If your gang has accepted, write a comment e.g "[Gang-tag] accepts this challenge" or "[Gang-tag] declines this challenge" and we will see by the end of this week (let´s say Saturday) if this plan is a GO or NO-GO. Expect NAME-AND-SHAME if you decline!
    Medics: Yes they can use helicopters like normal.
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